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Poster Session 4

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Divergence-aware Federated Self-Supervised Learning

Weiming Zhuang · Yonggang Wen · Shuai Zhang

Self-supervised learning (SSL) is capable of learning remarkable representations from centrally available data. Recent works further implement federated learning with SSL to learn from rapidly growing decentralized unlabeled images (e.g., from cameras and phones), often resulted from privacy constraints. Extensive attention has been paid to SSL approaches based on Siamese networks. However, such an effort has not yet revealed deep insights into various fundamental building blocks for the federated self-supervised learning (FedSSL) architecture. We aim to fill in this gap via in-depth empirical study and propose a new method to tackle the non-independently and identically distributed (non-IID) data problem of decentralized data. Firstly, we introduce a generalized FedSSL framework that embraces existing SSL methods based on Siamese networks and presents flexibility catering to future methods. In this framework, a server coordinates multiple clients to conduct SSL training and periodically updates local models of clients with the aggregated global model. Using the framework, our study uncovers unique insights of FedSSL: 1) stop-gradient operation, previously reported to be essential, is not always necessary in FedSSL; 2) retaining local knowledge of clients in FedSSL is particularly beneficial for non-IID data. Inspired by the insights, we then propose a new approach for model update, Federated Divergence-aware Exponential Moving Average update (FedEMA). FedEMA updates local models of clients adaptively using EMA of the global model, where the decay rate is dynamically measured by model divergence. Extensive experiments demonstrate that FedEMA outperforms existing methods by 3-4% on linear evaluation. We hope that this work will provide useful insights for future research.

Trust Region Policy Optimisation in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Jakub Grudzien Kuba · Ruiqing Chen · Muning Wen · Ying Wen · Fanglei Sun · Jun Wang · Yaodong Yang

Trust region methods rigorously enabled reinforcement learning (RL) agents to learn monotonically improving policies, leading to superior performance on a variety of tasks. Unfortunately, when it comes to multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), the property of monotonic improvement may not simply apply; this is because agents, even in cooperative games, could have conflicting directions of policy updates. As a result, achieving a guaranteed improvement on the joint policy where each agent acts individually remains an open challenge. In this paper, we extend the theory of trust region learning to MARL. Central to our findings are the multi-agent advantage decomposition lemma and the sequential policy update scheme. Based on these, we develop Heterogeneous-Agent Trust Region Policy Optimisation (HATPRO) and Heterogeneous-Agent Proximal Policy Optimisation (HAPPO) algorithms. Unlike many existing MARL algorithms, HATRPO/HAPPO do not need agents to share parameters, nor do they need any restrictive assumptions on decomposibility of the joint value function. Most importantly, we justify in theory the monotonic improvement property of HATRPO/HAPPO. We evaluate the proposed methods on a series of Multi-Agent MuJoCo and StarCraftII tasks. Results show that HATRPO and HAPPO significantly outperform strong baselines such as IPPO, MAPPO and MADDPG on all tested tasks, thereby establishing a new state of the art.

Self-ensemble Adversarial Training for Improved Robustness

Hongjun Wang · Yisen Wang

Due to numerous breakthroughs in real-world applications brought by machine intelligence, deep neural networks (DNNs) are widely employed in critical applications. However, predictions of DNNs are easily manipulated with imperceptible adversarial perturbations, which impedes the further deployment of DNNs and may result in profound security and privacy implications. By incorporating adversarial samples into the training data pool, adversarial training is the strongest principled strategy against various adversarial attacks among all sorts of defense methods. Recent works mainly focus on developing new loss functions or regularizers, attempting to find the unique optimal point in the weight space. But none of them taps the potentials of classifiers obtained from standard adversarial training, especially states on the searching trajectory of training. In this work, we are dedicated to the weight states of models through the training process and devise a simple but powerful \emph{Self-Ensemble Adversarial Training} (SEAT) method for yielding a robust classifier by averaging weights of history models. This considerably improves the robustness of the target model against several well known adversarial attacks, even merely utilizing the naive cross-entropy loss to supervise. We also discuss the relationship between the ensemble of predictions from different adversarially trained models and the prediction of weight-ensembled models, as well as provide theoretical and empirical evidence that the proposed self-ensemble method provides a smoother loss landscape and better robustness than both individual models and the ensemble of predictions from different classifiers. We further analyze a subtle but fatal issue in the general settings for the self-ensemble model, which causes the deterioration of the weight-ensembled method in the late phases.

L0-Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis

Ofir Lindenbaum · Moshe Salhov · Amir Averbuch · Yuval Kluger

Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) models are powerful for studying the associations between two sets of variables. The canonically correlated representations, termed \textit{canonical variates} are widely used in unsupervised learning to analyze unlabeled multi-modal registered datasets. Despite their success, CCA models may break (or overfit) if the number of variables in either of the modalities exceeds the number of samples. Moreover, often a significant fraction of the variables measures modality-specific information, and thus removing them is beneficial for identifying the \textit{canonically correlated variates}. Here, we propose $\ell_0$-CCA, a method for learning correlated representations based on sparse subsets of variables from two observed modalities.Sparsity is obtained by multiplying the input variables by stochastic gates, whose parameters are learned together with the CCA weights via an $\ell_0$-regularized correlation loss. We further propose $\ell_0$-Deep CCA for solving the problem of non-linear sparse CCA by modeling the correlated representations using deep nets. We demonstrate the efficacy of the method using several synthetic and real examples. Most notably, by gating nuisance input variables, our approach improves the extracted representations compared to other linear, non-linear and sparse CCA-based models.

Learning meta-features for AutoML

Herilalaina Rakotoarison · Louisot Milijaona · Andry RASOANAIVO · Michele Sebag · Marc Schoenauer

This paper tackles the AutoML problem, aimed to automatically select an ML algorithm and its hyper-parameter configuration most appropriate to the dataset at hand. The proposed approach, MetaBu, learns new meta-features via an Optimal Transport procedure, aligning the manually designed \mf s with the space of distributions on the hyper-parameter configurations. MetaBu meta-features, learned once and for all, induce a topology on the set of datasets that is exploited to define a distribution of promising hyper-parameter configurations amenable to AutoML. Experiments on the OpenML CC-18 benchmark demonstrate that using MetaBu meta-features boosts the performance of state of the art AutoML systems, AutoSklearn (Feurer et al. 2015) and Probabilistic Matrix Factorization (Fusi et al. 2018). Furthermore, the inspection of MetaBu meta-features gives some hints into when an ML algorithm does well. Finally, the topology based on MetaBu meta-features enables to estimate the intrinsic dimensionality of the OpenML benchmark w.r.t. a given ML algorithm or pipeline.

Learning Optimal Conformal Classifiers

David Stutz · Krishnamurthy Dvijotham · Ali Taylan Cemgil · Arnaud Doucet

Modern deep learning based classifiers show very high accuracy on test data but this does not provide sufficient guarantees for safe deployment, especially in high-stake AI applications such as medical diagnosis. Usually, predictions are obtained without a reliable uncertainty estimate or a formal guarantee. Conformal prediction (CP) addresses these issues by using the classifier's predictions, e.g., its probability estimates, to predict confidence sets containing the true class with a user-specified probability. However, using CP as a separate processing step after training prevents the underlying model from adapting to the prediction of confidence sets. Thus, this paper explores strategies to differentiate through CP during training with the goal of training model with the conformal wrapper end-to-end. In our approach, conformal training (ConfTr), we specifically simulate'' conformalization on mini-batches during training. Compared to standard training, ConfTr reduces the average confidence set size (inefficiency) of state-of-the-art CP methods applied after training. Moreover, it allows toshape'' the confidence sets predicted at test time, which is difficult for standard CP. On experiments with several datasets, we show ConfTr can influence how inefficiency is distributed across classes, or guide the composition of confidence sets in terms of the included classes, while retaining the guarantees offered by CP.

Honorable Mention
PiCO: Contrastive Label Disambiguation for Partial Label Learning

Haobo Wang · Ruixuan Xiao · Yixuan Li · Lei Feng · Gang Niu · Gang Chen · Junbo Zhao

Partial label learning (PLL) is an important problem that allows each training example to be labeled with a coarse candidate set, which well suits many real-world data annotation scenarios with label ambiguity. Despite the promise, the performance of PLL often lags behind the supervised counterpart. In this work, we bridge the gap by addressing two key research challenges in PLL---representation learning and label disambiguation---in one coherent framework. Specifically, our proposed framework PiCO consists of a contrastive learning module along with a novel class prototype-based label disambiguation algorithm. PiCO produces closely aligned representations for examples from the same classes and facilitates label disambiguation. Theoretically, we show that these two components are mutually beneficial, and can be rigorously justified from an expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm perspective. Extensive experiments demonstrate that PiCO significantly outperforms the current state-of-the-art approaches in PLL and even achieves comparable results to fully supervised learning. Code and data available:

Measuring CLEVRness: Black-box Testing of Visual Reasoning Models

Spyridon Mouselinos · Henryk Michalewski · Mateusz Malinowski

How can we measure the reasoning capabilities of intelligence systems? Visual question answering provides a convenient framework for testing the model's abilities by interrogating the model through questions about the scene. However, despite scores of various visual QA datasets and architectures, which sometimes yield even a super-human performance, the question of whether those architectures can actually reason remains open to debate.To answer this, we extend the visual question answering framework and propose the following behavioral test in the form of a two-player game. We consider black-box neural models of CLEVR. These models are trained on a diagnostic dataset benchmarking reasoning. Next, we train an adversarial player that re-configures the scene to fool the CLEVR model. We show that CLEVR models, which otherwise could perform at a ``human-level'', can easily be fooled by our agent. Our results put in doubt whether data-driven approaches can do reasoning without exploiting the numerous biases that are often present in those datasets. Finally, we also propose a controlled experiment measuring the efficiency of such models to learn and perform reasoning.

Large-Scale Representation Learning on Graphs via Bootstrapping

Shantanu Thakoor · Corentin Tallec · Mohammad Gheshlaghi Azar · Mehdi Azabou · Eva Dyer · Remi Munos · Petar Veličković · Michal Valko

Self-supervised learning provides a promising path towards eliminating the need for costly label information in representation learning on graphs. However, to achieve state-of-the-art performance, methods often need large numbers of negative examples and rely on complex augmentations. This can be prohibitively expensive, especially for large graphs. To address these challenges, we introduce Bootstrapped Graph Latents (BGRL) - a graph representation learning method that learns by predicting alternative augmentations of the input. BGRL uses only simple augmentations and alleviates the need for contrasting with negative examples, and thus is scalable by design. BGRL outperforms or matches prior methods on several established benchmarks, while achieving a 2-10x reduction in memory costs. Furthermore, we show that BGRL can be scaled up to extremely large graphs with hundreds of millions of nodes in the semi-supervised regime, achieving state-of-the-art performance and improving over supervised baselines where representations are shaped only through label information. In particular, our solution centered on BGRL constituted one of the winning entries to the Open Graph Benchmark -Large Scale Challenge at KDD Cup 2021, on a graph orders of magnitudes larger than all previously available benchmarks, thus demonstrating the scalability and effectiveness of our approach.

