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Invited Talk

Machine Learning in Prescient Design's Lab-in-the-Loop Antibody Design

Kyunghyun Cho

Moderator : Swarat Chaudhuri

Halle A 8 - 9


Together with two other co-founders, Rich Bonneau and Vlad Gligorijevic, I founded Prescient Design in January 2021, in order to build a lab-in-the-loop protein design platform based on our earlier research. Prescient Design was fully acquired by Genentech (Roche) on August 2021, and began to focus more specifically on antibody design. It has been more than three years since its founding and more than 2.5 years since the acquisition. In this talk, I will share Prescient Design's lab-in-the-loop antibody design, both the platform and the outcome, as well as what went behind in building this platform from the perspective of machine learning.

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