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Dear Travel Awardee:

In order to receive your Travel Award check please bring your prepared documents to the Registration Desk on Tuesday or Wednesday during the am/pm coffee or lunch breaks. Checks must be personally picked up by the awardee.

You will be given the check once we receive the following:

1. Paper copy of all receipts

  1. A printout showing the list of receipts, amounts, converted to USD $ amount and total of receipts. (see Example provided below).Use to convert your costs to USD and list the conversion rate used to arrive at your total sum.

3. If the sum of your receipts does not equal or exceed the $ amount of the Travel Award you will need to provide a completed W-8 or W-9 form.  W-9 Form    W-8BEN Form

  1. We must see your ICLR name badge
  2. We must see your government-issued ID or university-issued ID


Allowable Receipts:

- Airline receipt and/or your E-ticket receipt showing your airfare amount paid (your proof of travel costs)

- Hotel registration confirmation showing room cost and/or your receipt (your proof of lodging costs)

- ICLR registration receipt

- Taxi, bus, rental car and train receipts. If driving a car you can include gas receipts.



  • ICLR will keep these paper receipts and your USD sum sheet for tax related purposes.
  • Travel award amounts distributed to a recipient that are greater than the sum of acceptable travel receipts provided by that recipient are considered taxable income to the travel award recipient by United States tax authorities.
  • Travel award recipients whose sum of acceptable travel receipts DO NOT equal or exceed their travel support award will receive United States IRS Form 1099-MISC for use in preparing their taxes.
  • To comply with this law, ICLR requires all travel support award recipients to complete either a W-8 or W-9 Form that will be used if United States IRS Form 1099-MISC is required. These are attached for your use. Please fill out the appropriate form that applies to you and bring along with your receipts.