DeSKO: Stability-Assured Robust Control with a Deep Stochastic Koopman Operator

Minghao Han · Jacob Euler-Rolle · Robert Katzschmann

The Koopman operator theory linearly describes nonlinear dynamical systems in a high-dimensional functional space and it allows to apply linear control methods to highly nonlinear systems. However, the Koopman operator does not account for any uncertainty in dynamical systems, causing it to perform poorly in real-world applications.Therefore, we propose a deep stochastic Koopman operator (DeSKO) model in a robust learning control framework to guarantee stability of nonlinear stochastic systems. The DeSKO model captures a dynamical system's uncertainty by inferring a distribution of observables. We use the inferred distribution to design a robust, stabilizing closed-loop controller for a dynamical system. Modeling and control experiments on several advanced control benchmarks show that our framework is more robust and scalable than state-of-the-art deep Koopman operators and reinforcement learning methods. Tested control benchmarks include a soft robotic arm, a legged robot, and a biological gene regulatory network. We also demonstrate that this robust control method resists previously unseen uncertainties, such as external disturbances, with a magnitude of up to five times the maximum control input. Our approach opens up new possibilities in learning control for high-dimensional nonlinear systems while robustly managing internal or external uncertainty.

Neural Variational Dropout Processes

Insu Jeon · Youngjin Park · Gunhee Kim

Learning to infer the conditional posterior model is a key step for robust meta-learning. This paper presents a new Bayesian meta-learning approach called Neural Variational Dropout Processes (NVDPs). NVDPs model the conditional posterior distribution based on a task-specific dropout; a low-rank product of Bernoulli experts meta-model is utilized for a memory-efficient mapping of dropout rates from a few observed contexts. It allows for a quick reconfiguration of a globally learned and shared neural network for new tasks in multi-task few-shot learning. In addition, NVDPs utilize a novel prior conditioned on the whole task data to optimize the conditional dropout posterior in the amortized variational inference. Surprisingly, this enables the robust approximation of task-specific dropout rates that can deal with a wide range of functional ambiguities and uncertainties. We compared the proposed method with other meta-learning approaches in the few-shot learning tasks such as 1D stochastic regression, image inpainting, and classification. The results show the excellent performance of NVDPs.

On the Connection between Local Attention and Dynamic Depth-wise Convolution

Qi Han · Zejia Fan · Qi Dai · Lei Sun · Ming-Ming Cheng · Jiaying Liu · Jingdong Wang

Vision Transformer (ViT) attains state-of-the-art performance in visual recognition, and the variant, Local Vision Transformer, makes further improvements. The major component in Local Vision Transformer, local attention, performs the attention separately over small local windows. We rephrase local attention as a channel-wise locally-connected layer and analyze it from two network regularization manners, sparse connectivity and weight sharing, as well as dynamic weight computation. We point out that local attention resembles depth-wise convolution and its dynamic variants in sparse connectivity: there is no connection across channels, and each position is connected to the positions within a small local window. The main differences lie in (i) weight sharing - depth-wise convolution shares connection weights (kernel weights) across spatial positions and attention shares the connection weights across channels, and (ii) dynamic weight computation manners - local attention is based on dot-products between pairwise positions in the local window, and dynamic convolution is based on linear projections conducted on the center representation or the globally pooled representation. The connection between local attention and dynamic depth-wise convolution is empirically verified by the ablation study about weight sharing and dynamic weight computation in Local Vision Transformer and (dynamic) depth-wise convolution. We empirically observe that the models based on depth-wise convolution and the dynamic variants with lower computation complexity perform on-par with or slightly better than Swin Transformer, an instance of Local Vision Transformer, for ImageNet classification, COCO object detection and ADE semantic segmentation. Code is available at

Sound Adversarial Audio-Visual Navigation

Yinfeng Yu · Wenbing Huang · Fuchun Sun · Changan Chen · Yikai Wang · Xiaohong Liu

Audio-visual navigation task requires an agent to find a sound source in a realistic, unmapped 3D environment by utilizing egocentric audio-visual observations. Existing audio-visual navigation works assume a clean environment that solely contains the target sound, which, however, would not be suitable in most real-world applications due to the unexpected sound noise or intentional interference. In this work, we design an acoustically complex environment in which, besides the target sound, there exists a sound attacker playing a zero-sum game with the agent. More specifically, the attacker can move and change the volume and category of the sound to make the agent suffer from finding the sounding object while the agent tries to dodge the attack and navigate to the goal under the intervention. Under certain constraints to the attacker, we can improve the robustness of the agent towards unexpected sound attacks in audio-visual navigation. For better convergence, we develop a joint training mechanism by employing the property of a centralized critic with decentralized actors. Experiments on two real-world 3D scan datasets, Replica, and Matterport3D, verify the effectiveness and the robustness of the agent trained under our designed environment when transferred to the clean environment or the one containing sound attackers with random policy. Project: .

Zero Pixel Directional Boundary by Vector Transform

Edoardo Mello Rella · Ajad Chhatkuli · Yun Liu · Ender Konukoglu · Luc Van Gool

Boundaries or contours are among the primary visual cues used by human and computer vision systems. One of the key problems in boundary detection is the loss formulation, which typically leads to class imbalance and, as a consequence, to thick boundaries which require non-differential post-processing steps to be thinned.In this paper, we re-interpret boundaries as 1-D surfaces and formulate a one-to-one vector transform function that allows for training of boundary prediction completely avoiding the class imbalance issue. Specifically, we define the boundary representation at any point as the unit vector pointing to the closest boundary surface.Our problem formulation leads to the estimation of direction as well as richer contextual information of the boundary, and, if desired, the availability of zero-pixel thin boundaries also at training time. Our method uses no hyper-parameter in the training loss and a fixed stable hyper-parameter at inference. We provide theoretical justification/discussions of the vector transform representation. We evaluate the proposed loss method using a standard architecture and show the excellent performance over other losses and representations on several datasets.

NeuPL: Neural Population Learning

SIQI LIU · Luke Marris · Daniel Hennes · Josh Merel · Nicolas Heess · Thore Graepel

Learning in strategy games (e.g. StarCraft, poker) requires the discovery of diverse policies. This is often achieved by iteratively training new policies against existing ones, growing a policy population that is robust to exploit. This iterative approach suffers from two issues in real-world games: a) under finite budget, approximate best-response operators at each iteration needs truncating, resulting in under-trained good-responses populating the population; b) repeated learning of basic skills at each iteration is wasteful and becomes intractable in the presence of increasingly strong opponents. In this work, we propose Neural Population Learning (NeuPL) as a solution to both issues. NeuPL offers convergence guarantees to a population of best-responses under mild assumptions. By representing a population of policies within a single conditional model, NeuPL enables transfer learning across policies. Empirically, we show the generality, improved performance and efficiency of NeuPL across several test domains. Most interestingly, we show that novel strategies become more accessible, not less, as the neural population expands.

A generalization of the randomized singular value decomposition

Nicolas Boulle · Alex Townsend

The randomized singular value decomposition (SVD) is a popular and effective algorithm for computing a near-best rank $k$ approximation of a matrix $A$ using matrix-vector products with standard Gaussian vectors. Here, we generalize the theory of randomized SVD to multivariate Gaussian vectors, allowing one to incorporate prior knowledge of $A$ into the algorithm. This enables us to explore the continuous analogue of the randomized SVD for Hilbert--Schmidt (HS) operators using operator-function products with functions drawn from a Gaussian process (GP). We then construct a new covariance kernel for GPs, based on weighted Jacobi polynomials, which allows us to rapidly sample the GP and control the smoothness of the randomly generated functions. Numerical examples on matrices and HS operators demonstrate the applicability of the algorithm.

Explainable GNN-Based Models over Knowledge Graphs

David Jaime Tena Cucala · Bernardo Grau · Egor Kostylev · Boris Motik

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are often used to learn transformations of graph data. While effective in practice, such approaches make predictions via numeric manipulations so their output cannot be easily explained symbolically. We propose a new family of GNN-based transformations of graph data that can be trained effectively, but where all predictions can be explained symbolically as logical inferences in Datalog—a well-known rule-based formalism. In particular, we show how to encode an input knowledge graph into a graph with numeric feature vectors, process this graph using a GNN, and decode the result into an output knowledge graph. We use a new class of monotonic GNNs (MGNNs) to ensure that this process is equivalent to a round of application of a set of Datalog rules. We also show that, given an arbitrary MGNN, we can automatically extract rules that completely characterise the transformation. We evaluate our approach by applying it to classification tasks in knowledge graph completion.

Handling Distribution Shifts on Graphs: An Invariance Perspective

Qitan Wu · Hengrui Zhang · Junchi Yan · David Wipf

There is increasing evidence suggesting neural networks' sensitivity to distribution shifts, so that research on out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization comes into the spotlight. Nonetheless, current endeavors mostly focus on Euclidean data, and its formulation for graph-structured data is not clear and remains under-explored, given two-fold fundamental challenges: 1) the inter-connection among nodes in one graph, which induces non-IID generation of data points even under the same environment, and 2) the structural information in the input graph, which is also informative for prediction. In this paper, we formulate the OOD problem on graphs and develop a new invariant learning approach, Explore-to-Extrapolate Risk Minimization (EERM), that facilitates graph neural networks to leverage invariance principles for prediction. EERM resorts to multiple context explorers (specified as graph structure editers in our case) that are adversarially trained to maximize the variance of risks from multiple virtual environments. Such a design enables the model to extrapolate from a single observed environment which is the common case for node-level prediction. We prove the validity of our method by theoretically showing its guarantee of a valid OOD solution and further demonstrate its power on various real-world datasets for handling distribution shifts from artificial spurious features, cross-domain transfers and dynamic graph evolution.

Self-Supervised Inference in State-Space Models

David Ruhe · Patrick Forré

We perform approximate inference in state-space models with nonlinear state transitions. Without parameterizing a generative model, we apply Bayesian update formulas using a local linearity approximation parameterized by neural networks. It comes accompanied by a maximum likelihood objective that requires no supervision via uncorrupt observations or ground truth latent states. The optimization backpropagates through a recursion similar to the classical Kalman filter and smoother. Additionally, using an approximate conditional independence, we can perform smoothing without having to parameterize a separate model. In scientific applications, domain knowledge can give a linear approximation of the latent transition maps, which we can easily incorporate into our model. Usage of such domain knowledge is reflected in excellent results (despite our model's simplicity) on the chaotic Lorenz system compared to fully supervised and variational inference methods. Finally, we show competitive results on an audio denoising experiment.

StyleAlign: Analysis and Applications of Aligned StyleGAN Models

Zongze Wu · Yotam Nitzan · Eli Shechtman · Dani Lischinski

In this paper, we perform an in-depth study of the properties and applications of aligned generative models.We refer to two models as aligned if they share the same architecture, and one of them (the child) is obtained from the other (the parent) via fine-tuning to another domain, a common practice in transfer learning. Several works already utilize some basic properties of aligned StyleGAN models to perform image-to-image translation. Here, we perform the first detailed exploration of model alignment, also focusing on StyleGAN. First, we empirically analyze aligned models and provide answers to important questions regarding their nature. In particular, we find that the child model's latent spaces are semantically aligned with those of the parent, inheriting incredibly rich semantics, even for distant data domains such as human faces and churches. Second, equipped with this better understanding, we leverage aligned models to solve a diverse set of tasks. In addition to image translation, we demonstrate fully automatic cross-domain image morphing. We further show that zero-shot vision tasks may be performed in the child domain, while relying exclusively on supervision in the parent domain. We demonstrate qualitatively and quantitatively that our approach yields state-of-the-art results, while requiring only simple fine-tuning and inversion.

