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Poster Session 1

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Navigating the Design Space of Equivariant Diffusion-Based Generative Models for De Novo 3D Molecule Generation

Tuan Le · Julian Cremer · Frank Noe · Djork-Arné Clevert · Kristof T. Schütt

Deep generative diffusion models are a promising avenue for 3D de novo molecular design in materials science and drug discovery.However, their utility is still limited by suboptimal performance on large molecular structures and limited training data.To address this gap, we explore the design space of E(3)-equivariant diffusion models, focusing on previously unexplored areas. Our extensive comparative analysis evaluates the interplay between continuous and discrete state spaces.From this investigation, we present the EQGAT-diff model, which consistently outperforms established models for the QM9 and GEOM-Drugs datasets. Significantly, EQGAT-diff takes continuous atom positions, while chemical elements and bond types are categorical and uses time-dependent loss weighting, substantially increasing training convergence, the quality of generated samples, and inference time. We also showcase that including chemically motivated additional features like hybridization states in the diffusion process enhances the validity of generated molecules. To further strengthen the applicability of diffusion models to limited training data, we investigate the transferability of EQGAT-diff trained on the large PubChem3D dataset with implicit hydrogen atoms to target different data distributions. Fine-tuning EQGAT-diff for just a few iterations shows an efficient distribution shift, further improving performance throughout data sets. Finally, we test our model on the Crossdocked data set for structure-based de novo ligand generation, underlining the importance of our findings showing state-of-the-art performance on Vina docking scores.

Rethinking Channel Dimensions to Isolate Outliers for Low-bit Weight Quantization of Large Language Models

Jung Hwan Heo · Jeonghoon Kim · Beomseok Kwon · Byeongwook Kim · Se Jung Kwon · Dongsoo Lee

Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently demonstrated a remarkable success across various tasks. However, efficiently serving LLMs has been a challenge due to its large memory bottleneck, specifically in small batch inference settings (e.g. mobile devices). Weight-only quantization can be a promising approach, but sub-4 bit quantization remains a challenge due to large-magnitude activation outliers. To mitigate the undesirable outlier effect, we first propose per-IC quantization, a simple yet effective method that creates quantization groups within each input channel (IC) rather than the conventional per-output channel (OC). Our method is motivated by the observation that activation outliers affect the input dimension of the weight matrix, so similarly grouping the weights in the IC direction can $\textit{isolate outliers to be within a group}$. We also find that activation outliers do not dictate quantization difficulty, and inherent weight sensitivities also exist. With per-IC quantization as a new outlier-friendly scheme, we then propose Adaptive Dimensions ($\textbf{AdaDim}$), a versatile quantization framework that can adapt to various weight sensitivity patterns. We demonstrate the effectiveness of AdaDim by augmenting prior methods such as Round-To-Nearest and GPTQ, showing significant improvements across various language modeling benchmarks for both base (up to $+4.7\%$ on MMLU) and instruction-tuned (up to $+10\%$ on HumanEval) LLMs.

Rephrase, Augment, Reason: Visual Grounding of Questions for Vision-Language Models

Archiki Prasad · Elias Stengel-Eskin · Mohit Bansal

An increasing number of vision-language tasks can be handled with little to no training, i.e., in a zero and few-shot manner, by marrying large language models (LLMs) to vision encoders, resulting in large vision-language models (LVLMs). While this has huge upsides, such as not requiring training data or custom architectures, how an input is presented to an LVLM can have a major impact on zero-shot model performance. In particular, inputs phrased in an underspecified way can result in incorrect answers due to factors like missing visual information, complex implicit reasoning, or linguistic ambiguity. Therefore, adding visually-grounded information to the input as a preemptive clarification should improve model performance by reducing underspecification, e.g., by localizing objects and disambiguating references. Similarly, in the VQA setting, changing the way questions are framed can make them easier for models to answer. To this end, we present Rephrase, Augment and Reason (RepARe), a gradient-free framework that extracts salient details about the image using the underlying LVLM as a captioner and reasoner, in order to propose modifications to the original question. We then use the LVLM’s confidence over a generated answer as an unsupervised scoring function to select the rephrased question most likely to improve zero-shot performance. Focusing on three visual question answering tasks, we show that RepARe can result in a 3.85% (absolute) increase in zero-shot accuracy on VQAv2, 6.41%, and 7.94% points increase on A-OKVQA, and VizWiz respectively. Additionally, we find that using gold answers for oracle question candidate selection achieves a substantial gain in VQA accuracy by up to 14.41%. Through extensive analysis, we demonstrate that outputs from RepARe increase syntactic complexity, and effectively utilize vision-language interaction and the frozen LLM.

Boosting Graph Anomaly Detection with Adaptive Message Passing

Jingyan Chen · Guanghui Zhu · Chunfeng Yuan · Yihua Huang

Unsupervised graph anomaly detection has been widely used in real-world applications. Existing methods primarily focus on local inconsistency mining (LIM), based on the intuition that establishing high similarities between abnormal nodes and their neighbors is difficult. However, the message passing employed by graph neural networks (GNNs) results in local anomaly signal loss, as GNNs tend to make connected nodes similar, which conflicts with the LIM intuition. In this paper, we propose GADAM, a novel framework that not only resolves the conflict between LIM and message passing but also leverages message passing to augment anomaly detection through a transformative approach to anomaly mining beyond LIM. Specifically, we first propose an efficient MLP-based LIM approach to obtain local anomaly scores in a conflict-free way. Next, we introduce a novel approach to capture anomaly signals from a global perspective. This involves a hybrid attention based adaptive message passing, enabling nodes to selectively absorb abnormal or normal signals from their surroundings. Extensive experiments conducted on nine benchmark datasets, including two large-scale OGB datasets, demonstrate that GADAM surpassinges existing state-of-the-art methods in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency.

Query-Dependent Prompt Evaluation and Optimization with Offline Inverse RL

Hao Sun · Alihan Hüyük · Mihaela van der Schaar

In this study, we aim to enhance the arithmetic reasoning ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) through zero-shot prompt optimization. We identify a previously overlooked objective of query dependency in such optimization and elucidate two ensuing challenges that impede the successful and economical design of prompt optimization techniques. One primary issue is the absence of an effective method to evaluate prompts during inference when the golden answer is unavailable. Concurrently, learning via interactions with the LLMs to navigate the expansive natural language prompting space proves to be resource-intensive.To address this, we introduce Prompt-OIRL, which harnesses offline inverse reinforcement learning to draw insights from offline prompting demonstration data. Such data exists as by-products when diverse prompts are benchmarked on open-accessible datasets. With Prompt-OIRL, the query-dependent prompt optimization objective is achieved by first learning an offline reward model. This model can evaluate any query-prompt pairs without accessing LLMs. Subsequently, a best-of-N strategy is deployed to recommend the optimal prompt. Our experimental evaluations across various LLM scales and arithmetic reasoning datasets underscore both the efficacy and economic viability of the proposed approach.

ALAM: Averaged Low-Precision Activation for Memory-Efficient Training of Transformer Models

Sunghyeon Woo · SunWoo Lee · Dongsuk Jeon

One of the key challenges in deep neural network training is the substantial amount of GPU memory required to store activations obtained in the forward pass. Various Activation-Compressed Training (ACT) schemes have been proposed to mitigate this issue; however, it is challenging to adopt those approaches in recent transformer-based large language models (LLMs), which experience significant performance drops when the activations are deeply compressed during training. In this paper, we introduce ALAM, a novel ACT framework that utilizes average quantization and a lightweight sensitivity calculation scheme, enabling large memory saving in LLMs while maintaining training performance. We first demonstrate that compressing activations into their group average values minimizes the gradient variance. Employing this property, we propose Average Quantization which provides high-quality deeply compressed activations with an effective precision of less than 1 bit and improved flexibility of precision allocation. In addition, we present a cost-effective yet accurate sensitivity calculation algorithm that solely relies on the L2 norm of parameter gradients, substantially reducing memory overhead due to sensitivity calculation. In experiments, the ALAM framework significantly reduces activation memory without compromising accuracy, achieving up to a 10$\times$ compression rate in LLMs.

A Simple and Effective Pruning Approach for Large Language Models

Mingjie Sun · Zhuang Liu · Anna Bair · J Kolter

As their size increases, Large Languages Models (LLMs) are natural candidates for network pruning methods: approaches that drop a subset of network weights while striving to preserve performance. Existing methods, however, require either retraining, which is rarely affordable for billion-scale LLMs, or solving a weight reconstruction problem reliant on second-order information, which may also be computationally expensive. In this paper, we introduce a novel, straightforward yet effective pruning method, termed Wanda (Pruning by Weights and activations), designed to induce sparsity in pretrained LLMs. Motivated by the recent observation of emergent large magnitude features in LLMs, our approach prunes weights with the smallest magnitudes multiplied by the corresponding input activations, on a per-output basis. Notably, Wanda requires no retraining or weight update, and the pruned LLM can be used as is. We conduct a thorough evaluation of our method Wanda on LLaMA and LLaMA-2 across various language benchmarks. Wanda significantly outperforms the established baseline of magnitude pruning and performs competitively against recent method involving intensive weight update.

3D Feature Prediction for Masked-AutoEncoder-Based Point Cloud Pretraining

Siming Yan · Yuqi Yang · Yu-Xiao Guo · Hao Pan · Peng-Shuai Wang · 童欣 TONG XIN · Yang Liu · Qixing Huang

Masked autoencoders (MAE) have recently been introduced to 3D self-supervised pretraining for point clouds due to their great success in NLP and computer vision. Unlike MAEs used in the image domain, where the pretext task is to restore features at the masked pixels, such as colors, the existing 3D MAE works reconstruct the missing geometry only, i.e, the location of the masked points. In contrast to previous studies, we advocate that point location recovery is inessential and restoring intrinsic point features is much superior. To this end, we propose to ignore point position reconstruction and recover high-order features at masked points including surface normals and surface variations, through a novel attention-based decoder which is independent of the encoder design. We validate the effectiveness of our pretext task and decoder design using different encoder structures for 3D training and demonstrate the advantages of our pretrained networks on various point cloud analysis tasks.

Spotlight Poster
A Mutual Information Perspective on Federated Contrastive Learning

Christos Louizos · Matthias Reisser · Denis Korzhenkov

We investigate contrastive learning in the federated setting through the lens of Sim- CLR and multi-view mutual information maximization. In doing so, we uncover a connection between contrastive representation learning and user verification; by adding a user verification loss to each client’s local SimCLR loss we recover a lower bound to the global multi-view mutual information. To accommodate for the case of when some labelled data are available at the clients, we extend our SimCLR variant to the federated semi-supervised setting. We see that a supervised SimCLR objective can be obtained with two changes: a) the contrastive loss is computed between datapoints that share the same label and b) we require an additional auxiliary head that predicts the correct labels from either of the two views. Along with the proposed SimCLR extensions, we also study how different sources of non-i.i.d.-ness can impact the performance of federated unsupervised learning through global mutual information maximization; we find that a global objective is beneficial for some sources of non-i.i.d.-ness but can be detrimental for others. We empirically evaluate our proposed extensions in various tasks to validate our claims and furthermore demonstrate that our proposed modifications generalize to other pretraining methods.

Spotlight Poster
Understanding Augmentation-based Self-Supervised Representation Learning via RKHS Approximation and Regression

Runtian Zhai · Bingbin Liu · Andrej Risteski · J Kolter · Pradeep K Ravikumar

Data augmentation is critical to the empirical success of modern self-supervised representation learning, such as contrastive learning and masked language modeling.However, a theoretical understanding of the exact role of the augmentation remains limited.Recent work has built the connection between self-supervised learning and the approximation of the top eigenspace of a graph Laplacian operator, suggesting that learning a linear probe atop such representation can be connected to RKHS regression.Building on this insight, this work delves into a statistical analysis of augmentation-based pretraining.Starting from the isometry property, a geometric characterization of the target function given by the augmentation, we disentangle the effects of the model and the augmentation,and prove two generalization bounds that are free of model complexity.Our first bound works for an arbitrary encoder, and it is the sum of an estimation error bound incurred by fitting a linear probe, and an approximation error bound by RKHS approximation.Our second bound specifically addresses the casewhere the encoder extracts the top-d eigenspace of a finite-sample-based approximation of the underlying RKHS.A key ingredient in our analysis is the augmentation complexity,which we use to quantitatively compare different augmentations and analyze their impact on downstream performance.

Weakly-supervised Audio Separation via Bi-modal Semantic Similarity

Tanvir Mahmud · Saeed Amizadeh · Kazuhito Koishida · Diana Marculescu

Conditional sound separation in multi-source audio mixtures without having access to single source sound data during training is a long standing challenge. Existing mix-and-separate based methods suffer from significant performance drop with multi-source training mixtures due to the lack of supervision signal for single source separation cases during training. However, in the case of language-conditional audio separation, we do have access to corresponding text descriptions for each audio mixture in our training data, which can be seen as (rough) representations of the audio samples in the language modality. That raises the curious question of how to generate supervision signal for single-source audio extraction by leveraging the fact that single-source sounding language entities can be easily extracted from the text description. To this end, in this paper, we propose a generic bi-modal separation framework which can enhance the existing unsupervised frameworks to separate single-source signals in a target modality (i.e., audio) using the easily separable corresponding signals in the conditioning modality (i.e., language), without having access to single-source samples in the target modality during training. We empirically show that this is well within reach if we have access to a pretrained joint embedding model between the two modalities (i.e., CLAP). Furthermore, we propose to incorporate our framework into two fundamental scenarios to enhance separation performance. First, we show that our proposed methodology significantly improves the performance of purely unsupervised baselines by reducing the distribution shift between training and test samples. In particular, we show that our framework can achieve 71% boost in terms of Signal-to-Distortion Ratio (SDR) over the baseline, reaching 97.5% of the supervised learning performance. Second, we show that we can further improve the performance of the supervised learning itself by 17% if we augment it by our proposed weakly-supervised framework. Our framework achieves this by making large corpora of unsupervised data available to the supervised learning model as well as utilizing a natural, robust regularization mechanism through weak supervision from the language modality, and hence enabling a powerful semi-supervised framework for audio separation. Code is released at

Sliced Denoising: A Physics-Informed Molecular Pre-Training Method

yuyan ni · Shikun Feng · Wei-Ying Ma · Zhi-Ming Ma · Yanyan Lan

While molecular pre-training has shown great potential in enhancing drug discovery, the lack of a solid physical interpretation in current methods raises concerns about whether the learned representation truly captures the underlying explanatory factors in observed data, ultimately resulting in limited generalization and robustness. Although denoising methods offer a physical interpretation, their accuracy is often compromised by ad-hoc noise design, leading to inaccurate learned force fields. To address this limitation, this paper proposes a new method for molecular pre-training, called sliced denoising (SliDe), which is based on the classical mechanical intramolecular potential theory. SliDe utilizes a novel noise strategy that perturbs bond lengths, angles, and torsion angles to achieve better sampling over conformations. Additionally, it introduces a random slicing approach that circumvents the computationally expensive calculation of the Jacobian matrix, which is otherwise essential for estimating the force field. By aligning with physical principles, SliDe shows a 42\% improvement in the accuracy of estimated force fields compared to current state-of-the-art denoising methods, and thus outperforms traditional baselines on various molecular property prediction tasks.

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Towards Principled Representation Learning from Videos for Reinforcement Learning

Dipendra Kumar Misra · Akanksha Saran · Tengyang Xie · Alex Lamb · John Langford

We study pre-training representations for decision-making using video data, which is abundantly available for tasks such as game agents and software testing. Even though significant empirical advances have been made on this problem, a theoretical understanding remains absent. We initiate the theoretical investigation into principled approaches for representation learning and focus on learning the latent state representations of the underlying MDP using video data. We study two types of settings: one where there is iid noise in the observation, and a more challenging setting where there is also the presence of exogenous noise, which is non-iid noise that is temporally correlated, such as the motion of people or cars in the background. We study three commonly used approaches: autoencoding, temporal contrastive learning, and forward modeling. We prove upper bounds for temporal contrastive learning and forward modeling in the presence of only iid noise. We show that these approaches can learn the latent state and use it to do efficient downstream RL with polynomial sample complexity. When exogenous noise is also present, we establish a lower bound result showing that the sample complexity of learning from video data can be exponentially worse than learning from action-labeled trajectory data. This partially explains why reinforcement learning with video pre-training is hard. We evaluate these representational learning methods in two visual domains, yielding results that are consistent with our theoretical findings.

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CrIBo: Self-Supervised Learning via Cross-Image Object-Level Bootstrapping

Tim Lebailly · Thomas Stegmüller · Behzad Bozorgtabar · Jean-Philippe Thiran · Tinne Tuytelaars

Leveraging nearest neighbor retrieval for self-supervised representation learning has proven beneficial with object-centric images. However, this approach faces limitations when applied to scene-centric datasets, where multiple objects within an image are only implicitly captured in the global representation. Such global bootstrapping can lead to undesirable entanglement of object representations. Furthermore, even object-centric datasets stand to benefit from a finer-grained bootstrapping approach. In response to these challenges, we introduce a novel $\textbf{Cr}$oss-$\textbf{I}$mage Object-Level $\textbf{Bo}$otstrapping method tailored to enhance dense visual representation learning. By employing object-level nearest neighbor bootstrapping throughout the training, CrIBo emerges as a notably strong and adequate candidate for in-context learning, leveraging nearest neighbor retrieval at test time. CrIBo shows state-of-the-art performance on the latter task while being highly competitive in more standard downstream segmentation tasks. Our code and pretrained models are publicly available at

Robust Classification via Regression for Learning with Noisy Labels

Erik Englesson · Hossein Azizpour

Deep neural networks and large-scale datasets have revolutionized the field of machine learning. However, these large networks are susceptible to overfitting to label noise, resulting in reduced generalization. To address this challenge, two promising approaches have emerged: i) loss reweighting, which reduces the influence of noisy examples on the training loss, and ii) label correction that replaces noisy labels with estimated true labels. These directions have been pursued separately or combined as independent methods, lacking a unified approach. In this work, we present a unified method that seamlessly combines loss reweighting and label correction to enhance robustness against label noise in classification tasks. Specifically, by leveraging ideas from compositional data analysis in statistics, we frame the problem as a regression task, where loss reweighting and label correction can naturally be achieved with a shifted Gaussian label noise model. Our unified approach achieves strong performance compared to recent baselines on several noisy labelled datasets. We believe this work is a promising step towards robust deep learning in the presence of label noise. Our code is available at:

Understanding the Robustness of Multi-modal Contrastive Learning to Distribution Shift

Yihao Xue · Siddharth Joshi · Dang Nguyen · Baharan Mirzasoleiman

Recently, multimodal contrastive learning (MMCL) approaches, such as CLIP, have achieved a remarkable success in learning representations that are robust against distribution shift and generalize to new domains. Despite the empirical success, the mechanism behind learning such generalizable representations is not understood. In this work, we rigorously analyze this problem and uncover two mechanisms behind MMCL's robustness: \emph{intra-class contrasting}, which allows the model to learn features with a high variance, and \emph{inter-class feature sharing}, where annotated details in one class help learning other classes better. Both mechanisms prevent spurious features that are over-represented in the training data to overshadow the generalizable core features. This yields superior zero-shot classification accuracy under distribution shift. Furthermore, we theoretically demonstrate the benefits of using rich captions on robustness and explore the effect of annotating different types of details in the captions. We validate our theoretical findings through experiments, including a well-designed synthetic experiment and an experiment involving training CLIP models on MSCOCO/Conceptual Captions and evaluating them on shifted ImageNets.

Expressive Losses for Verified Robustness via Convex Combinations

Alessandro De Palma · Rudy R Bunel · Krishnamurthy Dvijotham · M. Pawan Kumar · Robert Stanforth · Alessio Lomuscio

In order to train networks for verified adversarial robustness, it is common to over-approximate the worst-case loss over perturbation regions, resulting in networks that attain verifiability at the expense of standard performance.As shown in recent work, better trade-offs between accuracy and robustness can be obtained by carefully coupling adversarial training with over-approximations. We hypothesize that the expressivity of a loss function, which we formalize as the ability to span a range of trade-offs between lower and upper bounds to the worst-case loss through a single parameter (the over-approximation coefficient), is key to attaining state-of-the-art performance. To support our hypothesis, we show that trivial expressive losses, obtained via convex combinations between adversarial attacks and IBP bounds, yield state-of-the-art results across a variety of settings in spite of their conceptual simplicity.We provide a detailed analysis of the relationship between the over-approximation coefficient and performance profiles across different expressive losses, showing that, while expressivity is essential, better approximations of the worst-case loss are not necessarily linked to superior robustness-accuracy trade-offs.

RobustTSF: Towards Theory and Design of Robust Time Series Forecasting with Anomalies

Hao Cheng · Qingsong Wen · Yang Liu · Liang Sun

Time series forecasting is an important and forefront task whose techniques have been applied to electricity forecasting, trajectory prediction, labor planning, etc. However, most of time series forecasting techniques assume that the training data is clean without anomalies. This assumption is unrealistic since the collected time series data can be contaminated in practice. The forecasting model will be inferior if it is directly trained by time series with anomalies. Thus it is essential to develop methods to automatically learn a robust forecasting model from the contaminated data. In this paper, we first statistically define three types of anomalies, then theoretically and experimentally analyze the loss robustness and sample robustness when these anomalies exist. Based on our analyses, we propose a simple and efficient algorithm to learn a robust forecasting model. Extensive experiments show that our method is highly robust and outperforms all existing approaches. The code is available at

Spotlight Poster
Project and Probe: Sample-Efficient Adaptation by Interpolating Orthogonal Features

Annie Chen · Yoonho Lee · Amrith Setlur · Sergey Levine · Chelsea Finn

Transfer learning with a small amount of target data is an effective and common approach to adapting a pre-trained model to distribution shifts. In some situations, target data labels may be expensive to obtain, so we may only have access to a limited number of target data points. To make the most of a very small target dataset, we propose a lightweight, sample-efficient approach that learns a diverse set of features and adapts to a target distribution by interpolating these features. Our approach, Project and Probe (Pro$^2$), first learns a linear projection that maps a pre-trained embedding onto orthogonal directions while being predictive of labels in the source dataset. The goal of this step is to learn a variety of predictive features, so that at least some of them remain useful after distribution shift. Pro$^2$ then learns a linear classifier on top of these projected features using a small target dataset. Theoretically, we find that Pro$^2$ results in more sample-efficient generalization by inducing a favorable bias-variance tradeoff. Our experiments on four datasets, with multiple distribution shift settings for each, show that Pro$^2$ improves performance by 5-15% when given limited target data compared to prior methods such as standard linear probing.

Robust NAS under adversarial training: benchmark, theory, and beyond

Yongtao Wu · Fanghui Liu · Carl-Johann Simon-Gabriel · Grigorios Chrysos · Volkan Cevher

Recent developments in neural architecture search (NAS) emphasize the significance of considering robust architectures against malicious data. However, there is a notable absence of benchmark evaluations and theoretical guarantees for searching these robust architectures, especially when adversarial training is considered. In this work, we aim to address these two challenges, making twofold contributions. First, we release a comprehensive data set that encompasses both clean accuracy and robust accuracy for a vast array of adversarially trained networks from the NAS-Bench-201 search space on image datasets. Then, leveraging the neural tangent kernel (NTK) tool from deep learning theory, we establish a generalization theory for searching architecture in terms of clean accuracy and robust accuracy under multi-objective adversarial training. We firmly believe that our benchmark and theoretical insights will significantly benefit the NAS community through reliable reproducibility, efficient assessment, and theoretical foundation, particularly in the pursuit of robust architectures.

Mitigating the Curse of Dimensionality for Certified Robustness via Dual Randomized Smoothing

Song Xia · Yi Yu · Jiang Xudong · Henghui Ding

Randomized Smoothing (RS) has been proven a promising method for endowing an arbitrary image classifier with certified robustness. However, the substantial uncertainty inherent in the high-dimensional isotropic Gaussian noise imposes the curse of dimensionality on RS. Specifically, the upper bound of ${\ell_2}$ certified robustness radius provided by RS exhibits a diminishing trend with the expansion of the input dimension $d$, proportionally decreasing at a rate of $1/\sqrt{d}$. This paper explores the feasibility of providing ${\ell_2}$ certified robustness for high-dimensional input through the utilization of dual smoothing in the lower-dimensional space. The proposed Dual Randomized Smoothing (DRS) down-samples the input image into two sub-images and smooths the two sub-images in lower dimensions. Theoretically, we prove that DRS guarantees a tight ${\ell_2}$ certified robustness radius for the original input and reveal that DRS attains a superior upper bound on the ${\ell_2}$ robustness radius, which decreases proportionally at a rate of $(1/\sqrt m + 1/\sqrt n )$ with $m+n=d$. Extensive experiments demonstrate the generalizability and effectiveness of DRS, which exhibits a notable capability to integrate with established methodologies, yielding substantial improvements in both accuracy and ${\ell_2}$ certified robustness baselines of RS on the CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets. Code is available at

Aux-NAS: Exploiting Auxiliary Labels with Negligibly Extra Inference Cost

Yuan Gao · WEIZHONG ZHANG · Wenhan Luo · Lin Ma · Jin-Gang Yu · Gui-Song Xia · Jiayi Ma

We aim at exploiting additional auxiliary labels from an independent (auxiliary) task to boost the primary task performance which we focus on, while preserving a single task inference cost of the primary task. While most existing auxiliary learning methods are optimization-based relying on loss weights/gradients manipulation, our method is architecture-based with a flexible asymmetric structure for the primary and auxiliary tasks, which produces different networks for training and inference. Specifically, starting from two single task networks/branches (each representing a task), we propose a novel method with evolving networks where only primary-to-auxiliary links exist as the cross-task connections after convergence. These connections can be removed during the primary task inference, resulting in a single-task inference cost. We achieve this by formulating a Neural Architecture Search (NAS) problem, where we initialize bi-directional connections in the search space and guide the NAS optimization converging to an architecture with only the single-side primary-to-auxiliary connections. Moreover, our method can be incorporated with optimization-based auxiliary learning approaches. Extensive experiments with six tasks on NYU v2, CityScapes, and Taskonomy datasets using VGG, ResNet, and ViT backbones validate the promising performance. The codes are available at

Multimodal Molecular Pretraining via Modality Blending

Qiying Yu · Yudi Zhang · yuyan ni · Shikun Feng · Yanyan Lan · Hao Zhou · Jingjing Liu

Self-supervised learning has recently gained growing interest in molecular modeling for scientific tasks such as AI-assisted drug discovery. Current studies consider leveraging both 2D and 3D molecular structures for representation learning. However, relying on straightforward alignment strategies that treat each modality separately, these methods fail to exploit the intrinsic correlation between 2D and 3D representations that reflect the underlying structural characteristics of molecules, and only perform coarse-grained molecule-level alignment. To derive fine-grained alignment and promote structural molecule understanding, we introduce an atomic-relation level "blend-then-predict" self-supervised learning approach, MoleBLEND, which first blends atom relations represented by different modalities into one unified relation matrix for joint encoding, then recovers modality-specific information for 2D and 3D structures individually. By treating atom relationships as anchors, MoleBLEND organically aligns and integrates visually dissimilar 2D and 3D modalities of the same molecule at fine-grained atomic level, painting a more comprehensive depiction of each molecule. Extensive experiments show that MoleBLEND achieves state-of-the-art performance across major 2D/3D molecular benchmarks. We further provide theoretical insights from the perspective of mutual-information maximization, demonstrating that our method unifies contrastive, generative (cross-modality prediction) and mask-then-predict (single-modality prediction) objectives into one single cohesive framework.

CRITIC: Large Language Models Can Self-Correct with Tool-Interactive Critiquing

Zhibin Gou · Zhihong Shao · Yeyun Gong · yelong shen · Yujiu Yang · Nan Duan · Weizhu Chen

Recent developments in large language models (LLMs) have been impressive. However, these models sometimes show inconsistencies and problematic behavior, such as hallucinating facts, generating flawed code, or creating offensive and toxic content. Unlike these models, humans typically utilize external tools to cross-check and refine their initial content, like using a search engine for fact-checking, or a code interpreter for debugging. Inspired by this observation, we introduce a framework called CRITIC that allows LLMs, which are essentially “black boxes” to validate and progressively amend their own outputs in a manner similar to human interaction with tools. More specifically, starting with an initial output, CRITIC interacts with appropriate tools to evaluate certain aspects of the text, and then revises the output based on the feedback obtained during this validation process. Comprehensive evaluations involving free-form question answering, mathematical program synthesis, and toxicity reduction demonstrate that CRITIC consistently enhances the performance of LLMs. Meanwhile, our research highlights the crucial importance of external feedback in promoting the ongoing self-improvement of LLMs.

ReMasker: Imputing Tabular Data with Masked Autoencoding

Tianyu Du · Luca Melis · Ting Wang

We present ReMasker, a new method of imputing missing values in tabular data by extending the masked autoencoding framework. Compared with prior work, ReMasker is extremely simple -- besides the missing values (i.e., naturally masked), we randomly "re-mask" another set of values, optimize the autoencoder by reconstructing this re-masked set, and apply the trained model to predict the missing values; and yet highly effective -- with extensive evaluation on benchmark datasets, we show that ReMasker performs on par with or outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of both imputation fidelity and utility under various missingness settings, while its performance advantage often increases with the ratio of missing data. We further explore theoretical justification for its effectiveness, showing that ReMasker tends to learn missingness-invariant representations of tabular data. Our findings indicate that masked modeling represents a promising direction for further research on tabular data imputation. The code is publicly available.

Exploring Weight Balancing on Long-Tailed Recognition Problem

Naoya Hasegawa · Issei Sato

Recognition problems in long-tailed data, in which the sample size per class is heavily skewed, have gained importance because the distribution of the sample size per class in a dataset is generally exponential unless the sample size is intentionally adjusted. Various methods have been devised to address these problems.Recently, weight balancing, which combines well-known classical regularization techniques with two-stage training, has been proposed. Despite its simplicity, it is known for its high performance compared with existing methods devised in various ways.However, there is a lack of understanding as to why this method is effective for long-tailed data. In this study, we analyze weight balancing by focusing on neural collapse and the cone effect at each training stage and found that it can be decomposed into an increase in Fisher's discriminant ratio of the feature extractor caused by weight decay and cross entropy loss and implicit logit adjustment caused by weight decay and class-balanced loss. Our analysis enables the training method to be further simplified by reducing the number of training stages to one while increasing accuracy. Code is available at

MMICL: Empowering Vision-language Model with Multi-Modal In-Context Learning

Haozhe Zhao · Zefan Cai · Shuzheng Si · Xiaojian Ma · Kaikai An · Liang Chen · Zixuan Liu · Sheng Wang · Wenjuan Han · Baobao Chang

Since the resurgence of deep learning, vision-language models (VLMs) enhanced by large language models (LLMs) have grown exponentially in popularity. However, while LLMs can utilize extensive background knowledge and task information with in-context learning, most VLMs still struggle with understanding complex multi-modal prompts with multiple images, making VLMs less effective in downstream vision-language tasks.In this paper, we address the limitation above by 1) introducing vision-language Model with Multi-Modal In-Context Learning(MMICL), a new approach to allow the VLM to deal with multi-modal inputs efficiently; 2) proposing a novel context scheme to augment the in-context learning ability of the VLM; 3) constructing the Multi-modal In-Context Learning (MIC) dataset, designed to enhance the VLM's ability to understand complex multi-modal prompts.Our experiments confirm that MMICL achieves new state-of-the-art zero-shot performance on a wide range of general vision-language tasks, especially for complex benchmarks, including MME and MMBench. Our analysis demonstrates that MMICL effectively tackles the challenge of complex multi-modal prompt understanding and emerges the impressive ICL ability. Furthermore, we observe that MMICL successfully alleviates language bias in VLMs, a common issue for VLMs that often leads to hallucination when faced with extensive textual context.Our code, dataset, dataset tool, and model are available at

Matrix Manifold Neural Networks++

Xuan Son Nguyen · Yang · Aymeric Histace

Deep neural networks (DNNs) on Riemannian manifolds have garnered increasing interest in various applied areas. For instance, DNNs on spherical and hyperbolic manifolds have been designed to solve a wide range of computer vision and nature language processing tasks. One of the key factors that contribute to the success of these networks is that spherical and hyperbolic manifolds have the rich algebraic structures of gyrogroups and gyrovector spaces. This enables principled and effective generalizations of the most successful DNNs to these manifolds. Recently, some works have shown that many concepts in the theory of gyrogroups and gyrovector spaces can also be generalized to matrix manifolds such as Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) and Grassmann manifolds. As a result, some building blocks for SPD and Grassmann neural networks, e.g., isometric models and multinomial logistic regression (MLR) can be derived in a way that is fully analogous to their spherical and hyperbolic counterparts. Building upon these works, in this paper, we design fully-connected (FC) and convolutional layers for SPD neural networks. We also develop MLR on Symmetric Positive Semi-definite (SPSD) manifolds, and propose a method for performing backpropagation with the Grassmann logarithmic map in the projector perspective. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in the human action recognition and node classification tasks.

