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Multisize Dataset Condensation

Yang He · Lingao Xiao · Joey Tianyi Zhou · Ivor Tsang

Halle A 3
[ ] [ Visit Oral 8D ]
Fri 10 May 7 a.m. — 7:15 a.m. PDT

Abstract: While dataset condensation effectively enhances training efficiency, its application in on-device scenarios brings unique challenges. 1) Due to the fluctuating computational resources of these devices, there's a demand for a flexible dataset size that diverges from a predefined size. 2) The limited computational power on devices often prevents additional condensation operations. These two challenges connect to the "subset degradation problem" in traditional dataset condensation: a subset from a larger condensed dataset is often unrepresentative compared to directly condensing the whole dataset to that smaller size. In this paper, we propose Multisize Dataset Condensation (MDC) by **compressing $N$ condensation processes into a single condensation process to obtain datasets with multiple sizes.** Specifically, we introduce an "adaptive subset loss" on top of the basic condensation loss to mitigate the "subset degradation problem". Our MDC method offers several benefits: 1) No additional condensation process is required; 2) reduced storage requirement by reusing condensed images. Experiments validate our findings on networks including ConvNet, ResNet and DenseNet, and datasets including SVHN, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet. For example, we achieved 5.22%-6.40% average accuracy gains on condensing CIFAR-10 to ten images per class. Code is available at: [](

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