Transformers Can Do Bayesian Inference

Samuel Müller · Noah Hollmann · Sebastian Pineda Arango · Josif Grabocka · Frank Hutter

Currently, it is hard to reap the benefits of deep learning for Bayesian methods, which allow the explicit specification of prior knowledge and accurately capture model uncertainty. We present Prior-Data Fitted Networks (PFNs). PFNs leverage large-scale machine learning techniques to approximate a large set of posteriors. The only requirement for PFNs to work is the ability to sample from a prior distribution over supervised learning tasks (or functions). Our method restates the objective of posterior approximation as a supervised classification problem with a set-valued input: it repeatedly draws a task (or function) from the prior, draws a set of data points and their labels from it, masks one of the labels and learns to make probabilistic predictions for it based on the set-valued input of the rest of the data points. Presented with a set of samples from a new supervised learning task as input, PFNs make probabilistic predictions for arbitrary other data points in a single forward propagation, having learned to approximate Bayesian inference. We demonstrate that PFNs can near-perfectly mimic Gaussian processes and also enable efficient Bayesian inference for intractable problems, with over 200-fold speedups in multiple setups compared to current methods. We obtain strong results in very diverse areas such as Gaussian process regression, Bayesian neural networks, classification for small tabular data sets, and few-shot image classification, demonstrating the generality of PFNs. Code and trained PFNs are released at

Filtered-CoPhy: Unsupervised Learning of Counterfactual Physics in Pixel Space

Steeven Janny · Fabien Baradel · Natalia Neverova · Madiha Nadri · Greg Mori · Christian Wolf

Learning causal relationships in high-dimensional data (images, videos) is a hard task, as they are often defined on low dimensional manifolds and must be extracted from complex signals dominated by appearance, lighting, textures and also spurious correlations in the data. We present a method for learning counterfactual reasoning of physical processes in pixel space, which requires the prediction of the impact of interventions on initial conditions. Going beyond the identification of structural relationships, we deal with the challenging problem of forecasting raw video over long horizons. Our method does not require the knowledge or supervision of any ground truth positions or other object or scene properties. Our model learns and acts on a suitable hybrid latent representation based on a combination of dense features, sets of 2D keypoints and an additional latent vector per keypoint. We show that this better captures the dynamics of physical processes than purely dense or sparse representations. We introduce a new challenging and carefully designed counterfactual benchmark for predictions in pixel space and outperform strong baselines in physics-inspired ML and video prediction.

Dealing with Non-Stationarity in MARL via Trust-Region Decomposition

Wenhao Li · Xiangfeng Wang · Bo Jin · Junjie Sheng · Hongyuan Zha

Non-stationarity is one thorny issue in cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). One of the reasons is the policy changes of agents during the learning process. Some existing works have discussed various consequences caused by non-stationarity with several kinds of measurement indicators. This makes the objectives or goals of existing algorithms are inevitably inconsistent and disparate. In this paper, we introduce a novel notion, the $\delta$-$stationarity$ measurement, to explicitly measure the non-stationarity of a policy sequence, which can be further proved to be bounded by the KL-divergence of consecutive joint policies. A straightforward but highly non-trivial way is to control the joint policies' divergence, which is difficult to estimate accurately by imposing the trust-region constraint on the joint policy. Although it has lower computational complexity to decompose the joint policy and impose trust-region constraints on the factorized policies, simple policy factorization like mean-field approximation will lead to more considerable policy divergence, which can be considered as the trust-region decomposition dilemma. We model the joint policy as a pairwise Markov random field and propose a trust-region decomposition network (TRD-Net) based on message passing to estimate the joint policy divergence more accurately. The Multi-Agent Mirror descent policy algorithm with Trust region decomposition, called MAMT, is established by adjusting the trust-region of the local policies adaptively in an end-to-end manner. MAMT can approximately constrain the consecutive joint policies' divergence to satisfy $\delta$-stationarity and alleviate the non-stationarity problem. Our method can bring noticeable and stable performance improvement compared with baselines in cooperative tasks of different complexity.

GPT-Critic: Offline Reinforcement Learning for End-to-End Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems

Youngsoo Jang · Jongmin Lee · Kee-Eung Kim

Training a task-oriented dialogue agent can be naturally formulated as offline reinforcement learning (RL) problem, where the agent aims to learn a conversational strategy to achieve user goals, only from a dialogue corpus. It is very challenging in terms of RL since the natural language action space is astronomical, while feasible (syntactically and semantically correct) actions are very sparse. Thus, standard RL methods easily fail and generate responses diverging from human language, even when fine-tuning a powerful pre-trained language model. In this paper, we introduce GPT-Critic, an offline RL method for task-oriented dialogue. GPT-Critic is built upon GPT-2, fine-tuning the language model through behavior cloning of the critic-guided self-generated sentences. GPT-Critic is essentially free from the issue of diverging from human language since it learns from the sentences sampled from the pre-trained language model. In the experiments, we demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art in the task-oriented dialogue benchmarks including MultiWOZ 2.0 and ConvLab.

Autonomous Learning of Object-Centric Abstractions for High-Level Planning

Steven James · Benjamin Rosman · George D Konidaris

We propose a method for autonomously learning an object-centric representation of a continuous and high-dimensional environment that is suitable for planning. Such representations can immediately be transferred between tasks that share the same types of objects, resulting in agents that require fewer samples to learn a model of a new task. We first demonstrate our approach on a 2D crafting domain consisting of numerous objects where the agent learns a compact, lifted representation that generalises across objects. We then apply it to a series of Minecraft tasks to learn object-centric representations and object types - directly from pixel data - that can be leveraged to solve new tasks quickly. The resulting learned representations enable the use of a task-level planner, resulting in an agent capable of transferring learned representations to form complex, long-term plans.

Differentiable Prompt Makes Pre-trained Language Models Better Few-shot Learners

Ningyu Zhang · Luoqiu Li · Xiang Chen · Shumin Deng · Zhen Bi · Chuanqi Tan · Fei Huang · Huajun Chen

Large-scale pre-trained language models have contributed significantly to natural language processing by demonstrating remarkable abilities as few-shot learners. However, their effectiveness depends mainly on scaling the model parameters and prompt design, hindering their implementation in most real-world applications. This study proposes a novel pluggable, extensible, and efficient approach named DifferentiAble pRompT (DART), which can convert small language models into better few-shot learners. The main principle behind this approach involves reformulating potential natural language processing tasks into the task of a pre-trained language model and differentially optimizing the prompt template as well as the target label with backpropagation. Furthermore, the proposed approach can be: (i) Plugged to any pre-trained language models; (ii) Extended to widespread classification tasks. A comprehensive evaluation of standard NLP tasks demonstrates that the proposed approach achieves a better few-shot performance.

Do We Need Anisotropic Graph Neural Networks?

Shyam Tailor · Felix Opolka · Pietro Lio · Nicholas Lane

Common wisdom in the graph neural network (GNN) community dictates that anisotropic models---in which messages sent between nodes are a function of both the source and target node---are required to achieve state-of-the-art performance. Benchmarks to date have demonstrated that these models perform better than comparable isotropic models---where messages are a function of the source node only. In this work we provide empirical evidence challenging this narrative: we propose an isotropic GNN, which we call Efficient Graph Convolution (EGC), that consistently outperforms comparable anisotropic models, including the popular GAT or PNA architectures by using spatially-varying adaptive filters. In addition to raising important questions for the GNN community, our work has significant real-world implications for efficiency. EGC achieves higher model accuracy, with lower memory consumption and latency, along with characteristics suited to accelerator implementation, while being a drop-in replacement for existing architectures. As an isotropic model, it requires memory proportional to the number of vertices in the graph ($\mathcal{O}(V)$); in contrast, anisotropic models require memory proportional to the number of edges ($\mathcal{O}(E)$). We demonstrate that EGC outperforms existing approaches across 6 large and diverse benchmark datasets, and conclude by discussing questions that our work raise for the community going forward. Code and pretrained models for our experiments are provided at

Fooling Explanations in Text Classifiers

Adam Ivankay · Ivan Girardi · Chiara Marchiori · Pascal Frossard

State-of-the-art text classification models are becoming increasingly reliant on deep neural networks (DNNs). Due to their black-box nature, faithful and robust explanation methods need to accompany classifiers for deployment in real-life scenarios. However, it has been shown that explanation methods in vision applications are susceptible to local, imperceptible perturbations that can significantly alter the explanations without changing the predicted classes. We show here that the existence of such perturbations extends to text classifiers as well. Specifically, we introduce TextExplanationFooler (TEF), a novel explanation attack algorithm that alters text input samples imperceptibly so that the outcome of widely-used explanation methods changes considerably while leaving classifier predictions unchanged. We evaluate the attribution robustness estimation performance of TEF on five text classification datasets, utilizing three DNN architectures and a transformer architecture for each dataset. By significantly decreasing the correlation between unchanged and perturbed input attributions, we show that all models and explanation methods are susceptible to TEF perturbations. Moreover, we evaluate how the perturbations transfer to other model architectures and attribution methods, finding better than random performance in scenarios where the exact attacked model and explanation method are unknown. Finally, we introduce a semi-universal attack that is able to compute fast, computationally light perturbations with no knowledge of the attacked classifier nor explanation method. Overall, our work shows that explanations in text classifiers are fragile and users need to carefully address their robustness before relying on them in critical applications.

Outstanding Paper
Learning Strides in Convolutional Neural Networks

Rachid Riad · Olivier Teboul · David Grangier · Neil Zeghidour

Convolutional neural networks typically contain several downsampling operators, such as strided convolutions or pooling layers, that progressively reduce the resolution of intermediate representations. This provides some shift-invariance while reducing the computational complexity of the whole architecture. A critical hyperparameter of such layers is their stride: the integer factor of downsampling. As strides are not differentiable, finding the best configuration either requires cross-validation or discrete optimization (e.g. architecture search), which rapidly become prohibitive as the search space grows exponentially with the number of downsampling layers. Hence, exploring this search space by gradient descent would allow finding better configurations at a lower computational cost. This work introduces DiffStride, the first downsampling layer with learnable strides. Our layer learns the size of a cropping mask in the Fourier domain, that effectively performs resizing in a differentiable way. Experiments on audio and image classification show the generality and effectiveness of our solution: we use DiffStride as a drop-in replacement to standard downsampling layers and outperform them. In particular, we show that introducing our layer into a ResNet-18 architecture allows keeping consistent high performance on CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and ImageNet even when training starts from poor random stride configurations. Moreover, formulating strides as learnable variables allows us to introduce a regularization term that controls the computational complexity of the architecture. We show how this regularization allows trading off accuracy for efficiency on ImageNet.

