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Frequently Asked Questions

Please also see the FAQs in the Author Guide, Reviewer Guide, and Area Chair Guide.


Q: Can I sign up to be a reviewer still?

A: No, the reviewer registration is closed.


Q: Does my paper satisfy the reviewing requirement?

A: If we have not contacted you, then your paper satisifies the requirement or was determined to be exempt.


Q: I cannot review according to the reciprocal reviewing policy because ____. How do I request an exception?

A: Please use this form.


Q: Can the abstract or main paper deadline be extended?

A: No extensions are possible. The dates are final. They will not be extended under any circumstances.


Q: Can I add/remove authors after the abstract deadline?

A: No. As stated in the Call for Papers, the author list for each submission is finalized after the abstract deadline. No authors may be added or removed at this point. This policy is applied uniformly to all papers. There are no exceptions under any circumstances.


Q: I'm already an AC/SAC/other service role for ICLR 2025, do I still have to review at least 3 papers pre the reciprocal reviewing requirement?

A: ACs/SACs/other service roles for ICLR 2025 are exempt from the requirement. Thanks for your service to the community!


Q: How do I signup as a reviewer to fullfil the reciprocal reviewing requirement?

A: Please register using the link on


Q: How many papers will I need to review?

A: We expect a review load of 3 papers per reviewer. 


Q: Do I need to attend the conference if my paper is accepted?

A: Yes, at least one author from each paper needs to attend the conference to present the poster and/or talk. 


Q: What constitutes concurrent/contemporaneous work, and what is the relevant policy regarding it?

A: We consider papers contemporaneous if they are published within the last four months. That means, since our full paper deadline is October 1, if a paper was published (i.e., at a peer-reviewed venue) on or after July 1, 2024, authors are not required to compare their own work to that paper. Authors are encouraged to cite and discuss all relevant papers, but they may be excused for not knowing about papers not published in peer-reviewed conference proceedings or journals, which includes papers exclusively available on arXiv. 


Q: What is dual submission, and is it allowed?

A: As we specified in the Call for Papers, submissions that are identical (or substantially similar) to versions that have been previously published, or accepted for publication, or that have been submitted in parallel to this or other conferences or journals, are not allowed and violate our dual submission policy. However, papers that cite previous related work by the authors and papers that have appeared on non-peer reviewed websites (like arXiv) or that is currently under review or have been presented at workshops (i.e., venues that do not have publication proceedings) do not violate the policy. The policy is enforced during the whole reviewing process period after the full paper submission deadline (Oct 1, 2024). Submission of the paper to archival repositories such as arXiv is allowed during the review period.


Q: Does experience in vision or natural language processing (NLP) count as relevant experience for being a reviewer?

A: Yes, experience in vision and NLP is considered relevant for reviewer roles, Such expertise can provide valuable insights into submissions that involve these topics.


Q: Are papers addressing societal considerations allowed in submissions, and how will they be reviewed?

A: Yes, societal considerations are allowed in submissions and will be evaluated according to the established reviewer guidelines


Q: When do papers become public?

A: All papers will become public immediately once submitted.


Q: How do I submit the abstract?

A: Submit the abstract on OpenReview. You don't need to upload the PDF until the full paper submission deadline. The abstract will not be reviewed.