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Office Hours

Claire Vernade

Schubert 1
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Fri 10 May 4:30 a.m. PDT — 5:15 a.m. PDT


Claire is a Group Leader at the University of Tuebingen, in the Cluster of Excellence Machine Learning for Science. She was awarded an Emmy Noether award under the AI Initiative call in 2022. Her research is on sequential decision making. It mostly spans bandit problems, and theoretical Reinforcement Learning, but her research interests extend to Learning Theory and principled learning algorithms. While keeping in mind concrete problems, she focuses on theoretical approaches, aiming for provably optimal algorithms. Between November 2018 and December 2022, she was a Research Scientist at DeepMind in London UK in the Foundations team lead by Prof. Csaba Szepesvari. She did a post-doc in 2018 with Prof. Alexandra Carpentier at the University of Magdeburg in Germany while working part-time as an Applied Scientist at Amazon in Berlin. She received her PhD from Telecom ParisTech in October 2017, under the guidance of Prof. Olivier Cappé.

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