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In-Person Poster presentation / poster accept

Consolidator: Mergable Adapter with Group Connections for Visual Adaptation

Tianxiang Hao · Hui Chen · Yuchen Guo · Guiguang Ding

MH1-2-3-4 #30

Keywords: [ vision transformer ] [ Groups Connections ] [ Efficient Transfer Learning ] [ Applications ]


Recently, transformers have shown strong ability as visual feature extractors, surpassing traditional convolution-based models in various scenarios. However, the success of vision transformers largely owes to their capacity to accommodate numerous parameters. As a result, new challenges for adapting a well-trained transformer to downstream tasks arise. On the one hand, classic fine-tuning tunes all parameters in a huge model for every downstream task and thus easily falls into an overfitting situation, leading to inferior performance. On the other hand, on resource-limited devices, fine-tuning stores a full copy of all parameters and thus is usually impracticable for the shortage of storage space. However, few works have focused on how to efficiently and effectively transfer knowledge in a vision transformer. Existing methods did not dive into the properties of visual features, leading to inferior performance. Moreover, some of them bring heavy inference cost though benefiting storage. To tackle these problems, we propose consolidator to achieve efficient transfer learning for large vision models. Our consolidator modifies the pre-trained model with the addition of a small set of tunable parameters to temporarily store the task-specific knowledge while freezing the backbone model during adaptation. Motivated by the success of group-wise convolution, we adopt grouped connections across the features extracted by fully connected layers to construct tunable parts in a consolidator. To further enhance the model's capacity to transfer knowledge under a constrained storage budget and keep inference efficient, we consolidate the parameters in two stages: 1. between adaptation and storage, and 2. between loading and inference. On a series of downstream visual tasks, our consolidator can reach up to 7.56 better accuracy than full fine-tuning with merely 0.35% parameters, and outperform state-of-the-art parameter-efficient tuning methods by a clear margin. Code is available at github.

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