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In-Person Poster presentation / poster accept

TVSPrune - Pruning Non-discriminative filters via Total Variation separability of intermediate representations without fine tuning

Chaitanya Murti · Tanay Narshana · Chiranjib Bhattacharyya

MH1-2-3-4 #62

Keywords: [ model compression ] [ Structured Pruning ] [ Deep Learning and representational learning ]


Achieving structured, data-free sparsity of deep neural networks (DNNs) remains an open area of research. In this work, we address the challenge of pruning filters without access to the original training set or loss function. We propose the discriminative filters hypothesis, that well-trained models possess discriminative filters, and any non-discriminative filters can be pruned without impacting the predictive performance of the classifier. Based on this hypothesis, we propose a new paradigm for pruning neural networks: distributional pruning, wherein we only require access to the distributions that generated the original datasets. Our approach to solving the problem of formalising and quantifying the discriminating ability of filters is through the total variation (TV) distance between the class-conditional distributions of the filter outputs. We present empirical results that, using this definition of discriminability, support our hypothesis on a variety of datasets and architectures. Next, we define the LDIFF score, a heuristic to quantify the extent to which a layer possesses a mixture of discriminative and non-discriminative filters. We empirically demonstrate that the LDIFF score is indicative of the performance of random pruning for a given layer, and thereby indicates the extent to which a layer may be pruned. Our main contribution is a novel one-shot pruning algorithm, called TVSPrune, that identifies non-discriminative filters for pruning. We extend this algorithm to IterTVSPrune, wherein we iteratively apply TVSPrune, thereby enabling us to achieve greater sparsity. Last, we demonstrate the efficacy of the TVSPrune on a variety of datasets, and show that in some cases, we can prune up to 60% of parameters with only a 2% loss of accuracy without any fine-tuning of the model, beating the nearest baseline by almost 10%.

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