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Virtual presentation / top 25% paper

Neural Networks Efficiently Learn Low-Dimensional Representations with SGD

Alireza Mousavi-Hosseini · Sejun Park · Manuela Girotti · Ioannis Mitliagkas · Murat A Erdogdu

Keywords: [ sgd ] [ generalization ] [ feature learning ] [ neural networks ] [ compressibility ] [ Theory ]

Abstract: We study the problem of training a two-layer neural network (NN) of arbitrary width using stochastic gradient descent (SGD) where the input $\boldsymbol{x}\in \mathbb{R}^d$ is Gaussian and the target $y \in \mathbb{R}$ follows a multiple-index model, i.e., $y=g(\langle\boldsymbol{u_1},\boldsymbol{x}\rangle,...,\langle\boldsymbol{u_k},\boldsymbol{x}\rangle)$ with a noisy link function $g$. We prove that the first-layer weights in the NN converge to the $k$-dimensional principal subspace spanned by the vectors $\boldsymbol{u_1},...,\boldsymbol{u_k}$ of the true model, when online SGD with weight decay is used for training. This phenomenon has several important consequences when $k \ll d$. First, by employing uniform convergence on this smaller subspace, we establish a generalization error bound of $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{{kd}/{T}})$ after $T$ iterations of SGD, which is independent of the width of the NN. We further demonstrate that, by recovering the principal direction, SGD-trained ReLU NNs can learn a single-index target of the form $y=f(\langle\boldsymbol{u},\boldsymbol{x}\rangle) + \epsilon$ with a sample complexity linear in $d$ (up to log factors), where $f$ is a monotonic function with at most polynomial growth, and $\epsilon$ is the noise. This is in contrast to the known $d^{\Omega(p)}$ samples required to learn any degree $p$ polynomial in the kernel regime, and shows that SGD-trained NNs can outperform the Neural Tangent Kernel at initialization. Finally, we establish compressibility guarantees for NNs using that SGD produces an approximately rank-$k$ first-layer weight matrix.

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