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ICLR 2018 Area Chairs

Name Affiliation
Abhishek Kumar IBM
Alexander Rush Harvard
Amit Dhurandhar IBM
Andreas Damianou Amazon
Andrew Senior Deep Mind
Andriy Mnih Deep Mind
Anima Anandkumar Amazon / Caltech
Arthur Szlam Facebook
Arun Narayanan Google
Bo Li Google
Brian Kingsbury IBM
Chris Pal Montreal
Dan Roy University of Toronto
David Duvenaud University of Toronto
Dhruv Batra Georgia Tech
Dipanjan Das Google
Dumitru Erhan Google
Edward Grefenstette Deep Mind
Gerry Tesauro IBM
Graham Neubig CMU
Graham Taylor University of Guelph
Hal Daume III Washington
Honglak Lee Michigan
Ivan Titov University of Edinburgh
Jasper Snoek Google
Joan Bruna UC Berkeley
Karen Livescu TTIC
Karen Simonyan Deep Mind
Kevin Swersky Google
Kyunghyun Cho NYU
Laurens van der Maaten Facebook
Marc Bellemare Google
Matthew Blaschko KU Leuven
Mohammad Norouzi Google
Navdeep Jaitly Google
Nicolas Le Roux Google
Noel Codella IBM
Pascal Vincent Montreal
Prasanna Sattigeri IBM
Raia Hadsell Deep Mind
Richard E. Turner University of Cambridge
Richard Socher Salesforce
Rob Fergus Facebook
Roger Grosse Toronto
Sanja Fidler Toronto
Shakir Mohamed Deep Mind
Slav Petrov Google
Steve Renals Edinburgh
Tim Klinger IBM
Vikas Sidhwani Google
Y-lan Boureau Facebook