Distributionally Robust Models with Parametric Likelihood Ratios

Paul Michel · Tatsunori Hashimoto · Graham Neubig

As machine learning models are deployed ever more broadly, it becomes increasingly important that they are not only able to perform well on their training distribution, but also yield accurate predictions when confronted with distribution shift. The Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) framework proposes to address this issue by training models to minimize their expected risk under a collection of distributions, to imitate test-time shifts. This is most commonly achieved by instance-level re-weighting of the training objective to emulate the likelihood ratio with possible test distributions, which allows for estimating their empirical risk via importance sampling (assuming that they are subpopulations of the training distribution). However, re-weighting schemes in the literature are usually limited due to the difficulty of keeping the optimization problem tractable and the complexity of enforcing normalization constraints. In this paper, we show that three simple ideas -- mini-batch level normalization, a KL penalty and simultaneous gradient updates -- allow us to train models with DRO using a broader class of parametric likelihood ratios. In a series of experiments on both image and text classification benchmarks, we find that models trained with the resulting parametric adversaries are consistently more robust to subpopulation shifts when compared to other DRO approaches, and that the method performs reliably well with little hyper-parameter tuning.

Unrolling PALM for Sparse Semi-Blind Source Separation

Mohammad Fahes · Christophe Kervazo · Jerome Bobin · Florence Tupin

Sparse Blind Source Separation (BSS) has become a well established tool for a wide range of applications – for instance, in astrophysics and remote sensing. Classical sparse BSS methods, such as the Proximal Alternating Linearized Minimization (PALM) algorithm, nevertheless often suffer from a difficult hyper-parameter choice, which undermines their results. To bypass this pitfall, we propose in this work to build on the thriving field of algorithm unfolding/unrolling. Unrolling PALM enables to leverage the data-driven knowledge stemming from realistic simulations or ground-truth data by learning both PALM hyper-parameters and variables. In contrast to most existing unrolled algorithms, which assume a fixed known dictionary during the training and testing phases, this article further emphasizes on the ability to deal with variable mixing matrices (a.k.a. dictionaries). The proposed Learned PALM (LPALM) algorithm thus enables to perform semi-blind source separation, which is key to increase the generalization of the learnt model in real-world applications. We illustrate the relevance of LPALM in astrophysical multispectral imaging: the algorithm not only needs up to $10^4−10^5$ times less iterations than PALM, but also improves the separation quality, while avoiding the cumbersome hyper-parameter and initialization choice of PALM. We further show that LPALM outperforms other unrolled source separation methods in the semi-blind setting.

A Neural Tangent Kernel Perspective of Infinite Tree Ensembles

Ryuichi Kanoh · Mahito Sugiyama

In practical situations, the tree ensemble is one of the most popular models along with neural networks. A soft tree is a variant of a decision tree. Instead of using a greedy method for searching splitting rules, the soft tree is trained using a gradient method in which the entire splitting operation is formulated in a differentiable form. Although ensembles of such soft trees have been used increasingly in recent years, little theoretical work has been done to understand their behavior. By considering an ensemble of infinite soft trees, this paper introduces and studies the Tree Neural Tangent Kernel (TNTK), which provides new insights into the behavior of the infinite ensemble of soft trees. Using the TNTK, we theoretically identify several non-trivial properties, such as global convergence of the training, the equivalence of the oblivious tree structure, and the degeneracy of the TNTK induced by the deepening of the trees.

Offline Neural Contextual Bandits: Pessimism, Optimization and Generalization

Thanh Nguyen-Tang · Sunil Gupta · A. Tuan Nguyen · Svetha Venkatesh

Offline policy learning (OPL) leverages existing data collected a priori for policy optimization without any active exploration. Despite the prevalence and recent interest in this problem, its theoretical and algorithmic foundations in function approximation settings remain under-developed. In this paper, we consider this problem on the axes of distributional shift, optimization, and generalization in offline contextual bandits with neural networks. In particular, we propose a provably efficient offline contextual bandit with neural network function approximation that does not require any functional assumption on the reward. We show that our method provably generalizes over unseen contexts under a milder condition for distributional shift than the existing OPL works. Notably, unlike any other OPL method, our method learns from the offline data in an online manner using stochastic gradient descent, allowing us to leverage the benefits of online learning into an offline setting. Moreover, we show that our method is more computationally efficient and has a better dependence on the effective dimension of the neural network than an online counterpart. Finally, we demonstrate the empirical effectiveness of our method in a range of synthetic and real-world OPL problems.

A Conditional Point Diffusion-Refinement Paradigm for 3D Point Cloud Completion

Zhaoyang Lyu · Zhifeng Kong · Xudong XU · Liang Pan · Dahua Lin

3D point clouds are an important data format that captures 3D information for real world objects. Since 3D point clouds scanned in the real world are often incomplete, it is important to recover the complete point cloud for many downstreaming applications. Most existing point cloud completion methods use the Chamfer Distance (CD) loss for training. The CD loss estimates correspondences between two point clouds by searching nearest neighbors, which does not capture the overall point distribution on the generated shape, and therefore likely leads to non-uniform point cloud generation. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel Point Diffusion-Refinement (PDR) paradigm for point cloud completion. PDR consists of a Conditional Generation Network (CGNet) and a ReFinement Network (RFNet). The CGNet uses a conditional generative model called the denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM) to generate a coarse completion conditioned on the partial observation. DDPM establishes a one-to-one pointwise mapping between the generated point cloud and the uniform ground truth, and then optimizes the mean squared error loss to realize uniform generation. The RFNet refines the coarse output of the CGNet and further improves quality of the completed point cloud. In terms of the architecture, we develop a novel dual-path architecture for both networks. The architecture can (1) effectively and efficiently extract multi-level features from partially observed point clouds to guide completion, and (2) accurately manipulate spatial locations of 3D points to obtain smooth surfaces and sharp details. Extensive experimental results on various benchmark datasets show that our PDR paradigm outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods for point cloud completion. In addition, with the help of the RFNet, we can accelerate the iterative generation process of the DDPM by up to 50 times without much performance drop.

Generative Principal Component Analysis

Zhaoqiang Liu · Jiulong Liu · Subhroshekhar Ghosh · Jun Han · Jonathan Scarlett

In this paper, we study the problem of principal component analysis with generative modeling assumptions, adopting a general model for the observed matrix that encompasses notable special cases, including spiked matrix recovery and phase retrieval. The key assumption is that the first principal eigenvector lies near the range of an $L$-Lipschitz continuous generative model with bounded $k$-dimensional inputs. We propose a quadratic estimator, and show that it enjoys a statistical rate of order $\sqrt{\frac{k\log L}{m}}$, where $m$ is the number of samples. Moreover, we provide a variant of the classic power method, which projects the calculated data onto the range of the generative model during each iteration. We show that under suitable conditions, this method converges exponentially fast to a point achieving the above-mentioned statistical rate. This rate is conjectured in~\citep{aubin2019spiked,cocola2020nonasymptotic} to be the best possible even when we only restrict to the special case of spiked matrix models. We perform experiments on various image datasets for spiked matrix and phase retrieval models, and illustrate performance gains of our method to the classic power method and the truncated power method devised for sparse principal component analysis.

DAB-DETR: Dynamic Anchor Boxes are Better Queries for DETR

Shilong Liu · Feng Li · Hao Zhang · Xiao Yang · Xianbiao Qi · Hang Su · Jun Zhu · Lei Zhang

We present in this paper a novel query formulation using dynamic anchor boxes for DETR and offer a deeper understanding of the role of queries in DETR. This new formulation directly uses box coordinates as queries in Transformer decoders and dynamically updates them layer-by-layer. Using box coordinates not only helps using explicit positional priors to improve the query-to-feature similarity measure and eliminate the slow training convergence issue in DETR, but also allows us to modulate the positional attention map using the box width and height information. Such a design makes it clear that queries in DETR can be implemented as performing soft ROI pooling layer-by-layer in a cascade manner. As a result, it leads to the best performance among the DETR-like detection models under the same setting, e.g. AP 45.7\% using R50 as backbone trained in 50 epochs. We also conducted extensive experiments to confirm our analysis and verify the effectiveness of our methods. Code will be released soon.

Enabling Arbitrary Translation Objectives with Adaptive Tree Search

Wang Ling · Wojciech Stokowiec · Domenic Donato · Chris Dyer · Lei Yu · Laurent Sartran · Austin Matthews

We introduce an adaptive tree search algorithm, which is a deterministic variant of Monte Carlo tree search, that can find high-scoring outputs under translation models that make no assumptions about the form or structure of the search objective. This algorithm enables the exploration of new kinds of models that are unencumbered by constraints imposed to make decoding tractable, such as autoregressivity or conditional independence assumptions. When applied to autoregressive models, our algorithm has different biases than beam search has, which enables a new analysis of the role of decoding bias in autoregressive models. Empirically, we show that our adaptive tree search algorithm finds outputs with substantially better model scores compared to beam search in autoregressive models, and compared to reranking techniques in models whose scores do not decompose additively with respect to the words in the output. We also characterise the correlation of several translation model objectives with respect to BLEU. We find that while some standard models are poorly calibrated and benefit from the beam search bias, other often more robust models (autoregressive models tuned to maximize expected automatic metric scores, the noisy channel model and a newly proposed objective) benefit from increasing amounts of search using our proposed decoder, whereas the beam search bias limits the improvements obtained from such objectives. Thus, we argue that as models improve, the improvements may be masked by over-reliance on beam search or reranking based methods.

Resolving Training Biases via Influence-based Data Relabeling

Shuming Kong · Yanyan Shen · Linpeng Huang

The performance of supervised learning methods easily suffers from the training bias issue caused by train-test distribution mismatch or label noise. Influence function is a technique that estimates the impacts of a training sample on the model’s predictions. Recent studies on \emph{data resampling} have employed influence functions to identify \emph{harmful} training samples that will degrade model's test performance. They have shown that discarding or downweighting the identified harmful training samples is an effective way to resolve training biases. In this work, we move one step forward and propose an influence-based relabeling framework named RDIA for reusing harmful training samples toward better model performance. To achieve this, we use influence functions to estimate how relabeling a training sample would affect model's test performance and further develop a novel relabeling function R. We theoretically prove that applying R to relabel harmful training samples allows the model to achieve lower test loss than simply discarding them for any classification tasks using cross-entropy loss. Extensive experiments on ten real-world datasets demonstrate RDIA outperforms the state-of-the-art data resampling methods and improves model's robustness against label noise.

Visual Representation Learning over Latent Domains

Lucas Deecke · Timothy Hospedales · Hakan Bilen

A fundamental shortcoming of deep neural networks is their specialization to a single task and domain. While multi-domain learning enables the learning of compact models that span multiple visual domains, these rely on the presence of domain labels, in turn requiring laborious curation of datasets. This paper proposes a less explored, but highly realistic new setting called latent domain learning: learning over data from different domains, without access to domain annotations. Experiments show that this setting is challenging for standard models and existing multi-domain approaches, calling for new customized solutions: a sparse adaptation strategy is formulated which enhances performance by accounting for latent domains in data. Our method can be paired seamlessly with existing models, and benefits conceptually related tasks, e.g. empirical fairness problems and long-tailed recognition.

