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Adaptive and Generative Zero-Shot Learning

Yu-Ying Chou · Hsuan-Tien Lin · Tyng-Luh Liu

Keywords: [ Generalized zero-shot learning ] [ MixUp ]


We address the problem of generalized zero-shot learning (GZSL) where the task is to predict the class label of a target image whether its label belongs to the seen or unseen category. Similar to ZSL, the learning setting assumes that all class-level semantic features are given, while only the images of seen classes are available for training. By exploring the correlation between image features and the corresponding semantic features, the main idea of the proposed approach is to enrich the semantic-to-visual (S2V) embeddings via a seamless fusion of adaptive and generative learning. To this end, we extend the semantic features of each class by supplementing image-adaptive attention so that the learned S2V embedding can account for not only inter-class but also intra-class variations. In addition, to break the limit of training with images only from seen classes, we design a generative scheme to simultaneously generate virtual class labels and their visual features by sampling and interpolating over seen counterparts. In inference, a testing image will give rise to two different S2V embeddings, seen and virtual. The former is used to decide whether the underlying label is of the unseen category or otherwise a specific seen class; the latter is to predict an unseen class label. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, we report state-of-the-art results on four standard GZSL datasets, including an ablation study of the proposed modules.

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