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Piotr Koniusz

Schubert 3


Piotr Koniusz is a principal research scientist in Machine Learning Research Group at Data61ā¤CSIRO (former NICTA). He is also appointed as an honorary associate professor (level D) at the Australian National University (ANU). Between 2013-2015, he was a post-doctoral researcher in the team LEAR, INRIA, Grenoble. He received my BSc degree in Telecommunications and Software Eng in 2004 from the Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, and my PhD degree in Computer Vision in 2013 at CVSSP, University of Surrey, United Kingdom. His interests include representation learning (e.g., contrastive/self-supervised learning, foundation models, deep neural nets), graph neural networks, image classificaton/action recognition, zero-, one- and few-shot learning, domain adaptation and incremental learning, object segmentation and detection, 3D point clouds, generative networks, adversarial robustness, spectral and tensor learning, RKHS, optimal transportation (OT).

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