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Affinity Workshop: Tiny Papers Poster Session 8

Network Inversion of Binarised Neural Nets

Pirzada Suhail

Halle B #258


While the deployment of neural networks, yielding impressive results, becomes more prevalent in various applications, their interpretability and understanding remain a critical challenge. Network inversion, a technique that aims to reconstruct the input space from the model’s learned internal representations, plays a pivotal role in unraveling the black-box nature of input to output mappings in neural networks. In safety-critical scenarios, where model outputs may influence pivotal decisions, the integrity of the corresponding input space is paramount, necessitating the elimination of any extraneous ”garbage” to ensure the trustworthiness of the network. Binarised Neural Networks (BNNs), characterized by binary weights and activations, offer computational efficiency and reduced memory requirements, making them suitable for resource-constrained environments. This paper introduces a novel approach to invert a trained BNN by encoding it into a CNF formula that captures the network’s structure, allowing for both inference and inversion.

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