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Hybrid Distillation: Connecting Masked Autoencoders with Contrastive Learners

Bowen Shi · XIAOPENG ZHANG · Yaoming Wang · Li Jin · Wenrui Dai · Junni Zou · Hongkai Xiong · Qi Tian

Halle B #307


As two prominent strategies for representation learning, Contrastive Learning (CL) and Masked Image Modeling (MIM) have witnessed significant progress. Previous studies have demonstrated the advantages of each approach in specific scenarios. CL, resembling supervised pre-training, excels at capturing longer-range global patterns and enhancing feature discrimination, while MIM is adept at introducing local and diverse attention across transformer layers. Considering the respective strengths, previous studies utilize feature distillation to inherit both discrimination and diversity. In this paper, we thoroughly examine previous feature distillation methods and observe that the increase in diversity mainly stems from asymmetric designs, which may in turn compromise the discrimination ability. To strike a balance between the two properties, we propose a simple yet effective strategy termed Hybrid Distill, which leverages both the CL and MIM teachers to jointly guide the student model. Hybrid Distill emulates the token relations of the MIM teacher at intermediate layers for diversity, while simultaneously distilling the final features of the CL teacher to enhance discrimination. A progressive redundant token masking strategy is employed to reduce the expenses associated with distillation and aid in preventing the model from converging to local optima. Experimental results demonstrate that Hybrid Distill achieves superior performance on various benchmark datasets.

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