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Unsupervised Meta-Learning through Latent-Space Interpolation in Generative Models

Siavash Khodadadeh · Sharare Zehtabian · Saeed Vahidian · Weijia Wang · Bill Lin · Ladislau Boloni

Keywords: [ meta-learning ] [ gans ] [ unsupervised learning ]


Several recently proposed unsupervised meta-learning approaches rely on synthetic meta-tasks created using techniques such as random selection, clustering and/or augmentation. In this work, we describe a novel approach that generates meta-tasks using generative models. The proposed family of algorithms generate pairs of in-class and out-of-class samples from the latent space in a principled way, allowing us to create synthetic classes forming the training and validation data of a meta-task. We find that the proposed approach, LAtent Space Interpolation Unsupervised Meta-learning (LASIUM), outperforms or is competitive with current unsupervised learning baselines on few-shot classification tasks on the most widely used benchmark datasets.

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