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FreeDyG: Frequency Enhanced Continuous-Time Dynamic Graph Model for Link Prediction

Yuxing Tian · Yiyan Qi · Fan Guo

Halle B #91


Link prediction is a crucial task in dynamic graph learning. Recent advancements in continuous-time dynamic graph models, primarily by leveraging richer temporal details, have significantly improved link prediction performance. However, due to their complex modules, they still face several challenges, such as overfitting and optimization difficulties. More importantly, it is challenging for these methods to capture the 'shift' phenomenon, where node interaction patterns change over time. To address these issues, we propose a simple yet novel method called \textbf{Fre}quency \textbf{E}nhanced Continuous-Time \textbf{Dy}namic \textbf{G}raph ({\bf FreeDyG}) model for link prediction. Specifically, we propose a node interaction frequency encoding module that both explicitly captures the proportion of common neighbors and the frequency of the interaction of the node pair. Unlike previous works that primarily focus on the time domain, we delve into the frequency domain, allowing a deeper and more nuanced extraction of interaction patterns, revealing periodic and "shift" behaviors. Extensive experiments conducted on seven real-world continuous-time dynamic graph datasets validate the effectiveness of FreeDyG. The results consistently demonstrate that FreeDyG outperforms existing methods in both transductive and inductive settings. Our code is available at this repository: \href{}{}

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