Workshop: Machine Learning for Remote Sensing (ML4RS)
Exploring selective simple image matching methods for Unsupervised Domain adaptation of urban canopy cover and height prediction
John Francis · stephen law
We explore methods for adapting a trained multi-task UNet which predicts canopy cover and height to a new geographic setting using remotely sensed data. Extending previous research, we followed a selective alignment process to identify similar images in the two geographical domains and then tested an array of data-based unsupervised domain adaptation approaches in a zero-shot setting as well as with a small amount of fine-tuning. We find that the selective aligned data-based image matching methods produce promising results in a zero-shot setting, and even more so with a small amount of fine-tuning. These methods outperform both an untransformed baseline and a popular data-based image-to-image translation model. The best performing methods were pixel distribution adaptation and fourier domain adaptation on the canopy cover and height tasks respectively.