Revisiting Over-smoothing in BERT from the Perspective of Graph

Han Shi · JIAHUI GAO · Hang Xu · Xiaodan Liang · Zhenguo Li · Lingpeng Kong · Stephen Lee · James Kwok

Recently over-smoothing phenomenon of Transformer-based models is observed in both vision and language fields. However, no existing work has delved deeper to further investigate the main cause of this phenomenon. In this work, we make the attempt to analyze the over-smoothing problem from the perspective of graph, where such problem was first discovered and explored. Intuitively, the self-attention matrix can be seen as a normalized adjacent matrix of a corresponding graph. Based on the above connection, we provide some theoretical analysis and find that layer normalization plays a key role in the over-smoothing issue of Transformer-based models. Specifically, if the standard deviation of layer normalization is sufficiently large, the output of Transformer stacks will converge to a specific low-rank subspace and result in over-smoothing. To alleviate the over-smoothing problem, we consider hierarchical fusion strategies, which combine the representations from different layers adaptively to make the output more diverse. Extensive experiment results on various data sets illustrate the effect of our fusion method.

Label-Efficient Semantic Segmentation with Diffusion Models

Dmitry Baranchuk · Andrey Voynov · Ivan Rubachev · Valentin Khrulkov · Artem Babenko

Denoising diffusion probabilistic models have recently received much research attention since they outperform alternative approaches, such as GANs, and currently provide state-of-the-art generative performance. The superior performance of diffusion models has made them an appealing tool in several applications, including inpainting, super-resolution, and semantic editing. In this paper, we demonstrate that diffusion models can also serve as an instrument for semantic segmentation, especially in the setup when labeled data is scarce. In particular, for several pretrained diffusion models, we investigate the intermediate activations from the networks that perform the Markov step of the reverse diffusion process. We show that these activations effectively capture the semantic information from an input image and appear to be excellent pixel-level representations for the segmentation problem. Based on these observations, we describe a simple segmentation method, which can work even if only a few training images are provided. Our approach significantly outperforms the existing alternatives on several datasets for the same amount of human supervision.

iLQR-VAE : control-based learning of input-driven dynamics with applications to neural data

Marine Schimel · Ta-Chu Kao · Kristopher Jensen · Guillaume Hennequin

Understanding how neural dynamics give rise to behaviour is one of the most fundamental questions in systems neuroscience. To achieve this, a common approach is to record neural populations in behaving animals, and model these data as emanating from a latent dynamical system whose state trajectories can then be related back to behavioural observations via some form of decoding. As recordings are typically performed in localized circuits that form only a part of the wider implicated network, it is important to simultaneously learn the local dynamics and infer any unobserved external input that might drive them. Here, we introduce iLQR-VAE, a novel control-based approach to variational inference in nonlinear dynamical systems, capable of learning both latent dynamics, initial conditions, and ongoing external inputs. As in recent deep learning approaches, our method is based on an input-driven sequential variational autoencoder (VAE). The main novelty lies in the use of the powerful iterative linear quadratic regulator algorithm (iLQR) in the recognition model. Optimization of the standard evidence lower-bound requires differentiating through iLQR solutions, which is made possible by recent advances in differentiable control. Importantly, having the recognition model be implicitly defined by the generative model greatly reduces the number of free parameters and allows for flexible, high-quality inference. This makes it possible for instance to evaluate the model on a single long trial after training on smaller chunks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of iLQR-VAE on a range of synthetic systems, with autonomous as well as input-driven dynamics. We further apply it to neural and behavioural recordings in non-human primates performing two different reaching tasks, and show that iLQR-VAE yields high-quality kinematic reconstructions from the neural data.

DemoDICE: Offline Imitation Learning with Supplementary Imperfect Demonstrations

Geon-Hyeong Kim · Seokin Seo · Jongmin Lee · Wonseok Jeon · HyeongJoo Hwang · Hongseok Yang · Kee-Eung Kim

We consider offline imitation learning (IL), which aims to mimic the expert's behavior from its demonstration without further interaction with the environment. One of the main challenges in offline IL is to deal with the narrow support of the data distribution exhibited by the expert demonstrations that cover only a small fraction of the state and the action spaces. As a result, offline IL algorithms that rely only on expert demonstrations are very unstable since the situation easily deviates from those in the expert demonstrations. In this paper, we assume additional demonstration data of unknown degrees of optimality, which we call imperfect demonstrations. Under this setting, we propose DemoDICE, which effectively utilizes imperfect demonstrations by matching the stationary distribution of a policy with experts' distribution while penalizing its deviation from the overall demonstrations. Compared with the recent IL algorithms that adopt adversarial minimax training objectives, we substantially stabilize overall learning process by reducing minimax optimization to a direct convex optimization in a principled manner. Using extensive tasks, we show that DemoDICE achieves promising results in the offline IL from expert and imperfect demonstrations.

VAE Approximation Error: ELBO and Exponential Families

Alexander (Oleksandr) Shekhovtsov · Dmitrij Schlesinger · Boris Flach

The importance of Variational Autoencoders reaches far beyond standalone generative models -- the approach is also used for learning latent representations and can be generalized to semi-supervised learning. This requires a thorough analysis of their commonly known shortcomings: posterior collapse and approximation errors. This paper analyzes VAE approximation errors caused by the combination of the ELBO objective and encoder models from conditional exponential families, including, but not limited to, commonly used conditionally independent discrete and continuous models.We characterize subclasses of generative models consistent with these encoder families. We show that the ELBO optimizer is pulled away from the likelihood optimizer towards the consistent subset and study this effect experimentally. Importantly, this subset can not be enlarged, and the respective error cannot be decreased, by considering deeper encoder/decoder networks.

COptiDICE: Offline Constrained Reinforcement Learning via Stationary Distribution Correction Estimation

Jongmin Lee · Cosmin Paduraru · Daniel Mankowitz · Nicolas Heess · Doina Precup · Kee-Eung Kim · Arthur Guez

We consider the offline constrained reinforcement learning (RL) problem, in which the agent aims to compute a policy that maximizes expected return while satisfying given cost constraints, learning only from a pre-collected dataset. This problem setting is appealing in many real-world scenarios, where direct interaction with the environment is costly or risky, and where the resulting policy should comply with safety constraints. However, it is challenging to compute a policy that guarantees satisfying the cost constraints in the offline RL setting, since the off-policy evaluation inherently has an estimation error. In this paper, we present an offline constrained RL algorithm that optimizes the policy in the space of the stationary distribution. Our algorithm, COptiDICE, directly estimates the stationary distribution corrections of the optimal policy with respect to returns, while constraining the cost upper bound, with the goal of yielding a cost-conservative policy for actual constraint satisfaction. Experimental results show that COptiDICE attains better policies in terms of constraint satisfaction and return-maximization, outperforming baseline algorithms.

Augmented Sliced Wasserstein Distances

Xiongjie Chen · Yongxin Yang · Yunpeng Li

While theoretically appealing, the application of the Wasserstein distance to large-scale machine learning problems has been hampered by its prohibitive computational cost. The sliced Wasserstein distance and its variants improve the computational efficiency through the random projection, yet they suffer from low accuracy if the number of projections is not sufficiently large, because the majority of projections result in trivially small values. In this work, we propose a new family of distance metrics, called augmented sliced Wasserstein distances (ASWDs), constructed by first mapping samples to higher-dimensional hypersurfaces parameterized by neural networks. It is derived from a key observation that (random) linear projections of samples residing on these hypersurfaces would translate to much more flexible nonlinear projections in the original sample space, so they can capture complex structures of the data distribution. We show that the hypersurfaces can be optimized by gradient ascent efficiently. We provide the condition under which the ASWD is a valid metric and show that this can be obtained by an injective neural network architecture. Numerical results demonstrate that the ASWD significantly outperforms other Wasserstein variants for both synthetic and real-world problems.

Rethinking Supervised Pre-Training for Better Downstream Transferring

Yutong Feng · Jianwen Jiang · Mingqian Tang · Rong Jin · Yue Gao

The pretrain-finetune paradigm has shown outstanding performance on many applications of deep learning, where a model is pre-trained on an upstream large dataset (e.g. ImageNet), and is then fine-tuned to different downstream tasks. Though for most cases, the pre-training stage is conducted based on supervised methods, recent works on self-supervised pre-training have shown powerful transferability and even outperform supervised pre-training on multiple downstream tasks. It thus remains an open question how to better generalize supervised pre- training model to downstream tasks. In this paper, we argue that the worse transferability of existing supervised pre-training methods arise from the negligence of valuable intra-class semantic difference. This is because these methods tend to push images from the same class close to each other despite of the large diversity in their visual contents, a problem to which referred as “overfit of upstream tasks”. To alleviate this problem, we propose a new supervised pre-training method based on Leave-One-Out K-Nearest-Neighbor, or LOOK for short. It relieves the problem of overfitting upstream tasks by only requiring each image to share its class label with most of its k nearest neighbors, thus allowing each class to exhibit a multi-mode distribution and consequentially preserving part of intra-class difference for better transferring to downstream tasks. We developed efficient implementation of the proposed method that scales well to large datasets. Experimental studies on multiple downstream tasks show that LOOK outperforms other state-of-the-art methods for supervised and self-supervised pre-training.

Learning Efficient Online 3D Bin Packing on Packing Configuration Trees

Hang Zhao · Yang Yu · Kai Xu

Online 3D Bin Packing Problem (3D-BPP) has widespread applications in industrial automation and has aroused enthusiastic research interest recently. Existing methods usually solve the problem with limited resolution of spatial discretization, and/or cannot deal with complex practical constraints well. We propose to enhance the practical applicability of online 3D-BPP via learning on a novel hierarchical representation – packing configuration tree (PCT). PCT is a full-fledged description of the state and action space of bin packing which can support packing policy learning based on deep reinforcement learning (DRL). The size of the packing action space is proportional to the number of leaf nodes, making the DRL model easy to train and well-performing even with continuous solution space. During training, PCT expands based on heuristic rules, however, the DRL model learns a much more effective and robust packing policy than heuristic methods. Through extensive evaluation, we demonstrate that our method outperforms all existing online BPP methods and is versatile in terms of incorporating various practical constraints.

Delaunay Component Analysis for Evaluation of Data Representations

Petra Poklukar · Vladislav Polianskii · Anastasiia Varava · Florian T. Pokorny · Danica Kragic

Advanced representation learning techniques require reliable and general evaluation methods. Recently, several algorithms based on the common idea of geometric and topological analysis of a manifold approximated from the learned data representations have been proposed. In this work, we introduce Delaunay Component Analysis (DCA) -- an evaluation algorithm which approximates the data manifold using a more suitable neighbourhood graph called Delaunay graph. This provides a reliable manifold estimation even for challenging geometric arrangements of representations such as clusters with varying shape and density as well as outliers, which is where existing methods often fail. Furthermore, we exploit the nature of Delaunay graphs and introduce a framework for assessing the quality of individual novel data representations. We experimentally validate the proposed DCA method on representations obtained from neural networks trained with contrastive objective, supervised and generative models, and demonstrate various use cases of our extended single point evaluation framework.

