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Workshop: 3rd Workshop on practical ML for Developing Countries: learning under limited/low resource scenarios

Attention-Free Keyword Spotting

Mashrur Mahmud Morshed · Ahmad Omar Ahsan


Till now, attention-based models have been used with great success in the keyword spotting problem domain. However, in light of recent advances in deep learning, the question arises whether self-attention is truly irreplaceable for recognizing speech keywords. We thus explore the usage of gated MLPs---previously shown to be alternatives to transformers in vision tasks---for the keyword spotting task. We provide a family of highly efficient MLP-based models for keyword spotting, with less than 0.5 million parameters. We show that our approach achieves competitive performance on Google Speech Commands V2-12 and V2-35 benchmarks with much fewer parameters than self-attention-based methods.

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