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DreamLLM: Synergistic Multimodal Comprehension and Creation

Runpei Dong · chunrui han · Yuang Peng · Zekun Qi · Zheng Ge · Jinrong Yang · Liang Zhao · Jianjian Sun · Hongyu Zhou · Haoran Wei · Xiangwen Kong · Xiangyu Zhang · Kaisheng Ma · Li Yi

This paper presents DreamLLM, a learning framework that first achieves versatile Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) empowered with frequently overlooked synergy between multimodal comprehension and creation. DreamLLM operates on two fundamental principles. The first focuses on the generative modeling of both language and image posteriors by direct sampling in the raw multimodal space. This approach circumvents the limitations and information loss inherent to external feature extractors like CLIP, and a more thorough multimodal understanding is obtained. Second, DreamLLM fosters the generation of raw, interleaved documents, modeling both text and image contents, along with unstructured layouts. This allows DreamLLM to learn all conditional, marginal, and joint multimodal distributions effectively. As a result, DreamLLM is the first MLLM capable of generating free-form interleaved content. Comprehensive experiments highlight DreamLLM's superior performance as a zero-shot multimodal generalist, reaping from the enhanced learning synergy. Project page:

Going Beyond Neural Network Feature Similarity: The Network Feature Complexity and Its Interpretation Using Category Theory

Yiting Chen · Zhanpeng Zhou · Junchi Yan

The behavior of neural networks still remains opaque, and a recently widely noted phenomenon is that networks often achieve similar performance when initialized with different random parameters. This phenomenon has attracted significant attention in measuring the similarity between features learned by distinct networks. However, feature similarity could be vague in describing the same feature since equivalent features hardly exist. In this paper, we expand the concept of equivalent feature and provide the definition of what we call functionally equivalent features. These features produce equivalent output under certain transformations. Using this definition, we aim to derive a more intrinsic metric for the so-called feature complexity regarding the redundancy of features learned by a neural network at each layer. We offer a formal interpretation of our approach through the lens of category theory, a well-developed area in mathematics. To quantify the feature complexity, we further propose an efficient algorithm named Iterative Feature Merging. Our experimental results validate our ideas and theories from various perspectives. We empirically demonstrate that the functionally equivalence widely exists among different features learned by the same neural network and we could reduce the number of parameters of the network without affecting the performance. We have also drawn several interesting empirical findings, including: 1) the larger the network, the more redundant features it learns; 2) in particular, we show how to prune the networks based on our finding using direct equivalent feature merging, without fine-tuning which is often needed in peer network pruning methods; 3) same structured networks with higher feature complexity achieve better performance; 4) through the layers of a neural network, the feature complexity first increase then decrease; 5) for the image classification task, a group of functionally equivalent features may correspond to a specific semantic meaning. Source code will be made publicly available.

AutomaTikZ: Text-Guided Synthesis of Scientific Vector Graphics with TikZ

Jonas Belouadi · Anne Lauscher · Steffen Eger

Generating bitmap graphics from text has gained considerable attention, yet for scientific figures, vector graphics are often preferred. Given that vector graphics are typically encoded using low-level graphics primitives, generating them directly is difficult. To address this, we propose the use of TikZ, a well-known abstract graphics language that can be compiled to vector graphics, as an intermediate representation of scientific figures. TikZ offers human-oriented, high-level commands, thereby facilitating conditional language modeling with any large language model. To this end, we introduce DaTikZ the first large-scale TikZ dataset, consisting of 120k TikZ drawings aligned with captions. We fine-tune LLaMA on DaTikZ, as well as our new model CLiMA, which augments LLaMA with multimodal CLIP embeddings. In both human and automatic evaluation, CLiMA and LLaMA outperform commercial GPT-4 and Claude 2 in terms of similarity to human-created figures, with CLiMA additionally improving text-image alignment. Our detailed analysis shows that all models generalize well and are not susceptible to memorization. GPT-4 and Claude 2, however, tend to generate more simplistic figures compared to both humans and our models. We make our framework, AutomaTikZ, along with model weights and datasets, publicly available.

Model Tells You What to Discard: Adaptive KV Cache Compression for LLMs

Suyu Ge · Yunan Zhang · Liyuan Liu · Minjia Zhang · Jiawei Han · Jianfeng Gao

In this study, we introduce adaptive KV cache compression, a plug-and-play method that reduces the memory footprint of generative inference for Large Language Models (LLMs). Different from the conventional KV cache that retains key and value vectors for all context tokens, we conduct targeted profiling to discern the intrinsic structure of attention modules. Based on the recognized structure, we then construct the KV cache in an adaptive manner: evicting long-range contexts on attention heads emphasizing local contexts, discarding non-special tokens on attention heads centered on special tokens, and only employing the standard KV cache for attention heads that broadly attend to all tokens. Moreover, with the lightweight attention profiling used to guide the construction of the adaptive KV cache, FastGen can be deployed without resource-intensive fine-tuning or re-training. In our experiments across various asks, FastGen demonstrates substantial reduction on GPU memory consumption with negligible generation quality loss. We will release our code and the compatible CUDA kernel for reproducibility.

Towards Understanding Sycophancy in Language Models

Mrinank Sharma · Meg Tong · Tomek Korbak · David Duvenaud · Amanda Askell · Sam Bowman · Esin DURMUS · Zac Hatfield-Dodds · Scott Johnston · Shauna Kravec · Timothy Maxwell · Sam McCandlish · Kamal Ndousse · Oliver Rausch · Nicholas Schiefer · Da Yan · Miranda Zhang · Ethan Perez

Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) is a popular technique for training high-quality AI assistants. However, RLHF may also encourage model responses that match user beliefs over truthful responses, a behavior known as sycophancy. We investigate the prevalence of sycophancy in RLHF-trained models and whether human preference judgments are responsible. We first demonstrate that five state-of-the-art AI assistants consistently exhibit sycophancy behavior across four varied free-form text-generation tasks. To understand if human preferences drive this broadly observed behavior of RLHF models, we analyze existing human preference data. We find that when a response matches a user's views, it is more likely to be preferred. Moreover, both humans and preference models (PMs) prefer convincingly-written sycophantic responses over correct ones a non-negligible fraction of the time. Optimizing model outputs against PMs also sometimes sacrifices truthfulness in favor of sycophancy. Overall, our results indicate that sycophancy is a general behavior of RLHF models, likely driven in part by human preference judgments favoring sycophantic responses.

Evaluating Representation Learning on the Protein Structure Universe

Arian Jamasb · Alex Morehead · Chaitanya Joshi · Zuobai Zhang · Kieran Didi · Simon Mathis · Charles Harris · Jian Tang · Jianlin Cheng · Pietro Lio · Tom Blundell

We introduce ProteinWorkshop, a comprehensive benchmark suite for representation learning on protein structures with Geometric Graph Neural Networks. We consider large-scale pre-training and downstream tasks on both experimental and predicted structures to enable the systematic evaluation of the quality of the learned structural representation and their usefulness in capturing functional relationships for downstream tasks. We find that: (1) large-scale pretraining on AlphaFold structures and auxiliary tasks consistently improve the performance of both rotation-invariant and equivariant GNNs, and (2) more expressive equivariant GNNs benefit from pretraining to a greater extent compared to invariant models.We aim to establish a common ground for the machine learning and computational biology communities to rigorously compare and advance protein structure representation learning. Our open-source codebase reduces the barrier to entry for working with large protein structure datasets by providing: (1) storage-efficient dataloaders for large-scale structural databases including AlphaFoldDB and ESM Atlas, as well as (2) utilities for constructing new tasks from the entire PDB. ProteinWorkshop is available at:

Dissecting learning and forgetting in language model finetuning

Xiao Zhang · Ji Wu

Finetuning language models on domain-specific corpus is a common approach to enhance their domain knowledge and capability. While improving performance on domain tasks, it often brings a side-effect of forgetting of the model's general abilities. In this study, we analyze the effects of finetuning on language models by dissecting its impacts on the modeling of topic, style, and factual knowledge in text. Our method uses instruction-following LLMs such as ChatGPT to auto-generate controlled-variable text examples which we use to probe the model. Our findings reveal that finetuning results in significant shifts in the language model's topic and style priors, while actual knowledge learning only contributes to a small fraction of the total probability change. Analysis shows that the adaptation of topic and style priors behave akin to learning simple features: they are learned rapidly and require little model capacity. They are also learned independently and primarily at the beginning of a text sequence. In contrast, factual knowledge is learned stably but slowly and requires significant model capacity to learn. The research offers insights and understanding into the finer dynamics of learning and forgetting in language models, and can potentially inform future research on improving domain adaptation and addressing the challenges of forgetting in continual learning of language models.

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Jailbreak in pieces: Compositional Adversarial Attacks on Multi-Modal Language Models

Erfan Shayegani · Yue Dong · Nael Abu-Ghazaleh

We introduce new jailbreak attacks on vision language models (VLMs), which use aligned LLMs and are resilient to text-only jailbreak attacks. Specifically, we develop cross-modality attacks on alignment where we pair adversarial images going through the vision encoder with textual prompts to break the alignment of the language model. Our attacks employ a novel compositional strategy that combines an image, adversarially targeted towards toxic embeddings, with generic prompts to accomplish the jailbreak. Thus, the LLM draws the context to answer the generic prompt from the adversarial image. The generation of benign-appearing adversarial images leverages a novel embedding-space-based methodology, operating with no access to the LLM model. Instead, the attacks require access only to the vision encoder and utilize one of our four embedding space targeting strategies. By not requiring access to the LLM, the attacks lower the entry barrier for attackers, particularly when vision encoders such as CLIP are embedded in closed-source LLMs. The attacks achieve a high success rate across different VLMs, highlighting the risk of cross-modality alignment vulnerabilities, and the need for new alignment approaches for multi-modal models.

Emu: Generative Pretraining in Multimodality

Quan Sun · Qiying Yu · Yufeng Cui · Fan Zhang · Xiaosong Zhang · Yueze Wang · Hongcheng Gao · Jingjing Liu · Tiejun Huang · Xinlong Wang

We present Emu, a multimodal foundation model that seamlessly generates images and text in multimodal context. This omnivore model can take in any single-modality or multimodal data input indiscriminately (e.g., interleaved image, text and video) through a one-model-for-all autoregressive training process. First, visual signals are encoded into embeddings, and together with text tokens form an interleaved input sequence. Emu is end-to-end trained with a unified objective of classifying the next text token or regressing the next visual embedding in the multimodal sequence. This versatile multimodality empowers the leverage of diverse pretraining data sources at scale, such as videos with interleaved frames and text, webpages with interleaved images and text, as well as web-scale image-text pairs and video-text pairs. Emu can serve as a generalist multimodal interface for both image-to-text and text-to-image tasks, supporting in-context image and text generation. Across a broad range of zero-shot/few-shot tasks including image captioning, visual question answering, video question answering and text-to-image generation, Emu demonstrates superb performance compared to state-of-the-art large multimodal models. Extended capabilities such as multimodal assistants via instruction tuning are also demonstrated with impressive performance.

The Cost of Scaling Down Large Language Models: Reducing Model Size Affects Memory before In-context Learning

Tian Jin · Nolan Clement · Xin Dong · Vaishnavh Nagarajan · Michael Carbin · Jonathan Ragan-Kelley · Gintare Karolina Dziugaite

We study how down-scaling large language model (LLM) size impacts LLM capabilities. We begin by measuring the effects of weight pruning – a popular technique for reducing model size – on the two abilities of LLMs: (a) recalling facts presented during pre-training and (b) processing information presented in context. Surprisingly, we find that existing pruning techniques affect these two abilities of LLMs differently. For example, pruning more than 30% of weights significantly decreases an LLM’s ability to recall facts presented during pre-training. Yet pruning 60-70% of weights largely preserves an LLM’s ability to process information in-context, ranging from retrieving answers based on information presented in context to learning parameterized functions such as a linear classifier based on a few examples. Moderate pruning impairs LLM’s ability to recall facts learnt from pre-training. However, its effect on model’s ability to process information presented in context is much less pronounced. The said disparate effects similarly arise when replacing the original model with a smaller dense one with reduced width and depth. This similarity suggests that model size reduction in general underpins the said disparity.

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MuSR: Testing the Limits of Chain-of-thought with Multistep Soft Reasoning

Zayne Sprague · Xi Ye · Kaj Bostrom · Swarat Chaudhuri · Greg Durrett

While large language models (LLMs) equipped with techniques like chain-of-thought prompting have demonstrated impressive capabilities, they still fall short in their ability to reason robustly in complex settings. However, evaluating LLM reasoning is challenging because system capabilities continue to grow while benchmark datasets for tasks like logical deduction have remained static. We introduce MuSR, a dataset for evaluating language models on multistep soft reasoning tasks specified in a natural language narrative. This dataset has two crucial features. First, it is created through a novel neurosymbolic synthetic-to-natural generation algorithm, enabling the construction of complex reasoning instances that challenge GPT-4 (e.g., murder mysteries roughly 1000 words in length) and which can be scaled further as more capable LLMs are released. Second, our data instances are free text narratives corresponding to real-world domains of reasoning; this makes it simultaneously much more challenging than other synthetically-crafted benchmarks while remaining realistic and tractable for human annotators to solve with high accuracy. We evaluate a range of LLMs and prompting techniques on this dataset and characterize the gaps that remain for techniques like chain-of-thought to perform robust reasoning.

EBMDock: Neural Probabilistic Protein-Protein Docking via a Differentiable Energy Model

Huaijin Wu · Wei Liu · Yatao Bian · Jiaxiang Wu · Nianzu Yang · Junchi Yan

Protein complex formation, a pivotal challenge in contemporary biology, has recently gained interest from the machine learning community, particularly concerning protein-ligand docking tasks. In this paper, we delve into the equally crucial but comparatively under-investigated domain of protein-protein docking. Specifically, we propose a geometric deep learning framework, termed EBMDock, which employs statistical potential as its energy function. This approach produces a probability distribution over docking poses, such that the identified docking pose aligns with a minimum point in the energy landscape. We employ a differential algorithm grounded in Langevin dynamics to efficiently sample from the docking pose distribution. Additionally, we incorporate energy-based training using contrastive divergence, enhancing both performance and stability. Empirical results demonstrate that our approach achieves superior performance on two benchmark datasets DIPS and DB5.5. Furthermore, the results suggest EBMDock can serve as an orthogonal enhancement to existing methods.

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Circuit Component Reuse Across Tasks in Transformer Language Models

Jack Merullo · Carsten Eickhoff · Ellie Pavlick

Recent work in mechanistic interpretability has shown that behaviors in language models can be successfully reverse-engineered through circuit analysis. A common criticism, however, is that each circuit is task-specific, and thus such analysis cannot contribute to understanding the models at a higher level. In this work, we present evidence that insights (both low-level findings about specific heads and higher-level findings about general algorithms) can indeed generalize across tasks. Specifically, we study the circuit discovered in (Wang, 2022) for the Indirect Object Identification (IOI) task and 1.) show that it reproduces on a larger GPT2 model, and 2.) that it is mostly reused to solve a seemingly different task: Colored Objects (Ippolito & Callison-Burch, 2023). We provide evidence that the process underlying both tasks is functionally very similar, and contains about a 78% overlap in in-circuit attention heads. We further present a proof-of-concept intervention experiment, in which we adjust four attention heads in middle layers in order to ‘repair’ the Colored Objects circuit and make it behave like the IOI circuit. In doing so, we boost accuracy from 49.6% to 93.7% on the Colored Objects task and explain most sources of error. The intervention affects downstream attention heads in specific ways predicted by their interactions in the IOI circuit, indicating that this subcircuit behavior is invariant to the different task inputs. Overall, our results provide evidence that it may yet be possible to explain large language models' behavior in terms of a relatively small number of interpretable task-general algorithmic building blocks and computational components.

Reward Model Ensembles Help Mitigate Overoptimization

Thomas Coste · Usman Anwar · Robert Kirk · David Krueger

Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) is a standard approach for fine-tuning large language models to follow instructions. As part of this process, learned reward models are used to approximately model human preferences. However, as imperfect representations of the “true” reward, these learned reward models are susceptible to overoptimization. Gao et al. (2023) studied this phenomenon in a synthetic human feedback setup with a significantly larger “gold” reward model acting as the true reward (instead of humans) and showed that overoptimization remains a persistent problem regardless of the size of the proxy reward model and training data used. Using a similar setup, we conduct a systematic study to evaluate the efficacy of using ensemble-based conservative optimization objectives, specifically worst-case optimization (WCO) and uncertainty-weighted optimization (UWO), for mitigating reward model overoptimization when using two optimization methods: (a) best-of-n sampling (BoN) (b) proximal policy optimization (PPO). We additionally extend the setup of Gao et al. (2023) to include 25% label noise to better mirror real-world conditions. Both with and without label noise we find that conservative optimization practically eliminates overoptimization and improves performance by up to 70% for BoN sampling. For PPO, ensemble-based conservative optimization always reduces overoptimization and outperforms single reward model optimization. Moreover, combining it with a small KL penalty successfully prevents overoptimization at no performance cost. Overall, our results demonstrate that ensemble-based conservative optimization can effectively counter overoptimization.

BadChain: Backdoor Chain-of-Thought Prompting for Large Language Models

Zhen Xiang · Fengqing Jiang · Zidi Xiong · Bhaskar Ramasubramanian · Radha Poovendran · Bo Li

Large language models (LLMs) are shown to benefit from chain-of-thought (COT) prompting, particularly when tackling tasks that require systematic reasoning processes. On the other hand, COT prompting also poses new vulnerabilities in the form of backdoor attacks, wherein the model will output unintended malicious content under specific backdoor-triggered conditions during inference. Traditional methods for launching backdoor attacks involve either contaminating the training dataset with backdoored instances or directly manipulating the model parameters during deployment. However, these approaches are not practical for commercial LLMs that typically operate via API access. In this paper, we propose BadChain, the first backdoor attack against LLMs employing COT prompting, which does not require access to the training dataset or model parameters and imposes low computational overhead. BadChain leverages the inherent reasoning capabilities of LLMs by inserting a backdoor reasoning step into the sequence of reasoning steps of the model output, thereby altering the final response when a backdoor trigger is embedded in the query prompt. In particular, a subset of demonstrations will be manipulated to incorporate a backdoor reasoning step in COT prompting. Consequently, given any query prompt containing the backdoor trigger, the LLM will be misled to output unintended content. Empirically, we show the effectiveness of BadChain for two COT strategies across four LLMs (Llama2, GPT-3.5, PaLM2, and GPT-4) and six complex benchmark tasks encompassing arithmetic, commonsense, and symbolic reasoning. We show that the baseline backdoor attacks designed for simpler tasks such as semantic classification will fail on these complicated tasks. In addition, our findings reveal that LLMs endowed with stronger reasoning capabilities exhibit higher susceptibility to BadChain, exemplified by a high average attack success rate of 97.0\% across the six benchmark tasks on GPT-4. We also demonstrate the interpretability of BadChain by showing that the relationship between the trigger and the backdoor reasoning step can be well-explained based on the output of the backdoored model. Finally, we propose two defenses based on shuffling and demonstrate their overall ineffectiveness against BadChain. Therefore, BadChain remains a severe threat to LLMs, underscoring the urgency for the development of robust and effective future defenses.

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CABINET: Content Relevance-based Noise Reduction for Table Question Answering

Sohan Patnaik · Heril Changwal · Milan Aggarwal · Sumit Bhatia · Yaman Singla · Balaji Krishnamurthy

Table understanding capability of Large Language Models (LLMs) has been extensively studied through the task of question-answering (QA) over tables. Typically, only a small part of the whole table is relevant to derive the answer for a given question. The irrelevant parts act as noise and are distracting information, resulting in sub-optimal performance due to the vulnerability of LLMs to noise. To mitigate this, we propose CABINET (Content RelevAnce-Based NoIse ReductioN for TablE QuesTion-Answering) – a framework to enable LLMs to focus on relevant tabular data by suppressing extraneous information. CABINET comprises an Unsupervised Relevance Scorer (URS), trained differentially with the QA LLM, that weighs the table content based on its relevance to the input question before feeding it to the question answering LLM (QA LLM). To further aid the relevance scorer, CABINET employs a weakly supervised module that generates a parsing statement describing the criteria of rows and columns relevant to the question and highlights the content of corresponding table cells. CABINET significantly outperforms various tabular LLM baselines, as well as GPT3-based in-context learning methods, is more robust to noise, maintains outperformance on tables of varying sizes, and establishes new SoTA performance on WikiTQ, FeTaQA, and WikiSQL datasets. We release our code and datasets here.

Protein Discovery with Discrete Walk-Jump Sampling

Nathan Frey · Dan Berenberg · Karina Zadorozhny · Joseph Kleinhenz · Julien Lafrance-Vanasse · Isidro Hotzel · Yan Wu · Stephen Ra · Richard Bonneau · Kyunghyun Cho · Andreas Loukas · Vladimir Gligorijevic · Saeed Saremi

We resolve difficulties in training and sampling from a discrete generative model by learning a smoothed energy function, sampling from the smoothed data manifold with Langevin Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), and projecting back to the true data manifold with one-step denoising. Our $\textit{Discrete Walk-Jump Sampling}$ formalism combines the contrastive divergence training of an energy-based model and improved sample quality of a score-based model, while simplifying training and sampling by requiring only a single noise level. We evaluate the robustness of our approach on generative modeling of antibody proteins and introduce the $\textit{distributional conformity score}$ to benchmark protein generative models. By optimizing and sampling from our models for the proposed distributional conformity score, 97-100\% of generated samples are successfully expressed and purified and 70\% of functional designs show equal or improved binding affinity compared to known functional antibodies on the first attempt in a single round of laboratory experiments. We also report the first demonstration of long-run fast-mixing MCMC chains where diverse antibody protein classes are visited in a single MCMC chain.

Get more for less: Principled Data Selection for Warming Up Fine-Tuning in LLMs

Feiyang Kang · Hoang Anh Just · Yifan Sun · Himanshu Jahagirdar · Yuanzhi Zhang · Rongxing Du · Anit Kumar Sahu · Ruoxi Jia

This work focuses on leveraging and selecting from vast, unlabeled, open data to pre-fine-tune a pre-trained language model. The goal is to minimize the need for costly domain-specific data for subsequent fine-tuning while achieving desired performance levels. While many data selection algorithms have been designed for small-scale applications, rendering them unsuitable for our context, some emerging methods do cater to language data scales. However, they often prioritize data that aligns with the target distribution. While this strategy may be effective when training a model from scratch, it can yield limited results when the model has already been pre-trained on a different distribution. Differing from prior work, our key idea is to select data that nudges the pre-training distribution closer to the target distribution. We show the optimality of this approach for fine-tuning tasks under certain conditions. We demonstrate the efficacy of our methodology across a diverse array of tasks (NLU, NLG, zero-shot) with models up to 2.7B, showing that it consistently surpasses other selection methods. Moreover, our proposed method is significantly faster than existing techniques, scaling to millions of samples within a single GPU hour. Our code is open-sourced. While fine-tuning offers significant potential for enhancing performance across diverse tasks, its associated costs often limit its widespread adoption; with this work, we hope to lay the groundwork for cost-effective fine-tuning, making its benefits more accessible.

Zero-Mean Regularized Spectral Contrastive Learning: Implicitly Mitigating Wrong Connections in Positive-Pair Graphs

Xiong Zhou · Xianming Liu · feilong zhang · Gang Wu · Deming Zhai · Junjun Jiang · Xiangyang Ji

Contrastive learning has emerged as a popular paradigm of self-supervised learning that learns representations by encouraging representations of positive pairs to be similar while representations of negative pairs to be far apart. The spectral contrastive loss, in synergy with the notion of positive-pair graphs, offers valuable theoretical insights into the empirical successes of contrastive learning. In this paper, we propose incorporating an additive factor into the term of spectral contrastive loss involving negative pairs. This simple modification can be equivalently viewed as introducing a regularization term that enforces the mean of representations to be zero, which thus is referred to as zero-mean regularization. It intuitively relaxes the orthogonality of representations between negative pairs and implicitly alleviates the adverse effect of wrong connections in the positive-pair graph, leading to better performance and robustness. To clarify this, we thoroughly investigate the role of zero-mean regularized spectral contrastive loss in both unsupervised and supervised scenarios with respect to theoretical analysis and quantitative evaluation. These results highlight the potential of zero-mean regularized spectral contrastive learning to be a promising approach in various tasks.

Waxing-and-Waning: a Generic Similarity-based Framework for Efficient Self-Supervised Learning

Sheng Li · Chao Wu · Ao Li · Yanzhi Wang · Xulong Tang · Geng Yuan

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), essential for diverse applications such as visual recognition and eldercare, often require a large amount of labeled data for training, making widespread deployment of DNNs a challenging task. Self-supervised learning (SSL) emerges as a promising approach, which leverages inherent patterns within data through diverse augmentations to train models without explicit labels. However, while SSL has shown notable advancements in accuracy, its high computation costs remain a daunting impediment, particularly for resource-constrained platforms. To address this problem, we introduce SimWnW, a similarity-based efficient self-supervised learning framework. By strategically removing less important regions in augmented images and feature maps, SimWnW not only reduces computation costs but also eliminates irrelevant features that might slow down the learning process, thereby accelerating model convergence. The experimental results show that SimWnW effectively reduces the amount of computation costs in self-supervised model training without compromising accuracy. Specifically, SimWnW yields up to 54\% and 51\% computation savings in training from scratch and transfer learning tasks, respectively.

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LiDAR: Sensing Linear Probing Performance in Joint Embedding SSL Architectures

Vimal Thilak · Chen Huang · Omid Saremi · Laurent Dinh · Hanlin Goh · Preetum Nakkiran · Joshua Susskind · Etai Littwin

Joint embedding (JE) architectures have emerged as a promising avenue for ac-quiring transferable data representations. A key obstacle to using JE methods,however, is the inherent challenge of evaluating learned representations withoutaccess to a downstream task, and an annotated dataset. Without efficient and re-liable evaluation, it is difficult to iterate on architectural and training choices forJE methods. In this paper, we introduce LiDAR (Linear Discriminant AnalysisRank), a metric designed to measure the quality of representations within JE archi-tectures. Our metric addresses several shortcomings of recent approaches basedon feature covariance rank by discriminating between informative and uninforma-tive features. In essence, LiDAR quantifies the rank of the Linear DiscriminantAnalysis (LDA) matrix associated with the surrogate SSL task—a measure thatintuitively captures the information content as it pertains to solving the SSL task.We empirically demonstrate that LiDAR significantly surpasses naive rank basedapproaches in its predictive power of optimal hyperparameters. Our proposed cri-terion presents a more robust and intuitive means of assessing the quality of rep-resentations within JE architectures, which we hope facilitates broader adoptionof these powerful techniques in various domains.

InfoCon: Concept Discovery with Generative and Discriminative Informativeness

Ruizhe Liu · Qian Luo · Yanchao Yang

We focus on the self-supervised discovery of manipulation concepts that can be adapted and reassembled to address various robotic tasks. We propose that the decision to conceptualize a physical procedure should not depend on how we name it (semantics) but rather on the significance of the informativeness in its representation regarding the low-level physical state and state changes. We model manipulation concepts -- discrete symbols -- as generative and discriminative goals and derive metrics that can autonomously link them to meaningful sub-trajectories from noisy, unlabeled demonstrations. Specifically, we employ a trainable codebook containing encodings --symbols -- capable of synthesizing the end-state of a sub-trajectory given the current state (generative informativeness). Moreover, the encoding corresponding to a particular sub-trajectory should differentiate the state within and outside it and confidently predict the subsequent action based on the gradient of its discriminative score (discriminative informativeness). These metrics, which do not rely on human annotation, can be seamlessly integrated into a VQ-VAE framework, enabling the partitioning of demonstrations into semantically consistent sub-trajectories, fulfilling the purpose of discovering manipulation concepts and the corresponding (sub)-goal states. We evaluate the effectiveness of the learned concepts by training policies that utilize them as guidance, demonstrating superior performance compared to other baselines. Additionally, our discovered manipulation concepts compare favorably to human-annotated ones, while saving much manual effort. The code and trained models will be made public.

Towards domain-invariant Self-Supervised Learning with Batch Styles Standardization

Marin Scalbert · Maria Vakalopoulou · Florent Couzinie-Devy

In Self-Supervised Learning (SSL), models are typically pretrained, fine-tuned, and evaluated on the same domains. However, they tend to perform poorly when evaluated on unseen domains, a challenge that Unsupervised Domain Generalization (UDG) seeks to address. Current UDG methods rely on domain labels, which are often challenging to collect, and domain-specific architectures that lack scalability when confronted with numerous domains, making the current methodology impractical and rigid. Inspired by contrastive-based UDG methods that mitigate spurious correlations by restricting comparisons to examples from the same domain, we hypothesize that eliminating style variability within a batch could provide a more convenient and flexible way to reduce spurious correlations without requiring domain labels. To verify this hypothesis, we introduce Batch Styles Standardization (BSS), a relatively simple yet powerful Fourier-based method to standardize the style of images in a batch specifically designed for integration with SSL methods to tackle UDG. Combining BSS with existing SSL methods offers serious advantages over prior UDG methods: (1) It eliminates the need for domain labels or domain-specific network components to enhance domain-invariance in SSL representations, and (2) offers flexibility as BSS can be seamlessly integrated with diverse contrastive-based but also non-contrastive-based SSL methods. Experiments on several UDG datasets demonstrate that it significantly improves downstream task performances on unseen domains, often outperforming or rivaling UDG methods. Finally, this work clarifies the underlying mechanisms contributing to BSS's effectiveness in improving domain-invariance in SSL representations and performances on unseen domains. Implementations of the extended SSL methods and BSS are provided at this url.

Probabilistic Self-supervised Representation Learning via Scoring Rules Minimization

Amirhossein Vahidi · Simon Schosser · Lisa Wimmer · Yawei Li · Bernd Bischl · Eyke Hüllermeier · Mina Rezaei

%Self-supervised learning methods have shown promising results across a wide range of tasks in computer vision, natural language processing, and multimodal analysis. However, self-supervised approaches come with a notable limitation, dimensional collapse, where a model doesn't fully utilize its capacity to encode information optimally. Motivated by this, we propose ProSMin, a novel probabilistic self-supervised learning approach that leverages the power of probabilistic models to enhance representation quality and mitigate collapsing representations. Our proposed approach involves two neural networks, the online network and the target network, which collaborate and learn the diverse distribution of representations from each other through probabilistic knowledge distillation. The two networks are trained via our new loss function based on proper scoring rules. We provide a theoretical justification for ProSMin and demonstrate its modified scoring rule. This insight validates the method's optimization process and contributes to its robustness and effectiveness in improving representation quality. We evaluate our probabilistic model on various downstream tasks, such as in-distribution generalization, out-of-distribution detection, dataset corruption, low-shot learning, and transfer learning. Our method achieves superior accuracy and calibration, outperforming the self-supervised baseline in a variety of experiments on large datasets such as ImageNet-O and ImageNet-C. ProSMin thus demonstrates its scalability and real-world applicability. Our code is publicly available:

Benign Overfitting and Grokking in ReLU Networks for XOR Cluster Data

Zhiwei Xu · Yutong Wang · Spencer Frei · Gal Vardi · Wei Hu

Neural networks trained by gradient descent (GD) have exhibited a number of surprising generalization behaviors. First, they can achieve a perfect fit to noisy training data and still generalize near-optimally, showing that overfitting can sometimes be benign. Second, they can undergo a period of classical, harmful overfitting---achieving a perfect fit to training data with near-random performance on test data---before transitioning (''grokking'') to near-optimal generalization later in training. In this work, we show that both of these phenomena provably occur in two-layer ReLU networks trained by GD on XOR cluster data where a constant fraction of the training labels are flipped. In this setting, we show that after the first step of GD, the network achieves 100\% training accuracy, perfectly fitting the noisy labels in the training data, but achieves near-random test accuracy. At a later training step, the network achieves near-optimal test accuracy while still fitting the random labels in the training data, exhibiting a ''grokking'' phenomenon. This provides the first theoretical result of benign overfitting in neural network classification when the data distribution is not linearly separable. Our proofs rely on analyzing the feature learning process under GD, which reveals that the network implements a non-generalizable linear classifier after one step and gradually learns generalizable features in later steps.

Layer-wise linear mode connectivity

Linara Adilova · Maksym Andriushchenko · Michael Kamp · Asja Fischer · Martin Jaggi

Averaging neural network parameters is an intuitive method for fusing the knowledge of two independent models. It is most prominently used in federated learning. If models are averaged at the end of training, this can only lead to a good performing model if the loss surface of interest is very particular, i.e., the loss in the midpoint between the two models needs to be sufficiently low. This is impossible to guarantee for the non-convex losses of state-of-the-art networks. For averaging models trained on vastly different datasets, it was proposed to average only the parameters of particular layers or combinations of layers, resulting in better performing models. To get a better understanding of the effect of layer-wise averaging, we analyse the performance of the models that result from averaging single layers, or groups of layers. Based on our empirical and theoretical investigation, we introduce a novel notion of the layer-wise linear connectivity, and show that deep networks do not have layer-wise barriers between them.

Pushing Boundaries: Mixup's Influence on Neural Collapse

Quinn Fisher · Haoming Meng · Vardan Papyan

Mixup is a data augmentation strategy that employs convex combinations of training instances and their respective labels to improve the robustness and calibration of deep neural networks. Despite its widespread adoption, the nuanced mechanisms that underpin its success are not entirely understood. The observed phenomenon of Neural Collapse, where the last-layer activations and classifier of deep networks converge to a simplex equiangular tight frame (ETF), provides a compelling motivation to explore whether mixup induces alternative geometric configurations and whether those could explain its success. In this study, we delve into the last-layer activations of training data for deep networks subjected to mixup, aiming to uncover insights into its operational efficacy. Our investigation, spanning various architectures and dataset pairs, reveals that mixup's last-layer activations predominantly converge to a distinctive configuration different than one might expect. In this configuration, activations from mixed-up examples of identical classes align with the classifier, while those from different classes delineate channels along the decision boundary. These findings are unexpected, as mixed-up features are not simple convex combinations of feature class means (as one might get, for example, by training mixup with the mean squared error loss). By analyzing this distinctive geometric configuration, we elucidate the mechanisms by which mixup enhances model calibration. To further validate our empirical observations, we conduct a theoretical analysis under the assumption of an unconstrained features model, utilizing the mixup loss. Through this, we characterize and derive the optimal last-layer features under the assumption that the classifier forms a simplex ETF.

Neural Rate Control for Learned Video Compression

yiwei zhang · Guo Lu · Yunuo Chen · Shen Wang · Yibo Shi · Jing Wang · Li Song

The learning-based video compression method has made significant progress in recent years, exhibiting promising compression performance compared with traditional video codecs. However, prior works have primarily focused on advanced compression architectures while neglecting the rate control technique. Rate control can precisely control the coding bitrate with optimal compression performance, which is a critical technique in practical deployment. To address this issue, we present a fully neural network-based rate control system for learned video compression methods. Our system accurately encodes videos at a given bitrate while enhancing the rate-distortion performance. Specifically, we first design a rate allocation model to assign optimal bitrates to each frame based on their varying spatial and temporal characteristics. Then, we propose a deep learning-based rate implementation network to perform the rate-parameter mapping, precisely predicting coding parameters for a given rate. Our proposed rate control system can be easily integrated into existing learning-based video compression methods. The extensive experimental results show that the proposed method achieves accurate rate control on several baseline methods while also improving overall rate-distortion performance.

