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Attacking the Madry Defense Model with $L_1$-based Adversarial Examples

Yash Sharma · Pin-Yu Chen

East Meeting Level 8 + 15 #15

Tue 1 May, 4:30 p.m. PDT

The Madry Lab recently hosted a competition designed to test the robustness of their adversarially trained MNIST model. Attacks were constrained to perturb each pixel of the input image by a scaled maximal $L_\infty$ distortion $\epsilon$ = 0.3. This decision discourages the use of attacks which are not optimized on the $L_\infty$ distortion metric. Our experimental results demonstrate that by relaxing the $L_\infty$ constraint of the competition, the \textbf{e}lastic-net \textbf{a}ttack to \textbf{d}eep neural networks (EAD) can generate transferable adversarial examples which, despite their high average $L_\infty$ distortion, have minimal visual distortion. These results call into question the use of $L_\infty$ as a sole measure for visual distortion, and further demonstrate the power of EAD at generating robust adversarial examples.

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