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Oral 4 Track 2: Probabilistic Methods

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Tue 2 May 6:00 - 6:10 PDT

In-Person Oral presentation / top 25% paper
Active Learning in Bayesian Neural Networks with Balanced Entropy Learning Principle

Jae Oh Woo

Acquiring labeled data is challenging in many machine learning applications with limited budgets. Active learning gives a procedure to select the most informative data points and improve data efficiency by reducing the cost of labeling. The info-max learning principle maximizing mutual information such as BALD has been successful and widely adapted in various active learning applications. However, this pool-based specific objective inherently introduces a redundant selection and further requires a high computational cost for batch selection. In this paper, we design and propose a new uncertainty measure, Balanced Entropy Acquisition (BalEntAcq), which captures the information balance between the uncertainty of underlying softmax probability and the label variable. To do this, we approximate each marginal distribution by Beta distribution. Beta approximation enables us to formulate BalEntAcq as a ratio between an augmented entropy and the marginalized joint entropy. The closed-form expression of BalEntAcq facilitates parallelization by estimating two parameters in each marginal Beta distribution. BalEntAcq is a purely standalone measure without requiring any relational computations with other data points. Nevertheless, BalEntAcq captures a well-diversified selection near the decision boundary with a margin, unlike other existing uncertainty measures such as BALD, Entropy, or Mean Standard Deviation (MeanSD). Finally, we demonstrate that our balanced entropy learning principle with BalEntAcq consistently outperforms well-known linearly scalable active learning methods, including a recently proposed PowerBALD, a simple but diversified version of BALD, by showing experimental results obtained from MNIST, CIFAR-100, SVHN, and TinyImageNet datasets.

Tue 2 May 6:10 - 6:20 PDT

In-Person Oral presentation / top 5% paper
SAM as an Optimal Relaxation of Bayes

Thomas Möllenhoff · Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan

Sharpness-aware minimization (SAM) and related adversarial deep-learning methods can drastically improve generalization, but their underlying mechanisms are not yet fully understood. Here, we establish SAM as a relaxation of the Bayes objective where the expected negative-loss is replaced by the optimal convex lower bound, obtained by using the so-called Fenchel biconjugate. The connection enables a new Adam-like extension of SAM to automatically obtain reasonable uncertainty estimates, while sometimes also improving its accuracy. By connecting adversarial and Bayesian methods, our work opens a new path to robustness.

Tue 2 May 6:20 - 6:30 PDT

In-Person Oral presentation / top 25% paper
Generative Augmented Flow Networks

Ling Pan · Dinghuai Zhang · Aaron Courville · Longbo Huang · Yoshua Bengio

The Generative Flow Network is a probabilistic framework where an agent learns a stochastic policy for object generation, such that the probability of generating an object is proportional to a given reward function. Its effectiveness has been shown in discovering high-quality and diverse solutions, compared to reward-maximizing reinforcement learning-based methods. Nonetheless, GFlowNets only learn from rewards of the terminal states, which can limit its applicability. Indeed, intermediate rewards play a critical role in learning, for example from intrinsic motivation to provide intermediate feedback even in particularly challenging sparse reward tasks. Inspired by this, we propose Generative Augmented Flow Networks (GAFlowNets), a novel learning framework to incorporate intermediate rewards into GFlowNets. We specify intermediate rewards by intrinsic motivation to tackle the exploration problem in sparse reward environments. GAFlowNets can leverage edge-based and state-based intrinsic rewards in a joint way to improve exploration. Based on extensive experiments on the GridWorld task, we demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of GAFlowNet in terms of convergence, performance, and diversity of solutions. We further show that GAFlowNet is scalable to a more complex and large-scale molecule generation domain, where it achieves consistent and significant performance improvement.