Time-LLM: Time Series Forecasting by Reprogramming Large Language Models

Ming Jin · Shiyu Wang · Lintao Ma · Zhixuan Chu · James Zhang · Xiaoming Shi · Pin-Yu Chen · Yuxuan Liang · Yuan-Fang Li · Shirui Pan · Qingsong Wen

Time series forecasting holds significant importance in many real-world dynamic systems and has been extensively studied. Unlike natural language process (NLP) and computer vision (CV), where a single large model can tackle multiple tasks, models for time series forecasting are often specialized, necessitating distinct designs for different tasks and applications. While pre-trained foundation models have made impressive strides in NLP and CV, their development in time series domains has been constrained by data sparsity. Recent studies have revealed that large language models (LLMs) possess robust pattern recognition and reasoning abilities over complex sequences of tokens. However, the challenge remains in effectively aligning the modalities of time series data and natural language to leverage these capabilities. In this work, we present Time-LLM, a reprogramming framework to repurpose LLMs for general time series forecasting with the backbone language models kept intact. We begin by reprogramming the input time series with text prototypes before feeding it into the frozen LLM to align the two modalities. To augment the LLM's ability to reason with time series data, we propose Prompt-as-Prefix (PaP), which enriches the input context and directs the transformation of reprogrammed input patches. The transformed time series patches from the LLM are finally projected to obtain the forecasts. Our comprehensive evaluations demonstrate that \method is a powerful time series learner that outperforms state-of-the-art, specialized forecasting models. Moreover, Time-LLM excels in both few-shot and zero-shot learning scenarios. The code is made available at

Spotlight Poster
Soft Contrastive Learning for Time Series

Seunghan Lee · Taeyoung Park · Kibok Lee

Contrastive learning has shown to be effective to learn representations from time series in a self-supervised way.However, contrasting similar time series instances or values from adjacent timestamps within a time series leads to ignore their inherent correlations, which results in deteriorating the quality of learned representations.To address this issue, we propose \textit{SoftCLT}, a simple yet effective soft contrastive learning strategy for time series.This is achieved by introducing instance-wise and temporal contrastive loss with soft assignments ranging from zero to one.Specifically, we define soft assignments for 1) instance-wise contrastive loss by distance between time series on the data space, warping and 2) temporal contrastive loss by the difference of timestamps.SoftCLT is a plug-and-play method for time series contrastive learning that improves the quality of learned representations without bells and whistles.In experiments, we demonstrate that SoftCLT consistently improves the performance in various downstream tasks including classification, semi-supervised learning, transfer learning, and anomaly detection, showing state-of-the-art performance.Code is available at this repository:

Bayesian Neural Controlled Differential Equations for Treatment Effect Estimation

Konstantin Hess · Valentyn Melnychuk · Dennis Frauen · Stefan Feuerriegel

Treatment effect estimation in continuous time is crucial for personalized medicine. However, existing methods for this task are limited to point estimates of the potential outcomes, whereas uncertainty estimates have been ignored. Needless to say, uncertainty quantification is crucial for reliable decision-making in medical applications. To fill this gap, we propose a novel Bayesian neural controlled differential equation (BNCDE) for treatment effect estimation in continuous time. In our BNCDE, the time dimension is modeled through a coupled system of neural controlled differential equations and neural stochastic differential equations, where the neural stochastic differential equations allow for tractable variational Bayesian inference. Thereby, for an assigned sequence of treatments, our BNCDE provides meaningful posterior predictive distributions of the potential outcomes. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first tailored neural method to provide uncertainty estimates of treatment effects in continuous time. As such, our method is of direct practical value for promoting reliable decision-making in medicine.

Transformer Fusion with Optimal Transport

Moritz Imfeld · Jacopo Graldi · Marco Giordano · Thomas Hofmann · Sotiris Anagnostidis · Sidak Pal Singh

Fusion is a technique for merging multiple independently-trained neural networks in order to combine their capabilities. Past attempts have been restricted to the case of fully-connected, convolutional, and residual networks. This paper presents a systematic approach for fusing two or more transformer-based networks exploiting Optimal Transport to (soft-)align the various architectural components. We flesh out an abstraction for layer alignment, that can generalize to arbitrary architectures -- in principle -- and we apply this to the key ingredients of Transformers such as multi-head self-attention, layer-normalization, and residual connections, and we discuss how to handle them via various ablation studies. Furthermore, our method allows the fusion of models of different sizes (heterogeneous fusion), providing a new and efficient way to compress Transformers. The proposed approach is evaluated on both image classification tasks via Vision Transformer and natural language modeling tasks using BERT. Our approach consistently outperforms vanilla fusion, and, after a surprisingly short finetuning, also outperforms the individual converged parent models.In our analysis, we uncover intriguing insights about the significant role of soft alignment in the case of Transformers. Our results showcase the potential of fusing multiple Transformers, thus compounding their expertise, in the budding paradigm of model fusion and recombination. Code is available at

REFACTOR: Learning to Extract Theorems from Proofs

Jin Zhou · Yuhuai Wu · Qiyang Li · Roger Grosse

Human mathematicians are often good at recognizing modular and reusable theorems that make complex mathematical results within reach. In this paper, we propose a novel method called theoREm-from-prooF extrACTOR (REFACTOR) for training neural networks to mimic this ability in formal mathematical theorem proving. We show on a set of unseen proofs, REFACTOR is able to extract 19.6\% of the theorems that humans would use to write the proofs. When applying the model to the existing Metamath library, REFACTOR extracted 16 new theorems. With newly extracted theorems, we show that the existing proofs in the MetaMath database can be refactored. The new theorems are used very frequently after refactoring, with an average usage of 733.5 times, and help shorten the proof lengths. Lastly, we demonstrate that the prover trained on the new-theorem refactored dataset proves more test theorems and outperforms state-of-the-art baselines by frequently leveraging a diverse set of newly extracted theorems. Code can be found at

Spotlight Poster
On Bias-Variance Alignment in Deep Models

Lin Chen · Michal Lukasik · Wittawat Jitkrittum · Chong You · Sanjiv Kumar

Classical wisdom in machine learning holds that the generalization error can be decomposed into bias and variance, and these two terms exhibit a \emph{trade-off}. However, in this paper, we show that for an ensemble of deep learning based classification models, bias and variance are \emph{aligned} at a sample level, where squared bias is approximately \emph{equal} to variance for correctly classified sample points. We present empirical evidence confirming this phenomenon in a variety of deep learning models and datasets. Moreover, we study this phenomenon from two theoretical perspectives: calibration and neural collapse. We first show theoretically that under the assumption that the models are well calibrated, we can observe the bias-variance alignment. Second, starting from the picture provided by the neural collapse theory, we show an approximate correlation between bias and variance.

ECoFLaP: Efficient Coarse-to-Fine Layer-Wise Pruning for Vision-Language Models

Yi-Lin Sung · Jaehong Yoon · Mohit Bansal

Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) can understand the world comprehensively by integrating rich information from different modalities, achieving remarkable performance improvements on various multimodal downstream tasks. However, deploying LVLMs is often problematic due to their massive computational/energy costs and carbon consumption, making it infeasible to adopt conventional iterative global pruning, which is costly due to computing the Hessian matrix of the entire large model for sparsification. Alternatively, several studies have recently proposed layer-wise pruning approaches to avoid the expensive computation of global pruning and efficiently compress model weights according to their importance within a layer. However, these methods often suffer from suboptimal model compression due to their lack of a global perspective. To address this limitation in recent efficient pruning methods for large models, we propose Efficient Coarse-to-Fine Layer-Wise Pruning (ECoFLaP), a two-stage coarse-to-fine weight pruning approach for LVLMs. We first determine the sparsity ratios of different layers or blocks by leveraging the global importance score, which is efficiently computed based on the zeroth-order approximation of the global model gradients. Then, the multimodal model performs layer-wise unstructured weight pruning. We validate our proposed method across various multi-modal and single-modal models and datasets, demonstrating significant performance improvements over prevalent pruning techniques in the high-sparsity regime.

Weaker MVI Condition: Extragradient Methods with Multi-Step Exploration

Yifeng Fan · Yongqiang Li · Bo Chen

This paper proposes a new framework of algorithms that is extended from the celebrated extragradient algorithm. The min-max problem has attracted increasing attention because of its applications in machine learning tasks such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) training. While there has been exhaustive research on convex-concave setting, problem of nonconvex-nonconcave setting faces many challenges, such as convergence to limit cycles. Given that general min-max optimization has been found to be intractable, recent research efforts have shifted towards tackling structured problems. One of these follows the weak Minty variational inequality (weak MVI), which is motivated by relaxing Minty variational inequality (mvi) without compromising convergence guarantee of extragradient algorithm. Existing extragradient-type algorithms involve one exploration step and one update step per iteration. We analyze the algorithms with multiple exploration steps and show that current assumption can be further relaxed when more exploration is introduced. Furthermore, we design an adaptive algorithm that explores until the optimal improvement is achieved. This process exploits information from the whole trajectory and effectively tackles cyclic behaviors.

Revisiting the Last-Iterate Convergence of Stochastic Gradient Methods

Zijian Liu · Zhengyuan Zhou

In the past several years, the last-iterate convergence of the Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) algorithm has triggered people's interest due to its good performance in practice but lack of theoretical understanding. For Lipschitz convex functions, different works have established the optimal $O(\log(1/\delta)\log T/\sqrt{T})$ or $O(\sqrt{\log(1/\delta)/T})$ high-probability convergence rates for the final iterate, where $T$ is the time horizon and $\delta$ is the failure probability. However, to prove these bounds, all the existing works are either limited to compact domains or require almost surely bounded noises. It is natural to ask whether the last iterate of SGD can still guarantee the optimal convergence rate but without these two restrictive assumptions. Besides this important question, there are still lots of theoretical problems lacking an answer. For example, compared with the last-iterate convergence of SGD for non-smooth problems, only few results for smooth optimization have yet been developed. Additionally, the existing results are all limited to a non-composite objective and the standard Euclidean norm. It still remains unclear whether the last-iterate convergence can be provably extended to wider composite optimization and non-Euclidean norms. In this work, to address the issues mentioned above, we revisit the last-iterate convergence of stochastic gradient methods and provide the first unified way to prove the convergence rates both in expectation and in high probability to accommodate general domains, composite objectives, non-Euclidean norms, Lipschitz conditions, smoothness, and (strong) convexity simultaneously.

Neural Neighborhood Search for Multi-agent Path Finding

Zhongxia Yan · Cathy Wu

Multi-agent path finding (MAPF) is the combinatorial problem of planning optimal collision-avoiding paths for multiple agents, with application to robotics, logistics, and transportation. Though many recent learning-based works have focused on large-scale combinatorial problems by guiding their decomposition into sequences of smaller subproblems, the combined spatiotemporal and time-restricted nature of MAPF poses a particular challenge for learning-based guidance of iterative approaches like large neighborhood search (LNS), which is already a state-of-the-art approach for MAPF even without learning. We address this challenge of neural-guided LNS for MAPF by designing an architecture which interleaves convolution and attention to efficiently represent MAPF subproblems, enabling practical guidance of LNS in benchmark settings. We demonstrate the speedup of our method over existing state-of-the-art LNS-based methods for MAPF as well as the robustness of our method to unseen settings. Our proposed method expands the horizon of effective deep learning-guided LNS methods into multi-path planning problems, and our proposed representation may be more broadly applicable for representing path-wise interactions.

Unveiling the Unseen: Identifiable Clusters in Trained Depthwise Convolutional Kernels

Zahra Babaiee · Peyman Kiasari · Daniela Rus · Radu Grosu

Recent advances in depthwise-separable convolutional neural networks (DS-CNNs) have led to novel architectures, that surpass the performance of classical CNNs, by a considerable scalability and accuracy margin. This paper reveals another striking property of DS-CNN architectures: discernible and explainable patterns emerge in their trained depthwise convolutional kernels in all layers. Through an extensive analysis of millions of trained filters, with different sizes and from various models, we employed unsupervised clustering with autoencoders, to categorize these filters. Astonishingly, the patterns converged into a few main clusters, each resembling the difference of Gaussian (DoG) functions, and their first and second-order derivatives. Notably, we classify over 95\% and 90\% of the filters from state-of-the-art ConvNeXtV2 and ConvNeXt models, respectively. This finding is not merely a technological curiosity; it echoes the foundational models neuroscientists have long proposed for the vision systems of mammals. Our results thus deepen our understanding of the emergent properties of trained DS-CNNs and provide a bridge between artificial and biological visual processing systems. More broadly, they pave the way for more interpretable and biologically-inspired neural network designs in the future.

L2P-MIP: Learning to Presolve for Mixed Integer Programming

Chang Liu · Zhichen Dong · Haobo Ma · Weilin Luo · Xijun Li · Bowen Pang · Jia Zeng · Junchi Yan

Modern solvers for solving mixed integer programming (MIP) often rely on the branch-and-bound (B&B) algorithm which could be of high time complexity, and presolving techniques are well designed to simplify the instance as pre-processing before B&B. However, such presolvers in existing literature or open-source solvers are mostly set by default agnostic to specific input instances, and few studies have been reported on tailoring presolving settings. In this paper, we aim to dive into this open question and show that the MIP solver can be indeed largely improved when switching the default instance-agnostic presolving into instance-specific presolving. Specifically, we propose a combination of supervised learning and classic heuristics to achieve efficient presolving adjusting, avoiding tedious reinforcement learning. Notably, our approach is orthogonal from many recent efforts in incorporating learning modules into the B&B framework after the presolving stage, and to our best knowledge, this is the first work for introducing learning to presolve in MIP solvers. Experiments on multiple real-world datasets show that well-trained neural networks can infer proper presolving for arbitrary incoming MIP instances in less than 0.5s, which is neglectable compared with the solving time often hours or days.

MixSATGEN: Learning Graph Mixing for SAT Instance Generation

Xinyan Chen · Yang Li · Runzhong Wang · Junchi Yan

The Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT) stands as a canonical NP-complete task. In particular, the scarcity of real-world SAT instances and their usefulness for tuning SAT solvers underscore the necessity for effective and efficient ways of hard instance generation, whereas existing methods either struggle to maintain plausible hardness or suffer from limited applicability. Different from the typical construction-based methods, this paper introduces an adaptive and efficient graph interpolation approach that in place modifies the raw structure of graph-represented SAT instance by replacing it with a counterpart from another instance. Specifically, it involves a two-stage matching and mixing pipeline. The matching aims to find a correspondence map of literal nodes from two instance graphs via learned features from a matching network; while the mixing stage involves iteratively exchanging clause pairs with the highest correspondence scores until a specified replacement ratio is achieved. We further show that under our matching-mixing framework, moderate randomness can avoid hardness degradation of instances by introducing Gumbel noise. Experimental results show the superiority of our method with both resemblance in structure and hardness, and general applicability.

Linear attention is (maybe) all you need (to understand Transformer optimization)

Kwangjun Ahn · Xiang Cheng · Minhak Song · Chulhee Yun · Ali Jadbabaie · Suvrit Sra

Transformer training is notoriously difficult, requiring a careful design of optimizers and use of various heuristics. We make progress towards understanding the subtleties of training Transformers by carefully studying a simple yet canonical linearized shallow Transformer model. Specifically, we train linear Transformers to solve regression tasks, inspired by J. von Oswald et al. (ICML 2023), and K. Ahn et al. (NeurIPS 2023). Most importantly, we observe that our proposed linearized models can reproduce several prominent aspects of Transformer training dynamics. Consequently, the results obtained in this paper suggest that a simple linearized Transformer model could actually be a valuable, realistic abstraction for understanding Transformer optimization.

Det-CGD: Compressed Gradient Descent with Matrix Stepsizes for Non-Convex Optimization

Hanmin Li · Avetik Karagulyan · Peter Richtarik

This paper introduces a new method for minimizing matrix-smooth non-convex objectives through the use of novel Compressed Gradient Descent (CGD) algorithms enhanced with a matrix-valued stepsize. The proposed algorithms are theoretically analyzed first in the single-node and subsequently in the distributed settings. Our theoretical results reveal that the matrix stepsize in CGD can capture the objective’s structure and lead to faster convergence compared to a scalar stepsize. As a byproduct of our general results, we emphasize the importance of selecting the compression mechanism and the matrix stepsize in a layer-wise manner, taking advantage of model structure. Moreover, we provide theoretical guarantees for free compression, by designing specific layer-wise compressors for the non-convex matrix smooth objectives. Our findings are supported with empirical evidence.

Fiber Monte Carlo

Nick Richardson · Deniz Oktay · Yaniv Ovadia · James Bowden · Ryan P Adams

Integrals with discontinuous integrands are ubiquitous, arising from discrete structure in applications like topology optimization, graphics, and computational geometry. These integrals are often part of a forward model in an inverse problem where it is necessary to reason backwards about the parameters, ideally using gradient-based optimization. Monte Carlo methods are widely used to estimate the value of integrals, but this results in a non-differentiable approximation that is amenable to neither conventional automatic differentiation nor reparameterization-based gradient methods. This significantly disrupts efforts to integrate machine learning methods in areas that exhibit these discontinuities: physical simulation and robotics, design, graphics, and computational geometry. Although bespoke domain-specific techniques can handle special cases, a general methodology to wield automatic differentiation in these discrete contexts is wanting. We introduce a differentiable variant of the simple Monte Carlo estimator which samples line segments rather than points from the domain. We justify our estimator analytically as conditional Monte Carlo and demonstrate the diverse functionality of the method as applied to image stylization, topology optimization, and computational geometry.

Optimistic Bayesian Optimization with Unknown Constraints

Quoc Phong Nguyen · Wan Theng Ruth Chew · Le Song · Bryan Kian Hsiang Low · Patrick Jaillet

Though some research efforts have been dedicated to constrained Bayesian optimization (BO), there remains a notable absence of a principled approach with a theoretical performance guarantee in the decoupled setting. Such a setting involves independent evaluations of the objective function and constraints at different inputs, and is hence a relaxation of the commonly-studied coupled setting where functions must be evaluated together. As a result, the decoupled setting requires an adaptive selection between evaluating either the objective function or a constraint, in addition to selecting an input (in the coupled setting). This paper presents a novel constrained BO algorithm with a provable performance guarantee that can address the above relaxed setting. Specifically, it considers the fundamental trade-off between exploration and exploitation in constrained BO, and, interestingly, affords a noteworthy connection to active learning. The performance of our proposed algorithms is also empirically evaluated using several synthetic and real-world optimization problems.

Simple Minimax Optimal Byzantine Robust Algorithm for Nonconvex Objectives with Uniform Gradient Heterogeneity

Tomoya Murata · Kenta Niwa · Takumi Fukami · Iifan Tyou

In this study, we consider nonconvex federated learning problems with the existence of Byzantine workers. We propose a new simple Byzantine robust algorithm called Momentum Screening. The algorithm is adaptive to the Byzantine fraction, i.e., all its hyperparameters do not depend on the number of Byzantine workers. We show that our method achieves the best optimization error of $O(\delta^2\zeta_\mathrm{max}^2)$ for nonconvex smooth local objectives satisfying $\zeta_\mathrm{max}$-uniform gradient heterogeneity condition under $\delta$-Byzantine fraction, which can be better than the best known error rate of $O(\delta\zeta_\mathrm{mean}^2)$ for local objectives satisfying $\zeta_\mathrm{mean}$-mean heterogeneity condition when $\delta \leq (\zeta_\mathrm{max}/\zeta_\mathrm{mean})^2$. Furthermore, we derive an algorithm independent lower bound for local objectives satisfying $\zeta_\mathrm{max}$-uniform gradient heterogeneity condition and show the minimax optimality of our proposed method on this class. In numerical experiments, we validate the superiority of our method over the existing robust aggregation algorithms and verify our theoretical results.

Adaptive Federated Learning with Auto-Tuned Clients

Junhyung Lyle Kim · Mohammad Taha Toghani · Cesar Uribe · Anastasios Kyrillidis

Federated learning (FL) is a distributed machine learning framework where the global model of a central server is trained via multiple collaborative steps by participating clients without sharing their data. While being a flexible framework, where the distribution of local data, participation rate, and computing power of each client can greatly vary, such flexibility gives rise to many new challenges, especially in the hyperparameter tuning on the client side. We propose $\Delta$-SGD, a simple step size rule for SGD that enables each client to use its own step size by adapting to the local smoothness of the function each client is optimizing. We provide theoretical and empirical results where the benefit of the client adaptivity is shown in various FL scenarios.

ToRA: A Tool-Integrated Reasoning Agent for Mathematical Problem Solving

Zhibin Gou · Zhihong Shao · Yeyun Gong · yelong shen · Yujiu Yang · Minlie Huang · Nan Duan · Weizhu Chen

Large language models have made significant progress in various language tasks, yet they still struggle with complex mathematics. In this paper, we propose ToRA a series of Tool-integrated Reasoning Agents designed to solve challenging mathematical problems by seamlessly integrating natural language reasoning with the utilization of external tools (e.g., computation libraries and symbolic solvers), thereby amalgamating the analytical prowess of language and the computational efficiency of tools. To train ToRA, we curate interactive tool-use trajectories on mathematical datasets, apply imitation learning on the annotations, and propose output space shaping to further refine models' reasoning behavior. As a result, ToRA models significantly outperform open-source models on 10 mathematical reasoning datasets across all scales with 13%-19% absolute improvements on average. Notably, ToRA-7B reaches 44.6% on the competition-level dataset MATH, surpassing the best open-source model WizardMath-70B by 22% absolute. ToRA-34B is also the first open-source model that achieves an accuracy exceeding 50% on MATH, which significantly outperforms GPT-4's CoT result, and is competitive with GPT-4 solving problems with programs. Additionally, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of the benefits and remaining challenges of tool interaction for mathematical reasoning, providing valuable insights for future research.

Learning from Sparse Offline Datasets via Conservative Density Estimation

Zhepeng Cen · Zuxin Liu · Zitong Wang · Yihang Yao · Henry Lam · DING ZHAO

Offline reinforcement learning (RL) offers a promising direction for learning policies from pre-collected datasets without requiring further interactions with the environment. However, existing methods struggle to handle out-of-distribution (OOD) extrapolation errors, especially in sparse reward or scarce data settings. In this paper, we propose a novel training algorithm called Conservative Density Estimation (CDE), which addresses this challenge by explicitly imposing constraints on the state-action occupancy stationary distribution. CDE overcomes the limitations of existing approaches, such as the stationary distribution correction method, by addressing the support mismatch issue in marginal importance sampling. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the D4RL benchmark. Notably, CDE consistently outperforms baselines in challenging tasks with sparse rewards or insufficient data, demonstrating the advantages of our approach in addressing the extrapolation error problem in offline RL.

Efficient Streaming Language Models with Attention Sinks

Guangxuan Xiao · Yuandong Tian · Beidi Chen · Song Han · Mike Lewis

Deploying Large Language Models (LLMs) in streaming applications such as multi-round dialogue, where long interactions are expected, is urgently needed but poses two major challenges.Firstly, during the decoding stage, caching previous tokens' Key and Value states (KV) consumes extensive memory.Secondly, popular LLMs cannot generalize to longer texts than the training sequence length.Window attention, where only the most recent KVs are cached, is a natural approach --- but we show that it fails when the text length surpasses the cache size.We observe an interesting phenomenon, namely attention sink, that keeping the KV of initial tokens will largely recover the performance of window attention. In this paper, we first demonstrate that the emergence of attention sink is due to the strong attention scores towards initial tokens as a ``sink'' even if they are not semantically important.Based on the above analysis, we introduce StreamingLLM, an efficient framework that enables LLMs trained with a finite length attention window to generalize to infinite sequence length without any fine-tuning.We show that StreamingLLM can enable Llama-2, MPT, Falcon, and Pythia to perform stable and efficient language modeling with up to 4 million tokens and more.In addition, we discover that adding a placeholder token as a dedicated attention sink during pre-training can further improve streaming deployment. In streaming settings, StreamingLLM outperforms the sliding window recomputation baseline by up to 22.2$\times$ speedup.Code and datasets are provided at

Flow to Better: Offline Preference-based Reinforcement Learning via Preferred Trajectory Generation

Zhilong Zhang · Yihao Sun · Junyin Ye · Tian-Shuo Liu · Jiaji Zhang · Yang Yu

Offline preference-based reinforcement learning (PbRL) offers an effective solution to overcome the challenges associated with designing rewards and the high costs of online interactions. In offline PbRL, agents are provided with a fixed dataset containing human preferences between pairs of trajectories. Previous studies mainly focus on recovering the rewards from the preferences, followed by policy optimization with an off-the-shelf offline RL algorithm. However, given that preference label in PbRL is inherently trajectory-based, accurately learning transition-wise rewards from such label can be challenging, potentially leading to misguidance during subsequent offline RL training. To address this issue, we introduce our method named $\textit{Flow-to-Better (FTB)}$, which leverages the pairwise preference relationship to guide a generative model in producing preferred trajectories, avoiding Temporal Difference (TD) learning with inaccurate rewards. Conditioning on a low-preference trajectory, $\textit{FTB}$ uses a diffusion model to generate a better one with a higher preference, achieving high-fidelity full-horizon trajectory improvement. During diffusion training, we propose a technique called $\textit{Preference Augmentation}$ to alleviate the problem of insufficient preference data. As a result, we surprisingly find that the model-generated trajectories not only exhibit increased preference and consistency with the real transition but also introduce elements of $\textit{novelty}$ and $\textit{diversity}$, from which we can derive a desirable policy through imitation learning. Experimental results on D4RL benchmarks demonstrate that FTB achieves a remarkable improvement compared to state-of-the-art offline PbRL methods. Furthermore, we show that FTB can also serve as an effective data augmentation method for offline RL.

Delphic Offline Reinforcement Learning under Nonidentifiable Hidden Confounding

Alizée Pace · Hugo Yèche · Bernhard Schoelkopf · Gunnar Ratsch · Guy Tennenholtz

A prominent challenge of offline reinforcement learning (RL) is the issue of hidden confounding: unobserved variables may influence both the actions taken by the agent and the observed outcomes. Hidden confounding can compromise the validity of any causal conclusion drawn from data and presents a major obstacle to effective offline RL. In the present paper, we tackle the problem of hidden confounding in the nonidentifiable setting. We propose a definition of uncertainty due to hidden confounding bias, termed delphic uncertainty, which uses variation over world models compatible with the observations, and differentiate it from the well-known epistemic and aleatoric uncertainties. We derive a practical method for estimating the three types of uncertainties, and construct a pessimistic offline RL algorithm to account for them. Our method does not assume identifiability of the unobserved confounders, and attempts to reduce the amount of confounding bias. We demonstrate through extensive experiments and ablations the efficacy of our approach on a sepsis management benchmark, as well as on electronic health records. Our results suggest that nonidentifiable hidden confounding bias can be mitigated to improve offline RL solutions in practice.

$\pi$2vec: Policy Representation with Successor Features

Gianluca Scarpellini · Ksenia Konyushkova · Claudio Fantacci · Thomas Paine · Yutian Chen · Misha Denil

This paper introduces $\pi$2vec, a method for representing black box policies as comparable feature vectors.Our method combines the strengths of foundation models that serve as generic and powerful state representations and successor features that can model the future occurrence of the states for a policy.$\pi$2vec represents the behavior of policies by capturing the statistics of the features from a pretrained model with the help of successor feature framework. We focus on the offline setting where policies and their representations are trained on a fixed dataset of trajectories.Finally, we employ linear regression on $\pi$2vec vector representations to predict the performance of held out policies.The synergy of these techniques results in a method for efficient policy evaluation in resource constrained environments.

Contrastive Difference Predictive Coding

Chongyi Zheng · Ruslan Salakhutdinov · Benjamin Eysenbach

Predicting and reasoning about the future lie at the heart of many time-series questions. For example, goal-conditioned reinforcement learning can be viewed as learning representations to predict which states are likely to be visited in the future. While prior methods have used contrastive predictive coding to model time series data, learning representations that encode long-term dependencies usually requires large amounts of data. In this paper, we introduce a temporal difference version of contrastive predictive coding that stitches together pieces of different time series data to decrease the amount of data required to learn predictions of future events. We apply this representation learning method to derive an off-policy algorithm for goal-conditioned RL. Experiments demonstrate that, compared with prior RL methods, ours achieves $2 \times$ median improvement in success rates and can better cope with stochastic environments. In tabular settings, we show that our method is about $20\times$ more sample efficient than the successor representation and $1500 \times$ more sample efficient than the standard (Monte Carlo) version of contrastive predictive coding.

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Illusory Attacks: Information-theoretic detectability matters in adversarial attacks

Tim Franzmeyer · Stephen McAleer · Joao F. Henriques · Jakob Foerster · Philip Torr · Adel Bibi · Christian Schroeder de Witt

Autonomous agents deployed in the real world need to be robust against adversarial attacks on sensory inputs. Robustifying agent policies requires anticipating the strongest attacks possible.We demonstrate that existing observation-space attacks on reinforcement learning agents have a common weakness: while effective, their lack of information-theoretic detectability constraints makes them \textit{detectable} using automated means or human inspection. Detectability is undesirable to adversaries as it may trigger security escalations.We introduce \textit{\eattacks{}}, a novel form of adversarial attack on sequential decision-makers that is both effective and of $\epsilon-$bounded statistical detectability. We propose a novel dual ascent algorithm to learn such attacks end-to-end.Compared to existing attacks, we empirically find \eattacks{} to be significantly harder to detect with automated methods, and a small study with human participants\footnote{IRB approval under reference R84123/RE001} suggests they are similarly harder to detect for humans. Our findings suggest the need for better anomaly detectors, as well as effective hardware- and system-level defenses. The project website can be found at

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Efficient ConvBN Blocks for Transfer Learning and Beyond

Kaichao You · Guo Qin · Anchang Bao · Meng Cao · Ping Huang · Jiulong Shan · Mingsheng Long

Convolution-BatchNorm (ConvBN) blocks are integral components in various computer vision tasks and other domains. A ConvBN block can operate in three modes: Train, Eval, and Deploy. While the Train mode is indispensable for training models from scratch, the Eval mode is suitable for transfer learning and beyond, and the Deploy mode is designed for the deployment of models. This paper focuses on the trade-off between stability and efficiency in ConvBN blocks: Deploy mode is efficient but suffers from training instability; Eval mode is widely used in transfer learning but lacks efficiency. To solve the dilemma, we theoretically reveal the reason behind the diminished training stability observed in the Deploy mode. Subsequently, we propose a novel Tune mode to bridge the gap between Eval mode and Deploy mode. The proposed Tune mode is as stable as Eval mode for transfer learning, and its computational efficiency closely matches that of the Deploy mode. Through extensive experiments in object detection, classification, and adversarial example generation across $5$ datasets and $12$ model architectures, we demonstrate that the proposed Tune mode retains the performance while significantly reducing GPU memory footprint and training time, thereby contributing efficient ConvBN blocks for transfer learning and beyond. Our method has been integrated into both PyTorch (general machine learning framework) and MMCV/MMEngine (computer vision framework). Practitioners just need one line of code to enjoy our efficient ConvBN blocks thanks to PyTorch's builtin machine learning compilers.

Principled Federated Domain Adaptation: Gradient Projection and Auto-Weighting

Enyi Jiang · Yibo Jacky Zhang · Sanmi Koyejo

Federated Domain Adaptation (FDA) describes the federated learning (FL) setting where source clients and a server work collaboratively to improve the performance of a target client where limited data is available. The domain shift between the source and target domains, coupled with limited data of the target client, makes FDA a challenging problem, e.g., common techniques such as federated averaging and fine-tuning fail due to domain shift and data scarcity. To theoretically understand the problem, we introduce new metrics that characterize the FDA setting and a theoretical framework with novel theorems for analyzing the performance of server aggregation rules. Further, we propose a novel lightweight aggregation rule, Federated Gradient Projection ($\texttt{FedGP}$), which significantly improves the target performance with domain shift and data scarcity. Moreover, our theory suggests an $\textit{auto-weighting scheme}$ that finds the optimal combinations of the source and target gradients. This scheme improves both $\texttt{FedGP}$ and a simpler heuristic aggregation rule. Extensive experiments verify the theoretical insights and illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods in practice.

Identifiable Latent Polynomial Causal Models through the Lens of Change

Yuhang Liu · Zhen Zhang · Dong Gong · Mingming Gong · Biwei Huang · Anton Hengel · Kun Zhang · Qinfeng Shi

Causal representation learning aims to unveil latent high-level causal representations from observed low-level data. One of its primary tasks is to provide reliable assurance of identifying these latent causal models, known as \textit{identifiability}. A recent breakthrough explores identifiability by leveraging the change of causal influences among latent causal variables across multiple environments \citep{liu2022identifying}. However, this progress rests on the assumption that the causal relationships among latent causal variables adhere strictly to linear Gaussian models. In this paper, we extend the scope of latent causal models to involve nonlinear causal relationships, represented by polynomial models, and general noise distributions conforming to the exponential family. Additionally, we investigate the necessity of imposing changes on all causal parameters and present partial identifiability results when part of them remains unchanged. Further, we propose a novel empirical estimation method, grounded in our theoretical finding, that enables learning consistent latent causal representations. Our experimental results, obtained from both synthetic and real-world data, validate our theoretical contributions concerning identifiability and consistency.

