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Virtual presentation / poster accept

Discovering Informative and Robust Positives for Video Domain Adaptation

Chang Liu · Kunpeng Li · Michael Stopa · Jun Amano · Yun Fu

Keywords: [ domain adaptation ] [ Video Recognition ] [ Deep Learning and representational learning ]


Unsupervised domain adaptation for video recognition is challenging where the domain shift includes both spatial variations and temporal dynamics. Previous works have focused on exploring contrastive learning for cross-domain alignment. However, limited variations in intra-domain positives, false cross-domain positives, and false negatives hinder contrastive learning from fulfilling intra-domain discrimination and cross-domain closeness. This paper presents a non-contrastive learning framework without relying on negative samples for unsupervised video domain adaptation. To address the limited variations in intra-domain positives, we set unlabeled target videos as anchors and explored to mine "informative intra-domain positives" in the form of spatial/temporal augmentations and target nearest neighbors (NNs).To tackle the false cross-domain positives led by noisy pseudo-labels, we reversely set source videos as anchors and sample the synthesized target videos as "robust cross-domain positives" from an estimated target distribution, which are naturally more robust to the pseudo-label noise. Our approach is demonstrated to be superior to state-of-the-art methods through extensive experiments on several cross-domain action recognition benchmarks.

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