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Poster (GatherTown)
Workshop: GroundedML: Anchoring Machine Learning in Classical Algorithmic Theory

K-level SLOPE: Simplified and Adaptive Variable Selection for Optimization of Estimation Risk

Zhiqi Bu · Rachel Wu

Abstract: Among sparse linear models, SLOPE generalizes the LASSO via an adaptive $l_1$ regularization that applies heavier penalties to larger entries of the estimator. To achieve such adaptivity in $n\times p$ problem, SLOPE requires a penalty sequence in $\R^p$ in contrast to a single penalty scalar as in the LASSO. Tuning the $\R^p$ SLOPE penalty in high dimension poses a challenge as the brute force search for the optimal penalty is computationally infeasible. In this work, we formally propose the \textbf{$K$-level SLOPE} as a convex optimization problem, which is an important sub-class of SLOPE (which we term as the $p$-level SLOPE) and only have $(2K-1)\ll p$ hyperparameters. We further develop a projected gradient descent to search the optimal $K$-level SLOPE penalty under the Gaussian random data matrix. Interestingly, our experiments demonstrate that even the simplest 2-level SLOPE may give amazing improvement over the LASSO and be comparable to $p$-level SLOPE, suggesting its usefulness for practitioners.

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