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Towards LLM4QPE: Unsupervised Pretraining of Quantum Property Estimation and A Benchmark

Yehui Tang · Hao Xiong · Nianzu Yang · Tailong Xiao · Junchi Yan

Estimating the properties of quantum systems such as quantum phase has been critical in addressing the essential quantum many-body problems in physics and chemistry. Deep learning models have been recently introduced to property estimation, surpassing conventional statistical approaches. However, these methods are tailored to the specific task and quantum data at hand. It remains an open and attractive question for devising a more universal task-agnostic pretraining model for quantum property estimation. In this paper, we propose LLM4QPE, a large language model style quantum task-agnostic pretraining and finetuning paradigm that 1) performs unsupervised pretraining on diverse quantum systems with different physical conditions; 2) uses the pretrained model for supervised finetuning and delivers high performance with limited training data, on downstream tasks. It mitigates the cost for quantum data collection and speeds up convergence. Extensive experiments show the promising efficacy of LLM4QPE in various tasks including classifying quantum phases of matter on Rydberg atom model and predicting two-body correlation function on anisotropic Heisenberg model.

P2Seg: Pointly-supervised Segmentation via Mutual Distillation

Zipeng Wang · Xuehui Yu · Xumeng Han · Wenwen Yu · Zhixun Huang · Jianbin Jiao · Zhenjun Han

Point-level Supervised Instance Segmentation (PSIS) aims to enhance the applicability and scalability of instance segmentation by utilizing low-cost yet instance-informative annotations. Existing PSIS methods usually rely on positional information to distinguish objects, but predicting precise boundaries remains challenging due to the lack of contour annotations. Nevertheless, weakly supervised semantic segmentation methods are proficient in utilizing intra-class feature consistency to capture the boundary contours of the same semantic regions. In this paper, we design a Mutual Distillation Module (MDM) to leverage the complementary strengths of both instance position and semantic information and achieve accurate instance-level object perception. The MDM consists of Semantic to Instance (S2I) and Istance to Semantic (I2S). S2I is guided by the precise boundaries of semantic regions to learn the association between annotated points and instance contours. I2S leverages discriminative relationships between instances to facilitate the differentiation of various objects within the semantic map. Extensive experiments substantiate the efficacy of MDM in fostering the synergy between instance and semantic information, consequently improving the quality of instance-level object representations. Our method achieves 55.7 mAP50 and 17.6 mAP on the PASCAL VOC and MS COCO datasets, significantly outperforming recent PSIS methods and several box-supervised instance segmentation competitors.

Gene Regulatory Network Inference in the Presence of Dropouts: a Causal View

HAOYUE DAI · Ignavier Ng · Gongxu Luo · Peter Spirtes · Petar Stojanov · Kun Zhang

Gene regulatory network inference (GRNI) is a challenging problem, particularly owing to the presence of zeros in single-cell RNA sequencing data: some are biological zeros representing no gene expression, while some others are technical zeros arising from the sequencing procedure (aka dropouts), which may bias GRNI by distorting the joint distribution of the measured gene expressions. Existing approaches typically handle dropout error via imputation, which may introduce spurious relations as the true joint distribution is generally unidentifiable. To tackle this issue, we introduce a causal graphical model to characterize the dropout mechanism, namely, Causal Dropout Model. We provide a simple yet effective theoretical result: interestingly, the conditional independence (CI) relations in the data with dropouts, after deleting the samples with zero values (regardless if technical or not) for the conditioned variables, are asymptotically identical to the CI relations in the original data without dropouts. This particular test-wise deletion procedure, in which we perform CI tests on the samples without zeros for the conditioned variables, can be seamlessly integrated with existing structure learning approaches including constraint-based and greedy score-based methods, thus giving rise to a principled framework for GRNI in the presence of dropouts. We further show that the causal dropout model can be validated from data, and many existing statistical models to handle dropouts fit into our model as specific parametric instances. Empirical evaluation on synthetic, curated, and real-world experimental transcriptomic data comprehensively demonstrate the efficacy of our method.

Doubly Robust Proximal Causal Learning for Continuous Treatments

Yong Wu · Yanwei Fu · Shouyan Wang · Xinwei Sun

Proximal causal learning is a powerful framework for identifying the causal effect under the existence of unmeasured confounders. Within this framework, the doubly robust (DR) estimator was derived and has shown its effectiveness in estimation, especially when the model assumption is violated. However, the current form of the DR estimator is restricted to binary treatments, while the treatments can be continuous in many real-world applications. The primary obstacle to continuous treatments resides in the delta function present in the original DR estimator, making it infeasible in causal effect estimation and introducing a heavy computational burden in nuisance function estimation. To address these challenges, we propose a kernel-based DR estimator that can well handle continuous treatments for proximal causal learning. Equipped with its smoothness, we show that its oracle form is a consistent approximation of the influence function. Further, we propose a new approach to efficiently solve the nuisance functions. We then provide a comprehensive convergence analysis in terms of the mean square error. We demonstrate the utility of our estimator on synthetic datasets and real-world applications.

A Data-Driven Measure of Relative Uncertainty for Misclassification Detection

Eduardo Dadalto Câmara Gomes · Marco Romanelli · Georg Pichler · Pablo Piantanida

Misclassification detection is an important problem in machine learning, as it allows for the identification of instances where the model's predictions are unreliable. However, conventional uncertainty measures such as Shannon entropy do not provide an effective way to infer the real uncertainty associated with the model's predictions. In this paper, we introduce a novel data-driven measure of uncertainty relative to an observer for misclassification detection. By learning patterns in the distribution of soft-predictions, our uncertainty measure can identify misclassified samples based on the predicted class probabilities. Interestingly, according to the proposed measure, soft-predictions corresponding to misclassified instances can carry a large amount of uncertainty, even though they may have low Shannon entropy. We demonstrate empirical improvements over multiple image classification tasks, outperforming state-of-the-art misclassification detection methods.

Time Fairness in Online Knapsack Problems

Adam Lechowicz · Rik Sengupta · Bo Sun · Shahin Kamali · Mohammad Hajiesmaili

The online knapsack problem is a classic problem in the field of online algorithms. Its canonical version asks how to pack items of different values and weights arriving online into a capacity-limited knapsack so as to maximize the total value of the admitted items. Although optimal competitive algorithms are known for this problem, they may be fundamentally unfair, i.e., individual items may be treated inequitably in different ways. We formalize a practically-relevant notion of time fairness which effectively models a trade off between static and dynamic pricing in a motivating application such as cloud resource allocation, and show that existing algorithms perform poorly under this metric. We propose a parameterized deterministic algorithm where the parameter precisely captures the Pareto-optimal trade-off between fairness (static pricing) and competitiveness (dynamic pricing). We show that randomization is theoretically powerful enough to be simultaneously competitive and fair; however, it does not work well in experiments. To further improve the trade-off between fairness and competitiveness, we develop a nearly-optimal learning-augmented algorithm which is fair, consistent, and robust (competitive), showing substantial performance improvements in numerical experiments.

Low Rank Matrix Completion via Robust Alternating Minimization in Nearly Linear Time

Yuzhou Gu · Zhao Song · Junze Yin · Lichen Zhang

Given a matrix $M\in \mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$, the low rank matrix completion problem asks us to find a rank-$k$ approximation of $M$ as $UV^\top$ for $U\in \mathbb{R}^{m\times k}$ and $V\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times k}$ by only observing a few entries specified by a set of entries $\Omega\subseteq [m]\times [n]$. In particular, we examine an approach that is widely used in practice --- the alternating minimization framework. Jain, Netrapalli and Sanghavi showed that if $M$ has incoherent rows and columns, then alternating minimization provably recovers the matrix $M$ by observing a nearly linear in $n$ number of entries. While the sample complexity has been subsequently improved, alternating minimization steps are required to be computed exactly. This hinders the development of more efficient algorithms and fails to depict the practical implementation of alternating minimization, where the updates are usually performed approximately in favor of efficiency.In this paper, we take a major step towards a more efficient and error-robust alternating minimization framework. To this end, we develop an analytical framework for alternating minimization that can tolerate a moderate amount of errors caused by approximate updates. Moreover, our algorithm runs in time $\widetilde O(|\Omega| k)$, which is nearly linear in the time to verify the solution while preserving the sample complexity. This improves upon all prior known alternating minimization approaches which require $\widetilde O(|\Omega| k^2)$ time.

Combinatorial Bandits for Maximum Value Reward Function under Value-Index Feedback

Yiliu Wang · Wei Chen · Milan Vojnovic

We investigate the combinatorial multi-armed bandit problem where an action is to select $k$ arms from a set of base arms, and its reward is the maximum of the sample values of these $k$ arms, under a weak feedback structure that only returns the value and index of the arm with the maximum value. This novel feedback structure is much weaker than the semi-bandit feedback previously studied and is only slightly stronger than the full-bandit feedback, and thus it presents a new challenge for the online learning task. We propose an algorithm and derive a regret bound for instances where arm outcomes follow distributions with finite supports. Our algorithm introduces a novel concept of biased arm replacement to address the weak feedback challenge, and it achieves a distribution-dependent regret bound of $O((k/\Delta)\log(T))$ and a distribution-independent regret bound of $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$, where $\Delta$ is the reward gap and $T$ is the time horizon. Notably, our regret bound is comparable to the bounds obtained under the more informative semi-bandit feedback. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm through experimental results.

Achieving the Pareto Frontier of Regret Minimization and Best Arm Identification in Multi-Armed Bandits

Wang Chi Cheung · Vincent Tan · Zixin Zhong

We study the Pareto frontier of two archetypal objectives in multi-armed bandits, namely, regret minimization (RM) and best arm identification (BAI) with a fixed horizon. It is folklore that the balance between exploitation and exploration is crucial for both RM and BAI, but exploration is more critical in achieving the optimal performance for the latter objective. To this end, we design and analyze the BoBW-lil’UCB(\gamma) algorithm. Complementarily, by establishing lower bounds on the regret achievable by any algorithm with a given BAI failure probability, we show that (i) no algorithm can simultaneously perform optimally for both the RM and BAI objectives, and (ii) BoBW-lil’UCB(\gamma) achieves order-wise optimal performance for RM or BAI under different values of \gamma. Our work elucidates the trade-off more precisely by showing how the constants in previous works depend on certain hardness parameters. Finally, we show that BoBW-lil’UCB outperforms a close competitor UCB_{\alpha} (Degenne et al., 2019) in terms of the time complexity and the regret on diverse datasets such as MovieLens and Published Kinase Inhibitor Set.

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Out-Of-Domain Unlabeled Data Improves Generalization

seyed amir hossein saberi · Amir Najafi · Alireza Heidari · Mohammad Hosein Movasaghinia · Abolfazl Motahari · Babak HosseinKhalaj

We propose a novel framework for incorporating unlabeled data into semi-supervised classification problems, where scenarios involving the minimization of either i) adversarially robust or ii) non-robust loss functions have been considered. Notably, we allow the unlabeled samples to deviate slightly (in total variation sense) from the in-domain distribution. The core idea behind our framework is to combine Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) with self-supervised training. As a result, we also leverage efficient polynomial-time algorithms for the training stage. From a theoretical standpoint, we apply our framework on the classification problem of a mixture of two Gaussians in $\mathbb{R}^d$, where in addition to the $m$ independent and labeled samples from the true distribution, a set of $n$ (usually with $n\gg m$) out of domain and unlabeled samples are gievn as well. Using only the labeled data, it is known that the generalization error can be bounded by $\propto\left(d/m\right)^{1/2}$. However, using our method on both isotropic and non-isotropic Gaussian mixture models, one can derive a new set of analytically explicit and non-asymptotic bounds which show substantial improvement on the generalization error compared ERM. Our results underscore two significant insights: 1) out-of-domain samples, even when unlabeled, can be harnessed to narrow the generalization gap, provided that the true data distribution adheres to a form of the "cluster assumption", and 2) the semi-supervised learning paradigm can be regarded as a special case of our framework when there are no distributional shifts. We validate our claims through experiments conducted on a variety of synthetic and real-world datasets.

Risk Bounds of Accelerated SGD for Overparameterized Linear Regression

Xuheng Li · Yihe Deng · Jingfeng Wu · Dongruo Zhou · Quanquan Gu

Accelerated stochastic gradient descent (ASGD) is a workhorse in deep learning and often achieves better generalization performance than SGD. However, existing optimization theory can only explain the faster convergence of ASGD, but cannot explain its better generalization. In this paper, we study the generalization of ASGD for overparameterized linear regression, which is possibly the simplest setting of learning with overparameterization. We establish an instance-dependent excess risk bound for ASGD within each eigen-subspace of the data covariance matrix. Our analysis shows that (i) ASGD outperforms SGD in the subspace of small eigenvalues, exhibiting a faster rate of exponential decay for bias error, while in the subspace of large eigenvalues, its bias error decays slower than SGD; and (ii) the variance error of ASGD is always larger than that of SGD. Our result suggests that ASGD can outperform SGD when the difference between the initialization and the true weight vector is mostly confined to the subspace of small eigenvalues. Additionally, when our analysis is specialized to linear regression in the strongly convex setting, it yields a tighter bound for bias error than the best-known result.

Towards Robust and Efficient Cloud-Edge Elastic Model Adaptation via Selective Entropy Distillation

Yaofo Chen · Shuaicheng Niu · Yaowei Wang · Shoukai Xu · Hengjie Song · Mingkui Tan

The conventional deep learning paradigm often involves training a deep model on a server and then deploying the model or its distilled ones to resource-limited edge devices. Usually, the models shall remain fixed once deployed (at least for some period) due to the potential high cost of model adaptation for both the server and edge sides. However, in many real-world scenarios, the test environments may change dynamically (known as distribution shifts), which often results in degraded performance. Thus, one has to adapt the edge models promptly to attain promising performance. Moreover, with the increasing data collected at the edge, this paradigm also fails to further adapt the cloud model for better performance. To address these, we encounter two primary challenges: 1) the edge model has limited computation power and may only support forward propagation; 2) the data transmission budget between cloud and edge devices is limited in latency-sensitive scenarios. In this paper, we establish a Cloud-Edge Elastic Model Adaptation (CEMA) paradigm in which the edge models only need to perform forward propagation and the edge models can be adapted online. In our CEMA, to reduce the communication burden, we devise two criteria to exclude unnecessary samples from uploading to the cloud, i.e., dynamic unreliable and low-informative sample exclusion. Based on the uploaded samples, we update and distribute the affine parameters of normalization layers by distilling from the stronger foundation model to the edge model with a sample replay strategy. Extensive experimental results on ImageNet-C and ImageNet-R verify the effectiveness of our CEMA.

PAC-FNO: Parallel-Structured All-Component Fourier Neural Operators for Recognizing Low-Quality Images

Jinsung Jeon · Hyundong Jin · Jonghyun Choi · Sanghyun Hong · Dongeun Lee · Kookjin Lee · Noseong Park

A standard practice in developing image recognition models is to train a model on a specific image resolution and then deploy it. However, in real-world inference, models often encounter images different from the training sets in resolution and/or subject to natural variations such as weather changes, noise types and compression artifacts. While traditional solutions involve training multiple models for different resolutions or input variations, these methods are computationally expensive and thus do not scale in practice. To this end, we propose a novel neural network model, parallel-structured and all-component Fourier neural operator (PAC-FNO), that addresses the problem. Unlike conventional feed-forward neural networks, PAC-FNO operates in the frequency domain, allowing it to handle images of varying resolutions within a single model. We also propose a two-stage algorithm for training PAC-FNO with a minimal modification to the original, downstream model. Moreover, the proposed PAC-FNO is ready to work with existing image recognition models. Extensively evaluating methods with seven image recognition benchmarks, we show that the proposed PAC-FNO improves the performance of existing baseline models on images with various resolutions by up to 77.1% and various types of natural variations in the images at inference.

Robust agents learn causal world models

Jonathan Richens · Tom Everitt

It has long been hypothesised that causal reasoning plays a fundamental role in robust and general intelligence. However, it is not known if agents must learn causal models in order to generalise to new domains, or if other inductive biases are sufficient. We answer this question, showing that any agent capable of satisfying a regret bound for a large set of distributional shifts must have learned an approximate causal model of the data generating process, which converges to the true causal model for optimal agents. We discuss the implications of this result for several research areas including transfer learning and causal inference.

Facing the Elephant in the Room: Visual Prompt Tuning or Full finetuning?

Cheng Han · Qifan Wang · Yiming Cui · Wenguan Wang · Lifu Huang · Siyuan Qi · Dongfang Liu

As the scale of vision models continues to grow, the emergence of Visual Prompt Tuning (VPT) as a parameter-efficient transfer learning technique has gained attention due to its superior performance compared to traditional full-finetuning. However, the conditions favoring VPT (the "when") and the underlying rationale (the "why") remain unclear. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive analysis across 19 distinct datasets and tasks. To understand the "when" aspect, we identify the scenarios where VPT proves favorable by two dimensions: task objectives and data distributions. We find that VPT is preferrable when there is 1) a substantial disparity between the original and the downstream task objectives ($e.g.$, transitioning from classification to counting), or 2) a notable similarity in data distributions between the two tasks ($e.g.$, both involve natural images). In exploring the "why" dimension, our results indicate VPT's success cannot be attributed solely to overfitting and optimization considerations. The unique way VPT preserves original features and adds parameters appears to be a pivotal factor. Our study provides insights into VPT's mechanisms, and offers guidance for its optimal utilization.

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Entropy is not Enough for Test-Time Adaptation: From the Perspective of Disentangled Factors

Jonghyun Lee · Dahuin Jung · Saehyung Lee · Junsung Park · Juhyeon Shin · Uiwon Hwang · Sungroh Yoon

Test-time adaptation (TTA) fine-tunes pre-trained deep neural networks for unseen test data. The primary challenge of TTA is limited access to the entire test dataset during online updates, causing error accumulation. To mitigate it, TTA methods have utilized the model output's entropy as a confidence metric that aims to determine which samples have a lower likelihood of causing error. Through experimental studies, however, we observed the unreliability of entropy as a confidence metric for TTA under biased scenarios and theoretically revealed that it stems from the neglect of the influence of latent disentangled factors of data on predictions. Building upon these findings, we introduce a novel TTA method named Destroy Your Object (DeYO), which leverages a newly proposed confidence metric named Pseudo-Label Probability Difference (PLPD). PLPD quantifies the influence of the shape of an object on prediction by measuring the difference between predictions before and after applying an object-destructive transformation. DeYO consists of sample selection and sample weighting, which employ entropy and PLPD concurrently. For robust adaptation, DeYO prioritizes samples that dominantly incorporate shape information when making predictions. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the consistent superiority of DeYO over baseline methods across various scenarios, including biased and wild. Project page is publicly available at

Some Fundamental Aspects about Lipschitz Continuity of Neural Networks

Grigory Khromov · Sidak Pal Singh

Lipschitz continuity is a crucial functional property of any predictive model, that naturally governs its robustness, generalisation, as well as adversarial vulnerability. Contrary to other works that focus on obtaining tighter bounds and developing different practical strategies to enforce certain Lipschitz properties, we aim to thoroughly examine and characterise the Lipschitz behaviour of Neural Networks. Thus, we carry out an empirical investigation in a range of different settings (namely, architectures, datasets, label noise, and more) by exhausting the limits of the simplest and the most general lower and upper bounds. As a highlight of this investigation, we showcase a remarkable fidelity of the lower Lipschitz bound, identify a striking Double Descent trend in both upper and lower bounds to the Lipschitz and explain the intriguing effects of label noise on function smoothness and generalisation.

Node2ket: Efficient High-Dimensional Network Embedding in Quantum Hilbert Space

Hao Xiong · Yehui Tang · Yunlin He · Wei Tan · Junchi Yan

Network embedding (NE) is a prominent technique for network analysis where the nodes are represented as vectorized embeddings in a continuous space. Existing works tend to resort to the low-dimensional embedding space for efficiency and less risk of over-fitting. In this paper, we explore a new NE paradigm whose embedding dimension goes exponentially high w.r.t. the number of parameters, yet being very efficient and effective. Specifically, the node embeddings are represented as product states that lie in a super high-dimensional (e.g. $2^{32}$-dim) quantum Hilbert space, with a carefully designed optimization approach to guarantee the robustness to work in different scenarios. In the experiments, we show diverse virtues of our methods, including but not limited to: the overwhelming performance on downstream tasks against conventional low-dimensional NE baselines with the similar amount of computing resources, the super high efficiency for a fixed low embedding dimension (e.g. 512) with less than 1/200 memory usage, the robustness when equipped with different objectives and sampling strategies as a fundamental tool for future NE research. As a relatively unexplored topic in literature, the high-dimensional NE paradigm is demonstrated effective both experimentally and theoretically.

Reverse Diffusion Monte Carlo

Xunpeng Huang · Hanze Dong · Yifan HAO · Yian Ma · Tong Zhang

We propose a Monte Carlo sampler from the reverse diffusion process. Unlike the practice of diffusion models, where the intermediary updates---the score functions---are learned with a neural network, we transform the score matching problem into a mean estimation one.By estimating the means of the regularized posterior distributions, we derive a novel Monte Carlo sampling algorithm called reverse diffusion Monte Carlo (rdMC), which is distinct from the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. We determine the sample size from the error tolerance and the properties of the posterior distribution to yield an algorithm that can approximately sample the target distribution with any desired accuracy. Additionally, we demonstrate and prove under suitable conditions that sampling with rdMC can be significantly faster than that with MCMC. For multi-modal target distributions such as those in Gaussian mixture models, rdMC greatly improves over the Langevin-style MCMC sampling methods both theoretically and in practice. The proposed rdMC method offers a new perspective and solution beyond classical MCMC algorithms for the challenging complex distributions.

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Graphical Multioutput Gaussian Process with Attention

Yijue Dai · Wenzhong Yan · Feng Yin

Integrating information while recognizing dependence from multiple data sources and enhancing the predictive performance of the multi-output regression are challenging tasks. Multioutput Gaussian Process (MOGP) methods offer outstanding solutions with tractable predictions and uncertainty quantification. However, their practical applications are hindered by high computational complexity and storage demand. Additionally, there exist model mismatches in existing MOGP models when dealing with non-Gaussian data. To improve the model representation ability in terms of flexibility, optimality, and scalability, this paper introduces a novel multi-output regression framework, termed Graphical MOGP (GMOGP), which is empowered by: (i) Generating flexible Gaussian process priors consolidated from dentified parents, (ii) providing dependent processes with attention-based graphical representations, and (iii) achieving Pareto optimal solutions of kernel hyperparameters via a distributed learning framework. Numerical results confirm that the proposed GMOGP significantly outperforms state-of-the-art MOGP alternatives in predictive performance, as well as in time and memory efficiency, across various synthetic and real datasets.

Bayesian Optimization through Gaussian Cox Process Models for Spatio-temporal Data

Yongsheng Mei · Mahdi Imani · Tian Lan

Bayesian optimization (BO) has established itself as a leading strategy for efficiently optimizing expensive-to-evaluate functions. Existing BO methods mostly rely on Gaussian process (GP) surrogate models and are not applicable to (doubly-stochastic) Gaussian Cox processes, where the observation process is modulated by a latent intensity function modeled as a GP. In this paper, we propose a novel maximum a posteriori inference of Gaussian Cox processes. It leverages the Laplace approximation and change of kernel technique to transform the problem into a new reproducing kernel Hilbert space, where it becomes more tractable computationally. It enables us to obtain both a functional posterior of the latent intensity function and the covariance of the posterior, thus extending existing works that often focus on specific link functions or estimating the posterior mean. Using the result, we propose a BO framework based on the Gaussian Cox process model and further develop a Nyström approximation for efficient computation. Extensive evaluations on various synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate significant improvement over state-of-the-art inference solutions for Gaussian Cox processes, as well as effective BO with a wide range of acquisition functions designed through the underlying Gaussian Cox process model.

Implicit Neural Representation Inference for Low-Dimensional Bayesian Deep Learning

Panagiotis Dimitrakopoulos · Giorgos Sfikas · Christophoros Nikou

Bayesian inference is the standard for providing full predictive distributions with well calibrated uncertainty estimates.However, scaling to a modern, overparameterized deep learning setting typically comes at the cost of severe and restrictive approximations, sacrificing model predictive strength.With our approach, we factor model parameters as a function of deterministic and probabilistic components;the model is solved by combining maximum a posteriori estimation of the former,with inference over a low-dimensional, Implicit Neural Representation of the latter.This results in a solution that combines both predictive accuracy and good calibration,as it entails inducing stochasticity over the full set of model weights while being comparatively cheap to compute.Experimentally, our approach compares favorably to the state of the art,including much more expensive methods as well as less expressive posterior approximations over full network parameters.

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ResFields: Residual Neural Fields for Spatiotemporal Signals

Marko Mihajlovic · Sergey Prokudin · Marc Pollefeys · Siyu Tang

Neural fields, a category of neural networks trained to represent high-frequency signals, have gained significant attention in recent years due to their impressive performance in modeling complex 3D data, such as signed distance (SDFs) or radiance fields (NeRFs), via a single multi-layer perceptron (MLP). However, despite the power and simplicity of representing signals with an MLP, these methods still face challenges when modeling large and complex temporal signals due to the limited capacity of MLPs. In this paper, we propose an effective approach to address this limitation by incorporating temporal residual layers into neural fields, dubbed ResFields. It is a novel class of networks specifically designed to effectively represent complex temporal signals. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of the properties of ResFields and propose a matrix factorization technique to reduce the number of trainable parameters and enhance generalization capabilities. Importantly, our formulation seamlessly integrates with existing MLP-based neural fields and consistently improves results across various challenging tasks: 2D video approximation, dynamic shape modeling via temporal SDFs, and dynamic NeRF reconstruction. Lastly, we demonstrate the practical utility of ResFields by showcasing its effectiveness in capturing dynamic 3D scenes from sparse RGBD cameras of a lightweight capture system.

Analytically Tractable Hidden-States Inference in Bayesian Neural Networks

Luong-Ha Nguyen · James-A. Goulet

With few exceptions, neural networks have been relying on backpropagation and gradient descent as the inference engine in order to learn the model parameters, because closed-form Bayesian inference for neural networks has been considered to be intractable. In this paper, we show how we can leverage the tractable approximate Gaussian inference's (TAGI) capabilities to infer hidden states, rather than only using it for inferring the network's parameters. One novel aspect is that it allows inferring hidden states through the imposition of constraints designed to achieve specific objectives, as illustrated through three examples: (1) the generation of adversarial-attack examples, (2) the usage of a neural network as a black-box optimization method, and (3) the application of inference on continuous-action reinforcement learning. In these three examples, the constrains are in (1), a target label chosen to fool a neural network, and in (2 and 3) the derivative of the network with respect to its input that is set to zero in order to infer the optimal input values that are either maximizing or minimizing it. These applications showcase how tasks that were previously reserved to gradient-based optimization approaches can now be approached with analytically tractable inference.

Implicit Maximum a Posteriori Filtering via Adaptive Optimization

Gianluca Bencomo · Jake Snell · Thomas L. Griffiths

Bayesian filtering approximates the true underlying behavior of a time-varying system by inverting an explicit generative model to convert noisy measurements into state estimates. This process typically requires matrix storage, inversion, and multiplication or Monte Carlo estimation, none of which are practical in high-dimensional state spaces such as the weight spaces of artificial neural networks. Here, we consider the standard Bayesian filtering problem as optimization over a time-varying objective. Instead of maintaining matrices for the filtering equations or simulating particles, we specify an optimizer that defines the Bayesian filter implicitly. In the linear-Gaussian setting, we show that every Kalman filter has an equivalent formulation using K steps of gradient descent. In the nonlinear setting, our experiments demonstrate that our framework results in filters that are effective, robust, and scalable to high-dimensional systems, comparing well against the standard toolbox of Bayesian filtering solutions. We suggest that it is easier to fine-tune an optimizer than it is to specify the correct filtering equations, making our framework an attractive option for high-dimensional filtering problems.

Open the Black Box: Step-based Policy Updates for Temporally-Correlated Episodic Reinforcement Learning

Ge Li · Hongyi Zhou · Dominik Roth · Serge Thilges · Fabian Otto · Rudolf Lioutikov · Gerhard Neumann

Current advancements in reinforcement learning (RL) have predominantly focused on learning step-based policies that generate actions for each perceived state. While these methods efficiently leverage step information from environmental interaction, they often ignore the temporal correlation between actions, resulting in inefficient exploration and unsmooth trajectories that are challenging to implement on real hardware. Episodic RL (ERL) seeks to overcome these challenges by exploring in parameters space that capture the correlation of actions. However, these approaches typically compromise data efficiency, as they treat trajectories as opaque black boxes. In this work, we introduce a novel ERL algorithm, Temporally-Correlated Episodic RL (TCE), which effectively utilizes step information in episodic policy updates, opening the 'black box' in existing ERL methods while retaining the smooth and consistent exploration in parameter space. TCE synergistically combines the advantages of step-based and episodic RL, achieving comparable performance to recent ERL methods while maintaining data efficiency akin to state-of-the-art (SoTA) step-based RL.

Modeling Boundedly Rational Agents with Latent Inference Budgets

Athul Jacob · Abhishek Gupta · Jacob Andreas

We study the problem of modeling a population of agents pursuing unknown goals subject to unknown computational constraints. In standard models of bounded rationality, sub-optimal decision-making is simulated by adding homoscedastic noise to optimal decisions rather than actually simulating constrained inference. In this work, we introduce a latent inference budget model (L-IBM) that models these constraints explicitly, via a latent variable (inferred jointly with a model of agents’ goals) that controls the runtime of an iterative inference algorithm. L-IBMs make it possible to learn agent models using data from diverse populations of suboptimal actors. In three modeling tasks—inferring navigation goals from routes, inferring communicative intents from human utterances, and predicting next moves in human chess games—we show that L-IBMs match or outperforms Boltzmann models of decision-making under uncertainty. Moreover, the inferred inference budgets are themselves meaningful, efficient to compute, and correlated with measures of player skill, partner skill and task difficulty.

Locality Sensitive Sparse Encoding for Learning World Models Online

Zichen Liu · Chao Du · Wee Sun Lee · Min Lin

Acquiring an accurate world model $\textit{online}$ for model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) is challenging due to data nonstationarity, which typically causes catastrophic forgetting for neural networks (NNs). From the online learning perspective, a Follow-The-Leader (FTL) world model is desirable, which optimally fits all previous experiences at each round. Unfortunately, NN-based models need re-training on all accumulated data at every interaction step to achieve FTL, which is computationally expensive for lifelong agents. In this paper, we revisit models that can achieve FTL with incremental updates. Specifically, our world model is a linear regression model supported by nonlinear random features. The linear part ensures efficient FTL update while the nonlinear random feature empowers the fitting of complex environments. To best trade off model capacity and computation efficiency, we introduce a locality sensitive sparse encoding, which allows us to conduct efficient sparse updates even with very high dimensional nonlinear features. We validate the representation power of our encoding and verify that it allows efficient online learning under data covariate shift. We also show, in the Dyna MBRL setting, that our world models learned online using a $\textit{single pass}$ of trajectory data either surpass or match the performance of deep world models trained with replay and other continual learning methods.

Byzantine Robust Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning as a Bayesian Game

Simin Li · Jun Guo · Jingqiao Xiu · Ruixiao Xu · Xin Yu · Jiakai Wang · Aishan Liu · Yaodong Yang · Xianglong Liu

In this study, we explore the robustness of cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning (c-MARL) against Byzantine failures, where any agent can enact arbitrary, worst-case actions due to malfunction or adversarial attack. To address the uncertainty that any agent can be adversarial, we propose a Bayesian Adversarial Robust Dec-POMDP (BARDec-POMDP) framework, which views Byzantine adversaries as nature-dictated types, represented by a separate transition. This allows agents to learn policies grounded on their posterior beliefs about the type of other agents, fostering collaboration with identified allies and minimizing vulnerability to adversarial manipulation. We define the optimal solution to the BARDec-POMDP as an ex interim robust Markov perfect Bayesian equilibrium, which we proof to exist and the corresponding policy weakly dominates previous approaches as time goes to infinity. To realize this equilibrium, we put forward a two-timescale actor-critic algorithm with almost sure convergence under specific conditions. Experiments on matrix game, Level-based Foraging and StarCraft II indicate that, our method successfully acquires intricate micromanagement skills and adaptively aligns with allies under worst-case perturbations, showing resilience against non-oblivious adversaries, random allies, observation-based attacks, and transfer-based attacks.

A Semantic Invariant Robust Watermark for Large Language Models

Aiwei Liu · Leyi Pan · Xuming Hu · Shiao Meng · Lijie Wen

Watermark algorithms for large language models (LLMs) have achieved extremely high accuracy in detecting text generated by LLMs. Such algorithms typically involve adding extra watermark logits to the LLM's logits at each generation step. However, prior algorithms face a trade-off between attack robustness and security robustness. This is because the watermark logits for a token are determined by a certain number of preceding tokens; a small number leads to low security robustness, while a large number results in insufficient attack robustness. In this work, we propose a semantic invariant watermarking method for LLMs that provides both attack robustness and security robustness. The watermark logits in our work are determined by the semantics of all preceding tokens. Specifically, we utilize another embedding LLM to generate semantic embeddings for all preceding tokens, and then these semantic embeddings are transformed into the watermark logits through our trained watermark model.Subsequent analyses and experiments demonstrated the attack robustness of our method in semantically invariant settings: synonym substitution and text paraphrasing settings. Finally, we also show that our watermark possesses adequate security robustness.

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Fast Imitation via Behavior Foundation Models

Matteo Pirotta · Andrea Tirinzoni · Ahmed Touati · Alessandro Lazaric · Yann Ollivier

Imitation learning (IL) aims at producing agents that can imitate any behavior given a few expert demonstrations. Yet existing approaches require many demonstrations and/or running (online or offline) reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms for each new imitation task. Here we show that recent RL foundation models based on successor measures can imitate any expert behavior almost instantly with just a few demonstrations and no need for RL or fine-tuning, while accommodating several IL principles (behavioral cloning, feature matching, reward-based, and goal-based reductions). In our experiments, imitation via RL foundation models matches, and often surpasses, the performance of SOTA offline IL algorithms, and produces imitation policies from new demonstrations within seconds instead of hours.

