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Oral 2: AI applications

Moderators: Chiranjib Bhattacharyya · Andrew Fitzgibbon

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Tue 26 April 1:00 - 1:15 PDT

Filtered-CoPhy: Unsupervised Learning of Counterfactual Physics in Pixel Space

Steeven Janny · Fabien Baradel · Natalia Neverova · Madiha Nadri · Greg Mori · Christian Wolf

Learning causal relationships in high-dimensional data (images, videos) is a hard task, as they are often defined on low dimensional manifolds and must be extracted from complex signals dominated by appearance, lighting, textures and also spurious correlations in the data. We present a method for learning counterfactual reasoning of physical processes in pixel space, which requires the prediction of the impact of interventions on initial conditions. Going beyond the identification of structural relationships, we deal with the challenging problem of forecasting raw video over long horizons. Our method does not require the knowledge or supervision of any ground truth positions or other object or scene properties. Our model learns and acts on a suitable hybrid latent representation based on a combination of dense features, sets of 2D keypoints and an additional latent vector per keypoint. We show that this better captures the dynamics of physical processes than purely dense or sparse representations. We introduce a new challenging and carefully designed counterfactual benchmark for predictions in pixel space and outperform strong baselines in physics-inspired ML and video prediction.

Tue 26 April 1:15 - 1:30 PDT

Non-Transferable Learning: A New Approach for Model Ownership Verification and Applicability Authorization

Lixu Wang · Shichao Xu · Ruiqi Xu · Xiao Wang · Qi Zhu

As Artificial Intelligence as a Service gains popularity, protecting well-trained models as intellectual property is becoming increasingly important. There are two common types of protection methods: ownership verification and usage authorization. In this paper, we propose Non-Transferable Learning (NTL), a novel approach that captures the exclusive data representation in the learned model and restricts the model generalization ability to certain domains. This approach provides effective solutions to both model verification and authorization. Specifically: 1) For ownership verification, watermarking techniques are commonly used but are often vulnerable to sophisticated watermark removal methods. By comparison, our NTL-based ownership verification provides robust resistance to state-of-the-art watermark removal methods, as shown in extensive experiments with 6 removal approaches over the digits, CIFAR10 & STL10, and VisDA datasets. 2) For usage authorization, prior solutions focus on authorizing specific users to access the model, but authorized users can still apply the model to any data without restriction. Our NTL-based authorization approach instead provides data-centric protection, which we call applicability authorization, by significantly degrading the performance of the model on unauthorized data. Its effectiveness is also shown through experiments on aforementioned datasets.

Tue 26 April 1:30 - 1:45 PDT

Data-Efficient Graph Grammar Learning for Molecular Generation

Minghao Guo · Veronika Thost · Beichen Li · Payel Das · Jie Chen · Wojciech Matusik

The problem of molecular generation has received significant attention recently. Existing methods are typically based on deep neural networks and require training on large datasets with tens of thousands of samples. In practice, however, the size of class-specific chemical datasets is usually limited (e.g., dozens of samples) due to labor-intensive experimentation and data collection. Another major challenge is to generate only physically synthesizable molecules. This is a non-trivial task for neural network-based generative models since the relevant chemical knowledge can only be extracted and generalized from the limited training data. In this work, we propose a data-efficient generative model that can be learned from datasets with orders of magnitude smaller sizes than common benchmarks. At the heart of this method is a learnable graph grammar that generates molecules from a sequence of production rules. Without any human assistance, these production rules are automatically constructed from training data. Furthermore, additional chemical knowledge can be incorporated into the model by further grammar optimization. Our learned graph grammar yields state-of-the-art results on generating high-quality molecules for three monomer datasets that contain only ${\sim}20$ samples each. Our approach also achieves remarkable performance in a challenging polymer generation task with $only$ $117$ training samples and is competitive against existing methods using $81$k data points.

Tue 26 April 1:45 - 2:00 PDT

iLQR-VAE : control-based learning of input-driven dynamics with applications to neural data

Marine Schimel · Ta-Chu Kao · Kristopher Jensen · Guillaume Hennequin

Understanding how neural dynamics give rise to behaviour is one of the most fundamental questions in systems neuroscience. To achieve this, a common approach is to record neural populations in behaving animals, and model these data as emanating from a latent dynamical system whose state trajectories can then be related back to behavioural observations via some form of decoding. As recordings are typically performed in localized circuits that form only a part of the wider implicated network, it is important to simultaneously learn the local dynamics and infer any unobserved external input that might drive them. Here, we introduce iLQR-VAE, a novel control-based approach to variational inference in nonlinear dynamical systems, capable of learning both latent dynamics, initial conditions, and ongoing external inputs. As in recent deep learning approaches, our method is based on an input-driven sequential variational autoencoder (VAE). The main novelty lies in the use of the powerful iterative linear quadratic regulator algorithm (iLQR) in the recognition model. Optimization of the standard evidence lower-bound requires differentiating through iLQR solutions, which is made possible by recent advances in differentiable control. Importantly, having the recognition model be implicitly defined by the generative model greatly reduces the number of free parameters and allows for flexible, high-quality inference. This makes it possible for instance to evaluate the model on a single long trial after training on smaller chunks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of iLQR-VAE on a range of synthetic systems, with autonomous as well as input-driven dynamics. We further apply it to neural and behavioural recordings in non-human primates performing two different reaching tasks, and show that iLQR-VAE yields high-quality kinematic reconstructions from the neural data.

Tue 26 April 2:00 - 2:15 PDT

Einops: Clear and Reliable Tensor Manipulations with Einstein-like Notation

Alex Rogozhnikov

Tensor computations underlie modern scientific computing and deep learning.A number of tensor frameworks emerged varying in execution model, hardware support, memory management, model definition, etc.However, tensor operations in all frameworks follow the same paradigm.Recent neural network architectures demonstrate demand for higher expressiveness of tensor operations.The current paradigm is not suited to write readable, reliable, or easy-to-modify code for multidimensional tensor manipulations. Moreover, some commonly used operations do not provide sufficient checks and can break a tensor structure.These mistakes are elusive as no tools or tests can detect them.Independently, API discrepancies complicate code transfer between frameworks.We propose einops notation: a uniform and generic way to manipulate tensor structure, that significantly improves code readability and flexibility by focusing on the structure of input and output tensors.We implement einops notation in a Python package that efficiently supports multiple widely used frameworks and provides framework-independent minimalist API for tensor manipulations.

Tue 26 April 2:15 - 2:30 PDT

StyleAlign: Analysis and Applications of Aligned StyleGAN Models

Zongze Wu · Yotam Nitzan · Eli Shechtman · Dani Lischinski

In this paper, we perform an in-depth study of the properties and applications of aligned generative models.We refer to two models as aligned if they share the same architecture, and one of them (the child) is obtained from the other (the parent) via fine-tuning to another domain, a common practice in transfer learning. Several works already utilize some basic properties of aligned StyleGAN models to perform image-to-image translation. Here, we perform the first detailed exploration of model alignment, also focusing on StyleGAN. First, we empirically analyze aligned models and provide answers to important questions regarding their nature. In particular, we find that the child model's latent spaces are semantically aligned with those of the parent, inheriting incredibly rich semantics, even for distant data domains such as human faces and churches. Second, equipped with this better understanding, we leverage aligned models to solve a diverse set of tasks. In addition to image translation, we demonstrate fully automatic cross-domain image morphing. We further show that zero-shot vision tasks may be performed in the child domain, while relying exclusively on supervision in the parent domain. We demonstrate qualitatively and quantitatively that our approach yields state-of-the-art results, while requiring only simple fine-tuning and inversion.