ICLR 2018

6th International Conference on Learning Representations

(ICLR 2018)

Important Dates

    Conference Track Submission Now Open

        Submission Deadline: 5:00pm Eastern Standard Time (EST), October 27th, 2017
        Review Period: until November 27th, 2017
        Rebuttal/discussion: November 27th, 2017 to January 5th, 2018
        Decision Notification: January 29th, 2018

    Workshop Track
        Submission Deadline: 5:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), February 9th, 2018
        Discussion Period: until March 10th, 2018
        Decision notification: March 9th, 2018


April 30 - May 3, 2018


Vancouver Convention Center, Vancouver, BC, Canada


The performance of machine learning methods is heavily dependent on the choice of data representation (or features) on which they are applied. The rapidly developing field of deep learning is concerned with questions surrounding how we can best learn meaningful and useful representations of data. We take a broad view of the field and include topics such as feature learning, metric learning, compositional modeling, structured prediction, reinforcement learning, and issues regarding large-scale learning and non-convex optimization. The range of domains to which these techniques apply is also very broad, from vision to speech recognition, text understanding, gaming, music, etc.

A non-exhaustive list of relevant topics:

  • unsupervised, semi-supervised, and supervised representation learning
  • representation learning for planning and reinforcement learning
  • metric learning and kernel learning
  • sparse coding and dimensionality expansion
  • hierarchical models
  • optimization for representation learning
  • learning representations of outputs or states
  • implementation issues, parallelization, software platforms, hardware
  • applications in vision, audio, speech, natural language processing, robotics, neuroscience, or any other field

The program will include keynote presentations from invited speakers, oral presentations, and posters.

Submission of Conference Track Papers

Submission of Workshop Track Abstracts

General Chairs

Yoshua Bengio, Université de Montreal

Yann LeCun, New York University and Facebook

Senior Program Chair

Tara Sainath, Google

Program Chairs

Iain Murray, University of Edinburgh

Marc’Aurelio Ranzato, Facebook

Oriol Vinyals, Google DeepMind

Steering Committee

Aaron Courville, Université de Montreal

Hugo Larochelle, Google


The organizers can be contacted at iclr2018.programchairs@gmail.com