The \emph{stability} of learning algorithms to changes in the training sample has been actively studied as a powerful proxy for reasoning about generalization. Recently, exponential generalization and excess risk bounds with near-optimal rates have been obtained under the stringent and distribution-free notion of uniform stability~\citep{bousquet2020sharper,klochkov2021stability}. In the meanwhile, under the notion of $L_q$-stability, which is weaker and distribution dependent, exponential generalization bounds are also available yet so far only with sub-optimal rates. Therefore, a fundamental question we would like to address in this paper is whether it is possible to derive near-optimal exponential generalization bounds for $L_q$-stable learning algorithms. As the core contribution of the present work, we give an affirmative answer to this question by developing strict analogues of the near-optimal generalization and risk bounds of uniformly stable algorithms for $L_q$-stable algorithms. Further, we demonstrate the power of our improved $L_q$-stability and generalization theory by applying it to derive strong sparse excess risk bounds, under mild conditions, for computationally tractable sparsity estimation algorithms such as Iterative Hard Thresholding (IHT).