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Virtual presentation / poster accept

Masked Unsupervised Self-training for Label-free Image Classification

Junnan Li · Silvio Savarese · Steven Hoi

Keywords: [ masked image modeling ] [ unsupervised learning ] [ self-training ] [ zero-shot classification ] [ CLIP ] [ Unsupervised and Self-supervised learning ]


State-of-the-art computer vision models are mostly trained with supervised learning using human-labeled images, which limits their scalability due to the expensive annotation cost. While self-supervised representation learning has achieved impressive progress, it still requires a second stage of finetuning on labeled data. On the other hand, models pre-trained with large-scale text supervision (e.g., CLIP) have enabled zero-shot transfer to downstream image classification tasks. However, the zero-shot performance of CLIP-like models are often insufficient for real-world adoption. In this paper, we aim to leverage the abundant unlabeled data from a target domain to improve the performance of a pre-trained zero-shot classifier, by unsupervised finetuning of the pre-trained model. We propose Masked Unsupervised Self-Training (MUST), a new approach which leverages two different and complimentary sources of training signals: pseudo-labels and raw images. MUST jointly optimizes three objectives to learn both class-level global feature and pixel-level local feature and enforces a regularization between the two. We demonstrate the efficacy of MUST on 8 downstream tasks across a variety of domains, where it improves upon CLIP by a large margin. MUST also outperforms supervised few-shot adaptation methods. It achieves a top-1 accuracy of 77.7% on ImageNet using ViT-B, +9.4% higher than CLIP, and +6.2% higher than 16-shot CLIP adaptation. Our code is available at

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