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In-Person Poster presentation / poster accept

How Much Data Are Augmentations Worth? An Investigation into Scaling Laws, Invariance, and Implicit Regularization

Jonas Geiping · Micah Goldblum · Gowthami Somepalli · Ravid Shwartz-Ziv · Tom Goldstein · Andrew Wilson

MH1-2-3-4 #64

Keywords: [ Data Augmentations ] [ stochasticity ] [ invariance ] [ neural networks ] [ flatness ] [ Deep Learning and representational learning ]


Despite the clear performance benefits of data augmentations, little is known about why they are so effective. In this paper, we disentangle several key mechanisms through which data augmentations operate. Establishing an exchange rate between augmented and additional real data, we find that in out-of-distribution testing scenarios, augmentations which yield samples that are diverse, but inconsistent with the data distribution can be even more valuable than additional training data. Moreover, we find that data augmentations which encourage invariances can be more valuable than invariance alone, especially on small and medium sized training sets. Following this observation, we show that augmentations induce additional stochasticity during training, effectively flattening the loss landscape.

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