Generalized Tensor Models for Recurrent Neural Networks
Valentin Khrulkov · Oleksii Hrinchuk · Ivan Oseledets
Great Hall BC #6
Keywords: [ recurrent neural networks ] [ expressive power ] [ tensor-train decomposition ]
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are very successful at solving challenging problems with sequential data. However, this observed efficiency is not yet entirely explained by theory. It is known that a certain class of multiplicative RNNs enjoys the property of depth efficiency --- a shallow network of exponentially large width is necessary to realize the same score function as computed by such an RNN. Such networks, however, are not very often applied to real life tasks. In this work, we attempt to reduce the gap between theory and practice by extending the theoretical analysis to RNNs which employ various nonlinearities, such as Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU), and show that they also benefit from properties of universality and depth efficiency. Our theoretical results are verified by a series of extensive computational experiments.
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