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Oral 1 Track 1: Deep Learning and representational learning I

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Mon 1 May 1:10 - 1:20 PDT

In-Person Oral presentation / top 5% paper
Token Merging: Your ViT But Faster

Daniel Bolya · Cheng-Yang Fu · Xiaoliang Dai · Peizhao Zhang · Christoph Feichtenhofer · Judy Hoffman

We introduce Token Merging (ToMe), a simple method to increase the throughput of existing ViT models without needing to train. ToMe gradually combines similar tokens in a transformer using a general and light-weight matching algorithm that is as fast as pruning while being more accurate. Off-the-shelf, ToMe can 2x the throughput of state-of-the-art ViT-L @ 512 and ViT-H @ 518 models on images and 2.2x the throughput of ViT-L on video with only a 0.2-0.3% accuracy drop in each case. ToMe can also easily be applied during training, improving in practice training speed up to 2x for MAE fine-tuning on video. Training with ToMe further minimizes accuracy drop, leading to 2x the throughput of ViT-B on audio for only a 0.4% mAP drop. Qualitatively, we find that ToMe merges object parts into one token, even over multiple frames of video. Overall, ToMe’s accuracy and speed are competitive with state-of-the-art on images, video, and audio.

Mon 1 May 1:20 - 1:30 PDT

In-Person Oral presentation / top 25% paper
TabPFN: A Transformer That Solves Small Tabular Classification Problems in a Second

Noah Hollmann · Samuel Müller · Katharina Eggensperger · Frank Hutter

We present TabPFN, a trained Transformer that can do supervised classification for small tabular datasets in less than a second, needs no hyperparameter tuning and is competitive with state-of-the-art classification methods.TabPFN is fully entailed in the weights of our network, which accepts training and test samples as a set-valued input and yields predictions for the entire test set in a single forward pass.TabPFN is a Prior-Data Fitted Network (PFN) and is trained offline once, to approximate Bayesian inference on synthetic datasets drawn from our prior.This prior incorporates ideas from causal reasoning: It entails a large space of structural causal models with a preference for simple structures.On the $18$ datasets in the OpenML-CC18 suite that contain up to 1000 training data points, up to 100 purely numerical features without missing values, and up to 10 classes, we show that our method clearly outperforms boosted trees and performs on par with complex state-of-the-art AutoML systems with up to $230\times$ speedup.This increases to a $5\,700\times$ speedup when using a GPU. We also validate these results on an additional 67 small numerical datasets from OpenML.We provide all our code, the trained TabPFN, an interactive browser demo and a Colab notebook at

Mon 1 May 1:30 - 1:40 PDT

In-Person Oral presentation / top 25% paper
Learning Group Importance using the Differentiable Hypergeometric Distribution

Thomas Sutter · Laura Manduchi · Alain Ryser · Julia E Vogt

Partitioning a set of elements into subsets of a priori unknown sizes is essential in many applications. These subset sizes are rarely explicitly learned - be it the cluster sizes in clustering applications or the number of shared versus independent generative latent factors in weakly-supervised learning. Probability distributions over correct combinations of subset sizes are non-differentiable due to hard constraints, which prohibit gradient-based optimization. In this work, we propose the differentiable hypergeometric distribution. The hypergeometric distribution models the probability of different group sizes based on their relative importance. We introduce reparameterizable gradients to learn the importance between groups and highlight the advantage of explicitly learning the size of subsets in two typical applications: weakly-supervised learning and clustering. In both applications, we outperform previous approaches, which rely on suboptimal heuristics to model the unknown size of groups.

Mon 1 May 1:40 - 1:50 PDT

In-Person Oral presentation / top 25% paper
Neural Networks and the Chomsky Hierarchy

Gregoire Deletang · Anian Ruoss · Jordi Grau-Moya · Tim Genewein · Li Kevin Wenliang · Elliot Catt · Chris Cundy · Marcus Hutter · Shane Legg · Joel Veness · Pedro Ortega

Reliable generalization lies at the heart of safe ML and AI. However, understanding when and how neural networks generalize remains one of the most important unsolved problems in the field. In this work, we conduct an extensive empirical study (20'910 models, 15 tasks) to investigate whether insights from the theory of computation can predict the limits of neural network generalization in practice. We demonstrate that grouping tasks according to the Chomsky hierarchy allows us to forecast whether certain architectures will be able to generalize to out-of-distribution inputs. This includes negative results where even extensive amounts of data and training time never lead to any non-trivial generalization, despite models having sufficient capacity to fit the training data perfectly. Our results show that, for our subset of tasks, RNNs and Transformers fail to generalize on non-regular tasks, LSTMs can solve regular and counter-language tasks, and only networks augmented with structured memory (such as a stack or memory tape) can successfully generalize on context-free and context-sensitive tasks.

Mon 1 May 1:50 - 2:00 PDT

In-Person Oral presentation / top 5% paper
Learning on Large-scale Text-attributed Graphs via Variational Inference

Jianan Zhao · Meng Qu · Chaozhuo Li · Hao Yan · Qian Liu · Rui Li · Xing Xie · Jian Tang

This paper studies learning on text-attributed graphs (TAGs), where each node is associated with a text description. An ideal solution for such a problem would be integrating both the text and graph structure information with large language models and graph neural networks (GNNs). However, the problem becomes very challenging when graphs are large due to the high computational complexity brought by training large language models and GNNs together. In this paper, we propose an efficient and effective solution to learning on large text-attributed graphs by fusing graph structure and language learning with a variational Expectation-Maximization (EM) framework, called GLEM. Instead of simultaneously training large language models and GNNs on big graphs, GLEM proposes to alternatively update the two modules in the E-step and M-step. Such a procedure allows training the two modules separately while simultaneously allowing the two modules to interact and mutually enhance each other. Extensive experiments on multiple data sets demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed approach.