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In-Person Poster presentation / poster accept

On the Perils of Cascading Robust Classifiers

Ravi Mangal · Zifan Wang · Chi Zhang · Klas Leino · Corina Pasareanu · Matt Fredrikson

MH1-2-3-4 #139

Keywords: [ certifiable robustness ] [ Soundness ] [ ensemble ] [ adversarial attack ] [ Social Aspects of Machine Learning ]

Abstract: Ensembling certifiably robust neural networks is a promising approach for improving the \emph{certified robust accuracy} of neural models. Black-box ensembles that assume only query-access to the constituent models (and their robustness certifiers) during prediction are particularly attractive due to their modular structure. Cascading ensembles are a popular instance of black-box ensembles that appear to improve certified robust accuracies in practice. However, we show that the robustness certifier used by a cascading ensemble is unsound. That is, when a cascading ensemble is certified as locally robust at an input $x$ (with respect to $\epsilon$), there can be inputs $x'$ in the $\epsilon$-ball centered at $x$, such that the cascade's prediction at $x'$ is different from $x$ and thus the ensemble is not locally robust. Our theoretical findings are accompanied by empirical results that further demonstrate this unsoundness. We present a new attack against cascading ensembles and show that: (1) there exists an adversarial input for up to 88\% of the samples where the ensemble claims to be certifiably robust and accurate; and (2) the accuracy of a cascading ensemble under our attack is as low as 11\% when it claims to be certifiably robust and accurate on 97\% of the test set. Our work reveals a critical pitfall of cascading certifiably robust models by showing that the seemingly beneficial strategy of cascading can actually hurt the robustness of the resulting ensemble. Our code is available at

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