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Efficient Inverse Multiagent Learning

Denizalp Goktas · Amy Greenwald · Sadie Zhao · Alec Koppel · Sumitra Ganesh

In this paper, we study inverse game theory (resp. inverse multiagent learning) inwhich the goal is to find parameters of a game’s payoff functions for which theexpected (resp. sampled) behavior is an equilibrium. We formulate these problemsas generative-adversarial (i.e., min-max) optimization problems, which we developpolynomial-time algorithms to solve, the former of which relies on an exact first-order oracle, and the latter, a stochastic one. We extend our approach to solveinverse multiagent simulacral learning in polynomial time and number of samples.In these problems, we seek a simulacrum, meaning parameters and an associatedequilibrium that replicate the given observations in expectation. We find that ourapproach outperforms the widely-used ARIMA method in predicting prices inSpanish electricity markets based on time-series data.

Uncertainty-aware Constraint Inference in Inverse Constrained Reinforcement Learning

Sheng Xu · Guiliang Liu

Aiming for safe control, Inverse Constrained Reinforcement Learning (ICRL) considers inferring the constraints respected by expert agents from their demonstrations and learning imitation policies that adhere to these constraints. While previous ICRL works often neglected underlying uncertainties during training, we contend that modeling these uncertainties is crucial for facilitating robust constraint inference. This insight leads to the development of an Uncertainty-aware Inverse Constrained Reinforcement Learning (UAICRL) algorithm. Specifically, 1) aleatoric uncertainty arises from the inherent stochasticity of environment dynamics, leading to constraint-violating behaviors in imitation policies. To address this, UAICRL constructs risk-sensitive constraints by incorporating distributional Bellman updates into the cumulative costs model. 2) Epistemic uncertainty, resulting from the model's limited knowledge of Out-of-Distribution (OoD) samples, affects the accuracy of step-wise cost predictions. To tackle this issue, UAICRL develops an information-theoretic quantification of the epistemic uncertainty and mitigates its impact through flow-based generative data augmentation. Empirical results demonstrate that UAICRL consistently outperforms other baselines in continuous and discrete environments with stochastic dynamics. The code is available at

Unified Language-Vision Pretraining in LLM with Dynamic Discrete Visual Tokenization

Yang Jin · Kun Xu · Kun Xu · Liwei Chen · Chao Liao · Jianchao Tan · Quzhe Huang · Bin CHEN · Chengru Song · dai meng · Di ZHANG · Wenwu Ou · Kun Gai · Yadong MU

Recently, the remarkable advance of the Large Language Model (LLM) has inspired researchers to transfer its extraordinary reasoning capability to both vision and language data. However, the prevailing approaches primarily regard the visual input as a prompt and focus exclusively on optimizing the text generation process conditioned upon vision content by a frozen LLM. Such an inequitable treatment of vision and language heavily constrains the model's potential. In this paper, we break through this limitation by representing both vision and language in a unified form. Specifically, we introduce a well-designed visual tokenizer to translate the non-linguistic image into a sequence of discrete tokens like a foreign language that LLM can read. The resulting visual tokens encompass high-level semantics worthy of a word and also support dynamic sequence length varying from the image. Coped with this tokenizer, the presented foundation model called LaVIT can handle both image and text indiscriminately under the same generative learning paradigm. This unification empowers LaVIT to serve as an impressive generalist interface to understand and generate multi-modal content simultaneously. Extensive experiments further showcase that it outperforms the existing models by a large margin on massive vision-language tasks. Our code and models are available at

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Addressing Signal Delay in Deep Reinforcement Learning

Wei Wang · Dongqi Han · Xufang Luo · Dongsheng Li

Despite the notable advancements in deep reinforcement learning (DRL) in recent years, a prevalent issue that is often overlooked is the impact of signal delay. Signal delay occurs when there is a lag between an agent's perception of the environment and its corresponding actions. In this paper, we first formalize delayed-observation Markov decision processes (DOMDP) by extending the standard MDP framework to incorporate signal delays. Next, we elucidate the challenges posed by the presence of signal delay in DRL, showing that trivial DRL algorithms and generic methods for partially observable tasks suffer greatly from delays. Lastly, we propose effective strategies to overcome these challenges. Our methods achieve remarkable performance in continuous robotic control tasks with large delays, yielding results comparable to those in non-delayed cases. Overall, our work contributes to a deeper understanding of DRL in the presence of signal delays and introduces novel approaches to address the associated challenges.

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Demystifying CLIP Data

Hu Xu · Saining Xie · Xiaoqing Tan · Po-Yao Huang · Russell Howes · Vasu Sharma · Shang-Wen Li · Gargi Ghosh · Luke Zettlemoyer · Christoph Feichtenhofer

Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) is an approach that has advanced research and applications in computer vision, fueling modern recognition systems and generative models. We believe that the main ingredient to the success of CLIP is its \textit{data} and \textit{not} the \textit{model} architecture or pre-training {objective}. However, CLIP only provides very limited information about its data and how it has been collected, leading to works that aim to reproduce CLIP's data by filtering with its model parameters. In this work, we intend to reveal CLIP's data curation approach and in our pursuit of making it open to the community introduce Metadata-Curated Language-Image Pre-training (MetaCLIP). MetaCLIP takes a raw data pool and metadata (derived from CLIP's concepts) and yields a balanced subset over the metadata distribution. Our experimental study rigorously isolates the model and training settings, concentrating solely on data. MetaCLIP applied to CommonCrawl with 400M image-text data pairs outperforms CLIP's data on multiple standard benchmarks. In zero-shot ImageNet classification, MetaCLIP achieves 70.8\% accuracy, surpassing CLIP's 68.3\% on \mbox{ViT-B} models. Scaling to 1B data, while maintaining the same training budget, attains \textbf{72.4\%}. Our observations hold across various model sizes, exemplified by ViT-H achieving \textbf{80.5\%}, without any bells-and-whistles. Curation code and training data distribution over metadata will be made available.

Topic Modeling as Multi-Objective Contrastive Optimization

Thong Thanh Nguyen · Xiaobao Wu · Xinshuai Dong · Cong-Duy Nguyen · See-Kiong Ng · Anh Tuan Luu

Recent representation learning approaches enhance neural topic models by optimizing the weighted linear combination of the evidence lower bound (ELBO) of the log-likelihood and the contrastive learning objective that contrasts pairs of input documents. However, document-level contrastive learning might capture low-level mutual information, such as word ratio, which disturbs topic modeling. Moreover, there is a potential conflict between the ELBO loss that memorizes input details for better reconstruction quality, and the contrastive loss which attempts to learn topic representations that generalize among input documents. To address these issues, we first introduce a novel contrastive learning method oriented towards sets of topic vectors to capture useful semantics that are shared among a set of input documents. Secondly, we explicitly cast contrastive topic modeling as a gradient-based multi-objective optimization problem, with the goal of achieving a Pareto stationary solution that balances the trade-off between the ELBO and the contrastive objective. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our framework consistently produces higher-performing neural topic models in terms of topic coherence, topic diversity, and downstream performance.

Retrieval-Enhanced Contrastive Vision-Text Models

Ahmet Iscen · Mathilde Caron · Alireza Fathi · Cordelia Schmid

Contrastive image-text models such as CLIP form the building blocks of many state-of-the-art systems. While they excel at recognizing common generic concepts, they still struggle on fine-grained entities which are rare, or even absent from the pre-training dataset. Hence, a key ingredient to their success has been the use of large-scale curated pre-training data aiming at expanding the set of concepts that they can memorize during the pre-training stage. In this work, we explore an alternative to encoding fine-grained knowledge directly into the model's parameters: we instead train the model to retrieve this knowledge from an external memory. Specifically, we propose to equip existing vision-text models with the ability to refine their embedding with cross-modal retrieved information from a memory at inference time, which greatly improves their zero-shot predictions. Remarkably, we show that this can be done with a light-weight, single-layer, fusion transformer on top of a frozen CLIP. Our experiments validate that our retrieval-enhanced contrastive (RECO) training improves CLIP performance substantially on several challenging fine-grained tasks: for example +10.9 on Stanford Cars, +10.2 on CUB-2011 and +7.3 on the recent OVEN benchmark, where we even outperform the fine-tuned models on unseen classes.

Exploring Diffusion Time-steps for Unsupervised Representation Learning

Zhongqi Yue · Zhongqi Yue · Jiankun Wang · Qianru Sun · Lei Ji · Eric Chang · Hanwang Zhang

Representation learning is all about discovering the hidden modular attributes that generate the data faithfully. We explore the potential of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DM) in unsupervised learning of the modular attributes. We build a theoretical framework that connects the diffusion time-steps and the hidden attributes, which serves as an effective inductive bias for unsupervised learning. Specifically, the forward diffusion process incrementally adds Gaussian noise to samples at each time-step, which essentially collapses different samples into similar ones by losing attributes, e.g., fine-grained attributes such as texture are lost with less noise added (i.e., early time-steps), while coarse-grained ones such as shape are lost by adding more noise (i.e., late time-steps). To disentangle the modular attributes, at each time-step t, we learn a t-specific feature to compensate for the newly lost attribute, and the set of all {1,...,t}-specific features, corresponding to the cumulative set of lost attributes, are trained to make up for the reconstruction error of a pre-trained DM at time-step t. On CelebA, FFHQ, and Bedroom datasets, the learned feature significantly improves attribute classification and enables faithful counterfactual generation, e.g., interpolating only one specified attribute between two images, validating the disentanglement quality. Codes are in

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Learning to Reject Meets Long-tail Learning

Harikrishna Narasimhan · Aditya Krishna Menon · Wittawat Jitkrittum · Neha Gupta · Sanjiv Kumar

Learning to reject (L2R) is a classical problem where one seeks a classifier capable of abstaining on low-confidence samples. Most prior work on L2R has focused on minimizing the standard misclassification error. However, in many real-world applications, the label distribution is highly imbalanced, necessitating alternate evaluation metrics such as the balanced error or the worst-group error that enforce equitable performance across both the head and tail classes. In this paper, we establish that traditional L2R methods can be grossly sub-optimal for such metrics, and show that this is due to an intricate dependence in the objective between the label costs and the rejector. We then derive the form of the Bayes-optimal classifier and rejector for the balanced error, propose a novel plug-in approach to mimic this solution, and extend our results to general evaluation metrics. Through experiments on benchmark image classification tasks, we show that our approach yields better trade-offs in both the balanced and worst-group error compared to L2R baselines.

Unsupervised Order Learning

Seon-Ho Lee · Nyeong-Ho Shin · Chang-Su Kim

A novel clustering algorithm for orderable data, called unsupervised order learning (UOL), is proposed in this paper. First, we develop the ordered $k$-means to group objects into ordered clusters by reducing the deviation of an object from consecutive clusters. Then, we train a network to construct an embedding space, in which objects are sorted compactly along a chain of line segments, determined by the cluster centroids. We alternate the clustering and the network training until convergence. Moreover, we perform unsupervised rank estimation via a simple nearest neighbor search in the embedding space. Extensive experiments on various orderable datasets demonstrate that UOL provides reliable ordered clustering results and decent rank estimation performances with no supervision. The source codes are available at

A Framework and Benchmark for Deep Batch Active Learning for Regression

David Holzmüller · Viktor Zaverkin · Johannes Kästner · Ingo Steinwart

The acquisition of labels for supervised learning can be expensive. To improve the sample efficiency of neural network regression, we study active learning methods that adaptively select batches of unlabeled data for labeling. We present a framework for constructing such methods out of (network-dependent) base kernels, kernel transformations, and selection methods. Our framework encompasses many existing Bayesian methods based on Gaussian process approximations of neural networks as well as non-Bayesian methods. Additionally, we propose to replace the commonly used last-layer features with sketched finite-width neural tangent kernels and to combine them with a novel clustering method. To evaluate different methods, we introduce an open-source benchmark consisting of 15 large tabular regression data sets. Our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art on our benchmark, scales to large data sets, and works out-of-the-box without adjusting the network architecture or training code. We provide open-source code that includes efficient implementations of all kernels, kernel transformations, and selection methods, and can be used for reproducing our results.

Class Incremental Learning via Likelihood Ratio Based Task Prediction

Haowei Lin · Yijia Shao · Weinan Qian · Ningxin Pan · Yiduo Guo · Bing Liu

Class incremental learning (CIL) is a challenging setting of continual learning, which learns a series of tasks sequentially. Each task consists of a set of unique classes. The key feature of CIL is that no task identifier (or task-id) is provided at test time. Predicting the task-id for each test sample is a challenging problem. An emerging theory-guided approach (called TIL+OOD) is to train a task-specific model for each task in a shared network for all tasks based on a task-incremental learning (TIL) method to deal with catastrophic forgetting. The model for each task is an out-of-distribution (OOD) detector rather than a conventional classifier. The OOD detector can perform both within-task (in-distribution (IND)) class prediction and OOD detection. The OOD detection capability is the key to task-id prediction during inference. However, this paper argues that using a traditional OOD detector for task-id prediction is sub-optimal because additional information (e.g., the replay data and the learned tasks) available in CIL can be exploited to design a better and principled method for task-id prediction. We call the new method TPL (Task-id Prediction based on Likelihood Ratio). TPL markedly outperforms strong CIL baselines and has negligible catastrophic forgetting. The code of TPL is publicly available at

Overcoming the Pitfalls of Vision-Language Model Finetuning for OOD Generalization

Yuhang Zang · Hanlin Goh · Joshua Susskind · Chen Huang

Existing vision-language models exhibit strong generalization on a variety of visual domains and tasks. However, such models mainly perform zero-shot recognition in a closed-set manner, and thus struggle to handle open-domain visual concepts by design. There are recent finetuning methods, such as prompt learning, that not only study the discrimination between in-distribution (ID) and out-of-distribution (OOD) samples, but also show some improvements in both ID and OOD accuracies. In this paper, we first demonstrate that vision-language models, after long enough finetuning but without proper regularization, tend to overfit the known classes in the given dataset, with degraded performance on unknown classes. Then we propose a novel approach OGEN to address this pitfall, with the main focus on improving the OOD GENeralization of finetuned models. Specifically, a class-conditional feature generator is introduced to synthesize OOD features using just the class name of any unknown class. Such synthesized features will provide useful knowledge about unknowns and help regularize the decision boundary between ID and OOD data when optimized jointly. Equally important is our adaptive self-distillation mechanism to regularize our feature generation model during joint optimization, i.e., adaptively transferring knowledge between model states to further prevent overfitting. Experiments validate that our method yields convincing gains in OOD generalization performance in different settings. Code:

Zero-Shot Continuous Prompt Transfer: Generalizing Task Semantics Across Language Models

Zijun Wu · Yongkang Wu · Lili Mou

Prompt tuning in natural language processing (NLP) has become an increasingly popular method for adapting large language models to specific tasks. However, the transferability of these prompts, especially continuous prompts, between different models remains a challenge. In this work, we propose a zero-shot continuous prompt transfer method, where source prompts are encoded into relative space and the corresponding target prompts are searched for transferring to target models. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of our method, showing that 'task semantics' in continuous prompts can be generalized across various language models. Moreover, we find that combining 'task semantics' from multiple source models can further enhance the performance of transfer.

Model Merging by Uncertainty-Based Gradient Matching

Nico Daheim · Thomas Möllenhoff · Edoardo M. Ponti · Iryna Gurevych · Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan

Models trained on different datasets can be merged by a weighted-averaging of their parameters, but why does it work and when can it fail? Here, we connect the inaccuracy of weighted-averaging to mismatches in the gradients and propose a new uncertainty-based scheme to improve the performance by reducing the mismatch. The connection also reveals implicit assumptions in other schemes such as averaging, task arithmetic, and Fisher-weighted averaging. Our new method gives consistent improvements for large language models and vision transformers, both in terms of performance and robustness to hyperparameters.

A Probabilistic Framework for Modular Continual Learning

Lazar Valkov · Akash Srivastava · Swarat Chaudhuri · Charles Sutton

Modular approaches that use a different composition of modules for each problem are a promising direction in continual learning (CL). However, searching through the large, discrete space of module compositions is challenging, especially because evaluating a composition’s performance requires a round of neural network training. We address this challenge through a modular CL framework, PICLE, that uses a probabilistic model to cheaply compute the fitness of each composition, allowing PICLE to achieve both perceptual, few-shot and latent transfer. The model combines prior knowledge about good module compositions with dataset-specific information. We evaluate PICLE using two benchmark suites designed to assess different desiderata of CL techniques. Comparing to a wide range of approaches, we show that PICLE is the first modular CL algorithm to achieve perceptual, few-shot and latent transfer while scaling well to large search spaces, outperforming previous state-of-the-art modular CL approaches on long problem sequences.

Tangent Transformers for Composition,Privacy and Removal

Tian Yu Liu · Aditya Golatkar · Stefano Soatto

We introduce Tangent Attention Fine-Tuning (TAFT), a method for fine-tuning linearized transformers obtained by computing a First-order Taylor Expansion around a pre-trained initialization. We show that the Jacobian-Vector Product resulting from linearization can be computed efficiently in a single forward pass, reducing training and inference cost to the same order of magnitude as its original non-linear counterpart, while using the same number of parameters. Furthermore, we show that, when applied to various downstream visual classification tasks, the resulting Tangent Transformer fine-tuned with TAFT can perform comparably with fine-tuning the original non-linear network. Since Tangent Transformers are linear with respect to the new set of weights, and the resulting fine-tuning loss is convex, we show that TAFT enjoys several advantages compared to non-linear fine-tuning when it comes to model composition, parallel training, machine unlearning, and differential privacy. Our code is available at:

Spurious Feature Diversification Improves Out-of-distribution Generalization

LIN Yong · Lu Tan · Yifan HAO · Honam Wong · Hanze Dong · WEIZHONG ZHANG · Yujiu Yang · Tong Zhang

Generalization to out-of-distribution (OOD) data is a critical challenge in machine learning. Ensemble-based methods, like weight space ensembles that interpolate model parameters, have been shown to achieve superior OOD performance. However, the underlying mechanism for their effectiveness remains unclear. In this study, we closely examine WiSE-FT, a popular weight space ensemble method that interpolates between a pre-trained and a fine-tuned model. We observe an unexpected ``FalseFalseTrue" phenomenon, in which WiSE-FT successfully corrects many cases where each individual model makes incorrect predictions, which contributes significantly to its OOD effectiveness. To gain further insights, we conduct theoretical analysis in a multi-class setting with a large number of spurious features. Our analysis predicts the above phenomenon and it further shows that ensemble-based models reduce prediction errors in the OOD settings by utilizing a more diverse set of spurious features. Contrary to the conventional wisdom that focuses on learning invariant features for better OOD performance, our findings suggest that incorporating a large number of diverse spurious features weakens their individual contributions, leading to improved overall OOD generalization performance. Additionally, our findings provide the first explanation for the mysterious phenomenon of weight space ensembles outperforming output space ensembles in OOD. Empirically we demonstrate the effectiveness of utilizing diverse spurious features on a MultiColorMNIST dataset, and our experimental results are consistent with the theoretical analysis. Building upon the new theoretical insights into the efficacy of ensemble methods, we further identify an issue of WiSE-FT caused by the overconfidence of fine-tuned models in OOD situations. This overconfidence magnifies the fine-tuned model's incorrect prediction, leading to deteriorated OOD ensemble performance. To remedy this problem, we propose a novel method called BAlaNced averaGing (BANG) to mitigate the overconfidence problem, which significantly enhances the OOD performance of WiSE-FT.

AdaMerging: Adaptive Model Merging for Multi-Task Learning

Enneng Yang · Zhenyi Wang · Li Shen · Shiwei Liu · Guibing Guo · Xingwei Wang · Dacheng Tao

Multi-task learning (MTL) aims to empower a model to tackle multiple tasks simultaneously. A recent development known as task arithmetic has revealed that several models, each fine-tuned for distinct tasks, can be directly merged into a single model to execute MTL without necessitating a retraining process using the initial training data. Nevertheless, this direct addition of models often leads to a significant deterioration in the overall performance of the merged model. This decline occurs due to potential conflicts and intricate correlations among the multiple tasks. Consequently, the challenge emerges of how to merge pre-trained models more effectively without using their original training data. This paper introduces an innovative technique called Adaptive Model Merging (AdaMerging). This approach aims to autonomously learn the coefficients for model merging, either in a task-wise or layer-wise manner, without relying on the original training data. Specifically, our AdaMerging method operates as an automatic, unsupervised task arithmetic scheme. It leverages entropy minimization on unlabeled test samples from the multi-task setup as a surrogate objective function to iteratively refine the merging coefficients of the multiple models. Our experimental findings across eight tasks demonstrate the efficacy of the AdaMerging scheme we put forth. Compared to the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) task arithmetic merging scheme, AdaMerging showcases a remarkable 11\% improvement in performance. Notably, AdaMerging also exhibits superior generalization capabilities when applied to unseen downstream tasks. Furthermore, it displays a significantly enhanced robustness to data distribution shifts that may occur during the testing phase.

Embodied Active Defense: Leveraging Recurrent Feedback to Counter Adversarial Patches

Lingxuan Wu · Xiao Yang · Yinpeng Dong · Liuwei XIE · Hang Su · Jun Zhu

The vulnerability of deep neural networks to adversarial patches has motivated numerous defense strategies for boosting model robustness. However, the prevailing defenses depend on single observation or pre-established adversary information to counter adversarial patches, often failing to be confronted with unseen or adaptive adversarial attacks and easily exhibiting unsatisfying performance in dynamic 3D environments. Inspired by active human perception and recurrent feedback mechanisms, we develop Embodied Active Defense (EAD), a proactive defensive strategy that actively contextualizes environmental information to address misaligned adversarial patches in 3D real-world settings. To achieve this, EAD develops two central recurrent sub-modules, i.e., a perception module and a policy module, to implement two critical functions of active vision. These models recurrently process a series of beliefs and observations, facilitating progressive refinement of their comprehension of the target object and enabling the development of strategic actions to counter adversarial patches in 3D environments. To optimize learning efficiency, we incorporate a differentiable approximation of environmental dynamics and deploy patches that are agnostic to the adversary’s strategies. Extensive experiments demonstrate that EAD substantially enhances robustness against a variety of patches within just a few steps through its action policy in safety-critical tasks (e.g., face recognition and object detection), without compromising standard accuracy. Furthermore, due to the attack-agnostic characteristic, EAD facilitates excellent generalization to unseen attacks, diminishing the averaged attack success rate by 95% across a range of unseen adversarial attacks.

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Beyond Memorization: Violating Privacy via Inference with Large Language Models

Robin Staab · Mark Vero · Mislav Balunovic · Martin Vechev

Current privacy research on large language models (LLMs) primarily focuses on the issue of extracting memorized training data. At the same time, models’ inference capabilities have increased drastically. This raises the key question of whether current LLMs could violate individuals’ privacy by inferring personal attributes from text given at inference time. In this work, we present the first comprehensive study on the capabilities of pretrained LLMs to infer personal attributes from text. We construct a dataset consisting of real Reddit profiles, and show that current LLMs can infer a wide range of personal attributes (e.g., location, income, sex), achieving up to 85% top-1 and 95% top-3 accuracy at a fraction of the cost (100x) and time (240x) required by humans. As people increasingly interact with LLM-powered chatbots across all aspects of life, we also explore the emerging threat of privacy-invasive chatbots trying to extract personal information through seemingly benign questions. Finally, we show that common mitigations, i.e., text anonymization and model alignment, are currently ineffective at protecting user privacy against LLM inference. Our findings highlight that current LLMs can infer personal data at a previously unattainable scale. In the absence of working defenses, we advocate for a broader discussion around LLM privacy implications beyond memorization, striving for stronger and wider privacy protection.

Privacy-Preserving In-Context Learning with Differentially Private Few-Shot Generation

Xinyu Tang · Richard Shin · Huseyin Inan · Andre Manoel · Niloofar Mireshghallah · Zinan Lin · Sivakanth Gopi · Janardhan Kulkarni · Robert Sim

We study the problem of in-context learning (ICL) with large language models (LLMs) on private datasets. This scenario poses privacy risks, as LLMs may leak or regurgitate the private examples demonstrated in the prompt.We propose a novel algorithm that generates synthetic few-shot demonstrations from the private dataset with formal differential privacy (DP) guarantees, and show empirically that it can achieve effective ICL.We conduct extensive experiments on standard benchmarks and compare our algorithm with non-private ICL and zero-shot solutions. Our results demonstrate that our algorithm can achieve competitive performance with strong privacy levels.These results open up new possibilities for ICL with privacy protection for a broad range of applications.

Don't Judge by the Look: Towards Motion Coherent Video Representation

Yitian Zhang · Yue Bai · Huan Wang · Yizhou Wang · Yun Fu

Current training pipelines in object recognition neglect Hue Jittering when doing data augmentation as it not only brings appearance changes that are detrimental to classification, but also the implementation is inefficient in practice. In this study, we investigate the effect of hue variance in the context of video understanding and find this variance to be beneficial since static appearances are less important in videos that contain motion information. Based on this observation, we propose a data augmentation method for video understanding, named Motion Coherent Augmentation (MCA), that introduces appearance variation in videos and implicitly encourages the model to prioritize motion patterns, rather than static appearances. Concretely, we propose an operation SwapMix to efficiently modify the appearance of video samples, and introduce Variation Alignment (VA) to resolve the distribution shift caused by SwapMix, enforcing the model to learn appearance invariant representations. Comprehensive empirical evaluation across various architectures and different datasets solidly validates the effectiveness and generalization ability of MCA, and the application of VA in other augmentation methods. Code is available at

Effective and Efficient Federated Tree Learning on Hybrid Data

Qinbin Li · Chulin Xie · Xiaojun Xu · Xiaoyuan Liu · Ce Zhang · Bo Li · Bingsheng He · Dawn Song

Federated learning has emerged as a promising distributed learning paradigm that facilitates collaborative learning among multiple parties without transferring raw data. However, most existing federated learning studies focus on either horizontal or vertical data settings, where the data of different parties are assumed to be from the same feature or sample space. In practice, a common scenario is the hybrid data setting, where data from different parties may differ both in the features and samples. To address this, we propose HybridTree, a novel federated learning approach that enables federated tree learning on hybrid data. We observe the existence of consistent split rules in trees. With the help of these split rules, we theoretically show that the knowledge of parties can be incorporated into the lower layers of a tree. Based on our theoretical analysis, we propose a layer-level solution that does not need frequent communication traffic to train a tree. Our experiments demonstrate that HybridTree can achieve comparable accuracy to the centralized setting with low computational and communication overhead. HybridTree can achieve up to 8 times speedup compared with the other baselines.

LipSim: A Provably Robust Perceptual Similarity Metric

Sara Ghazanfari · Alexandre Araujo · Prashanth Krishnamurthy · Farshad Khorrami · Siddharth Garg

Recent years have seen growing interest in developing and applying perceptual similarity metrics. Research has shown the superiority of perceptual metrics over pixel-wise metrics in aligning with human perception and serving as a proxy for the human visual system.On the other hand, as perceptual metrics rely on neural networks, there is a growing concern regarding their resilience, given the established vulnerability of neural networks to adversarial attacks. It is indeed logical to infer that perceptual metrics may inherit both the strengths and shortcomings of neural networks.In this work, we demonstrate the vulnerability of state-of-the-art perceptual similarity metrics based on an ensemble of ViT-based feature extractors to adversarial attacks. We then propose a framework to train a robust perceptual similarity metric called LipSim (Lipschitz Similarity Metric) with provable guarantees. By leveraging 1-Lipschitz neural networks as the backbone, LipSim provides guarded areas around each data point and certificates for all perturbations within an $\ell_2$ ball. Finally, a comprehensive set of experiments shows the performance of LipSim in terms of natural and certified scores and on the image retrieval application.

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Conformal Risk Control

Anastasios Angelopoulos · Stephen Bates · Adam Fisch · Lihua Lei · Tal Schuster

We extend conformal prediction to control the expected value of any monotone loss function. The algorithm generalizes split conformal prediction together with its coverage guarantee. Like conformal prediction, the conformal risk control procedure is tight up to an $\mathcal{O}(1/n)$ factor. We also introduce extensions of the idea to distribution shift, quantile risk control, multiple and adversarial risk control, and expectations of U-statistics. Worked examples from computer vision and natural language processing demonstrate the usage of our algorithm to bound the false negative rate, graph distance, and token-level F1-score.

Fusion Is Not Enough: Single Modal Attacks on Fusion Models for 3D Object Detection

Zhiyuan Cheng · Hongjun Choi · Shiwei Feng · James Liang · Guanhong Tao · Dongfang Liu · Michael Zuzak · Xiangyu Zhang

Multi-sensor fusion (MSF) is widely used in autonomous vehicles (AVs) for perception, particularly for 3D object detection with camera and LiDAR sensors. The purpose of fusion is to capitalize on the advantages of each modality while minimizing its weaknesses. Advanced deep neural network (DNN)-based fusion techniques have demonstrated the exceptional and industry-leading performance. Due to the redundant information in multiple modalities, MSF is also recognized as a general defence strategy against adversarial attacks. In this paper, we attack fusion models from the camera modality that is considered to be of lesser importance in fusion but is more affordable for attackers. We argue that the weakest link of fusion models depends on their most vulnerable modality and propose an attack framework that targets advanced camera-LiDAR fusion-based 3D object detection models through camera-only adversarial attacks. Our approach employs a two-stage optimization-based strategy that first thoroughly evaluates vulnerable image areas under adversarial attacks, and then applies dedicated attack strategies for different fusion models to generate deployable patches. The evaluations with six advanced camera-LiDAR fusion models and one camera-only model indicate that our attacks successfully compromise all of them. Our approach can either decrease the mean average precision (mAP) of detection performance from 0.824 to 0.353 or degrade the detection score of a target object from 0.728 to 0.156, demonstrating the efficacy of our proposed attack framework. Code is available.

A Fast and Provable Algorithm for Sparse Phase Retrieval

Jian-Feng Cai · Yu Long · Ruixue WEN · Jiaxi Ying

We study the sparse phase retrieval problem, which seeks to recover a sparse signal from a limited set of magnitude-only measurements. In contrast to prevalent sparse phase retrieval algorithms that primarily use first-order methods, we propose an innovative second-order algorithm that employs a Newton-type method with hard thresholding. This algorithm overcomes the linear convergence limitations of first-order methods while preserving their hallmark per-iteration computational efficiency. We provide theoretical guarantees that our algorithm converges to the $s$-sparse ground truth signal $\boldsymbol{x}^{\natural} \in \mathbb{R}^n$ (up to a global sign) at a quadratic convergence rate after at most $O(\log (\Vert\boldsymbol{x}^{\natural} \Vert /x_{\min}^{\natural}))$ iterations, using $\Omega(s^2\log n)$ Gaussian random samples. Numerical experiments show that our algorithm achieves a significantly faster convergence rate than state-of-the-art methods.

Exploring the cloud of feature interaction scores in a Rashomon set

Sichao Li · Rong Wang · Quanling Deng · Amanda Barnard

Interactions among features are central to understanding the behavior of machine learning models. Recent research has made significant strides in detecting and quantifying feature interactions in single predictive models. However, we argue that the feature interactions extracted from a single pre-specified model may not be trustworthy since: a well-trained predictive model may not preserve the true feature interactions and there exist multiple well-performing predictive models that differ in feature interaction strengths. Thus, we recommend exploring feature interaction strengths in a model class of approximately equally accurate predictive models. In this work, we introduce the feature interaction score (FIS) in the context of a Rashomon set, representing a collection of models that achieve similar accuracy on a given task. We propose a general and practical algorithm to calculate the FIS in the model class. We demonstrate the properties of the FIS via synthetic data and draw connections to other areas of statistics. Additionally, we introduce a Halo plot for visualizing the feature interaction variance in high-dimensional space and a swarm plot for analyzing FIS in a Rashomon set. Experiments with recidivism prediction and image classification illustrate how feature interactions can vary dramatically in importance for similarly accurate predictive models. Our results suggest that the proposed FIS can provide valuable insights into the nature of feature interactions in machine learning models.

Beyond Imitation: Leveraging Fine-grained Quality Signals for Alignment

Geyang Guo · Ranchi Zhao · Tianyi Tang · Xin Zhao · Ji-Rong Wen

Alignment with human preference is a desired property of large language models (LLMs). Currently, the main alignment approach is based on reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). Despite the effectiveness of RLHF, it is intricate to implement and train, thus recent studies explore how to develop alternative alignment approaches based on supervised fine-tuning (SFT). A major limitation of SFT is that it essentially does imitation learning, which can't fully understand what are the expected behaviors. To address this issue, we propose an improved alignment approach named $\textbf{FIGA}$. Different from prior methods, we incorporate fine-grained (i.e., token or phrase level) quality signals that are derived by contrasting good and bad responses. Our approach has made two major contributions. Firstly, we curate a refined alignment dataset that pairs initial responses and the corresponding revised ones. Secondly, we devise a new loss function can leverage fine-grained quailty signals to instruct the learning of LLMs for alignment. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the effectiveness of our approaches by comparing a number of competitive baselines.

Plug-and-Play Policy Planner for Large Language Model Powered Dialogue Agents

Yang Deng · Wenxuan Zhang · Wai Lam · See-Kiong Ng · Tat-Seng Chua

Proactive dialogues serve as a practical yet challenging dialogue problem in the era of large language models (LLMs), where the dialogue policy planning is the key to improving the proactivity of LLMs. Most existing studies enable the dialogue policy planning of LLMs using various prompting schemes or iteratively enhance this capability in handling the given case with verbal AI feedback. However, these approaches are either bounded by the policy planning capability of the frozen LLMs or hard to be transferred to new cases. In this work, we introduce a new dialogue policy planning paradigm to strategize LLMs for proactive dialogue problems with a tunable language model plug-in as a plug-and-play dialogue policy planner, named PPDPP. Specifically, we develop a novel training framework to facilitate supervised fine-tuning over available human-annotated data as well as reinforcement learning from goal-oriented AI feedback with dynamic interaction data collected by the LLM-based self-play simulation. In this manner, the LLM-powered dialogue agent can not only be generalized to different cases after the training, but also be applicable to different applications by just substituting the learned plug-in. In addition, we propose to evaluate the policy planning capability of dialogue systems under the interactive setting. Experimental results demonstrate that PPDPP consistently and substantially outperforms existing approaches on three different proactive dialogue applications, including negotiation, emotional support, and tutoring dialogues.

