Workshop: First Workshop on Representational Alignment (Re-Align)
A case for sparse positive alignment of neural systems
Jacob Prince · Colin Conwell · George Alvarez · Talia Konkle
Keywords: [ brain alignment ] [ regularization ] [ encoding models ] [ feature tuning ] [ sparsity ]
Brain responses in visual cortex are typically modeled as a positively and negatively weighted sum of all features within a deep neural network (DNN) layer. However, this linear fit can dramatically alter a given feature space, making it unclear whether brain prediction levels stem more from the DNN itself, or from the flexibility of the encoding model. As such, studies of alignment may benefit from a paradigm shift toward more constrained and theoretically driven mapping methods. As a proof of concept, here we present a case study of face and scene selectivity, showing that typical encoding analyses do not differentiate between aligned and misaligned tuning bases in model-to-brain predictivity. We introduce a new alignment complexity measure -- tuning reorientation -- which favors DNNs that achieve high brain alignment via minimal distortion of the original feature space. We show that this measure helps arbitrate between models that are superficially equal in their predictivity, but which differ in alignment complexity. Our experiments broadly signal the benefit of sparse, positive-weighted encoding procedures, which directly enforce an analogy between the tuning directions of model and brain feature spaces.