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Oral 3 Track 4: General Machine Learning & Unsupervised and Self-supervised learning

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Tue 2 May 1:00 - 1:10 PDT

In-Person Oral presentation / top 5% paper
Honorable Mention
On the duality between contrastive and non-contrastive self-supervised learning

Quentin Garrido · Yubei Chen · Adrien Bardes · Laurent Najman · Yann LeCun

Recent approaches in self-supervised learning of image representations can be categorized into different families of methods and, in particular, can be divided into contrastive and non-contrastive approaches. While differences between the two families have been thoroughly discussed to motivate new approaches, we focus more on the theoretical similarities between them. By designing contrastive and covariance based non-contrastive criteria that can be related algebraically and shown to be equivalent under limited assumptions, we show how close those families can be. We further study popular methods and introduce variations of them, allowing us to relate this theoretical result to current practices and show the influence (or lack thereof) of design choices on downstream performance. Motivated by our equivalence result, we investigate the low performance of SimCLR and show how it can match VICReg's with careful hyperparameter tuning, improving significantly over known baselines. We also challenge the popular assumption that non-contrastive methods need large output dimensions. Our theoretical and quantitative results suggest that the numerical gaps between contrastive and non-contrastive methods in certain regimes can be closed given better network design choices and hyperparameter tuning. The evidence shows that unifying different SOTA methods is an important direction to build a better understanding of self-supervised learning.

Tue 2 May 1:10 - 1:20 PDT

In-Person Oral presentation / top 25% paper
Unsupervised Meta-learning via Few-shot Pseudo-supervised Contrastive Learning

Huiwon Jang · Hankook Lee · Jinwoo Shin

Unsupervised meta-learning aims to learn generalizable knowledge across a distribution of tasks constructed from unlabeled data. Here, the main challenge is how to construct diverse tasks for meta-learning without label information; recent works have proposed to create, e.g., pseudo-labeling via pretrained representations or creating synthetic samples via generative models. However, such a task construction strategy is fundamentally limited due to heavy reliance on the immutable pseudo-labels during meta-learning and the quality of the representations or the generated samples. To overcome the limitations, we propose a simple yet effective unsupervised meta-learning framework, coined Pseudo-supervised Contrast (PsCo), for few-shot classification. We are inspired by the recent self-supervised learning literature; PsCo utilizes a momentum network and a queue of previous batches to improve pseudo-labeling and construct diverse tasks in a progressive manner. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that PsCo outperforms existing unsupervised meta-learning methods under various in-domain and cross-domain few-shot classification benchmarks. We also validate that PsCo is easily scalable to a large-scale benchmark, while recent prior-art meta-schemes are not.

Tue 2 May 1:20 - 1:30 PDT

In-Person Oral presentation / top 25% paper
The Trade-off between Universality and Label Efficiency of Representations from Contrastive Learning

Zhenmei Shi · Jiefeng Chen · Kunyang Li · Jayaram Raghuram · Xi Wu · Yingyu Liang · Somesh Jha

Pre-training representations (a.k.a. foundation models) has recently become a prevalent learning paradigm, where one first pre-trains a representation using large-scale unlabeled data, and then learns simple predictors on top of the representation using small labeled data from the downstream tasks. There are two key desiderata for the representation: label efficiency (the ability to learn an accurate classifier on top of the representation with a small amount of labeled data) and universality (usefulness across a wide range of downstream tasks). In this paper, we focus on one of the most popular instantiations of this paradigm: contrastive learning with linear probing, i.e., learning a linear predictor on the representation pre-trained by contrastive learning. We show that there exists a trade-off between the two desiderata so that one may not be able to achieve both simultaneously. Specifically, we provide analysis using a theoretical data model and show that, while more diverse pre-training data result in more diverse features for different tasks (improving universality), it puts less emphasis on task-specific features, giving rise to larger sample complexity for down-stream supervised tasks, and thus worse prediction performance. Guided by this analysis, we propose a contrastive regularization method to improve the trade-off. We validate our analysis and method empirically with systematic experiments using real-world datasets and foundation models.

Tue 2 May 1:30 - 1:40 PDT

In-Person Oral presentation / top 25% paper
Self-supervised learning with rotation-invariant kernels

Léon Zheng · Gilles Puy · Elisa Riccietti · Patrick Perez · Rémi Gribonval

We introduce a regularization loss based on kernel mean embeddings with rotation-invariant kernels on the hypersphere (also known as dot-product kernels) for self-supervised learning of image representations. Besides being fully competitive with the state of the art, our method significantly reduces time and memory complexity for self-supervised training, making it implementable for very large embedding dimensions on existing devices and more easily adjustable than previous methods to settings with limited resources. Our work follows the major paradigm where the model learns to be invariant to some predefined image transformations (cropping, blurring, color jittering, etc.), while avoiding a degenerate solution by regularizing the embedding distribution. Our particular contribution is to propose a loss family promoting the embedding distribution to be close to the uniform distribution on the hypersphere, with respect to the maximum mean discrepancy pseudometric. We demonstrate that this family encompasses several regularizers of former methods, including uniformity-based and information-maximization methods, which are variants of our flexible regularization loss with different kernels. Beyond its practical consequences for state of the art self-supervised learning with limited resources, the proposed generic regularization approach opens perspectives to leverage more widely the literature on kernel methods in order to improve self-supervised learning methods.

