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Workshop: AI4DifferentialEquations In Science

Verlet Flows: Exact-Likelihood Integrators for Flow-Based Generative Models

Ezra Erives · Bowen Jing · Tommi Jaakkola


Approximations in computing model likelihoods with continuous normalizing flows (CNFs) hinder the use of these models for importance sampling of Boltzmann distributions, where exact likelihoods are required. In this work, we present \textit{Verlet flows}, a class of CNFs on an augmented state-space inspired by symplectic integrators from Hamiltonian dynamics. When used with carefully constructed \emph{Taylor-Verlet integrators}, Verlet flows provide exact-likelihood generative models which generalize coupled flow architectures from a non-continuous setting while imposing minimal expressivity constraints. On experiments over toy densities, we demonstrate that the variance of the commonly used Hutchinson trace estimator is unsuitable for importance sampling, whereas Verlet flows perform comparably to full autograd trace computations while being significantly faster.

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