Evolutionary Diversity Optimization with Clustering-based Selection for Reinforcement Learning

Yutong Wang · Ke Xue · Chao Qian

Reinforcement Learning (RL) has achieved significant successes, which aims to obtain a single policy maximizing the expected cumulative rewards for a given task. However, in many real-world scenarios, e.g., navigating in complex environments and controlling robots, one may need to find a set of policies having both high rewards and diverse behaviors, which can bring better exploration and robust few-shot adaptation. Recently, some methods have been developed by using evolutionary techniques, including iterative reproduction and selection of policies. However, due to the inefficient selection mechanisms, these methods cannot fully guarantee both high quality and diversity. In this paper, we propose EDO-CS, a new Evolutionary Diversity Optimization algorithm with Clustering-based Selection. In each iteration, the policies are divided into several clusters based on their behaviors, and a high-quality policy is selected from each cluster for reproduction. EDO-CS also adaptively balances the importance between quality and diversity in the reproduction process. Experiments on various (i.e., deceptive and multi-modal) continuous control tasks, show the superior performance of EDO-CS over previous methods, i.e., EDO-CS can achieve a set of policies with both high quality and diversity efficiently while previous methods cannot.

Relational Learning with Variational Bayes

Kuang-Hung Liu

In psychology, relational learning refers to the ability to recognize and respond to relationship among objects irrespective of the nature of those objects. Relational learning has long been recognized as a hallmark of human cognition and a key question in artificial intelligence research. In this work, we propose an unsupervised learning method for addressing the relational learning problem where we learn the underlying relationship between a pair of data irrespective of the nature of those data. The central idea of the proposed method is to encapsulate the relational learning problem with a probabilistic graphical model in which we perform inference to learn about data relationship and other relational processing tasks.

CoST: Contrastive Learning of Disentangled Seasonal-Trend Representations for Time Series Forecasting

Gerald Woo · Chenghao Liu · Doyen Sahoo · Akshat Kumar · Steven Hoi

Deep learning has been actively studied for time series forecasting, and the mainstream paradigm is based on the end-to-end training of neural network architectures, ranging from classical LSTM/RNNs to more recent TCNs and Transformers. Motivated by the recent success of representation learning in computer vision and natural language processing, we argue that a more promising paradigm for time series forecasting, is to first learn disentangled feature representations, followed by a simple regression fine-tuning step -- we justify such a paradigm from a causal perspective. Following this principle, we propose a new time series representation learning framework for long sequence time series forecasting named CoST, which applies contrastive learning methods to learn disentangled seasonal-trend representations. CoST comprises both time domain and frequency domain contrastive losses to learn discriminative trend and seasonal representations, respectively. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets show that CoST consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by a considerable margin, achieving a 21.3% improvement in MSE on multivariate benchmarks. It is also robust to various choices of backbone encoders, as well as downstream regressors. Code is available at

Simple GNN Regularisation for 3D Molecular Property Prediction and Beyond

Jonathan Godwin · Michael Schaarschmidt · Alexander Gaunt · Alvaro Sanchez Gonzalez · Yulia Rubanova · Petar Veličković · James Kirkpatrick · Peter Battaglia

In this paper we show that simple noisy regularisation can be an effective way to address oversmoothing. We first argue that regularisers ad-dressing oversmoothing should both penalise node latent similarity and encourage meaningful node representations. From this observation we derive “Noisy Nodes”,a simple technique in which we corrupt the input graph with noise, and add a noise correcting node-level loss. The diverse node level loss encourages latent node diversity, and the denoising objective encourages graph manifold learning. Our regulariser applies well-studied methods in simple, straightforward ways which allow even generic architectures to overcome oversmoothing and achieve state of the art results on quantum chemistry tasks such as QM9 and Open Catalyst, and improve results significantly on Open Graph Benchmark (OGB) datasets. Our results suggest Noisy Nodes can serve as a complementary building block in the GNN toolkit.

On the approximation properties of recurrent encoder-decoder architectures

Zhong Li · Haotian Jiang · Qianxiao Li

Encoder-decoder architectures have recently gained popularity in sequence to sequence modelling, featuring in state-of-the-art models such as transformers. However, a mathematical understanding of their working principles still remains limited. In this paper, we study the approximation properties of recurrent encoder-decoder architectures. Prior work established theoretical results for RNNs in the linear setting, where approximation capabilities can be related to smoothness and memory of target temporal relationships. Here, we uncover that the encoder and decoder together form a particular “temporal product structure” which determines the approximation efficiency. Moreover, the encoder-decoder architecture generalises RNNs with the capability to learn time-inhomogeneous relationships. Our results provide the theoretical understanding of approximation properties of the recurrent encoder-decoder architecture, which precisely characterises, in the considered setting, the types of temporal relationships that can be efficiently learned.

miniF2F: a cross-system benchmark for formal Olympiad-level mathematics

Kunhao Zheng · Jesse Han · Stanislas Polu

We present $\textsf{miniF2F}$, a dataset of formal Olympiad-level mathematics problems statements intended to provide a unified cross-system benchmark for neural theorem proving. The $\textsf{miniF2F}$ benchmark currently targets Metamath, Lean, Isabelle (partially) and HOL Light (partially) and consists of 488 problem statements drawn from the AIME, AMC, and the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), as well as material from high-school and undergraduate mathematics courses. We report baseline results using GPT-f, a neural theorem prover based on GPT-3 and provide an analysis of its performance. We intend for $\textsf{miniF2F}$ to be a community-driven effort and hope that our benchmark will help spur advances in neural theorem proving.

Amortized Implicit Differentiation for Stochastic Bilevel Optimization

Michael Arbel · Julien Mairal

We study a class of algorithms for solving bilevel optimization problems in both stochastic and deterministic settings when the inner-level objective is strongly convex. Specifically, we consider algorithms based on inexact implicit differentiation and we exploit a warm-start strategy to amortize the estimation of the exact gradient. We then introduce a unified theoretical framework inspired by the study of singularly perturbed systems to analyze such amortized algorithms. By using this framework, our analysis shows these algorithms to match the computational complexity of oracle methods that have access to an unbiased estimate of the gradient, thus outperforming many existing results for bilevel optimization.We illustrate these findings on synthetic experiments and demonstrate the efficiency of these algorithms on hyper-parameter optimization experiments involving several thousands of variables.

BDDM: Bilateral Denoising Diffusion Models for Fast and High-Quality Speech Synthesis

Max W. Y. Lam · Jun Wang · Dan Su · Dong Yu

Diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs) and their extensions have emerged as competitive generative models yet confront challenges of efficient sampling. We propose a new bilateral denoising diffusion model (BDDM) that parameterizes both the forward and reverse processes with a schedule network and a score network, which can train with a novel bilateral modeling objective. We show that the new surrogate objective can achieve a lower bound of the log marginal likelihood tighter than a conventional surrogate. We also find that BDDM allows inheriting pre-trained score network parameters from any DPMs and consequently enables speedy and stable learning of the schedule network and optimization of a noise schedule for sampling. Our experiments demonstrate that BDDMs can generate high-fidelity audio samples with as few as three sampling steps. Moreover, compared to other state-of-the-art diffusion-based neural vocoders, BDDMs produce comparable or higher quality samples indistinguishable from human speech, notably with only seven sampling steps (143x faster than WaveGrad and 28.6x faster than DiffWave).

Inverse Online Learning: Understanding Non-Stationary and Reactionary Policies

Alex Chan · Alicia Curth · Mihaela van der Schaar

Human decision making is well known to be imperfect and the ability to analyse such processes individually is crucial when attempting to aid or improve a decision-maker's ability to perform a task, e.g. to alert them to potential biases or oversights on their part. To do so, it is necessary to develop interpretable representations of how agents make decisions and how this process changes over time as the agent learns online in reaction to the accrued experience. To then understand the decision-making processes underlying a set of observed trajectories, we cast the policy inference problem as the inverse to this online learning problem. By interpreting actions within a potential outcomes framework, we introduce a meaningful mapping based on agents choosing an action they believe to have the greatest treatment effect. We introduce a practical algorithm for retrospectively estimating such perceived effects, alongside the process through which agents update them, using a novel architecture built upon an expressive family of deep state-space models. Through application to the analysis of UNOS organ donation acceptance decisions, we demonstrate that our approach can bring valuable insights into the factors that govern decision processes and how they change over time.

Optimal Transport for Long-Tailed Recognition with Learnable Cost Matrix

Hanyu Peng · Mingming Sun · Ping Li

It is attracting attention to the long-tailed recognition problem, a burning issue that has become very popular recently. Distinctive from conventional recognition is that it posits that the allocation of the training set is supremely distorted. Predictably, it will pose challenges to the generalisation behaviour of the model. Approaches to these challenges revolve into two groups: firstly, training-aware methods, with the aim of enhancing the generalisability of the model by exploiting its potential in the training period; and secondly, post-hoc correction, liberally coupled with training-aware methods, which is intended to refine the predictions to the extent possible in the post-processing stage, offering the advantages of simplicity and effectiveness. This paper introduces an alternative direction to do the post-hoc correction, which goes beyond the statistical methods. Mathematically, we approach this issue from the perspective of optimal transport (OT), yet, choosing the exact cost matrix when applying OT is challenging and requires expert knowledge of various tasks. To overcome this limitation, we propose to employ linear mapping to learn the cost matrix without necessary configurations adaptively. Testing our methods in practice, along with high efficiency and excellent performance, our method surpasses all previous methods and has the best performance to date.


Qu Tang · Xiangyu Zhu · Zhen Lei · Zhaoxiang Zhang

The ability to perceive scenes in terms of abstract entities is crucial for us toachieve higher-level intelligence. Recently, several methods have been proposedto learn object-centric representations of scenes with multiple objects, yet mostof which focus on static scenes. In this paper, we work on object dynamics andpropose Object Dynamics Distillation Network (ODDN), a framework that distillates explicit object dynamics (e.g., velocity) from sequential static representations. ODDN also builds a relation module to model object interactions. We verifyour approach on tasks of video reasoning and video prediction, which are two important evaluations for video understanding. The results show that the reasoningmodel with visual representations of ODDN performs better in answering reasoning questions around physical events in a video compared to the previous state-of-the-art methods. The distilled object dynamics also could be used to predictfuture video frames given two input frames, involving occlusion and objects collision. In addition, our architecture brings better segmentation quality and higherreconstruction accuracy.

Leveraging Automated Unit Tests for Unsupervised Code Translation

Baptiste Roziere · Jie Zhang · François Charton · Mark Harman · Gabriel Synnaeve · Guillaume Lample

With little to no parallel data available for programming languages, unsupervised methods are well-suited to source code translation. However, the majority of unsupervised machine translation approaches rely on back-translation, a method developed in the context of natural language translation and one that inherently involves training on noisy inputs. Unfortunately, source code is highly sensitive to small changes; a single token can result in compilation failures or erroneous programs, unlike natural languages where small inaccuracies may not change the meaning of a sentence. To address this issue, we propose to leverage an automated unit-testing system to filter out invalid translations, thereby creating a fully tested parallel corpus. We found that fine-tuning an unsupervised model with this filtered data set significantly reduces the noise in the translations so-generated, comfortably outperforming the state-of-the-art for all language pairs studied. In particular, for Java→Python and Python→C++ we outperform the best previous methods by more than 16% and 24% respectively, reducing the error rate by more than 35%.

