Workshop: Neurosymbolic Generative Models (NeSy-GeMs)
[Remote poster] Grounded physical language understanding with probabilistic programs and simulated worlds
Cedegao Zhang · Catherine Wong · Gabriel Grand · Joshua B Tenenbaum
Human language richly invokes our intuitive physical knowledge. We talk about physical objects, scenes, properties, and events; and we can make predictions and draw inferences about physical worlds described entirely in language. Understanding this everyday language requires inherently probabilistic reasoning---over possible physical worlds invoked in language and over uncertainty inherent to those physical worlds. In this paper, we propose \textbf{PiLoT}, a neurosymbolic generative model that translates language into probabilistic programs grounded in a physics engine. Our model integrates a large language-code model to robustly parse language into program expressions and uses a probabilistic physics engine to support inferences over scenes described in language. We construct a \textbf{linguistic reasoning benchmark} based on prior psychophysics experiments that requires reasoning about physical outcomes based on linguistic scene descriptions. We show that PiLoT well predicts human judgments and outperforms LLM baselines.