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Virtual presentation / poster accept

On Explaining Neural Network Robustness with Activation Path

Ziping Jiang

Keywords: [ neural network ] [ robustness ] [ Randomized Smoothing ] [ Deep Learning and representational learning ]


Despite their verified performance, neural networks are prone to be misled by maliciously designed adversarial examples. This work investigates the robustness of neural networks from the activation pattern perspective. We find that despite the complex structure of the deep neural network, most of the neurons provide locally stable contributions to the output, while the minority, which we refer to as float neurons, can greatly affect the prediction. We decompose the computational graph of the neural network into the fixed path and float path and investigate their role in generating adversarial examples. Based on our analysis, we categorize the vulnerable examples into Lipschitz vulnerability and float neuron vulnerability. We show that the boost of robust accuracy from randomized smoothing is the result of correcting the latter. We then propose an SC-RFP (smoothed classifier with repressed float path) to further reduce the instability of the float neurons and show that our result can provide a higher certified radius as well as accuracy.

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