DNA-GPT: Divergent N-Gram Analysis for Training-Free Detection of GPT-Generated Text

Xianjun Yang · Wei Cheng · Yue Wu · Linda Petzold · William Wang · Haifeng Chen

Large language models (LLMs) have notably enhanced the fluency and diversity of machine-generated text. However, this progress also presents a significant challenge in detecting the origin of a given text, and current research on detection methods lags behind the rapid evolution of LLMs. Conventional training-based methods have limitations in flexibility, particularly when adapting to new domains, and they often lack explanatory power. To address this gap, we propose a novel training-free detection strategy called Divergent N-Gram Analysis (DNA-GPT). Given a text, we first truncate it in the middle and then use only the preceding portion as input to the LLMs to regenerate the new remaining parts. By analyzing the differences between the original and new remaining parts through N-gram analysis in black-box or probability divergence in white-box, we can clearly illustrate significant discrepancies between machine-generated and human-written text. We conducted extensive experiments on the most advanced LLMs from OpenAI, including text-davinci-003, GPT-3.5-turbo, and GPT-4, as well as open-source models such as GPT-NeoX-20B and LLaMa-13B. Results show that our zero-shot approach exhibits state-of-the-art performance in distinguishing between human and GPT-generated text on four English and one German dataset, outperforming OpenAI's own classifier, which is trained on millions of text. Additionally, our methods provide reasonable explanations and evidence to support our claim, which is a unique feature of explainable detection. Our method is also robust under the revised text attack and can additionally solve model sourcing.

Bootstrapping Variational Information Pursuit with Large Language and Vision Models for Interpretable Image Classification

Aditya Chattopadhyay · Kwan Ho Ryan Chan · Rene Vidal

Variational Information Pursuit (V-IP) is an interpretable-by-design framework that makes predictions by sequentially selecting a short chain of user-defined, interpretable queries about the data that are most informative for the task. The prediction is based solely on the obtained query answers, which also serve as a faithful explanation for the prediction. Applying the framework to any task requires (i) specification of a query set, and (ii) densely annotated data with query answers to train classifiers to answer queries at test time. This limits V-IP's application to small-scale tasks where manual data annotation is feasible. In this work, we focus on image classification tasks and propose to relieve this bottleneck by leveraging pretrained language and vision models. Specifically, following recent work, we propose to use GPT, a Large Language Model, to propose semantic concepts as queries for a given classification task. To answer these queries, we propose a light-weight Concept Question-Answering network (Concept-QA) which learns to answer binary queries about semantic concepts in images. We design pseudo-labels to train our Concept-QA model using GPT and CLIP (a Vision-Language Model). Empirically, we find our Concept-QA model to be competitive with state-of-the-art VQA models in terms of answering accuracy but with an order of magnitude fewer parameters. This allows for seamless integration of Concept-QA into the V-IP framework as a fast-answering mechanism. We name this method Concept-QA+V-IP. Finally, we show on several datasets that Concept-QA+V-IP produces shorter, interpretable query chains which are more accurate than V-IP trained with CLIP-based answering systems. Code available at

Sparse Autoencoders Find Highly Interpretable Features in Language Models

Robert Huben · Hoagy Cunningham · Logan Smith · Aidan Ewart · Lee Sharkey

One of the roadblocks to a better understanding of neural networks' internals is \textit{polysemanticity}, where neurons appear to activate in multiple, semantically distinct contexts. Polysemanticity prevents us from identifying concise, human-understandable explanations for what neural networks are doing internally. One hypothesised cause of polysemanticity is \textit{superposition}, where neural networks represent more features than they have neurons by assigning features to an overcomplete set of directions in activation space, rather than to individual neurons. Here, we attempt to identify those directions, using sparse autoencoders to reconstruct the internal activations of a language model. These autoencoders learn sets of sparsely activating features that are more interpretable and monosemantic than directions identified by alternative approaches, where interpretability is measured by automated methods. Moreover, we show that with our learned set of features, we can pinpoint the features that are causally responsible for counterfactual behaviour on the indirect object identification task \citep{wang2022interpretability} to a finer degree than previous decompositions. This work indicates that it is possible to resolve superposition in language models using a scalable, unsupervised method. Our method may serve as a foundation for future mechanistic interpretability work, which we hope will enable greater model transparency and steerability.

Leveraging Optimization for Adaptive Attacks on Image Watermarks

Nils Lukas · Abdelrahman Ahmed · Lucas Fenaux · Florian Kerschbaum

Untrustworthy users can misuse image generators to synthesize high-quality deepfakes and engage in unethical activities. Watermarking deters misuse by marking generated content with a hidden message, enabling its detection using a secret watermarking key. A core security property of watermarking is robustness, which states that an attacker can only evade detection by substantially degrading image quality. Assessing robustness requires designing an adaptive attack for the specific watermarking algorithm. When evaluating watermarking algorithms and their (adaptive) attacks, it is challenging to determine whether an adaptive attack is optimal, i.e., the best possible attack. We solve this problem by defining an objective function and then approach adaptive attacks as an optimization problem. The core idea of our adaptive attacks is to replicate secret watermarking keys locally by creating surrogate keys that are differentiable and can be used to optimize the attack's parameters. We demonstrate for Stable Diffusion models that such an attacker can break all five surveyed watermarking methods at no visible degradation in image quality. Optimizing our attacks is efficient and requires less than 1 GPU hour to reduce the detection accuracy to 6.3% or less. Our findings emphasize the need for more rigorous robustness testing against adaptive, learnable attackers.

Towards Transparent Time Series Forecasting

Krzysztof Kacprzyk · Tennison Liu · Mihaela van der Schaar

Transparent machine learning (ML) models are essential for ensuring interpretability and trustworthiness in decision-making systems, particularly in high-stakes domains such as healthcare, finance, and criminal justice. While transparent machine learning models have been proposed for classification and regression, time series forecasting presents some unique challenges for ensuring transparency. In particular, currently used bottom-up approaches that focus on the values of the time series at specific time points (usually regularly spaced) do not provide a holistic understanding of the entire time series. This limits the applicability of ML in many critical areas. To open up these domains for ML, we propose a top-down framework of bi-level transparency, which involves understanding the higher-level trends and the lower-level properties of the predicted time series. Applying this framework, we develop TIMEVIEW, a transparent ML model for time series forecasting based on static features, complemented with an interactive visualization tool. Through a series of experiments, we demonstrate the efficacy and interpretability of our approach, paving the way for more transparent and reliable applications of ML in various domains.

Respect the model: Fine-grained and Robust Explanation with Sharing Ratio Decomposition

Sangyu Han · Yearim Kim · Nojun Kwak

The truthfulness of existing explanation methods in authentically elucidating the underlying model's decision-making process has been questioned. Existing methods have deviated from faithfully representing the model, thus susceptible to adversarial attacks.To address this, we propose a novel eXplainable AI (XAI) method called SRD (Sharing Ratio Decomposition), which sincerely reflects the model's inference process, resulting in significantly enhanced robustness in our explanations.Different from the conventional emphasis on the neuronal level, we adopt a vector perspective to consider the intricate nonlinear interactions between filters.We also introduce an interesting observation termed Activation-Pattern-Only Prediction (APOP), letting us emphasize the importance of inactive neurons and redefine relevance encapsulating all relevant information including both active and inactive neurons.Our method, SRD, allows for the recursive decomposition of a Pointwise Feature Vector (PFV), providing a high-resolution Effective Receptive Field (ERF) at any layer.

A Simple Interpretable Transformer for Fine-Grained Image Classification and Analysis

DIPANJYOTI PAUL · Arpita Chowdhury · Xinqi Xiong · Feng-Ju Chang · David Carlyn · Samuel Stevens · Kaiya Provost · Anuj Karpatne · Bryan Carstens · Daniel Rubenstein · Charles Stewart · Tanya Berger-Wolf · Yu Su · Wei-Lun Chao

We present a novel usage of Transformers to make image classification interpretable. Unlike mainstream classifiers that wait until the last fully connected layer to incorporate class information to make predictions, we investigate a proactive approach, asking each class to search for itself in an image. We realize this idea via a Transformer encoder-decoder inspired by DEtection TRansformer (DETR). We learn ''class-specific'' queries (one for each class) as input to the decoder, enabling each class to localize its patterns in an image via cross-attention. We name our approach INterpretable TRansformer (INTR), which is fairly easy to implement and exhibits several compelling properties. We show that INTR intrinsically encourages each class to attend distinctively; the cross-attention weights thus provide a faithful interpretation of the prediction. Interestingly, via ''multi-head'' cross-attention, INTR could identify different ''attributes'' of a class, making it particularly suitable for fine-grained classification and analysis, which we demonstrate on eight datasets. Our code and pre-trained models are publicly accessible at the Imageomics Institute GitHub site:

FedP3: Federated Personalized and Privacy-friendly Network Pruning under Model Heterogeneity

Kai Yi · Nidham Gazagnadou · Peter Richtarik · Lingjuan Lyu

The interest in federated learning has surged in recent research due to its unique ability to train a global model using privacy-secured information held locally on each client. This paper pays particular attention to the issue of client-side model heterogeneity, a pervasive challenge in the practical implementation of FL that escalates its complexity. Assuming a scenario where each client possesses varied memory storage, processing capabilities and network bandwidth - a phenomenon referred to as system heterogeneity - there is a pressing need to customize a unique model for each client. In response to this, we present an effective and adaptable federated framework FedP3, representing Federated Personalized and Privacy-friendly network Pruning, tailored for model heterogeneity scenarios. Our proposed methodology can incorporate and adapt well-established techniques to its specific instances. We offer a theoretical interpretation of FedP3 and its locally differential-private variant, DP-FedP3, and theoretically validate their efficiencies.

DiffusionNAG: Predictor-guided Neural Architecture Generation with Diffusion Models

Sohyun An · Hayeon Lee · Jaehyeong Jo · Seanie Lee · Sung Ju Hwang

Existing NAS methods suffer from either an excessive amount of time for repetitive sampling and training of many task-irrelevant architectures. To tackle such limitations of existing NAS methods, we propose a paradigm shift from NAS to a novel conditional Neural Architecture Generation (NAG) framework based on diffusion models, dubbed DiffusionNAG. Specifically, we consider the neural architectures as directed graphs and propose a graph diffusion model for generating them. Moreover, with the guidance of parameterized predictors, DiffusionNAG can flexibly generate task-optimal architectures with the desired properties for diverse tasks, by sampling from a region that is more likely to satisfy the properties. This conditional NAG scheme is significantly more efficient than previous NAS schemes which sample the architectures and filter them using the property predictors. We validate the effectiveness of DiffusionNAG through extensive experiments in two predictor-based NAS scenarios: Transferable NAS and Bayesian Optimization (BO)-based NAS. DiffusionNAG achieves superior performance with speedups of up to 35$\times$ when compared to the baselines on Transferable NAS benchmarks. Furthermore, when integrated into a BO-based algorithm, DiffusionNAG outperforms existing BO-based NAS approaches, particularly in the large MobileNetV3 search space on the ImageNet 1K dataset. Code is available at

Neural Snowflakes: Universal Latent Graph Inference via Trainable Latent Geometries

Haitz Sáez de Ocáriz Borde · Anastasis Kratsios

The inductive bias of a graph neural network (GNN) is largely encoded in its specified graph. Latent graph inference relies on latent geometric representations to dynamically rewire or infer a GNN's graph to maximize the GNN's predictive downstream performance, but it lacks solid theoretical foundations in terms of embedding-based representation guarantees. This paper addresses this issue by introducing a trainable deep learning architecture, coined \textit{neural snowflake}, that can adaptively implement fractal-like metrics on $\mathbb{R}^d$. We prove that any given finite weights graph can be isometrically embedded by a standard MLP encoder. Furthermore, when the latent graph can be represented in the feature space of a sufficiently regular kernel, we show that the combined neural snowflake and MLP encoder do not succumb to the curse of dimensionality by using only a low-degree polynomial number of parameters in the number of nodes. This implementation enables a low-dimensional isometric embedding of the latent graph. We conduct synthetic experiments to demonstrate the superior metric learning capabilities of neural snowflakes when compared to more familiar spaces like Euclidean space. Additionally, we carry out latent graph inference experiments on graph benchmarks. Consistently, the neural snowflake model achieves predictive performance that either matches or surpasses that of the state-of-the-art latent graph inference models. Importantly, this performance improvement is achieved without requiring random search for optimal latent geometry. Instead, the neural snowflake model achieves this enhancement in a differentiable manner.

CALICO: Self-Supervised Camera-LiDAR Contrastive Pre-training for BEV Perception

Jiachen Sun · Haizhong Zheng · Qingzhao Zhang · Atul Prakash · Zhuoqing Mao · Chaowei Xiao

Perception is crucial in the realm of autonomous driving systems, where bird's eye view (BEV)-based architectures have recently reached state-of-the-art performance. The desirability of self-supervised representation learning stems from the expensive and laborious process of annotating 2D and 3D data. Although previous research has investigated pretraining methods for both LiDAR and camera-based 3D object detection, a unified pretraining framework for multimodal BEV perception is missing. In this study, we introduce CALICO, a novel framework that applies contrastive objectives to both LiDAR and camera backbones. Specifically, CALICO incorporates two stages: point-region contrast (PRC) and region-aware distillation (RAD). PRC better balances the region- and scene-level representation learning on the LiDAR modality and offers significant performance improvement compared to existing methods. RAD effectively achieves contrastive distillation on our self-trained teacher model. CALICO's efficacy is substantiated by extensive evaluations on 3D object detection and BEV map segmentation tasks, where it delivers significant performance improvements. Notably, CALICO outperforms the baseline method by 10.5\% and 8.6\% on NDS and mAP. Moreover, CALICO boosts the robustness of multimodal 3D object detection against adversarial attacks and corruption. Additionally, our framework can be tailored to different backbones and heads, positioning it as a promising approach for multimodal BEV perception.

Solving Challenging Math Word Problems Using GPT-4 Code Interpreter with Code-based Self-Verification

Aojun Zhou · Ke Wang · Zimu Lu · Weikang Shi · Sichun Luo · Zipeng Qin · Shaoqing Lu · Anya Jia · Linqi Song · Mingjie Zhan · Hongsheng Li

Recent progress in large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4 and PaLM-2 has brought significant advancements in addressing math reasoning problems. In particular, OpenAI's latest version of GPT-4, known as GPT-4 Code Interpreter, shows remarkable performance on challenging math datasets. In this paper, we explore the effect of code on enhancing LLMs' reasoning capability by introducing different constraints on the Code Usage Frequency of GPT-4 Code Interpreter. We found that its success can be largely attributed to its powerful skills in generating and executing code, evaluating the output of code execution, and rectifying its solution when receiving unreasonable outputs. Based on this insight, we propose a novel and effective prompting method, explicit $\underline{\text{c}}$ode-based $\underline{\text{s}}$elf-$\underline{\text{v}}$erification (CSV), to further boost the mathematical reasoning potential of GPT-4 Code Interpreter. This method employs a zero-shot prompt on GPT-4 Code Interpreter to encourage it to use code to self-verify its answers. In instances where the verification state registers as "False", the model shall automatically amend its solution, analogous to our approach of rectifying errors during a mathematics examination. Furthermore, we recognize that the states of the verification result indicate the confidence of a solution, which can improve the effectiveness of majority voting. With GPT-4 Code Interpreter and CSV, we achieve an impressive zero-shot accuracy on MATH dataset.

Predictive auxiliary objectives in deep RL mimic learning in the brain

Ching Fang · Kimberly Stachenfeld

The ability to predict upcoming events has been hypothesized to comprise a key aspect of natural and machine cognition. This is supported by trends in deep reinforcement learning (RL), where self-supervised auxiliary objectives such as prediction are widely used to support representation learning and improve task performance. Here, we study the effects predictive auxiliary objectives have on representation learning across different modules of an RL system and how these mimic representational changes observed in the brain. We find that predictive objectives improve and stabilize learning particularly in resource-limited architectures, and we identify settings where longer predictive horizons better support representational transfer. Furthermore, we find that representational changes in this RL system bear a striking resemblance to changes in neural activity observed in the brain across various experiments. Specifically, we draw a connection between the auxiliary predictive model of the RL system and hippocampus, an area thought to learn a predictive model to support memory-guided behavior. We also connect the encoder network and the value learning network of the RL system to visual cortex and striatum in the brain, respectively. This work demonstrates how representation learning in deep RL systems can provide an interpretable framework for modeling multi-region interactions in the brain. The deep RL perspective taken here also suggests an additional role of the hippocampus in the brain-- that of an auxiliary learning system that benefits representation learning in other regions.

Functional Bayesian Tucker Decomposition for Continuous-indexed Tensor Data

Shikai Fang · Xin Yu · Zheng Wang · Shibo Li · Mike Kirby · Shandian Zhe

Tucker decomposition is a powerful tensor model to handle multi-aspect data. It demonstrates the low-rank property by decomposing the grid-structured data as interactions between a core tensor and a set of object representations (factors). A fundamental assumption of such decomposition is that there are finite objects in each aspect or mode, corresponding to discrete indexes of data entries. However, real-world data is often not naturally posed in this setting. For example, geographic data is represented as continuous indexes of latitude and longitude coordinates, and cannot fit tensor models directly. To generalize Tucker decomposition to such scenarios, we propose Functional Bayesian Tucker Decomposition (FunBaT). We treat the continuous-indexed data as the interaction between the Tucker core and a group of latent functions. We use Gaussian processes (GP) as functional priors to model the latent functions. Then, we convert each GP into a state-space prior by constructing an equivalent stochastic differential equation (SDE) to reduce computational cost. An efficient inference algorithm is developed for scalable posterior approximation based on advanced message-passing techniques. The advantage of our method is shown in both synthetic data and several real-world applications. We release the code of FunBaT at {}.

Active Test-Time Adaptation: Theoretical Analyses and An Algorithm

Shurui Gui · Xiner Li · Shuiwang Ji

Test-time adaptation (TTA) addresses distribution shifts for streaming test data in unsupervised settings. Currently, most TTA methods can only deal with minor shifts and rely heavily on heuristic and empirical studies. To advance TTA under domain shifts, we propose the novel problem setting of active test-time adaptation (ATTA) that integrates active learning within the fully TTA setting. We provide a learning theory analysis, demonstrating that incorporating limited labeled test instances enhances overall performances across test domains with a theoretical guarantee. We also present a sample entropy balancing for implementing ATTA while avoiding catastrophic forgetting (CF). We introduce a simple yet effective ATTA algorithm, known as SimATTA, using real-time sample selection techniques. Extensive experimental results confirm consistency with our theoretical analyses and show that the proposed ATTA method yields substantial performance improvements over TTA methods while maintaining efficiency and shares similar effectiveness to the more demanding active domain adaptation (ADA) methods. Our code is available at

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Harnessing Density Ratios for Online Reinforcement Learning

Philip Amortila · Dylan Foster · Nan Jiang · Ayush Sekhari · Tengyang Xie

The theories of offline and online reinforcement learning, despite having evolved in parallel, have begun to show signs of the possibility for a unification, with algorithms and analysis techniques for one setting often having natural counterparts in the other. However, the notion of density ratio modeling, an emerging paradigm in offline RL, has been largely absent from online RL, perhaps for good reason: the very existence and boundedness of density ratios relies on access to an exploratory dataset with good coverage, but the core challenge in online RL is to collect such a dataset without having one to start.In this work we show---perhaps surprisingly---that density ratio-based algorithms have online counterparts. Assuming only the existence of an exploratory distribution with good coverage, a structural condition known as coverability (Xie et al., 2023), we give a new algorithm (GLOW) that uses density ratio realizability and value function realizability to perform sample-efficient online exploration. GLOW addresses unbounded density ratios via careful use of truncation, and combines this with optimism to guide exploration. GLOW is computationally inefficient; we complement it with a more efficient counterpart, HyGLOW, for the Hybrid RL setting (Song et al., 2023) wherein online RL is augmented with additional offline data. HyGLOW is derived as a special case of a more general meta-algorithm that provides a provable black-box reduction from hybrid RL to offline RL, which may be of independent interest.

Meta-Evolve: Continuous Robot Evolution for One-to-many Policy Transfer

Xingyu Liu · Deepak Pathak · DING ZHAO

We investigate the problem of transferring an expert policy from a source robot to multiple different robots. To solve this problem, we propose a method named *Meta-Evolve* that uses continuous robot evolution to efficiently transfer the policy to each target robot through a set of tree-structured evolutionary robot sequences. The robot evolution tree allows the robot evolution paths to be shared, so our approach can significantly outperform naive one-to-one policy transfer. We present a heuristic approach to determine an optimized robot evolution tree. Experiments have shown that our method is able to improve the efficiency of one-to-three transfer of manipulation policy by up to 3.2$\times$ and one-to-six transfer of agile locomotion policy by 2.4$\times$ in terms of simulation cost over the baseline of launching multiple independent one-to-one policy transfers. Supplementary videos available at the project website:

OpenTab: Advancing Large Language Models as Open-domain Table Reasoners

Kezhi Kong · Jiani Zhang · Zhengyuan Shen · Balasubramaniam Srinivasan · Chuan Lei · Christos Faloutsos · Huzefa Rangwala · George Karypis

Large Language Models (LLMs) trained on large volumes of data excel at various natural language tasks, but they cannot handle tasks requiring knowledge that has not been trained on previously. One solution is to use a retriever that fetches relevant information to expand LLM's knowledge scope. However, existing textual-oriented retrieval-based LLMs are not ideal on structured table data due to diversified data modalities and large table sizes. In this work, we propose OpenTab, an open-domain table reasoning framework powered by LLMs. Overall, OpenTab leverages table retriever to fetch relevant tables and then generates SQL programs to parse the retrieved tables efficiently. Utilizing the intermediate data derived from the SQL executions, it conducts grounded inference to produce accurate response. Extensive experimental evaluation shows that OpenTab significantly outperforms baselines in both open- and closed-domain settings, achieving up to 21.5% higher accuracy. We further run ablation studies to validate the efficacy of our proposed designs of the system.

Lemur: Integrating Large Language Models in Automated Program Verification

Haoze Wu · Clark Barrett · Nina Narodytska

The demonstrated code-understanding capability of LLMs raises the question of whether they can be used for automated program verification, a task that demands high-level abstract reasoning about program properties that is challenging for verification tools. We propose a general methodology to combine the power of LLMs and automated reasoners for automated program verification. We formally describe this methodology as a set of derivation rules and prove its soundness. We instantiate the calculus as a sound automated verification procedure, which led to practical improvements on a set of synthetic and competition benchmarks.

Transport meets Variational Inference: Controlled Monte Carlo Diffusions

Francisco Vargas · Shreyas Padhy · Denis Blessing · Nikolas Nüsken

Connecting optimal transport and variational inference, we present a principled and systematic framework for sampling and generative modelling centred around divergences on path space. Our work culminates in the development of the Controlled Monte Carlo Diffusion sampler (CMCD) for Bayesian computation, a score-based annealing technique that crucially adapts both forward and backward dynamics in a diffusion model. On the way, we clarify the relationship between the EM-algorithm and iterative proportional fitting (IPF) for Schroedinger bridges, deriving as well a regularised objective that bypasses the iterative bottleneck of standard IPF-updates. Finally, we show that CMCD has a strong foundation in the Jarzinsky and Crooks identities from statistical physics, and that it convincingly outperforms competing approaches across a wide array of experiments.

Training Socially Aligned Language Models on Simulated Social Interactions

Ruibo Liu · Ruixin Yang · Chenyan Jia · Ge Zhang · Diyi Yang · Soroush Vosoughi

The goal of social alignment for AI systems is to make sure these models can conduct themselves appropriately following social values. Unlike humans who establish a consensus on value judgments through social interaction, current language models (LMs) are trained to rigidly recite the corpus in social isolation, which causes poor generalization in unfamiliar cases and the lack of robustness under adversarial attacks. In this work, we introduce a new training paradigm that enables LMs to learn from simulated social interactions. Compared with existing methods, our method is much more scalable and efficient, and shows superior performance in alignment benchmarks and human evaluation.

ADDP: Learning General Representations for Image Recognition and Generation with Alternating Denoising Diffusion Process

Changyao Tian · Chenxin Tao · Jifeng Dai · Hao Li · Ziheng Li · Lewei Lu · Xiaogang Wang · Hongsheng Li · Gao Huang · Xizhou Zhu

Image recognition and generation have long been developed independently of each other. With the recent trend towards general-purpose representation learning, the development of general representations for both recognition and generation tasks is also promoted. However, preliminary attempts mainly focus on generation performance, but are still inferior on recognition tasks. These methods are modeled in the vector-quantized (VQ) space, whereas leading recognition methods use pixels as inputs. Our key insights are twofold: (1) pixels as inputs are crucial for recognition tasks; (2) VQ tokens as reconstruction targets are beneficial for generation tasks. These observations motivate us to propose an Alternating Denoising Diffusion Process (ADDP) that integrates these two spaces within a single representation learning framework. In each denoising step, our method first decodes pixels from previous VQ tokens, then generates new VQ tokens from the decoded pixels. The diffusion process gradually masks out a portion of VQ tokens to construct the training samples. The learned representations can be used to generate diverse high-fidelity images and also demonstrate excellent transfer performance on recognition tasks. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves competitive performance on unconditional generation, ImageNet classification, COCO detection, and ADE20k segmentation. Importantly, our method represents the first successful development of general representations applicable to both generation and dense recognition tasks. Code shall be released.

JoMA: Demystifying Multilayer Transformers via Joint Dynamics of MLP and Attention

Yuandong Tian · Yiping Wang · Zhenyu Zhang · Beidi Chen · Simon Du

We propose Joint MLP/Attention (JoMA) dynamics, a novel mathematical framework to understand the training procedure of multilayer Transformer architectures. This is achieved by integrating out the self-attention layer in Transformers, producing a modified dynamics of MLP layers only. JoMA removes unrealistic assumptions in previous analysis (e.g., lack of residual connection), and predicts that the attention first becomes sparse (to learn salient tokens), then dense (to learn less salient tokens) in the presence of nonlinear activations, while in the linear case, it is consistent with existing works. We leverage JoMA to qualitatively explains how tokens are combined to form hierarchies in multilayer Transformers, when the input tokens are generated by a latent hierarchical generative model. Experiments on models trained from real-world dataset (Wikitext2/Wikitext103) and various pre- trained models (OPT, Pythia) verify our theoretical findings. The code is at

Spotlight Poster
Thin-Shell Object Manipulations With Differentiable Physics Simulations

Yian Wang · Juntian Zheng · Zhehuan Chen · Zhou Xian · Gu Zhang · Chao Liu · Chuang Gan

In this work, we aim to teach robots to manipulate various thin-shell materials. Prior works studying thin-shell object manipulation mostly rely on heuristic policies or learn policies from real-world video demonstrations, and only focus on limited material types and tasks (e.g., cloth unfolding). However, these approaches face significant challenges when extended to a wider variety of thin-shell materials and a diverse range of tasks.On the other hand, while virtual simulations are shown to be effective in diverse robot skill learning and evaluation, prior thin-shell simulation environments only support a subset of thin-shell materials, which also limits their supported range of tasks. To fill in this gap, we introduce ThinShellLab - a fully differentiable simulation platform tailored for robotic interactions with diverse thin-shell materials possessing varying material properties, enabling flexible thin-shell manipulation skill learning and evaluation. Building on top of our developed simulation engine, we design a diverse set of manipulation tasks centered around different thin-shell objects. Our experiments suggest that manipulating thin-shell objects presents several unique challenges: 1) thin-shell manipulation relies heavily on frictional forces due to the objects' co-dimensional nature, 2) the materials being manipulated are highly sensitive to minimal variations in interaction actions, and 3) the constant and frequent alteration in contact pairs makes trajectory optimization methods susceptible to local optima, and neither standard reinforcement learning algorithms nor trajectory optimization methods (either gradient-based or gradient-free) are able to solve the tasks alone. To overcome these challenges, we present an optimization scheme that couples sampling-based trajectory optimization and gradient-based optimization, boosting both learning efficiency and converged performance across various proposed tasks. In addition, the differentiable nature of our platform facilitates a smooth sim-to-real transition. By tuning simulation parameters with a minimal set of real-world data, we demonstrate successful deployment of the learned skills to real-robot settings. ThinShellLab will be publicly available. Video demonstration and more information can be found on the project website

Mitigating Emergent Robustness Degradation while Scaling Graph Learning

Xiangchi Yuan · Chunhui Zhang · Yijun Tian · Yanfang Ye · Chuxu Zhang

Although graph neural networks have exhibited remarkable performance in various graph tasks, a significant concern is their vulnerability to adversarial attacks. Consequently, many defense methods have been proposed to alleviate the deleterious effects of adversarial attacks and learn robust graph representations. However, most of them are difficult to simultaneously avoid two major limitations: (i) an emergent and severe degradation in robustness when exposed to very intense attacks, and (ii) heavy computation complexity hinders them from scaling to large graphs. In response to these challenges, we introduce an innovative graph defense method for unpredictable real-world scenarios by designing a graph robust learning framework that is resistant to robustness degradation and refraining from unscalable designs with heavy computation: specifically, our method employs a denoising module, which eliminates edges that are associated with attacked nodes to reconstruct a cleaner graph; Then, it applies Mixture-of-Experts to select differentially private noises with varying magnitudes to counteract the hidden features attacked at different intensities toward robust predictions; Moreover, our overall design avoids the reliance on heavy adjacency matrix computations, such as SVD, thus facilitating its applicability even on large graphs. Comprehensive experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the anti-degraded robustness and scalability of our method, as compared to popular graph adversarial learning methods, under diverse attack intensities and various datasets of different sizes.

Private Zeroth-Order Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization

Qinzi Zhang · Hoang Tran · Ashok Cutkosky

We introduce a new zeroth-order algorithm for private stochastic optimization on nonconvex and nonsmooth objectives.Given a dataset of size $M$, our algorithm ensures $(\alpha,\alpha\rho^2/2)$-Renyi differential privacy and finds a $(\delta,\epsilon)$-stationary point so long as $M=\tilde\Omega(\frac{d}{\delta\epsilon^3} + \frac{d^{3/2}}{\rho\delta\epsilon^2})$.This matches the optimal complexity found in its non-private zeroth-order analog. Notably, although the objective is not smooth, we have privacy ``for free'' when $\rho \ge \sqrt{d}\epsilon$.

Increasing Model Capacity for Free: A Simple Strategy for Parameter Efficient Fine-tuning

Haobo Song · Haobo SONG · Hao Zhao · Soumajit Majumder · Tao Lin

Fine-tuning large pre-trained foundation models, such as the 175B GPT-3, has become the prevailing approach for downstream tasks. While parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods have been proposed and proven effective without retraining all model parameters, their performance is limited by the capacity of incremental modules, especially under constrained parameter budgets.To overcome this challenge, we propose CAPABOOST, a simple yet effective strategy that enhances model capacity by leveraging low-rank updates through parallel weight modules in target layers. By applying static random masks to the shared weight matrix, CAPABOOST constructs a diverse set of weight matrices, effectively increasing the rank of incremental weights without adding parameters. Notably, our approach can be seamlessly integrated into various existing parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods. We extensively validate the efficacy of CAPABOOST through experiments on diverse downstream tasks, including natural language understanding, question answering, and image classification. Our results demonstrate significant improvements over baselines, without incurring additional computationor storage costs. We will make our code and benchmark publicly available.

A unique M-pattern for micro-expression spotting in long videos

Jinxuan Wang · Shiting Xu · Tong Zhang

Micro-expression spotting (MES) is challenging since the small magnitude of micro-expression (ME) makes them susceptible to global movements like head rotation. However, the unique movement pattern and inherent characteristics of ME allow them to be distinguished from other movements. Existing MES methods based on fixed reference frame degrade optical flow accuracy and are overly dependent on facial alignment. In this paper, we propose a skip-$k$-frame block-wise main directional mean optical flow (MDMO) feature for MES based on unfixed reference frame. By employing skip-$k$-frame strategy, we substantiate the existence of a distinct and exclusive movement pattern in ME, called M-pattern due to its feature curve resembling the letter `M'. Based on M-pattern and characteristics of ME, we then provide a novel spotting rules to precisely locate ME intervals. Block-wise MDMO feature is capable of removing global movements without compromising complete ME movements in the early feature extraction stage. Besides, A novel pixelmatch-based facial alignment algorithm with dynamic update of reference frame is proposed to better align facial images and reduce jitter between frames. Experimental results on CAS(ME)$^2$, SAMM-LV and CASME II validate the proposed methods are superior to the state-of-the-art methods.

LOQA: Learning with Opponent Q-Learning Awareness

Milad Aghajohari · Juan Duque · Timotheus Cooijmans · Aaron Courville

In various real-world scenarios, interactions among agents often resemble the dynamics of general-sum games, where each agent strives to optimize its own utility. Despite the ubiquitous relevance of such settings, decentralized machine learning algorithms have struggled to find equilibria that maximize individual utility while preserving social welfare. In this paper we introduce Learning with Opponent Q-Learning Awareness (LOQA) , a novel reinforcement learning algorithm tailored to optimizing an agent's individual utility while fostering cooperation among adversaries in partially competitive environments. LOQA assumes that each agent samples actions proportionally to their action-value function Q. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of LOQA at achieving state-of-the-art performance in benchmark scenarios such as the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma and the Coin Game. LOQA achieves these outcomes with a significantly reduced computational footprint compared to previous works, making it a promising approach for practical multi-agent applications.