Tue 2 May 6:30 - 6:40 PDT

In-Person Oral presentation / top 25% paper
A Laplace-inspired Distribution on SO(3) for Probabilistic Rotation Estimation

Yingda Yin · Yang Wang · He Wang · Baoquan Chen

Estimating the 3DoF rotation from a single RGB image is an important yet challenging problem. Probabilistic rotation regression has raised more and more attention with the benefit of expressing uncertainty information along with the prediction. Though modeling noise using Gaussian-resembling Bingham distribution and matrix Fisher distribution is natural, they are shown to be sensitive to outliers for the nature of quadratic punishment to deviations. In this paper, we draw inspiration from multivariate Laplace distribution and propose a novel Rotation Laplace distribution on SO(3). Rotation Laplace distribution is robust to the disturbance of outliers and enforces much gradient to the low-error region, resulting in a better convergence. Our extensive experiments show that our proposed distribution achieves state-of-the-art performance for rotation regression tasks over both probabilistic and non-probabilistic baselines. Our project page is at

Tue 2 May 6:40 - 6:50 PDT

In-Person Oral presentation / top 25% paper
Domain-Indexing Variational Bayes: Interpretable Domain Index for Domain Adaptation

Zihao Xu · Guang-Yuan Hao · Hao He · Hao Wang

Previous studies have shown that leveraging "domain index" can significantly boost domain adaptation performance (Wang et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2022). However, such domain indices are not always available. To address this challenge, we first provide a formal definition of domain index from the probabilistic perspective, and then propose an adversarial variational Bayesian framework that infers domain indices from multi-domain data, thereby providing additional insight on domain relations and improving domain adaptation performance. Our theoretical analysis shows that our adversarial variational Bayesian framework finds the optimal domain index at equilibrium. Empirical results on both synthetic and real data verify that our model can produce interpretable domain indices which enable us to achieve superior performance compared to state-of-the-art domain adaptation methods. Code is available at

Tue 2 May 6:50 - 7:00 PDT

In-Person Oral presentation / top 25% paper
GRACE-C: Generalized Rate Agnostic Causal Estimation via Constraints

Mohammadsajad Abavisani · David Danks · Sergey Plis

Graphical structures estimated by causal learning algorithms from time series data can provide highly misleading causal information if the causal timescale of the generating process fails to match the measurement timescale of the data. Existing algorithms provide limited resources to respond to this challenge, and so researchers must either use models that they know are likely misleading, or else forego causal learning entirely. Existing methods face up-to-four distinct shortfalls, as they might a) require that the difference between causal and measurement timescales is known; b) only handle very small number of random variables when the timescale difference is unknown; c) only apply to pairs of variables (albeit with fewer assumptions about prior knowledge); or d) be unable to find a solution given statistical noise in the data. This paper aims to address these challenges. We present an approach that combines constraint programming with both theoretical insights into the problem structure and prior information about admissible causal interactions to achieve speed up of multiple orders of magnitude. The resulting system scales to significantly larger sets of random variables ($>100$) without knowledge of the timescale difference while maintaining theoretical guarantees. This method is also robust to edge misidentification and can use parametric connection strengths, while optionally finding the optimal among many possible solutions.

Tue 2 May 7:00 - 7:10 PDT

In-Person Oral presentation / top 25% paper
Rhino: Deep Causal Temporal Relationship Learning with History-dependent Noise

Wenbo Gong · Joel Jennings · Cheng Zhang · Nick Pawlowski

Discovering causal relationships between different variables from time series data has been a long-standing challenge for many domains. For example, in stock markets, the announcement of acquisitions from leading companies may have immediate effects on stock prices and increase the uncertainty of the future market due to this past action. To discover causal relations in such case, the model needs to consider non-linear relations between variables, instantaneous effect and the change of noise distribution due to past actions. We name the latter as history-dependent noise. However, previous works do not offer a solution addressing all these problems together. In this paper, we propose a structural equation model, called Rhino, which combines vector auto-regression, deep learning and variational inference to model non-linear relationships with instantaneous effects while allowing the noise distribution to be modulated by history observations. Theoretically, we prove the structural identifiability of Rhino. Our empirical results from extensive synthetic experiments and two real-world benchmarks demonstrate better discovery performance compared to relevant baselines, with ablation studies revealing its robustness under model misspecification.