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Workshop: AI4DifferentialEquations In Science

Uncertainty Quantification for Fourier Neural Operators

Tobias Weber · Emilia Magnani · Marvin Pförtner · Philipp Hennig


In medium-term weather forecasting, deep learning techniques have emerged as a strong alternative to classical numerical solvers for partial differential equations that describe the underlying physical system. While well-established deep learning models such as Fourier Neural Operators are effective at predicting future states of the system, extending these methods to provide ensemble predictions still poses a challenge. However, it is known that ensemble predictions are crucial in real-world applications such as weather, where local dynamics are not necessarily accounted for due to the coarse data resolution. In this paper, we explore different methods for generating ensemble predictions with Fourier Neural Operators trained on a simple one-dimensional PDE dataset: input perturbations and training for multiple outputs via a statistical loss function. Moreover, we formulate a new Laplace approximation for Fourier layers and show that it exhibits better uncertainty quantification for short training runs.

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