VBH-GNN: Variational Bayesian Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks for Cross-subject Emotion Recognition

Chenyu Liu · XINLIANG ZHOU · Zhengri Zhu · Liming Zhai · Ziyu Jia · Yang Liu

The research on human emotion under electroencephalogram (EEG) is an emerging field in which cross-subject emotion recognition (ER) is a promising but challenging task. Many approaches attempt to find emotionally relevant domain-invariant features using domain adaptation (DA) to improve the accuracy of cross-subject ER. However, two problems still exist with these methods. First, only single-modal data (EEG) is utilized, ignoring the complementarity between multi-modal physiological signals. Second, these methods aim to completely match the signal features between different domains, which is difficult due to the extreme individual differences of EEG. To solve these problems, we introduce the complementarity of multi-modal physiological signals and propose a new method for cross-subject ER that does not align the distribution of signal features but rather the distribution of spatio-temporal relationships between features. We design a Variational Bayesian Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network (VBH-GNN) with Relationship Distribution Adaptation (RDA). The RDA first aligns the domains by expressing the model space as a posterior distribution of a heterogeneous graph for a given source domain. Then, the RDA transforms the heterogeneous graph into an emotion-specific graph to further align the domains for the downstream ER task. Extensive experiments on two public datasets, DEAP and Dreamer, show that our VBH-GNN outperforms state-of-the-art methods in cross-subject scenarios.

Multimodal Learning Without Labeled Multimodal Data: Guarantees and Applications

Paul Liang · Chun Kai Ling · Yun Cheng · Alexander Obolenskiy · Yudong Liu · Rohan Pandey · Alex Wilf · Louis-Philippe Morency · Russ Salakhutdinov

In many machine learning systems that jointly learn from multiple modalities, a core research question is to understand the nature of multimodal interactions: how modalities combine to provide new task-relevant information that was not present in either alone. We study this challenge of interaction quantification in a semi-supervised setting with only labeled unimodal data and naturally co-occurring multimodal data (e.g., unlabeled images and captions, video and corresponding audio) but when labeling them is time-consuming. Using a precise information-theoretic definition of interactions, our key contribution is the derivation of lower and upper bounds to quantify the amount of multimodal interactions in this semi-supervised setting. We propose two lower bounds: one based on the shared information between modalities and the other based on disagreement between separately trained unimodal classifiers, and derive an upper bound through connections to approximate algorithms for min-entropy couplings. We validate these estimated bounds and show how they accurately track true interactions. Finally, we show how these theoretical results can be used to estimate multimodal model performance, guide data collection, and select appropriate multimodal models for various tasks.

Rethinking and Extending the Probabilistic Inference Capacity of GNNs

Tuo Xu · Lei Zou

Designing expressive Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) is an important topic in graph machine learning fields. Despite the existence of numerous approaches proposed to enhance GNNs based on Weisfeiler-Lehman (WL) tests, what GNNs can and cannot learn still lacks a deeper understanding. This paper adopts a fundamentally different approach to examine the expressive power of GNNs from a probabilistic perspective. By establishing connections between GNNs' predictions and the central inference problems of probabilistic graphical models (PGMs), we can analyze previous GNN variants with a novel hierarchical framework and gain new insights into their node-level and link-level behaviors. Additionally, we introduce novel methods that can provably enhance GNNs' ability to capture complex dependencies and make complex predictions. Experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approaches.

Neural Polynomial Gabor Fields for Macro Motion Analysis

Chen Geng · Koven Yu · Sida Peng · Xiaowei Zhou · Jiajun Wu

We study macro motion analysis, where macro motion refers to the collection of all visually observable motions in a dynamic scene. Traditional filtering-based methods on motion analysis typically focus only on local and tiny motions, yet fail to represent large motions or 3D scenes. Recent dynamic neural representations can faithfully represent motions using correspondences, but they cannot be directly used for motion analysis. In this work, we propose Phase-based neural polynomial Gabor fields (Phase-PGF), which learns to represent scene dynamics with low-dimensional time-varying phases. We theoretically show that Phase-PGF has several properties suitable for macro motion analysis. In our experiments, we collect diverse 2D and 3D dynamic scenes and show that Phase-PGF enables dynamic scene analysis and editing tasks including motion loop detection, motion factorization, motion smoothing, and motion magnification. Project page:

Chain of Hindsight aligns Language Models with Feedback

Hao Liu · Carmelo Sferrazza · Pieter Abbeel

Learning from human preferences is important for language models to match human needs and to align with human and social values. Prior works have achieved remarkable successes by learning from human feedback to understand and follow instructions. Nonetheless, these methods are either founded on hand-picked model generations that are favored by human annotators, rendering them inefficient in terms of data utilization and challenging to apply in general, or they depend on reinforcement learning, which often suffers from imperfect reward functions and relies on extremely challenging optimizations. In this work, we propose a novel technique, Chain of Hindsight, that is easy to optimize and can learn from any form of feedback, regardless of its polarity. Our idea is inspired by how humans learn from extensive feedback presented in the form of languages. We convert all types of feedback into sequences of sentences, which are then used to fine-tune the model, allowing us to take advantage of the language comprehension capabilities of language models.We condition the model on a sequence of model generations paired with feedback. By doing so, the model is trained to generate outputs based on feedback, while learning to identify and correct negative attributes or errors. Applying our method to large language models, we observed that Chain of Hindsight significantly surpasses previous methods in aligning language models with human preferences. We report significant improvements on summarization and dialogue benchmarks, with our approach markedly preferred in human evaluations.

STanHop: Sparse Tandem Hopfield Model for Memory-Enhanced Time Series Prediction

Yu-Hsuan Wu · Jerry Hu · Weijian Li · Bo-Yu Chen · Han Liu

We present STanHop-Net (Sparse Tandem Hopfield Network) for multivariate time series prediction with memory-enhanced capabilities. At the heart of our approach is STanHop, a novel Hopfield-based neural network block, which sparsely learns and stores both temporal and cross-series representations in a data-dependent fashion. In essence, STanHop sequentially learns temporal representation and cross-series representation using two tandem sparse Hopfield layers. Additionally, STanHop incorporates two external memory modules: Plug-and-Play and Tune-and-Play for train-less and task-aware memory enhancements, respectively. They allow StanHop-Net to swiftly respond to sudden events. Methodologically, we construct the STanHop-Net by stacking STanHop blocks in a hierarchical fashion, enabling multi-resolution feature extraction with resolution-specific sparsity. Theoretically, we introduce a unified construction (Generalized Sparse Modern Hopfield Model) for both dense and sparse modern Hopfield models and show that it endows a tighter memory retrieval error compared to the dense counterpart without sacrificing memory capacity. Empirically, we validate the efficacy of STanHop-Net on many settings: time series prediction, fast test-time adaptation, and strongly correlated time series prediction.

PandaLM: An Automatic Evaluation Benchmark for LLM Instruction Tuning Optimization

Yidong Wang · Zhuohao Yu · Wenjin Yao · Zhengran Zeng · Linyi Yang · Cunxiang Wang · Hao Chen · Chaoya Jiang · Rui Xie · Jindong Wang · Xing Xie · Wei Ye · Shikun Zhang · Yue Zhang

Instruction tuning large language models (LLMs) remains a challenging task, owing to the complexity of hyperparameter selection and the difficulty involved in evaluating the tuned models. To determine the optimal hyperparameters, an automatic, robust, and reliable evaluation benchmark is essential. However, establishing such a benchmark is not a trivial task due to the challenges associated with evaluation accuracy and privacy protection. In response to these challenges, we introduce a judge large language model, named PandaLM, which is trained to distinguish the superior model given several LLMs. PandaLM's focus extends beyond just the objective correctness of responses, which is the main focus of traditional evaluation datasets. It addresses vital subjective factors such as relative conciseness, clarity, adherence to instructions, comprehensiveness, and formality. To ensure the reliability of PandaLM, we collect a diverse human-annotated test dataset, where all contexts are generated by humans and labels are aligned with human preferences. Our findings reveal that PandaLM-7B offers a performance comparable to both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. Impressively, PandaLM-70B surpasses their performance. PandaLM enables the evaluation of LLM to be fairer but with less cost, evidenced by significant improvements achieved by models tuned through PandaLM compared to their counterparts trained with default Alpaca's hyperparameters. In addition, PandaLM does not depend on API-based evaluations, thus avoiding potential data leakage.

Polynomial Width is Sufficient for Set Representation with High-dimensional Features

Peihao Wang · Shenghao Yang · Shu Li · Zhangyang Wang · Pan Li

Set representation has become ubiquitous in deep learning for modeling the inductive bias of neural networks that are insensitive to the input order. DeepSets is the most widely used neural network architecture for set representation. It involves embedding each set element into a latent space with dimension $L$, followed by a sum pooling to obtain a whole-set embedding, and finally mapping the whole-set embedding to the output. In this work, we investigate the impact of the dimension $L$ on the expressive power of DeepSets. Previous analyses either oversimplified high-dimensional features to be one-dimensional features or were limited to complex analytic activations, thereby diverging from practical use or resulting in $L$ that grows exponentially with the set size $N$ and feature dimension $D$. To investigate the minimal value of $L$ that achieves sufficient expressive power, we present two set-element embedding layers: (a) linear + power activation (LP) and (b) linear + exponential activations (LE). We demonstrate that $L$ being $\operatorname{poly}(N, D)$ is sufficient for set representation using both embedding layers. We also provide a lower bound of $L$ for the LP embedding layer. Furthermore, we extend our results to permutation-equivariant set functions and the complex field.

A Generalist Agent

Jackie Kay · Sergio Gómez Colmenarejo · Mahyar Bordbar · Mai Giménez · Oriol Vinyals · Scott Reed · Tom Eccles · Ali Razavi · Yury Sulsky · Ashley Edwards · Raia Hadsell · Nando Freitas · Alexander Novikov · Yutian Chen · Jake Bruce · Emilio Parisotto · Konrad Zolna · Jost Springenberg · Nicolas Heess · Gabriel Barth-maron

Inspired by progress in large-scale language modeling, we apply a similar approach towards building a single generalist agent beyond the realm of text outputs. The agent, which we refer to as Gato, works as a multi-modal, multi-task, multi-embodiment generalist policy. The same network with the same weights can play Atari, caption images, chat, stack blocks with a real robot arm and much more, deciding based on its context whether to output text, joint torques, button presses, or other tokens. In this report we describe the model and the data, and document the current capabilities of Gato.

Multilingual Jailbreak Challenges in Large Language Models

Yue Deng · Wenxuan Zhang · Sinno Pan · Lidong Bing

While large language models (LLMs) exhibit remarkable capabilities across a wide range of tasks, they pose potential safety concerns, such as the ``jailbreak'' problem, wherein malicious instructions can manipulate LLMs to exhibit undesirable behavior. Although several preventive measures have been developed to mitigate the potential risks associated with LLMs, they have primarily focused on English. In this study, we reveal the presence of multilingual jailbreak challenges within LLMs and consider two potential risky scenarios: unintentional and intentional. The unintentional scenario involves users querying LLMs using non-English prompts and inadvertently bypassing the safety mechanisms, while the intentional scenario concerns malicious users combining malicious instructions with multilingual prompts to deliberately attack LLMs. The experimental results reveal that in the unintentional scenario, the rate of unsafe content increases as the availability of languages decreases. Specifically, low-resource languages exhibit about three times the likelihood of encountering harmful content compared to high-resource languages, with both ChatGPT and GPT-4. In the intentional scenario, multilingual prompts can exacerbate the negative impact of malicious instructions, with astonishingly high rates of unsafe output: 80.92\% for ChatGPT and 40.71\% for GPT-4. To handle such a challenge in the multilingual context, we propose a novel \textsc{Self-Defense} framework that automatically generates multilingual training data for safety fine-tuning. Experimental results show that ChatGPT fine-tuned with such data can achieve a substantial reduction in unsafe content generation. Data is available at \url{}.

Spotlight Poster
Procedural Fairness Through Decoupling Objectionable Data Generating Components

Zeyu Tang · Jialu Wang · Yang Liu · Peter Spirtes · Kun Zhang

We reveal and address the frequently overlooked yet important issue of disguised procedural unfairness, namely, the potentially inadvertent alterations on the behavior of neutral (i.e., not problematic) aspects of data generating process, and/or the lack of procedural assurance of the greatest benefit of the least advantaged individuals. Inspired by John Rawls's advocacy for pure procedural justice (Rawls, 1971; 2001), we view automated decision-making as a microcosm of social institutions, and consider how the data generating process itself can satisfy the requirements of procedural fairness. We propose a framework that decouples the objectionable data generating components from the neutral ones by utilizing reference points and the associated value instantiation rule. Our findings highlight the necessity of preventing disguised procedural unfairness, drawing attention not only to the objectionable data generating components that we aim to mitigate, but also more importantly, to the neutral components that we intend to keep unaffected.

CLIP the Bias: How Useful is Balancing Data in Multimodal Learning?

Ibrahim Alabdulmohsin · Xiao Wang · Andreas Steiner · Priya Goyal · Alexander D'Amour · Xiaohua Zhai

We study data-balancing for mitigating biases in contrastive language-image pretraining (CLIP), identifying areas of strength and limitation. First, we reaffirm prior conclusions that CLIP can inadvertently absorb stereotypes. To counter this, we present a novel algorithm, called Multi-Modal Moment Matching (M4), designed to reduce both representation and association biases in multimodal data. We use M4 to conduct an in-depth analysis taking into account various factors, such as the model, representation, and data size. Our study also explores the dynamic nature of how CLIP learns/unlearns biases. In particular, we find that fine-tuning is effective in countering representation biases, though its impact diminishes for association biases. Also, data balancing has a mixed impact on quality: it tends to improve classification but can hurt retrieval. Interestingly, data and architectural improvements seem to mitigate the negative impact of data balancing on performance; e.g. applying M4 to SigLIP-B/16 with data quality filters improves COCO image-to-text retrieval @5 from 86% (without data balancing) to 87% and ImageNet 0-shot classification from 77% to 77.5%! Finally, we conclude with recommendations for improving the efficacy of data balancing in multimodal systems.

Spotlight Poster
Poisoned Forgery Face: Towards Backdoor Attacks on Face Forgery Detection

Jiawei Liang · Siyuan Liang · Aishan Liu · Xiaojun Jia · Junhao Kuang · Xiaochun Cao

The proliferation of face forgery techniques has raised significant concerns within society, thereby motivating the development of face forgery detection methods. These methods aim to distinguish forged faces from genuine ones and have proven effective in practical applications. However, this paper introduces a novel and previously unrecognized threat in face forgery detection scenarios caused by backdoor attack. By embedding backdoors into models and incorporating specific trigger patterns into the input, attackers can deceive detectors into producing erroneous predictions for forged faces. To achieve this goal, this paper proposes \emph{Poisoned Forgery Face} framework, which enables clean-label backdoor attacks on face forgery detectors. Our approach involves constructing a scalable trigger generator and utilizing a novel convolving process to generate translation-sensitive trigger patterns. Moreover, we employ a relative embedding method based on landmark-based regions to enhance the stealthiness of the poisoned samples. Consequently, detectors trained on our poisoned samples are embedded with backdoors. Notably, our approach surpasses SoTA backdoor baselines with a significant improvement in attack success rate (+16.39\% BD-AUC) and reduction in visibility (-12.65\% $L_\infty$). Furthermore, our attack exhibits promising performance against backdoor defenses. We anticipate that this paper will draw greater attention to the potential threats posed by backdoor attacks in face forgery detection scenarios. Our codes will be made available at \url{}.

On the Analysis of GAN-based Image-to-Image Translation with Gaussian Noise Injection

Chaohua Shi · Kexin Huang · Lu Gan · Hongqing Liu · Mingrui Zhu · Nannan Wang · Xinbo Gao

Image-to-image (I2I) translation is vital in computer vision tasks like style transfer and domain adaptation. While recent advances in GAN have enabled high-quality sample generation, real-world challenges such as noise and distortion remain significant obstacles. Although Gaussian noise injection during training has been utilized, its theoretical underpinnings have been unclear. This work provides a robust theoretical framework elucidating the role of Gaussian noise injection in I2I translation models. We address critical questions on the influence of noise variance on distribution divergence, resilience to unseen noise types, and optimal noise intensity selection. Our contributions include connecting $f$-divergence and score matching, unveiling insights into the impact of Gaussian noise on aligning probability distributions, and demonstrating generalized robustness implications. We also explore choosing an optimal training noise level for consistent performance in noisy environments. Extensive experiments validate our theoretical findings, showing substantial improvements over various I2I baseline models in noisy settings. Our research rigorously grounds Gaussian noise injection for I2I translation, offering a sophisticated theoretical understanding beyond heuristic applications.

DIG In: Evaluating Disparities in Image Generations with Indicators for Geographic Diversity

Melissa Hall · Candace Ross · Adina Williams · Nicolas Carion · Michal Drozdzal · Adriana Romero-Soriano

ASID: Active Exploration for System Identification in Robotic Manipulation

Marius Memmel · Andrew Wagenmaker · Chuning Zhu · Dieter Fox · Abhishek Gupta

Model-free control strategies such as reinforcement learning have shown the ability to learn control strategies without requiring an accurate model or simulator of the world. While this is appealing due to the lack of modeling requirements, such methods can be sample inefficient, making them impractical in many real-world domains. On the other hand, model-based control techniques leveraging accurate simulators can circumvent these challenges and use a large amount of cheap simulation data to learn controllers that can effectively transfer to the real world. The challenge with such model-based techniques is the requirement for an extremely accurate simulation, requiring both the specification of appropriate simulation assets and physical parameters. This requires considerable human effort to design for every environment being considered. In this work, we propose a learning system that can leverage a small amount of real-world data to autonomously refine a simulation model and then plan an accurate control strategy that can be deployed in the real world. Our approach critically relies on utilizing an initial (possibly inaccurate) simulator to design effective exploration policies that, when deployed in the real world, collect high-quality data. We demonstrate the efficacy of this paradigm in identifying articulation, mass, and other physical parameters in several challenging robotic manipulation tasks, and illustrate that only a small amount of real-world data can allow for effective sim-to-real transfer.

EX-Graph: A Pioneering Dataset Bridging Ethereum and X

Qian Wang · Zhen Zhang · Zemin Liu · Shengliang Lu · Bingqiao Luo · Bingsheng He

While numerous public blockchain datasets are available, their utility is constrained by an exclusive focus on blockchain data. This constraint limits the incorporation of relevant social network data into blockchain analysis, thereby diminishing the breadth and depth of insight that can be derived. To address the above limitation, we introduce EX-Graph, a novel dataset that authentically links Ethereum and X, marking the first and largest dataset of its kind. EX-Graph combines Ethereum transaction records (2 million nodes and 30 million edges) and X following data (1 million nodes and 3 million edges), bonding 30,667 Ethereum addresses with verified X accounts sourced from OpenSea. Detailed statistical analysis on EX- Graph highlights the structural differences between X-matched and non-X-matched Ethereum addresses. Extensive experiments, including Ethereum link prediction, wash-trading Ethereum addresses detection, and X-Ethereum matching link pre- diction, emphasize the significant role of X data in enhancing Ethereum analysis. EX-Graph is available at

SF(DA)$^2$: Source-free Domain Adaptation Through the Lens of Data Augmentation

Uiwon Hwang · Jonghyun Lee · Juhyeon Shin · Sungroh Yoon

In the face of the deep learning model's vulnerability to domain shift, source-free domain adaptation (SFDA) methods have been proposed to adapt models to new, unseen target domains without requiring access to source domain data. Although the potential benefits of applying data augmentation to SFDA are attractive, several challenges arise such as the dependence on prior knowledge of class-preserving transformations and the increase in memory and computational requirements. In this paper, we propose Source-free Domain Adaptation Through the Lens of Data Augmentation (SF(DA)$^2$), a novel approach that leverages the benefits of data augmentation without suffering from these challenges. We construct an augmentation graph in the feature space of the pretrained model using the neighbor relationships between target features and propose spectral neighborhood clustering to identify partitions in the prediction space. Furthermore, we propose implicit feature augmentation and feature disentanglement as regularization loss functions that effectively utilize class semantic information within the feature space. These regularizers simulate the inclusion of an unlimited number of augmented target features into the augmentation graph while minimizing computational and memory demands. Our method shows superior adaptation performance in SFDA scenarios, including 2D image and 3D point cloud datasets and a highly imbalanced dataset.

LightHGNN: Distilling Hypergraph Neural Networks into MLPs for 100x Faster Inference

Yifan Feng · Yihe Luo · Shihui Ying · Yue Gao

Hypergraph Neural Networks (HGNNs) have recently attracted much attention and exhibited satisfactory performance due to their superiority in high-order correlation modeling. However, it is noticed that the high-order modeling capability of hypergraph also brings increased computation complexity, which hinders its practical industrial deployment.In practice, we find that one key barrier to the efficient deployment of HGNNs is the high-order structural dependencies during inference.In this paper, we propose to bridge the gap between the HGNNs and inference-efficient Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLPs) to eliminate the hypergraph dependency of HGNNs and thus reduce computational complexity as well as improve inference speed. Specifically, we introduce LightHGNN and LightHGNN$^+$ for fast inference with low complexity. LightHGNN directly distills the knowledge from teacher HGNNs to student MLPs via soft labels, and LightHGNN$^+$ further explicitly injects reliable high-order correlations into the student MLPs to achieve topology-aware distillation and resistance to over-smoothing.Experiments on eight hypergraph datasets demonstrate that even without hypergraph dependency, the proposed LightHGNNs can still achieve competitive or even better performance than HGNNs and outperform vanilla MLPs by $16.3$ on average. Extensive experiments on three graph datasets further show the average best performance of our LightHGNNs compared with all other methods.Experiments on synthetic hypergraphs with 5.5w vertices indicate LightHGNNs can run $100\times$ faster than HGNNs, showcasing their ability for latency-sensitive deployments.

Spotlight Poster
Views Can Be Deceiving: Improved SSL Through Feature Space Augmentation

Kimia Hamidieh · Haoran Zhang · Swami Sankaranarayanan · Marzyeh Ghassemi

Supervised learning methods have been found to exhibit inductive biases favoring simpler features. When such features are spuriously correlated with the label, this can result in suboptimal performance on minority subgroups. Despite the growing popularity of methods which learn from unlabeled data, the extent to which these representations rely on spurious features for prediction is unclear. In this work, we explore the impact of spurious features on Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) for visual representation learning. We first empirically show that commonly used augmentations in SSL can cause undesired invariances in the image space, and illustrate this with a simple example. We further show that classical approaches in combating spurious correlations, such as dataset re-sampling during SSL, do not consistently lead to invariant representations. Motivated by these findings, we propose LateTVG to remove spurious information from these representations during pre-training, by regularizing later layers of the encoder via pruning. We find that our method produces representations which outperform the baselines on several benchmarks, without the need for group or label information during SSL.

WebArena: A Realistic Web Environment for Building Autonomous Agents

Shuyan Zhou · Frank F Xu · Hao Zhu · Xuhui Zhou · Robert Lo · Abishek Sridhar · Xianyi Cheng · Tianyue Ou · Yonatan Bisk · Daniel Fried · Uri Alon · Graham Neubig

With advances in generative AI, there is now potential for autonomous agents to manage daily tasks via natural language commands. However, current agents are primarily created and tested in simplified synthetic environments, leading to a disconnect with real-world scenarios. In this paper, we build an environment for language-guided agents that is highly realistic and reproducible. Specifically, we focus on agents that perform tasks on the web, and create an environment with fully functional websites from four common domains: e-commerce, social forum discussions, collaborative software development, and content management. Our environment is enriched with tools (e.g., a map) and external knowledge bases (e.g., user manuals) to encourage human-like task-solving. Building upon our environment, we release a set of benchmark tasks focusing on evaluating the functional correctness of task completions. The tasks in our benchmark are diverse, long-horizon, and designed to emulate tasks that humans routinely perform on the internet. We experiment with several baseline agents, integrating recent techniques such as reasoning before acting. The results demonstrate that solving complex tasks is challenging: our best GPT-4-based agent only achieves an end-to-end task success rate of 14.41%, significantly lower than the human performance of 78.24%. These results highlight the need for further development of robust agents, that current state-of-the-art large language models are far from perfect performance in these real-life tasks, and that \ours can be used to measure such progress.\footnote{Code, data, environment reproduction instructions, video demonstrations are available in the supplementary.}

AffineQuant: Affine Transformation Quantization for Large Language Models

Yuexiao Ma · Huixia Li · Xiawu Zheng · Feng Ling · Xuefeng Xiao · Rui Wang · Shilei Wen · Fei Chao · Rongrong Ji

The significant resource requirements associated with Large-scale Language Models (LLMs) have generated considerable interest in the development of techniques aimed at compressing and accelerating neural networks. Among these techniques, Post-Training Quantization (PTQ) has emerged as a subject of considerable interest due to its noteworthy compression efficiency and cost-effectiveness in the context of training. Existing PTQ methods for LLMs limit the optimization scope to scaling transformations between pre- and post-quantization weights. This constraint results in significant errors after quantization, particularly in low-bit configurations. In this paper, we advocate for the direct optimization using equivalent Affine transformations in PTQ (AffineQuant). This approach extends the optimization scope and thus significantly minimizing quantization errors. Additionally, by employing the corresponding inverse matrix, we can ensure equivalence between the pre- and post-quantization outputs of PTQ, thereby maintaining its efficiency and generalization capabilities. To ensure the invertibility of the transformation during optimization, we further introduce a gradual mask optimization method. This method initially focuses on optimizing the diagonal elements and gradually extends to the other elements. Such an approach aligns with the Levy-Desplanques theorem, theoretically ensuring invertibility of the transformation. As a result, significant performance improvements are evident across different LLMs on diverse datasets. Notably, these improvements are most pronounced when using very low-bit quantization, enabling the deployment of large models on edge devices. To illustrate, we attain a C4 perplexity of $15.76$ (2.26$\downarrow$ vs $18.02$ in OmniQuant) on the LLaMA2-$7$B model of W$4$A$4$ quantization without overhead. On zero-shot tasks, AffineQuant achieves an average of $58.61\%$ accuracy ( $1.98\%\uparrow$ vs $56.63$ in OmniQuant) when using $4$/$4$-bit quantization for LLaMA-$30$B, which setting a new state-of-the-art benchmark for PTQ in LLMs. Codes are available at:

Advancing Pose-Guided Image Synthesis with Progressive Conditional Diffusion Models

Fei Shen · Hu Ye · Jun Zhang · Cong Wang · Xiao Han · Yang Wei

Recent work has showcased the significant potential of diffusion models in pose-guided person image synthesis.However, owing to the inconsistency in pose between the source and target images, synthesizing an image with a distinct pose, relying exclusively on the source image and target pose information, remains a formidable challenge.This paper presents Progressive Conditional Diffusion Models (PCDMs) that incrementally bridge the gap between person images under the target and source poses through three stages.Specifically, in the first stage, we design a simple prior conditional diffusion model that predicts the global features of the target image by mining the global alignment relationship between pose coordinates and image appearance.Then, the second stage establishes a dense correspondence between the source and target images using the global features from the previous stage, and an inpainting conditional diffusion model is proposed to further align and enhance the contextual features, generating a coarse-grained person image.In the third stage, we propose a refining conditional diffusion model to utilize the coarsely generated image from the previous stage as a condition, achieving texture restoration and enhancing fine-detail consistency.The three-stage PCDMs work progressively to generate the final high-quality and high-fidelity synthesized image.Both qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate the consistency and photorealism of our proposed PCDMs under challenging scenarios.The code and model will be available at

Neural SDF Flow for 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes

wei mao · Richard Hartley · Mathieu Salzmann · Wei Mao

In this paper, we tackle the problem of 3D reconstruction of dynamic scenes from multi-view videos. Previous dynamic scene reconstruction works either attempt to model the motion of 3D points in space, which constrains them to handle a single articulated object or require depth maps as input. By contrast, we propose to directly estimate the change of Signed Distance Function (SDF), namely SDFflow, of the dynamic scene. We show that the SDF flow captures the evolution of the scene surface. We further derive the mathematical relation between the SDF flow and the scene flow, which allows us to calculate the scene flow from the SDF flow analytically by solving linear equations. Our experiments on real-world multi-view video datasets show that our reconstructions are better than those of the state-of-the-art methods. Our code is available at

Benign Oscillation of Stochastic Gradient Descent with Large Learning Rate

Miao Lu · Beining Wu · Xiaodong Yang · Difan Zou

In this work, we theoretically investigate the generalization properties of neural networks (NN) trained by stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with large learning rates. Under such a training regime, our finding is that, the oscillation of the NN weights caused by SGD with large learning rates turns out to be beneficial to the generalization of the NN, potentially improving over the same NN trained by SGD with small learning rates that converges more smoothly. In view of this finding, we call such a phenomenon “benign oscillation”. Our theory towards demystifying such a phenomenon builds upon the feature learning perspective of deep learning. Specifically, we consider a feature-noise data generation model that consists of (i) weak features which have a small $\ell_2$-norm and appear in each data point; (ii) strong features which have a large $\ell_2$-norm but appear only in a certain fraction of all data points; and (iii) noise. We prove that NNs trained by oscillating SGD with a large learning rate can effectively learn the weak features in the presence of those strong features. In contrast, NNs trained by SGD with a small learning rate can only learn the strong features but make little progress in learning the weak features. Consequently, when it comes to the new testing data points that consist of only weak features, the NN trained by oscillating SGD with a large learning rate can still make correct predictions, while the NN trained by SGD with a small learning rate could not. Our theory sheds light on how large learning rate training benefits the generalization of NNs. Experimental results demonstrate our findings on the phenomenon of “benign oscillation”.

Teaching Language Models to Hallucinate Less with Synthetic Tasks

Erik Jones · Hamid Palangi · Clarisse Ribeiro · Varun Chandrasekaran · Subhabrata Mukherjee · Arindam Mitra · Ahmed H Awadallah · Ece Kamar

Large language models (LLMs) frequently hallucinate on abstractive summarization tasks such as document-based question-answering, meeting summarization, and clinical report generation, even though all necessary information is included in context. However, optimizing to make LLMs hallucinate less is challenging, as hallucination is hard to efficiently, cheaply, and reliably evaluate at each optimization step. In this work, we show that reducing hallucination on a synthetic task can also reduce hallucination on real-world downstream tasks. Our method, SynTra, first designs a synthetic task where hallucinations are easy to elicit and measure. It next optimizes the LLM's system message via prefix tuning on the synthetic task, then uses the system message on realistic, hard-to-optimize tasks. Across three realistic abstractive summarization tasks, we reduce hallucination for two 13B-parameter LLMs using supervision signal from only a synthetic retrieval task. We also find that optimizing the system message rather than the model weights can be critical; fine-tuning the entire model on the synthetic task can counterintuitively increase hallucination. Overall, SynTra demonstrates that the extra flexibility of working with synthetic data can help mitigate undesired behaviors in practice.

Un-Mixing Test-Time Normalization Statistics: Combatting Label Temporal Correlation

Devavrat Tomar · Guillaume Vray · Jean-Philippe Thiran · Behzad Bozorgtabar

Recent test-time adaptation methods heavily rely on nuanced adjustments of batch normalization (BN) parameters. However, one critical assumption often goes overlooked: that of independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) test batches with respect to unknown labels. This oversight leads to skewed BN statistics and undermines the reliability of the model under non-i.i.d. scenarios. To tackle this challenge, this paper presents a novel method termed '$\textbf{Un-Mix}$ing $\textbf{T}$est-Time $\textbf{N}$ormalization $\textbf{S}$tatistics' (UnMix-TNS). Our method re-calibrates the statistics for each instance within a test batch by $\textit{mixing}$ it with multiple distinct statistics components, thus inherently simulating the i.i.d. scenario. The core of this method hinges on a distinctive online $\textit{unmixing}$ procedure that continuously updates these statistics components by incorporating the most similar instances from new test batches. Remarkably generic in its design, UnMix-TNS seamlessly integrates with a wide range of leading test-time adaptation methods and pre-trained architectures equipped with BN layers. Empirical evaluations corroborate the robustness of UnMix-TNS under varied scenarios—ranging from single to continual and mixed domain shifts, particularly excelling with temporally correlated test data and corrupted non-i.i.d. real-world streams. This adaptability is maintained even with very small batch sizes or single instances. Our results highlight UnMix-TNS's capacity to markedly enhance stability and performance across various benchmarks. Our code is publicly available at

Spotlight Poster
Compositional Generative Inverse Design

Tailin Wu · Takashi Maruyama · Long Wei · Tao Zhang · Yilun Du · Gianluca Iaccarino · Jure Leskovec

Inverse design, where we seek to design input variables in order to optimize an underlying objective function, is an important problem that arises across fields such as mechanical engineering to aerospace engineering. Inverse design is typically formulated as an optimization problem, with recent works leveraging optimization across learned dynamics models. However, as models are optimized they tend to fall into adversarial modes, preventing effective sampling. We illustrate that by instead optimizing over the learned energy function captured by the diffusion model, we can avoid such adversarial examples and significantly improve design performance. We further illustrate how such a design system is compositional, enabling us to combine multiple different diffusion models representing subcomponents of our desired system to design systems with every specified component. In an N-body interaction task and a challenging 2D multi-airfoil design task, we demonstrate that by composing the learned diffusion model at test time, our method allows us to design initial states and boundary shapes that are more complex than those in the training data. Our method generalizes to more objects for N-body dataset and discovers formation flying to minimize drag in the multi-airfoil design task. Project website and code can be found at

Better Neural PDE Solvers Through Data-Free Mesh Movers

Peiyan Hu · Yue Wang · Zhi-Ming Ma

Recently, neural networks have been extensively employed to solve partial differential equations (PDEs) in physical system modeling. While major studies focus on learning system evolution on predefined static mesh discretizations, some methods utilize reinforcement learning or supervised learning techniques to create adaptive and dynamic meshes, due to the dynamic nature of these systems. However, these approaches face two primary challenges: (1) the need for expensive optimal mesh data, and (2) the change of the solution space's degree of freedom and topology during mesh refinement. To address these challenges, this paper proposes a neural PDE solver with a neural mesh adapter. To begin with, we introduce a novel data-free neural mesh adaptor, called Data-free Mesh Mover (DMM), with two main innovations. Firstly, it is an operator that maps the solution to adaptive meshes and is trained using the Monge-Ampère equation without optimal mesh data. Secondly, it dynamically changes the mesh by moving existing nodes rather than adding or deleting nodes and edges. Theoretical analysis shows that meshes generated by DMM have the lowest interpolation error bound. Based on DMM, to efficiently and accurately model dynamic systems, we develop a moving mesh based neural PDE solver (MM-PDE) that embeds the moving mesh with a two-branch architecture and a learnable interpolation framework to preserve information within the data. Empirical experiments demonstrate that our method generates suitable meshes and considerably enhances accuracy when modeling widely considered PDE systems. The code can be found at:

BadEdit: Backdooring Large Language Models by Model Editing

Yanzhou Li · Tianlin Li · Kangjie Chen · Jian Zhang · Shangqing Liu · Wenhan Wang · Tianwei Zhang · Yang Liu

Mainstream backdoor attack methods typically demand substantial tuning data for poisoning, limiting their practicality and potentially degrading the overall performance when applied to Large Language Models (LLMs). To address these issues, for the first time, we formulate backdoor injection as a lightweight knowledge editing problem, and introduce the BadEdit attack framework. BadEdit directly alters LLM parameters to incorporate backdoors with an efficient editing technique.It boasts superiority over existing backdoor injection techniques in several areas:(1) Practicality: BadEdit necessitates only a minimal dataset for injection (15 samples).(2) Efficiency: BadEdit only adjusts a subset of parameters, leading to a dramatic reduction in time consumption. (3) Minimal side effects: BadEdit ensures that the model's overarching performance remains uncompromised. (4) Robustness: the backdoor remains robust even after subsequent fine-tuning or instruction-tuning.Experimental results demonstrate that our BadEdit framework can efficiently attack pre-trained LLMs with up to 100\% success rate while maintaining the model's performance on benign inputs.

