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Virtual presentation / poster accept

Subsampling in Large Graphs Using Ricci Curvature

Shushan Wu · Huimin Cheng · Jiazhang Cai · Ping Ma · Wenxuan Zhong

Keywords: [ Graph subsampling ] [ Ricci curvature ] [ Deep Learning and representational learning ]


In the past decades, many large graphs with millions of nodes have been collected/constructed. The high computational cost and significant visualization difficulty hinder the analysis of large graphs. To overcome the difficulties, researchers have developed many graph subsampling approaches to provide a rough sketch that preserves global properties. By selecting representative nodes, these graph subsampling methods can help researchers estimate the graph statistics, e.g., the number of communities, of the large graph from the subsample. However, the available subsampling methods, e.g., degree node sampler and random walk sampler, tend to leave out minority communities because nodes with high degrees are more likely to be sampled. To overcome the shortcomings of the existing methods, we are motivated to apply the community information hidden in the graph to the subsampling method. Though the community structure is unavailable, community structure information can be obtained by applying geometric methods to a graph. An analog of Ricci curvature in the manifold is defined for the graph, i.e., Ollivier Ricci curvature. Based on the asymptotic results about the within-community edge and between-community edge's OR curvature, we propose a subsampling algorithm based on our theoretical results, the Ollivier-Ricci curvature Gradient-based subsampling (ORG-sub) algorithm. The proposed ORG-sub algorithm has two main contributions: First, ORG-sub provides a rigorous theoretical guarantee that the probability of ORG-sub taking all communities into the final subgraph converges to one. Second, extensive experiments on synthetic and benchmark datasets demonstrate the advantages of our algorithm.

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