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Affinity Workshop: Tiny Papers Poster Session 8

G-PECNet: Towards a Generalizable Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction System

Aryan Garg · Renu Rameshan

Halle B #259

Abstract: Navigating dynamic physical environments without obstructing or damaging human assets is of quintessential importance for social robots. In this work, we solve autonomous drone navigation's sub-problem of predicting out-of-domain human and agent trajectories using a deep generative model. Our method: General-PECNet or G-PECNet observes an improvement of $9.5$% on the Final Displacement Error (FDE) on 2020's benchmark: PECNet through a combination of architectural improvements inspired by periodic activation functions and synthetic trajectory or data augmentations using hidden markov modeling and reinforcement learning based agents. Additionally, we propose a simple geometry-inspired loss and evaluation metric for trajectory non-linearity analysis. Code available at [Anonymous-repository](

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