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Workshop: Navigating and Addressing Data Problems for Foundation Models (DPFM)

Sparkles: Unlocking Chats Across Multiple Images for Multimodal Instruction-Following Models

Yupan Huang · Zaiqiao Meng · Fangyu Liu · Yixuan Su · Nigel Collier · Yutong Lu

Keywords: [ multimodal; instruction-following models; vision-language; dialogue; multi-image ]


Large language models exhibit enhanced zero-shot performance on various tasks when fine-tuned with instruction-following data. Multimodal instruction-following models extend these capabilities by integrating both text and images. However, existing models such as MiniGPT-4 and LLaVA face challenges in maintaining dialogue coherence in scenarios involving multiple images. A primary reason is the lack of a specialized dataset for this critical application. To bridge these gaps, we introduce SparklesDialogue, the first machine-generated dialogue dataset tailored for word-level interleaved multi-image and text interactions. Furthermore, we construct SparklesEval, a GPT-assisted benchmark for quantitatively assessing a model's conversational competence across multiple images and dialogue turns. We then present SparklesChat, a multimodal instruction-following model for open-ended dialogues across multiple images. Our experiments validate the effectiveness of training SparklesChat with SparklesDialogue based on MiniGPT-4 and LLaVA-v1.5, which enhances comprehension across multiple images and dialogue turns, and does not compromise single-image understanding capabilities. Qualitative evaluations further demonstrate SparklesChat's generality in handling real-world applications. All resources related to this study will be made publicly available.

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