Top-N: Equivariant Set and Graph Generation without Exchangeability

Clément Vignac · Pascal Frossard

This work addresses one-shot set and graph generation, and, more specifically, the parametrization of probabilistic decoders that map a vector-shaped prior to a distribution over sets or graphs. Sets and graphs are most commonly generated by first sampling points i.i.d. from a normal distribution, and then processing these points along with the prior vector using Transformer layers or Graph Neural Networks. This architecture is designed to generate exchangeable distributions, i.e., all permutations of the generated outputs are equally likely. We however show that it only optimizes a proxy to the evidence lower bound, which makes it hard to train. We then study equivariance in generative settings and show that non-exchangeable methods can still achieve permutation equivariance. Using this result, we introduce Top-n creation, a differentiable generation mechanism that uses the latent vector to select the most relevant points from a trainable reference set. Top-n can replace i.i.d. generation in any Variational Autoencoder or Generative Adversarial Network. Experimentally, our method outperforms i.i.d. generation by 15% at SetMNIST reconstruction, by 33% at object detection on CLEVR, generates sets that are 74% closer to the true distribution on a synthetic molecule-like dataset, and generates more valid molecules on QM9.

A First-Occupancy Representation for Reinforcement Learning

Ted Moskovitz · Spencer Wilson · Maneesh Sahani

Both animals and artificial agents benefit from state representations that support rapid transfer of learning across tasks and which enable them to efficiently traverse their environments to reach rewarding states. The successor representation (SR), which measures the expected cumulative, discounted state occupancy under a fixed policy, enables efficient transfer to different reward structures in an otherwise constant Markovian environment and has been hypothesized to underlie aspects of biological behavior and neural activity. However, in the real world, rewards may only be available for consumption once, may shift location, or agents may simply aim to reach goal states as rapidly as possible without the constraint of artificially imposed task horizons. In such cases, the most behaviorally-relevant representation would carry information about when the agent was likely to first reach states of interest, rather than how often it should expect to visit them over a potentially infinite time span. To reflect such demands, we introduce the first-occupancy representation (FR), which measures the expected temporal discount to the first time a state is accessed. We demonstrate that the FR facilitates exploration, the selection of efficient paths to desired states, allows the agent, under certain conditions, to plan provably optimal trajectories defined by a sequence of subgoals, and induces similar behavior to animals avoiding threatening stimuli.

Learning Graphon Mean Field Games and Approximate Nash Equilibria

Kai Cui · Heinz Koeppl

Recent advances at the intersection of dense large graph limits and mean field games have begun to enable the scalable analysis of a broad class of dynamical sequential games with large numbers of agents. So far, results have been largely limited to graphon mean field systems with continuous-time diffusive or jump dynamics, typically without control and with little focus on computational methods. We propose a novel discrete-time formulation for graphon mean field games as the limit of non-linear dense graph Markov games with weak interaction. On the theoretical side, we give extensive and rigorous existence and approximation properties of the graphon mean field solution in sufficiently large systems. On the practical side we provide general learning schemes for graphon mean field equilibria by either introducing agent equivalence classes or reformulating the graphon mean field system as a classical mean field system. By repeatedly finding a regularized optimal control solution and its generated mean field, we successfully obtain plausible approximate Nash equilibria in otherwise infeasible large dense graph games with many agents. Empirically, we are able to demonstrate on a number of examples that the finite-agent behavior comes increasingly close to the mean field behavior for our computed equilibria as the graph or system size grows, verifying our theory. More generally, we successfully apply policy gradient reinforcement learning in conjunction with sequential Monte Carlo methods.

Contrastive Fine-grained Class Clustering via Generative Adversarial Networks

Yunji Kim · Jung-Woo Ha

Unsupervised fine-grained class clustering is a practical yet challenging task due to the difficulty of feature representations learning of subtle object details. We introduce C3-GAN, a method that leverages the categorical inference power of InfoGAN with contrastive learning. We aim to learn feature representations that encourage a dataset to form distinct cluster boundaries in the embedding space, while also maximizing the mutual information between the latent code and its image observation. Our approach is to train a discriminator, which is also used for inferring clusters, to optimize the contrastive loss, where image-latent pairs that maximize the mutual information are considered as positive pairs and the rest as negative pairs. Specifically, we map the input of a generator, which was sampled from the categorical distribution, to the embedding space of the discriminator and let them act as a cluster centroid. In this way, C3-GAN succeeded in learning a clustering-friendly embedding space where each cluster is distinctively separable. Experimental results show that C3-GAN achieved the state-of-the-art clustering performance on four fine-grained image datasets, while also alleviating the mode collapse phenomenon. Code is available at

A Program to Build E(N)-Equivariant Steerable CNNs

Gabriele Cesa · Leon Lang · Maurice Weiler

Equivariance is becoming an increasingly popular design choice to build data efficient neural networks by exploiting prior knowledge about the symmetries of the problem at hand. Euclidean steerable CNNs are one of the most common classes of equivariant networks. While the constraints these architectures need to satisfy are understood, existing approaches are tailored to specific (classes of) groups. No generally applicable method that is practical for implementation has been described so far. In this work, we generalize the Wigner-Eckart theorem proposed in Lang & Weiler (2020), which characterizes general $G$-steerable kernel spaces for compact groups $G$ over their homogeneous spaces, to arbitrary $G$-spaces. This enables us to directly parameterize filters in terms of a band-limited basis on the whole space rather than on $G$'s orbits, but also to easily implement steerable CNNs equivariant to a large number of groups. To demonstrate its generality, we instantiate our method on a variety of isometry groups acting on the Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^3$. Our framework allows us to build $E(3)$ and $SE(3)$-steerable CNNs like previous works, but also CNNs with arbitrary $G\leq O(3)$-steerable kernels. For example, we build 3D CNNs equivariant to the symmetries of platonic solids or choose $G=SO(2)$ when working with 3D data having only azimuthal symmetries. We compare these models on 3D shapes and molecular datasets, observing improved performance by matching the model's symmetries to the ones of the data.

MAML is a Noisy Contrastive Learner in Classification

Chia-Hsiang Kao · Wei-Chen Chiu · Pin-Yu Chen

Model-agnostic meta-learning (MAML) is one of the most popular and widely adopted meta-learning algorithms, achieving remarkable success in various learning problems. Yet, with the unique design of nested inner-loop and outer-loop updates, which govern the task-specific and meta-model-centric learning, respectively, the underlying learning objective of MAML remains implicit, impeding a more straightforward understanding of it. In this paper, we provide a new perspective of the working mechanism of MAML. We discover that MAML is analogous to a meta-learner using a supervised contrastive objective in classification. The query features are pulled towards the support features of the same class and against those of different classes. Such contrastiveness is experimentally verified via an analysis based on the cosine similarity. Moreover, we reveal that vanilla MAML has an undesirable interference term originating from the random initialization and the cross-task interaction. We thus propose a simple but effective technique, the zeroing trick, to alleviate the interference. Extensive experiments are conducted on both mini-ImageNet and Omniglot datasets to validate the consistent improvement brought by our proposed method.

Visual Representation Learning Does Not Generalize Strongly Within the Same Domain

Lukas Schott · Julius von Kuegelgen · Frederik Träuble · Peter Gehler · Chris Russell · Matthias Bethge · Bernhard Schoelkopf · Francesco Locatello · Wieland Brendel

An important component for generalization in machine learning is to uncover underlying latent factors of variation as well as the mechanism through which each factor acts in the world.In this paper, we test whether 17 unsupervised, weakly supervised, and fully supervised representation learning approaches correctly infer the generative factors of variation in simple datasets (dSprites, Shapes3D, MPI3D) from controlled environments, and on our contributed CelebGlow dataset. In contrast to prior robustness work that introduces novel factors of variation during test time, such as blur or other (un)structured noise, we here recompose, interpolate, or extrapolate only existing factors of variation from the training data set (e.g., small and medium-sized objects during training and large objects during testing). Models that learn the correct mechanism should be able to generalize to this benchmark.In total, we train and test 2000+ models and observe that all of them struggle to learn the underlying mechanism regardless of supervision signal and architectural bias. Moreover, the generalization capabilities of all tested models drop significantly as we move from artificial datasets towards more realistic real-world datasets.Despite their inability to identify the correct mechanism, the models are quite modular as their ability to infer other in-distribution factors remains fairly stable, providing only a single factor is out-of-distribution. These results point to an important yet understudied problem of learning mechanistic models of observations that can facilitate generalization.

In a Nutshell, the Human Asked for This: Latent Goals for Following Temporal Specifications

Borja G. Leon · Murray Shanahan · Francesco Belardinelli

We address the problem of building agents whose goal is to learn to execute out-of distribution (OOD) multi-task instructions expressed in temporal logic (TL) by using deep reinforcement learning (DRL). Recent works provided evidence that the agent's neural architecture is a key feature when DRL agents are learning to solve OOD tasks in TL. Yet, the studies on this topic are still in their infancy. In this work, we propose a new deep learning configuration with inductive biases that lead agents to generate latent representations of their current goal, yielding a stronger generalization performance. We use these latent-goal networks within a neuro-symbolic framework that executes multi-task formally-defined instructions and contrast the performance of the proposed neural networks against employing different state-of-the-art (SOTA) architectures when generalizing to unseen instructions in OOD environments.

On Lottery Tickets and Minimal Task Representations in Deep Reinforcement Learning

Marc Vischer · Robert Lange · Henning Sprekeler

The lottery ticket hypothesis questions the role of overparameterization in supervised deep learning. But how is the performance of winning lottery tickets affected by the distributional shift inherent to reinforcement learning problems? In this work, we address this question by comparing sparse agents who have to address the non-stationarity of the exploration-exploitation problem with supervised agents trained to imitate an expert. We show that feed-forward networks trained with behavioural cloning compared to reinforcement learning can be pruned to higher levels of sparsity without performance degradation. This suggests that in order to solve the RL-specific distributional shift agents require more degrees of freedom. Using a set of carefully designed baseline conditions, we find that the majority of the lottery ticket effect in both learning paradigms can be attributed to the identified mask rather than the weight initialization. The input layer mask selectively prunes entire input dimensions that turn out to be irrelevant for the task at hand. At a moderate level of sparsity the mask identified by iterative magnitude pruning yields minimal task-relevant representations, i.e., an interpretable inductive bias. Finally, we propose a simple initialization rescaling which promotes the robust identification of sparse task representations in low-dimensional control tasks.

A New Perspective on "How Graph Neural Networks Go Beyond Weisfeiler-Lehman?"

Asiri Wijesinghe · Qing Wang

We propose a new perspective on designing powerful Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). In a nutshell, this enables a general solution to inject structural properties of graphs into a message-passing aggregation scheme of GNNs. As a theoretical basis, we develop a new hierarchy of local isomorphism on neighborhood subgraphs. Then, we theoretically characterize how message-passing GNNs can be designed to be more expressive than the Weisfeiler Lehman test. To elaborate this characterization, we propose a novel neural model, called GraphSNN, and prove that this model is strictly more expressive than the Weisfeiler Lehman test in distinguishing graph structures. We empirically verify the strength of our model on different graph learning tasks. It is shown that our model consistently improves the state-of-the-art methods on the benchmark tasks without sacrificing computational simplicity and efficiency.

