AmbientGAN: Generative models from lossy measurements
Ashish Bora · Eric Price · Alexandros Dimakis
East Meeting level; 1,2,3 #8
Generative models provide a way to model structure in complex distributions and have been shown to be useful for many tasks of practical interest. However, current techniques for training generative models require access to fully-observed samples. In many settings, it is expensive or even impossible to obtain fully-observed samples, but economical to obtain partial, noisy observations. We consider the task of learning an implicit generative model given only lossy measurements of samples from the distribution of interest. We show that the true underlying distribution can be provably recovered even in the presence of per-sample information loss for a class of measurement models. Based on this, we propose a new method of training Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) which we call AmbientGAN. On three benchmark datasets, and for various measurement models, we demonstrate substantial qualitative and quantitative improvements. Generative models trained with our method can obtain -x higher inception scores than the baselines.
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