Tue 2 May 1:40 - 1:50 PDT

In-Person Oral presentation / top 25% paper
DINO as a von Mises-Fisher mixture model

Hariprasath Govindarajan · Per Sidén · Jacob Roll · Fredrik Lindsten

Self-distillation methods using Siamese networks are popular for self-supervised pre-training. DINO is one such method based on a cross-entropy loss between $K$-dimensional probability vectors, obtained by applying a softmax function to the dot product between representations and learnt prototypes. Given the fact that the learned representations are $L^2$-normalized, we show that DINO and its derivatives, such as iBOT, can be interpreted as a mixture model of von Mises-Fisher components. With this interpretation, DINO assumes equal precision for all components when the prototypes are also $L^2$-normalized. Using this insight we propose DINO-vMF, that adds appropriate normalization constants when computing the cluster assignment probabilities. Unlike DINO, DINO-vMF is stable also for the larger ViT-Base model with unnormalized prototypes. We show that the added flexibility of the mixture model is beneficial in terms of better image representations. The DINO-vMF pre-trained model consistently performs better than DINO on a range of downstream tasks. We obtain similar improvements for iBOT-vMF vs iBOT and thereby show the relevance of our proposed modification also for other methods derived from DINO.

Tue 2 May 1:50 - 2:00 PDT

In-Person Oral presentation / top 25% paper
Loss Landscapes are All You Need: Neural Network Generalization Can Be Explained Without the Implicit Bias of Gradient Descent

Ping-yeh Chiang · Renkun Ni · David Y. Miller · Arpit Bansal · Jonas Geiping · Micah Goldblum · Tom Goldstein

It is commonly believed that the implicit regularization of optimizers is needed for neural networks to generalize in the overparameterized regime. In this paper, we observe experimentally that this implicit regularization behavior is {\em generic}, i.e. it does not depend strongly on the choice of optimizer. We demonstrate this by training neural networks using several gradient-free optimizers, which do not benefit from properties that are often attributed to gradient-based optimizers. This includes a guess-and-check optimizer that generates uniformly random parameter vectors until finding one that happens to achieve perfect train accuracy, and a zeroth-order Pattern Search optimizer that uses no gradient computations. In the low sample and few-shot regimes, where zeroth order optimizers are most computationally tractable, we find that these non-gradient optimizers achieve test accuracy comparable to SGD. The code to reproduce results can be found at .

Tue 2 May 2:00 - 2:10 PDT

In-Person Oral presentation / top 25% paper
Efficient Discrete Multi Marginal Optimal Transport Regularization

Ronak Mehta · Jeffery Kline · Vishnu Lokhande · Glenn Fung · Vikas Singh

Optimal transport has emerged as a powerful tool for a variety of problems in machine learning, and it is frequently used to enforce distributional constraints. In this context, existing methods often use either a Wasserstein metric, or else they apply concurrent barycenter approaches when more than two distributions are considered. In this paper, we leverage multi-marginal optimal transport (MMOT), where we take advantage of a procedure that computes a generalized earth mover's distance as a sub-routine. We show that not only is our algorithm computationally more efficient compared to other barycentric-based distance methods, but it has the additional advantage that gradients used for backpropagation can be efficiently computed during the forward pass computation itself, which leads to substantially faster model training. We provide technical details about this new regularization term and its properties, and we present experimental demonstrations of faster runtimes when compared to standard Wasserstein-style methods. Finally, on a range of experiments designed to assess effectiveness at enforcing fairness, we demonstrate our method compares well with alternatives.

Tue 2 May 2:10 - 2:20 PDT

In-Person Oral presentation / top 25% paper
Sparsity-Constrained Optimal Transport

Tianlin Liu · Joan Puigcerver · Mathieu Blondel

Regularized optimal transport (OT) is now increasingly used as a loss or as a matching layer in neural networks. Entropy-regularized OT can be computed using the Sinkhorn algorithm but it leads to fully-dense transportation plans, meaning that all sources are (fractionally) matched with all targets. To address this issue, several works have investigated quadratic regularization instead. This regularization preserves sparsity and leads to unconstrained and smooth (semi) dual objectives, that can be solved with off-the-shelf gradient methods. Unfortunately, quadratic regularization does not give direct control over the cardinality (number of nonzeros) of the transportation plan. We propose in this paper a new approach for OT with explicit cardinality constraints on the transportation plan. Our work is motivated by an application to sparse mixture of experts, where OT can be used to match input tokens such as image patches with expert models such as neural networks. Cardinality constraints ensure that at most $k$ tokens are matched with an expert, which is crucial for computational performance reasons. Despite the nonconvexity of cardinality constraints, we show that the corresponding (semi) dual problems are tractable and can be solved with first-order gradient methods. Our method can be thought as a middle ground between unregularized OT (recovered in the limit case $k=1$) and quadratically-regularized OT (recovered when $k$ is large enough). The smoothness of the objectives increases as $k$ increases, giving rise to a trade-off between convergence speed and sparsity of the optimal plan.