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LaneSegNet: Map Learning with Lane Segment Perception for Autonomous Driving

Tianyu Li · Peijin Jia · Bangjun Wang · Li Chen · Kun Jiang · Junchi Yan · Hongyang Li

Halle B #13

Abstract: A map, as crucial information for downstream applications of an autonomous driving system, is usually represented in lanelines or centerlines. However, existing literature on map learning primarily focuses on either detecting geometry-based lanelines or perceiving topology relationships of centerlines. Both of these methods ignore the intrinsic relationship of lanelines and centerlines, that lanelines bind centerlines. While simply predicting both types of lane in one model is mutually excluded in learning objective, we advocate lane segment as a new representation that seamlessly incorporates both geometry and topology information. Thus, we introduce LaneSegNet, the first end-to-end mapping network generating lane segments to obtain a complete representation of the road structure. Our algorithm features two key modifications. One is a lane attention module to capture pivotal region details within the long-range feature space. Another is an identical initialization strategy for reference points, which enhances the learning of positional priors for lane attention. On the OpenLane-V2 dataset, LaneSegNet outperforms previous counterparts by a substantial gain across three tasks, i.e., map element detection (+4.8 mAP), centerline perception (+6.9 DET$_l$), and the newly defined one, lane segment perception (+5.6 mAP). Furthermore, it obtains a real-time inference speed of 14.7 FPS. Code is accessible at

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