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Workshop: First Workshop on Representational Alignment (Re-Align)

Learning to Abstract Visuomotor Mappings using Meta-Reinforcement Learning

Carlos Velazquez-Vargas · Isaac Christian · Jordan Taylor · Sreejan Kumar

Keywords: [ meta-learning ] [ navigation ] [ context learning ] [ motor learning ] [ reinforcement learning ]


We investigated the human capacity to acquire multiple visuomotor mappings for de novo skills. Using a grid navigation paradigm, we tested whether contextual cues implemented as different "grid worlds", allow participants to learn two distinct key-mappings more efficiently. Our results indicate that when contextual information is provided, task performance is significantly better. The same held true for meta-reinforcement learning agents that differed in whether or not they receive contextual information when performing the task. We evaluated their accuracy in predicting human performance in the task and analyzed their internal representations. The results indicate that contextual cues allow the formation of separate representations in space and time when using different visuomotor mappings, whereas the absence of them favors sharing one representation. While both strategies can allow learning of multiple visuomotor mappings, we showed contextual cues provide a computational advantage in terms of how many mappings can be learned.

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