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The 2021 schedule is still incomplete
Fri May 07 06:00 AM -- 10:00 AM (PDT)
AIMOCC -- AI: Modeling Oceans and Climate Change
Luis Martí · Nayat Sánchez-Pi

Workshop Home Page

Oceans play a key role in the biosphere, regulating the carbon cycle; absorbing emitted CO2 through the biological pump, and a large part of the heat that the remaining CO2 and other greenhouse gases retained in the atmosphere. Understanding the drivers of micro and macroorganisms in the ocean is of paramount importance to understand the functioning of ecosystems and the efficiency of the biological pump in sequestering carbon and thus abating climate change.

AI, ML, and mathematical modeling tools are key to understanding oceans and climate change. Consequently, the topics of interest of this workshop can be grouped into two sets.

In regard to AI and modeling, the main focus is set on:
- handling of graph-structured information,
- ML methods to learn in small data contexts,
- causal relations, interpretability, and explainability in AI,
- integrating model-driven and data-driven approaches, and
- to develop, calibrate, and validate existing mechanistic models.

In the domain application area, the main questions to be addressed are:
- Which are the major patterns in plankton taxa and functional diversity?
- How these patterns and drivers will likely change under climate change?
- How will changes affect the capacity of ocean ecosystems to sequester carbon from the atmosphere?
- What relations bind communities and local conditions?
- What are the links between biodiversity functioning and structure?
- How modern AI and computer vision can be applied as research and discovery support tool to understand planktonic communities?
- How new knowledge can be derived from anomaly detection, causal learning, and explainable AI.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers that are interested and/or applying AI and ML techniques to problems related to marine biology, modeling, and climate change mitigation. We also expect to attract natural science researchers interested in learning about and applying modern AI and ML methods.

Opening comments and welcome by the organizers (Introductory words)
Keynote presentation by Jacques Sainte-Marie (Keynote)
Investigating Ground-level Ozone Formation: A Case Study in Taiwan (Full paper)
Model Discovery in the Sparse Sampling Regime (Full paper)
Physically-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for Coastal Flood Visualization. (Full paper)
Coffee break and short paper presentations and discussion. (Live discussion)
Keynote presentation by Daniele Iudicone (Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn and Tara Océan) (Keynote)
Feature Importance in a Deep Learning Climate Emulator (Full paper)
Assessing Physics Informed Neural Networks in Ocean Modelling and Climate Change Applications (Full paper)
Deep Embedded Clustering for BioAcoustic Clustering of Marine Mammal Vocalization (Full paper)
Keynote presentation by Michèle Sebag (LISN, Inria, CNRS, and Univ. Paris Saclay) (Keynote)
Final remarks and open discussion. (Discussion panel)