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Virtual presentation / top 25% paper

Semi-Implicit Variational Inference via Score Matching

Longlin Yu · Cheng Zhang

Keywords: [ Minimax Optimization ] [ denoising score matching ] [ Semi-implicit variational inference ] [ Probabilistic Methods ]


Semi-implicit variational inference (SIVI) greatly enriches the expressiveness of variational families by considering implicit variational distributions defined in a hierarchical manner. However, due to the intractable densities of variational distributions, current SIVI approaches often use surrogate evidence lower bounds (ELBOs) or employ expensive inner-loop MCMC runs for unbiased ELBOs for training. In this paper, we propose SIVI-SM, a new method for SIVI based on an alternative training objective via score matching. Leveraging the hierarchical structure of semi-implicit variational families, the score matching objective allows a minimax formulation where the intractable variational densities can be naturally handled with denoising score matching. We show that SIVI-SM closely matches the accuracy of MCMC and outperforms ELBO-based SIVI methods in a variety of Bayesian inference tasks.

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