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Virtual presentation / poster accept

Breaking Correlation Shift via Conditional Invariant Regularizer

Mingyang Yi · Ruoyu Wang · Jiacheng Sun · Zhenguo Li · Zhi-Ming Ma

Keywords: [ spurious correlation ] [ optimization ] [ OOD generalization ] [ Theory ]


Recently, generalization on out-of-distribution (OOD) data with correlation shift has attracted great attentions. The correlation shift is caused by the spurious attributes that correlate to the class label, as the correlation between them may vary in training and test data. For such a problem, we show that given the class label, the models that are conditionally independent of spurious attributes are OOD generalizable. Based on this, a metric Conditional Spurious Variation (CSV) which controls the OOD generalization error, is proposed to measure such conditional independence. To improve the OOD generalization, we regularize the training process with the proposed CSV. Under mild assumptions, our training objective can be formulated as a nonconvex-concave mini-max problem. An algorithm with a provable convergence rate is proposed to solve the problem. Extensive empirical results verify our algorithm's efficacy in improving OOD generalization.

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