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Workshop: Machine Learning for Remote Sensing (ML4RS)

A Concise Tiling Strategy for Preserving Spatial Context in Earth Observation Imagery

Ellianna Abrahams · Tasha Snow · Fernando Pérez · Matthew Siegfried


We propose a new tiling strategy, Flip-n-Slide, which has been developed for specific use with large Earth observation satellite images when the location of objects-of-interest (OoI) is unknown and spatial context can be necessary for class disambiguation. Flip-n-Slide is a concise and minimalistic approach that allows OoI to be represented at multiple tile positions and orientations. This strategy introduces multiple views of spatio-contextual information, without introducing redundancies into the training set. By maintaining distinct transformation permutations for each tile overlap, we enhance the generalizability of the training set without misrepresenting the true data distribution. Our experiments validate the effectiveness of Flip-n-Slide in the task of semantic segmentation, a necessary data product in geophysical studies. We find that Flip-n-Slide outperforms the previous state-of-the-art augmentation routines for tiled data in all evaluation metrics. For underrepresented classes, Flip-n-Slide increases precision by as much as 15.8%.

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