Phase Collapse in Neural Networks

Florentin Guth · John Zarka · Stéphane Mallat

Deep convolutional classifiers linearly separate image classes and improve accuracy as depth increases. They progressively reduce the spatial dimension whereas the number of channels grows with depth. Spatial variability is therefore transformed into variability along channels. A fundamental challenge is to understand the role of non-linearities together with convolutional filters in this transformation. ReLUs with biases are often interpreted as thresholding operators that improve discrimination through sparsity. This paper demonstrates that it is a different mechanism called \emph{phase collapse} which eliminates spatial variability while linearly separating classes. We show that collapsing the phases of complex wavelet coefficients is sufficient to reach the classification accuracy of ResNets of similar depths. However, replacing the phase collapses with thresholding operators that enforce sparsity considerably degrades the performance. We explain these numerical results by showing that the iteration of phase collapses progressively improves separation of classes, as opposed to thresholding non-linearities.

Learning the Dynamics of Physical Systems from Sparse Observations with Finite Element Networks

Marten Lienen · Stephan Günnemann

We propose a new method for spatio-temporal forecasting on arbitrarily distributed points. Assuming that the observed system follows an unknown partial differential equation, we derive a continuous-time model for the dynamics of the data via the finite element method. The resulting graph neural network estimates the instantaneous effects of the unknown dynamics on each cell in a meshing of the spatial domain. Our model can incorporate prior knowledge via assumptions on the form of the unknown PDE, which induce a structural bias towards learning specific processes. Through this mechanism, we derive a transport variant of our model from the convection equation and show that it improves the transfer performance to higher-resolution meshes on sea surface temperature and gas flow forecasting against baseline models representing a selection of spatio-temporal forecasting methods. A qualitative analysis shows that our model disentangles the data dynamics into their constituent parts, which makes it uniquely interpretable.

Permutation Compressors for Provably Faster Distributed Nonconvex Optimization

Rafał Szlendak · Alexander Tyurin · Peter Richtarik

In this work we study the MARINA method of Gorbunov et al (ICML, 2021) -- the current state-of-the-art distributed non-convex optimization method in terms of theoretical communication complexity. Theoretical superiority of this method can be largely attributed to two sources: a carefully engineered biased stochastic gradient estimator, which leads to a reduction in the number of communication rounds, and the reliance on {\em independent} stochastic communication compression, which leads to a reduction in the number of transmitted bits within each communication round. In this paper we i) extend the theory of MARINA to support a much wider class of potentially {\em correlated} compressors, extending the reach of the method beyond the classical independent compressors setting, ii) show that a new quantity, for which we coin the name {\em Hessian variance}, allows us to significantly refine the original analysis of MARINA without any additional assumptions, and iii) identify a special class of correlated compressors based on the idea of {\em random permutations}, for which we coin the term Perm$K$, the use of which leads to up to $O(\sqrt{n})$ (resp. $O(1 + d/\sqrt{n})$) improvement in the theoretical communication complexity of MARINA in the low Hessian variance regime when $d\geq n$ (resp. $d \leq n$), where $n$ is the number of workers and $d$ is the number of parameters describing the model we are learning. We corroborate our theoretical results with carefully engineered synthetic experiments with minimizing the average of nonconvex quadratics, and on autoencoder training with the MNIST dataset.

Constrained Physical-Statistics Models for Dynamical System Identification and Prediction

Jérémie DONA · Marie Déchelle · patrick gallinari · Marina Levy

Modeling dynamical systems combining prior physical knowledge and machine learning (ML) is promising in scientific problems when the underlying processes are not fully understood, e.g. when the dynamics is partially known. A common practice to identify the respective parameters of the physical and ML components is to formulate the problem as supervised learning on observed trajectories. However, this formulation leads to an infinite number of possible decompositions. To solve this ill-posedness, we reformulate the learning problem by introducing an upper bound on the prediction error of a physical-statistical model. This allows us to control the contribution of both the physical and statistical components to the overall prediction. This framework generalizes several existing hybrid schemes proposed in the literature. We provide theoretical guarantees on the well-posedness of our formulation along with a proof of convergence in a simple affine setting. For more complex dynamics, we validate our framework experimentally.

Global Convergence of Multi-Agent Policy Gradient in Markov Potential Games

Stefanos Leonardos · Will Overman · Ioannis Panageas · Georgios Piliouras

Potential games are arguably one of the most important and widely studied classes of normal form games. They define the archetypal setting of multi-agent coordination in which all agents utilities are perfectly aligned via a common potential function. Can this intuitive framework be transplanted in the setting of Markov games? What are the similarities and differences between multi-agent coordination with and without state dependence? To answer these questions, we study a natural class of Markov Potential Games (MPGs) that generalize prior attempts at capturing complex stateful multi-agent coordination. Counter-intuitively, insights from normal-form potential games do not carry over as MPGs involve settings where state-games can be zero-sum games. In the opposite direction, Markov games where every state-game is a potential game are not necessarily MPGs. Nevertheless, MPGs showcase standard desirable properties such as the existence of deterministic Nash policies. In our main technical result, we prove convergence of independent policy gradient and its stochastic counterpart to Nash policies (polynomially fast in the approximation error) by adapting recent gradient dominance property arguments developed for single-agent Markov decision processes to multi-agent learning settings.

Scattering Networks on the Sphere for Scalable and Rotationally Equivariant Spherical CNNs

Jason McEwen · Christopher Wallis · Augustine Mavor-Parker

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) constructed natively on the sphere have been developed recently and shown to be highly effective for the analysis of spherical data. While an efficient framework has been formulated, spherical CNNs are nevertheless highly computationally demanding; typically they cannot scale beyond spherical signals of thousands of pixels. We develop scattering networks constructed natively on the sphere that provide a powerful representational space for spherical data. Spherical scattering networks are computationally scalable and exhibit rotational equivariance, while their representational space is invariant to isometries and provides efficient and stable signal representations. By integrating scattering networks as an additional type of layer in the generalized spherical CNN framework, we show how they can be leveraged to scale spherical CNNs to the high-resolution data typical of many practical applications, with spherical signals of many tens of megapixels and beyond.

Imitation Learning by Reinforcement Learning

Kamil Ciosek

Imitation learning algorithms learn a policy from demonstrations of expert behavior. We show that, for deterministic experts, imitation learning can be done by reduction to reinforcement learning with a stationary reward. Our theoretical analysis both certifies the recovery of expert reward and bounds the total variation distance between the expert and the imitation learner, showing a link to adversarial imitation learning. We conduct experiments which confirm that our reduction works well in practice for continuous control tasks.

Learning to Downsample for Segmentation of Ultra-High Resolution Images

Chen Jin · Ryutaro Tanno · Thomy Mertzanidou · Eleftheria Panagiotaki · Daniel Alexander

Many computer vision systems require low-cost segmentation algorithms based on deep learning, either because of the enormous size of input images or limited computational budget. Common solutions uniformly downsample the input images to meet memory constraints, assuming all pixels are equally informative. In this work, we demonstrate that this assumption can harm the segmentation performancebecause the segmentation difficulty varies spatially (see Figure 1 “Uniform”). We combat this problem by introducing a learnable downsampling module, which can be optimised together with the given segmentation model in an end-to-end fashion. We formulate the problem of training such downsampling module as optimisation of sampling density distributions over the input images given their low-resolution views. To defend against degenerate solutions (e.g. over-sampling trivial regions like the backgrounds), we propose a regularisation term that encourages the sampling locations to concentrate around the object boundaries. We find the downsamplingmodule learns to sample more densely at difficult locations, thereby improving the segmentation performance (see Figure 1 "Ours"). Our experiments on benchmarks of high-resolution street view, aerial and medical images demonstrate substantial improvements in terms of efficiency-and-accuracy trade-off compared to both uniform downsampling and two recent advanced downsampling techniques.

The Evolution of Uncertainty of Learning in Games

Yun Kuen Cheung · Georgios Piliouras · Yixin Tao

Learning in games has become an object of intense interest for ML due to its connections to numerous AI architectures. We study standard online learning in games but from a non-standard perspective. Instead of studying the behavior of a single initial condition and whether it converges to equilibrium or not, we study the behavior of a probability distribution/measure over a set of initial conditions. This initial uncertainty is well-motivated both from a standard game-theoretic perspective (e.g. a modeler's uncertainty about the agents' initial beliefs) as well as from a ML one (e.g. noisy measurements, system initialization from a dataset distribution). Despite this, little is formally known about whether and under what conditions uncertainty is amplified or reduced in these systems. We use the popular measure of differential entropy to quantify the evolution of uncertainty. We find that such analysis shares an intimate relationship with volume analysis, a technique which was recently used to demonstrate the occurrence of Lyapunov chaos when using Multiplicative Weights Update (MWU) or Follow-the-Regularized-Leader (FTRL) algorithms in zero-sum games. This allows us to show that the differential entropy of these learning-in-game systems increases linearly with time, formalizing their increased unpredictability over time. We showcase the power of the framework by applying it in the study of multiple related systems, including different standard online optimization algorithms in numerous games and dynamics of evolutionary game theory.

Unsupervised Vision-Language Grammar Induction with Shared Structure Modeling

Bo Wan · Wenjuan Han · Zilong Zheng · Tinne Tuytelaars

We introduce a new task, unsupervised vision-language (VL) grammar induction. Given an image-caption pair, the goal is to extract a shared hierarchical structure for both image and language simultaneously. We argue that such structured output, grounded in both modalities, is a clear step towards the high-level understanding of multimodal information. Besides challenges existing in conventional visually grounded grammar induction tasks, VL grammar induction requires a model to capture contextual semantics and perform a fine-grained alignment. To address these challenges, we propose a novel method, CLIORA, which constructs a shared vision-language constituency tree structure with context-dependent semantics for all possible phrases in different levels of the tree. It computes a matching score between each constituent and image region, trained via contrastive learning. It integrates two levels of fusion, namely at feature-level and at score-level, so as to allow fine-grained alignment. We introduce a new evaluation metric for VL grammar induction, CCRA, and show a 3.3% improvement over a strong baseline on Flickr30k Entities. We also evaluate our model via two derived tasks, i.e., language grammar induction and phrase grounding, and improve over the state-of-the-art for both.

Gradient Step Denoiser for convergent Plug-and-Play

Samuel Hurault · Arthur Leclaire · Nicolas Papadakis

Plug-and-Play methods constitute a class of iterative algorithms for imaging problems where regularization is performed by an off-the-shelf denoiser. Although Plug-and-Play methods can lead to tremendous visual performance for various image problems, the few existing convergence guarantees are based on unrealistic (or suboptimal) hypotheses on the denoiser, or limited to strongly convex data terms. In this work, we propose a new type of Plug-and-Play methods, based on half-quadratic splitting, for which the denoiser is realized as a gradient descent step on a functional parameterized by a deep neural network. Exploiting convergence results for proximal gradient descent algorithms in the non-convex setting, we show that the proposed Plug-and-Play algorithm is a convergent iterative scheme that targets stationary points of an explicit global functional. Besides, experiments show that it is possible to learn such a deep denoiser while not compromising the performance in comparison to other state-of-the-art deep denoisers used in Plug-and-Play schemes. We apply our proximal gradient algorithm to various ill-posed inverse problems, e.g. deblurring, super-resolution and inpainting. For all these applications, numerical results empirically confirm the convergence results. Experiments also show that this new algorithm reaches state-of-the-art performance, both quantitatively and qualitatively.