ProbGAN: Towards Probabilistic GAN with Theoretical Guarantees
Hao He · Hao Wang · Guang-He Lee · Yonglong Tian
Great Hall BC #58
Keywords: [ generative adversarial networks ] [ imagenet ] [ mode collapse ] [ bayesian deep learning ] [ inception score ] [ generator ] [ discriminator ] [ cifar-10 ] [ stl-10 ]
Probabilistic modelling is a principled framework to perform model aggregation, which has been a primary mechanism to combat mode collapse in the context of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). In this paper, we propose a novel probabilistic framework for GANs, ProbGAN, which iteratively learns a distribution over generators with a carefully crafted prior. Learning is efficiently triggered by a tailored stochastic gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with a novel gradient approximation to perform Bayesian inference. Our theoretical analysis further reveals that our treatment is the first probabilistic framework that yields an equilibrium where generator distributions are faithful to the data distribution. Empirical evidence on synthetic high-dimensional multi-modal data and image databases (CIFAR-10, STL-10, and ImageNet) demonstrates the superiority of our method over both start-of-the-art multi-generator GANs and other probabilistic treatment for GANs.
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