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Reasoning with Latent Diffusion in Offline Reinforcement Learning

Siddarth Venkatraman · Shivesh Khaitan · Ravi Tej Akella · John Dolan · Jeff Schneider · Glen Berseth

Halle B #157


Offline reinforcement learning (RL) holds promise as a means to learn high-reward policies from a static dataset, without the need for further environment interactions. However, a key challenge in offline RL lies in effectively stitching portions of suboptimal trajectories from the static dataset while avoiding extrapolation errors arising due to a lack of support in the dataset. Existing approaches use conservative methods that are tricky to tune and struggle with multi-modal data or rely on noisy Monte Carlo return-to-go samples for reward conditioning. In this work, we propose a novel approach that leverages the expressiveness of latent diffusion to model in-support trajectory sequences as compressed latent skills. This facilitates learning a Q-function while avoiding extrapolation error via batch-constraining. The latent space is also expressive and gracefully copes with multi-modal data. We show that the learned temporally-abstract latent space encodes richer task-specific information for offline RL tasks as compared to raw state-actions. This improves credit assignment and facilitates faster reward propagation during Q-learning. Our method demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on the D4RL benchmarks, particularly excelling in long-horizon, sparse-reward tasks.

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