Toward effective protection against diffusion-based mimicry through score distillation

Haotian Xue · Chumeng Liang · Xiaoyu Wu · Yongxin Chen

While generative diffusion models excel in producing high-quality images, they can also be misused to mimic authorized images, posing a significant threat to AI systems. Efforts have been made to add calibrated perturbations to protect images from diffusion-based mimicry pipelines. However, most of the existing methods are too ineffective and even impractical to be used by individual users due to their high computation and memory requirements. In this work, we present novel findings on attacking latent diffusion models (LDM) and propose new plug-and-play strategies for more effective protection. In particular, we explore the bottleneck in attacking an LDM, discovering that the encoder module rather than the denoiser module is the vulnerable point. Based on this insight, we present our strategy using Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) to double the speed of protection and reduce memory occupation by half without compromising its strength. Additionally, we provide a robust protection strategy by counterintuitively minimizing the semantic loss, which can assist in generating more natural perturbations. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments to substantiate our findings and comprehensively evaluate our newly proposed strategies. We hope our insights and protective measures can contribute to better defense against malicious diffusion-based mimicry, advancing the development of secure AI systems.

Hybrid Sharing for Multi-Label Image Classification

Zihao Yin · Chen Gan · Kelei He · Yang Gao · Junfeng Zhang

Existing multi-label classification methods have long suffered from label heterogeneity, where learning a label obscures another. By modeling multi-label classification as a multi-task problem, this issue can be regarded as a negative transfer, which indicates challenges to achieve simultaneously satisfied performance across multiple tasks. In this work, we propose the Hybrid Sharing Query (HSQ), a transformer-based model that introduces the mixture-of-experts architecture to image multi-label classification. HSQ is designed to leverage label correlations while mitigating heterogeneity effectively. To this end, HSQ is incorporated with a fusion expert framework that enables it to optimally combine the strengths of task-specialized experts with shared experts, ultimately enhancing multi-label classification performance across most labels. Extensive experiments are conducted on two benchmark datasets, with the results demonstrating that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance and yields simultaneous improvements across most labels. The code is available at

Multimodal Patient Representation Learning with Missing Modalities and Labels

Zhenbang Wu · Anant Dadu · Nicholas Tustison · Brian Avants · Michael Nalls · Jimeng Sun · Faraz Faghri

Multimodal patient representation learning aims to integrate information from multiple modalities and generate comprehensive patient representations for subsequent clinical predictive tasks. However, many existing approaches either presuppose the availability of all modalities and labels for each patient or only deal with missing modalities. In reality, patient data often comes with both missing modalities and labels for various reasons (i.e., the missing modality and label issue). Moreover, multimodal models might over-rely on certain modalities, causing sub-optimal performance when these modalities are absent (i.e., the modality collapse issue). To address these issues, we introduce MUSE: a mutual-consistent graph contrastive learning method. MUSE uses a flexible bipartite graph to represent the patient-modality relationship, which can adapt to various missing modality patterns. To tackle the modality collapse issue, MUSE learns to focus on modality-general and label-decisive features via a mutual-consistent contrastive learning loss. Notably, the unsupervised component of the contrastive objective only requires self-supervision signals, thereby broadening the training scope to incorporate patients with missing labels. We evaluate MUSE on three publicly available datasets: MIMIC-IV, eICU, and ADNI. Results show that MUSE outperforms all baselines, and MUSE+ further elevates the absolute improvement to ~4% by extending the training scope to patients with absent labels.

GraphCare: Enhancing Healthcare Predictions with Personalized Knowledge Graphs

Pengcheng Jiang · Cao Xiao · Adam Cross · Jimeng Sun

Clinical predictive models often rely on patients’ electronic health records (EHR), but integrating medical knowledge to enhance predictions and decision-making is challenging. This is because personalized predictions require personalized knowledgegraphs (KGs), which are difficult to generate from patient EHR data. To address this, we propose GraphCare, an open-world framework that uses external KGs to improve EHR-based predictions. Our method extracts knowledge from large language models (LLMs) and external biomedical KGs to build patient-specific KGs, which are then used to train our proposed Bi-attention AugmenTed(BAT) graph neural network (GNN) for healthcare predictions. On two public datasets, MIMIC-III and MIMIC-IV, GraphCare surpasses baselines in four vital healthcare prediction tasks: mortality, readmission, length of stay (LOS), and drug recommendation. On MIMIC-III, it boosts AUROC by 17.6% and 6.6% for mortality and readmission, and F1-score by 7.9% and 10.8% for LOS and drug recommendation, respectively. Notably, GraphCare demonstrates a substantial edge in scenarios with limited data availability. Our findings highlight the potential of using external KGs in healthcare prediction tasks and demonstrate the promise of GraphCare in generating personalized KGs for promoting personalized medicine.

DoLa: Decoding by Contrasting Layers Improves Factuality in Large Language Models

Yung-Sung Chuang · Yujia Xie · Hongyin Luo · Yoon Kim · James R Glass · Pengcheng He

Despite their impressive capabilities, large language models (LLMs) are prone to hallucinations, i.e., generating content that deviates from facts seen during pretraining. We propose a simple decoding strategy for reducing hallucinations with pretrained LLMs that does not require conditioning on retrieved external knowledge nor additional fine-tuning. Our approach obtains the next-token distribution by contrasting the differences in logits obtained from projecting the later layers versus earlier layers to the vocabulary space, exploiting the fact that factual knowledge in an LLMs has generally been shown to be localized to particular transformer layers. We find that this Decoding by Contrasting Layers (DoLa) approach is able to better surface factual knowledge and reduce the generation of incorrect facts. DoLa consistently improves the truthfulness across multiple choices tasks and open-ended generation tasks, for example improving the performance of LLaMA family models on TruthfulQA by 12-17% absolute points, demonstrating its potential in making LLMs reliably generate truthful facts.

ReSimAD: Zero-Shot 3D Domain Transfer for Autonomous Driving with Source Reconstruction and Target Simulation

Bo Zhang · Xinyu Cai · Jiakang Yuan · Donglin Yang · Jianfei Guo · Xiangchao Yan · Renqiu Xia · Botian Shi · Min Dou · Tao Chen · Si Liu · Junchi Yan · Yu Qiao

Domain shifts such as sensor type changes and geographical situation variations are prevalent in Autonomous Driving (AD), which poses a challenge since AD model relying on the previous domain knowledge can be hardly directly deployed to a new domain without additional costs. In this paper, we provide a new perspective and approach of alleviating the domain shifts, by proposing a Reconstruction-Simulation-Perception (ReSimAD) scheme. Specifically, the implicit reconstruction process is based on the knowledge from the previous old domain, aiming to convert the domain-related knowledge into domain-invariant representations, e.g., 3D scene-level meshes. Besides, the point clouds simulation process of multiple new domains is conditioned on the above reconstructed 3D meshes, where the target-domain-like simulation samples can be obtained, thus reducing the cost of collecting and annotating new-domain data for the subsequent perception process. For experiments, we consider different cross-domain situations such as Waymo-to-KITTI, Waymo-to-nuScenes, etc, to verify the zero-shot target-domain perception using ReSimAD. Results demonstrate that our method is beneficial to boost the domain generalization ability, even promising for 3D pre-training. Code and simulated points are available at:

Learning Planning Abstractions from Language

Weiyu Liu · Geng Chen · Joy Hsu · Jiayuan Mao · Jiajun Wu

This paper presents a framework for learning state and action abstractions in sequential decision-making domains. Our framework, planning abstraction from language (PARL), utilizes language-annotated demonstrations to automatically discover a symbolic and abstract action space and induce a latent state abstraction based on it. PARL consists of three stages: 1) recovering object-level and action concepts, 2) learning state abstractions, abstract action feasibility, and transition models, and 3) applying low-level policies for abstract actions. During inference, given the task description, PARL first makes abstract action plans using the latent transition and feasibility functions, then refines the high-level plan using low-level policies. PARL generalizes across scenarios involving novel object instances and environments, unseen concept compositions, and tasks that require longer planning horizons than settings it is trained on.

Neurosymbolic Grounding for Compositional World Models

Atharva Sehgal · Arya Grayeli · Jennifer Sun · Swarat Chaudhuri

We introduce Cosmos, a framework for object-centric world modeling that is designed for compositional generalization (CompGen), i.e., high performance on unseen input scenes obtained through the composition of known visual "atoms." The central insight behind Cosmos is the use of a novel form of neurosymbolic grounding. Specifically, the framework introduces two new tools: (i) neurosymbolic scene encodings, which represent each entity in a scene using a real vector computed using a neural encoder, as well as a vector of composable symbols describing attributes of the entity, and (ii) a neurosymbolic attention mechanism that binds these entities to learned rules of interaction. Cosmos is end-to-end differentiable; also, unlike traditional neurosymbolic methods that require representations to be manually mapped to symbols, it computes an entity's symbolic attributes using vision-language foundation models. Through an evaluation that considers two different forms of CompGen on an established blocks-pushing domain, we show that the framework establishes a new state-of-the-art for CompGen in world modeling. Artifacts are available at:

Directly Fine-Tuning Diffusion Models on Differentiable Rewards

Kevin Clark · Paul Vicol · Kevin Swersky · David Fleet

We present Direct Reward Fine-Tuning (DRaFT), a simple and effective method for fine-tuning diffusion models to maximize differentiable reward functions, such as scores from human preference models. We first show that it is possible to backpropagate the reward function gradient through the full sampling procedure, and that doing so achieves strong performance on a variety of rewards, outperforming reinforcement learning-based approaches. We then propose more efficient variants of DRaFT: DRaFT-K, which truncates backpropagation to only the last K steps of sampling, and DRaFT-LV, which obtains lower-variance gradient estimates for the case when K=1. We show that our methods work well for a variety of reward functions and can be used to substantially improve the aesthetic quality of images generated by Stable Diffusion 1.4. Finally, we draw connections between our approach and prior work, providing a unifying perspective on the design space of gradient-based fine-tuning algorithms.

A Variational Perspective on Solving Inverse Problems with Diffusion Models

Morteza Mardani · Jiaming Song · Jan Kautz · Arash Vahdat

Diffusion models have emerged as a key pillar of foundation models in visual domains. One of their critical applications is to universally solve different downstream inverse tasks via a single diffusion prior without re-training for each task. Most inverse tasks can be formulated as inferring a posterior distribution over data (e.g., a full image) given a measurement (e.g., a masked image). This is however challenging in diffusion models since the nonlinear and iterative nature of the diffusion process renders the posterior intractable. To cope with this challenge, we propose a variational approach that by design seeks to approximate the true posterior distribution. We show that our approach naturally leads to regularization by denoising diffusion process (RED-diff) where denoisers at different timesteps concurrently impose different structural constraints over the image. To gauge the contribution of denoisers from different timesteps, we propose a weighting mechanism based on signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR). Our approach provides a new variational perspective for solving inverse problems with diffusion models, allowing us to formulate sampling as stochastic optimization, where one can simply apply off-the-shelf solvers with lightweight iterates. Our experiments for various linear and nonlinear image restoration tasks demonstrate the strengths of our method compared with state-of-the-art sampling-based diffusion models. The code is available online \footnote{\url{}}.

CausalLM is not optimal for in-context learning

Nan Ding · Tomer Levinboim · Jialin Wu · Sebastian Goodman · Radu Soricut

Recent empirical evidence indicates that transformer based in-context learning performs better when using a prefix language model (prefixLM), in which in-context samples can all attend to each other, compared to causal language models (causalLM), which use auto-regressive attention that prohibits in-context samples to attend to future samples. While this result is intuitive, it is not understood from a theoretical perspective. In this paper we take a theoretical approach and analyze the convergence behavior of prefixLM and causalLM under a certain parameter construction. Our analysis shows that both LM types converge to their stationary points at a linear rate, but that while prefixLM converges to the optimal solution of linear regression, causalLM convergence dynamics follows that of an online gradient descent algorithm, which is not guaranteed to be optimal even as the number of samples grows infinitely. We supplement our theoretical claims with empirical experiments over synthetic and real tasks and using various types of transformers. Our experiments verify that causalLM consistently underperforms prefixLM in all settings.

A Foundation Model for Error Correction Codes

Yoni Choukroun · Lior Wolf

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence has undergone a paradigm shift with the rise of foundation models, which are trained on large amounts of data, typically in a self-supervised way, and can then be adapted to a wide range of downstream tasks. In this work, we propose the first foundation model for Error Correction Codes. This model is trained on multiple codes and can then be applied to an unseen code. To enable this, we extend the Transformer architecture in multiple ways: (1) a code-invariant initial embedding, which is also position- and length-invariant, (2) a learned modulation of the attention maps that is conditioned on the Tanner graph, and (3) a length-invariant code-aware noise prediction module that is based on the parity-check matrix. The proposed architecture is trained on multiple short- and medium-length codes and is able to generalize to unseen codes. Its performance on these codes matches and even outperforms the state of the art, despite having a smaller capacity than the leading code-specific transformers. The suggested framework therefore demonstrates, for the first time, the benefits of learning a universal decoder rather than a neural decoder optimized for a given code.

Spotlight Poster
Masks, Signs, And Learning Rate Rewinding

Advait Gadhikar · Rebekka Burkholz

Learning Rate Rewinding (LRR) has been established as a strong variant of Iterative Magnitude Pruning (IMP) to find lottery tickets in deep overparameterized neural networks. While both iterative pruning schemes couple structure and parameter learning, understanding how LRR excels in both aspects can bring us closer to the design of more flexible deep learning algorithms that can optimize diverse sets of sparse architectures. To this end, we conduct experiments that disentangle the effect of mask learning and parameter optimization and how both benefit from overparameterization. The ability of LRR to flip parameter signs early and stay robust to sign perturbations seems to make it not only more effective in mask identification but also in optimizing diverse sets of masks, including random ones. In support of this hypothesis, we prove in a simplified single hidden neuron setting that LRR succeeds in more cases than IMP, as it can escape initially problematic sign configurations.

LipVoicer: Generating Speech from Silent Videos Guided by Lip Reading

Yochai Yemini · Aviv Shamsian · Lior Bracha · Sharon Gannot · Ethan Fetaya

Lip-to-speech involves generating a natural-sounding speech synchronized with a soundless video of a person talking. Despite recent advances, current methods still cannot produce high-quality speech with high levels of intelligibility for challenging and realistic datasets such as LRS3. In this work, we present LipVoicer, a novel method that generates high-quality speech, even for in-the-wild and rich datasets, by incorporating the text modality. Given a silent video, we first predict the spoken text using a pre-trained lip-reading network. We then condition a diffusion model on the video and use the extracted text through a classifier-guidance mechanism where a pre-trained automatic speech recognition (ASR ) serves as the classifier. LipVoicer outperforms multiple lip-to-speech baselines on LRS2 and LRS3, which are in-the-wild datasets with hundreds of unique speakers in their test set and an unrestricted vocabulary. Moreover, our experiments show that the inclusion of the text modality plays a major role in the intelligibility of the produced speech, readily perceptible while listening, and is empirically reflected in the substantial reduction of the word error rate ( WER ) metric. We demonstrate the effectiveness of LipVoicer through human evaluation, which shows that it produces more natural and synchronized speech signals compared to competing methods. Finally, we created a demo showcasing LipVoicer’s superiority in producing natural, synchronized, and intelligible speech, providing additional evidence of its effectiveness. Project page and code:

Fast-ELECTRA for Efficient Pre-training

Chengyu Dong · Liyuan Liu · Hao Cheng · Jingbo Shang · Jianfeng Gao · Xiaodong Liu

ELECTRA pre-trains language models by detecting tokens in a sequence that have been replaced by an auxiliary model. Although ELECTRA offers a significant boost in efficiency, its potential is constrained by the training cost brought by the auxiliary model. Notably, this model, which is jointly trained with the main model, only serves to assist the training of the main model and is discarded post-training. This results in a substantial amount of training cost being expended in vain. To mitigate this issue, we propose Fast-ELECTRA, which leverages an existing language model as the auxiliary model. To construct a learning curriculum for the main model, we smooth its output distribution via temperature scaling following a descending schedule. Our approach rivals the performance of state-of-the-art ELECTRA-style pre-training methods, while significantly eliminating the computation and memory cost brought by the joint training of the auxiliary model. Our method also reduces the sensitivity to hyper-parameters and enhances the pre-training stability.

DeepZero: Scaling Up Zeroth-Order Optimization for Deep Model Training

AOCHUAN CHEN · Yimeng Zhang · Jinghan Jia · James Diffenderfer · Konstantinos Parasyris · Jiancheng Liu · Yihua Zhang · Zheng Zhang · Bhavya Kailkhura · Sijia Liu

Zeroth-order (ZO) optimization has become a popular technique for solving machine learning (ML) problems when first-order (FO) information is difficult or impossible to obtain. However, the scalability of ZO optimization remains an open problem: Its use has primarily been limited to relatively small-scale ML problems, such as sample-wise adversarial attack generation. To our best knowledge, no prior work has demonstrated the effectiveness of ZO optimization in training deep neural networks (DNNs) without a significant decrease in performance. To overcome this roadblock, we develop DeepZero, a principled and practical ZO deep learning (DL) framework that can scale ZO optimization to DNN training from scratch through three primary innovations. First, we demonstrate the advantages of coordinate-wise gradient estimation (CGE) over randomized vector-wise gradient estimation in training accuracy and computational efficiency. Second, we propose a sparsity-induced ZO training protocol that extends the model pruning methodology using only finite differences to explore and exploit the sparse DL prior in CGE. Third, we develop the methods of feature reuse and forward parallelization to advance the practical implementations of ZO training. Our extensive experiments show that DeepZero achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) accuracy on ResNet-20 trained on CIFAR-10, approaching FO training performance for the first time. Furthermore, we show the practical utility of DeepZero in applications of certified adversarial defense and DL-based partial differential equation error correction, achieving 10-20% improvement over SOTA. We believe our results will inspire future research on scalable ZO optimization and contribute to advancing deep learning.

Spotlight Poster
Initializing Models with Larger Ones

Zhiqiu Xu · Yanjie Chen · Kirill Vishniakov · Yida Yin · Zhiqiang Shen · trevor darrell · Lingjie Liu · Zhuang Liu

Weight initialization plays an important role in neural network training. Widely used initialization methods are proposed and evaluated for networks that are trained from scratch. However, the growing number of pretrained models now offers new opportunities for tackling this classical problem of weight initialization. In this work, we introduce weight selection, a method for initializing smaller models by selecting a subset of weights from a pretrained larger model. This enables the transfer of knowledge from pretrained weights to smaller models. Our experiments demonstrate that weight selection can significantly enhance the performance of small models and reduce their training time. Notably, it can also be used together with knowledge distillation. Weight selection offers a new approach to leverage the power of pretrained models in resource-constrained settings, and we hope it can be a useful tool for training small models in the large-model era.

Effective Data Augmentation With Diffusion Models

Brandon Trabucco · Kyle Doherty · Max Gurinas · Ruslan Salakhutdinov

Data augmentation is one of the most prevalent tools in deep learning, underpinning many recent advances, including those from classification, generative models, and representation learning. The standard approach to data augmentation combines simple transformations like rotations and flips to generate new images from existing ones. However, these new images lack diversity along key semantic axes present in the data. Current augmentations cannot alter the high-level semantic attributes, such as animal species present in a scene, to enhance the diversity of data. We address the lack of diversity in data augmentation with image-to-image transformations parameterized by pre-trained text-to-image diffusion models. Our method edits images to change their semantics using an off-the-shelf diffusion model, and generalizes to novel visual concepts from a few labelled examples. We evaluate our approach on few-shot image classification tasks, and on a real-world weed recognition task, and observe an improvement in accuracy in tested domains.

LEMON: Lossless model expansion

Yite Wang · Jiahao Su · Hanlin Lu · Cong Xie · Tianyi Liu · Jianbo Yuan · Haibin Lin · Ruoyu Sun · Hongxia Yang

Scaling of deep neural networks, especially Transformers, is pivotal for their surging performance and has further led to the emergence of sophisticated reasoning capabilities in foundation models.Such scaling generally requires training large models from scratch with random initialization, failing to leverage the knowledge acquired by their smaller counterparts, which are already resource-intensive to obtain.To tackle this inefficiency, we present $\textbf{L}$ossl$\textbf{E}$ss $\textbf{MO}$del Expansio$\textbf{N}$ (LEMON), a recipe to initialize scaled models using the weights of their smaller but pre-trained counterparts. This is followed by model training with an optimized learning rate scheduler tailored explicitly for the scaled models, substantially reducing the training time compared to training from scratch.Notably, LEMON is versatile, ensuring compatibility with various network structures, including models like Vision Transformers and BERT.Our empirical results demonstrate that LEMON reduces computational costs by 56.7\% for Vision Transformers and 33.2\% for BERT when compared to training from scratch.

Defining Expertise: Applications to Treatment Effect Estimation

Alihan Hüyük · Qiyao Wei · Alicia Curth · Mihaela van der Schaar

Decision-makers are often experts of their domain and take actions based on their domain knowledge. Doctors, for instance, may prescribe treatments by predicting the likely outcome of each available treatment. Actions of an expert thus naturally encode part of their domain knowledge, and can help make inferences within the same domain: Knowing doctors try to prescribe the best treatment for their patients, we can tell treatments prescribed more frequently are likely to be more effective. Yet in machine learning, the fact that most decision-makers are experts is often overlooked, and “expertise” is seldom leveraged as an inductive bias. This is especially true for the literature on treatment effect estimation, where often the only assumption made about actions is that of overlap. In this paper, we argue that expertise—particularly the type of expertise the decision-makers of a domain are likely to have—can be informative in designing and selecting methods for treatment effect estimation. We formally define two types of expertise, predictive and prognostic, and demonstrate empirically that: (i) the prominent type of expertise in a domain significantly influences the performance of different methods in treatment effect estimation, and (ii) it is possible to predict the type of expertise present in a dataset, which can provide a quantitative basis for model selection.

Measuring Vision-Language STEM Skills of Neural Models

Jianhao Shen · Ye Yuan · Srbuhi Mirzoyan · Ming Zhang · Chenguang Wang

We introduce a new challenge to test the STEM skills of neural models. The problems in the real world often require solutions, combining knowledge from STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). Unlike existing datasets, our dataset requires the understanding of multimodal vision-language information of STEM. Our dataset features one of the largest and most comprehensive datasets for the challenge. It includes $448$ skills and $1,073,146$ questions spanning all STEM subjects. Compared to existing datasets that often focus on examining expert-level ability, our dataset includes fundamental skills and questions designed based on the K-12 curriculum. We also add state-of-the-art foundation models such as CLIP and GPT-3.5-Turbo to our benchmark. Results show that the recent model advances only help master a very limited number of lower grade-level skills ($2.5$% in the third grade) in our dataset. In fact, these models are still well below (averaging $54.7$%) the performance of elementary students, not to mention near expert-level performance. To understand and increase the performance on our dataset, we teach the models on a training split of our dataset.Even though we observe improved performance, the model performance remains relatively low compared to average elementary students. To solve STEM problems, we will need novel algorithmic innovations from the community.

Spotlight Poster
Synaptic Weight Distributions Depend on the Geometry of Plasticity

Roman Pogodin · Jonathan Cornford · Arna Ghosh · Gauthier Gidel · Guillaume Lajoie · Blake A Richards

A growing literature in computational neuroscience leverages gradient descent and learning algorithms that approximate it to study synaptic plasticity in the brain. However, the vast majority of this work ignores a critical underlying assumption: the choice of distance for synaptic changes - i.e. the geometry of synaptic plasticity. Gradient descent assumes that the distance is Euclidean, but many other distances are possible, and there is no reason that biology necessarily uses Euclidean geometry. Here, using the theoretical tools provided by mirror descent, we show that the distribution of synaptic weights will depend on the geometry of synaptic plasticity. We use these results to show that experimentally-observed log-normal weight distributions found in several brain areas are not consistent with standard gradient descent (i.e. a Euclidean geometry), but rather with non-Euclidean distances. Finally, we show that it should be possible to experimentally test for different synaptic geometries by comparing synaptic weight distributions before and after learning. Overall, our work shows that the current paradigm in theoretical work on synaptic plasticity that assumes Euclidean synaptic geometry may be misguided and that it should be possible to experimentally determine the true geometry of synaptic plasticity in the brain.

Mitigating Hallucination in Large Multi-Modal Models via Robust Instruction Tuning

Fuxiao Liu · Kevin Lin · Linjie Li · Jianfeng Wang · Yaser Yacoob · Lijuan Wang

Despite the promising progress in multi-modal tasks, current large multi-modal models (LMMs) are prone to hallucinating inconsistent descriptions with respect to the associated image and human instructions. This paper addresses this issue by introducing the first large and diverse visual instruction tuning dataset, named Large-scale Robust Visual (LRV)-Instruction. Our dataset comprises 400k visualinstructions generated by GPT4, covering 16 vision-and-language tasks with open-ended instructions and answers. Unlike existing studies that primarily focus on positive instruction samples, we design LRV-Instruction to include both positive and negative instructions for more robust visual instruction tuning. Our negative instructions are designed at three semantic levels: (i) Nonexistent Object Manipulation, (ii) Existent Object Manipulation and (iii) Knowledge Manipulation. To efficiently measure the hallucination generated by LMMs, we propose GPT4-Assisted Visual Instruction Evaluation (GAVIE), a stable approach to evaluate visual instruction tuning like human experts. GAVIE does not require human-annotated groundtruth answers and can adapt to diverse instruction formats. We conduct comprehensive experiments to investigate the hallucination of LMMs. Our results demonstrate existing LMMs exhibit significant hallucinations when presented with our negative instructions, particularly Existent Object and Knowledge Manipulation instructions. Moreover, we successfully mitigate hallucination by finetuning MiniGPT4 and mPLUG-Owl on LRV-Instruction while improving performance on several publicdatasets compared to state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, we observed that a balanced ratio of positive and negative instances in the training data leads to a more robust model. Code and data will be released upon publication.

BrainSCUBA: Fine-Grained Natural Language Captions of Visual Cortex Selectivity

Andrew Luo · Maggie Henderson · Michael Tarr · Leila Wehbe

Understanding the functional organization of higher visual cortex is a central focus in neuroscience. Past studies have primarily mapped the visual and semantic selectivity of neural populations using hand-selected stimuli, which may potentially bias results towards pre-existing hypotheses of visual cortex functionality. Moving beyond conventional approaches, we introduce a data-driven method that generates natural language descriptions for images predicted to maximally activate individual voxels of interest. Our method -- Semantic Captioning Using Brain Alignments ("BrainSCUBA") -- builds upon the rich embedding space learned by a contrastive vision-language model and utilizes a pre-trained large language model to generate interpretable captions. We validate our method through fine-grained voxel-level captioning across higher-order visual regions. We further perform text-conditioned image synthesis with the captions, and show that our images are semantically coherent and yield high predicted activations. Finally, to demonstrate how our method enables scientific discovery, we perform exploratory investigations on the distribution of "person" representations in the brain, and discover fine-grained semantic selectivity in body-selective areas. Unlike earlier studies that decode text, our method derives voxel-wise captions of semantic selectivity. Our results show that BrainSCUBA is a promising means for understanding functional preferences in the brain, and provides motivation for further hypothesis-driven investigation of visual cortex.

A Stable, Fast, and Fully Automatic Learning Algorithm for Predictive Coding Networks

Tommaso Salvatori · Yuhang Song · Yordan Yordanov · Beren Millidge · Lei Sha · Cornelius Emde · Zhenghua Xu · Rafal Bogacz · Thomas Lukasiewicz

Predictive coding networks are neuroscience-inspired models with roots in both Bayesian statistics and neuroscience. Training such models, however, is quite inefficient and unstable. In this work, we show how by simply changing the temporal scheduling of the update rule for the synaptic weights leads to an algorithm that is much more efficient and stable than the original one, and has theoretical guarantees in terms of convergence. The proposed algorithm, that we call incremental predictive coding (iPC) is also more biologically plausible than the original one, as it it fully automatic. In an extensive set of experiments, we show that iPC constantly performs better than the original formulation on a large number of benchmarks for image classification, as well as for the training of both conditional and masked language models, in terms of test accuracy, efficiency, and convergence with respect to a large set of hyperparameters.

Leveraging Generative Models for Unsupervised Alignment of Neural Time Series Data

Ayesha Vermani · Il Memming Park · Josue Nassar

Large scale inference models are widely used in neuroscience to extract latent representations from high-dimensional neural recordings. Due to the statistical heterogeneities between sessions and animals, a new model is trained from scratch to infer the underlying dynamics for each new dataset. This is computationally expensive and does not fully leverage all the available data. Moreover, as these models get more complex, they can be challenging to train. In parallel, it is becoming common to use pre-trained models in the machine learning community for few shot and transfer learning. One major hurdle that prevents the re-use of generative models in neuroscience is the complex spatio-temporal structure of neural dynamics within and across animals. Interestingly, the underlying dynamics identified from different datasets on the same task are qualitatively similar. In this work, we exploit this observation and propose a source-free and unsupervised alignment approach that utilizes the learnt dynamics and enables the re-use of trained generative models. We validate our approach on simulations and show the efficacy of the alignment on neural recordings from the motor cortex obtained during a reaching task.

Generative Judge for Evaluating Alignment

Junlong Li · Shichao Sun · Weizhe Yuan · Run-Ze Fan · hai zhao · Pengfei Liu

The rapid development of Large Language Models (LLMs) has substantially expanded the range of tasks they can address. In the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), researchers have shifted their focus from conventional NLP tasks (e.g., sequence tagging and parsing) towards tasks that revolve around aligning with human needs (e.g., brainstorming and email writing). This shift in task distribution imposes new requirements on evaluating these aligned models regarding generality (i.e., assessing performance across diverse scenarios), flexibility (i.e., examining under different protocols), and interpretability (i.e., scrutinizing models with explanations). In this paper, we propose a generative judge with 13B parameters, Auto-J, designed to address these challenges. Our model is trained on user queries and LLM-generated responses under massive real-world scenarios and accommodates diverse evaluation protocols (e.g., pairwise response comparison and single-response evaluation) with well-structured natural language critiques. To demonstrate the efficacy of our approach, we construct a new testbed covering 58 different scenarios. Experimentally, Auto-J outperforms a series of strong competitors, including both open-source and closed-source models, by a large margin. We also provide detailed analysis and case studies to further reveal the potential of our method and make a variety of resources public at

Align With Purpose: Optimize Desired Properties in CTC Models with a General Plug-and-Play Framework

Eliya Segev · Maya Alroy · Ronen Katsir · Noam Wies · Ayana Shenhav · Yael Ben-Oren · David Zar · Oren Tadmor · Jacob Bitterman · Amnon Shashua · Tal Rosenwein

Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) is a widely used criterion for training supervised sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models. It learns the alignments between the input and output sequences by marginalizing over the perfect alignments (that yield the ground truth), at the expense of the imperfect ones. This dichotomy, and in particular the equal treatment of all perfect alignments, results in a lack of controllability over the predicted alignments. This controllability is essential for capturing properties that hold significance in real-world applications. Here we propose Align With Purpose (AWP), a general Plug-and-Play framework for enhancing a desired property in models trained with the CTC criterion. We do that by complementing the CTC loss with an additional loss term that prioritizes alignments according to a desired property. AWP does not require any intervention in the CTC loss function, and allows to differentiate between both perfect and imperfect alignments for a variety of properties. We apply our framework in the domain of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and show its generality in terms of property selection, architectural choice, and scale of the training dataset (up to 280,000 hours). To demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework, we apply it to two unrelated properties: token emission time for latency optimization and word error rate (WER). For the former, we report an improvement of up to 590ms in latency optimization with a minor reduction in WER, and for the latter, we report a relative improvement of 4.5% in WER over the baseline models. To the best of our knowledge, these applications have never been demonstrated to work on this scale of data. Notably, our method can be easily implemented using only a fewlines of code and can be extended to other alignment-free loss functions and to domains other than ASR.

CPPO: Continual Learning for Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback

Han Zhang · Yu Lei · Lin Gui · Min Yang · Yulan He · HUI WANG · Ruifeng Xu

The approach of Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is widely used for enhancing pre-trained Language Models (LM), enabling them to better align with human preferences. Existing RLHF-based LMs however require complete retraining whenever new queries or feedback are introduced, as human preferences may differ across different domains or topics. LM retraining is often impracticable in most real-world scenarios, due to the substantial time and computational costs involved, as well as data privacy concerns. To address this limitation, we propose Continual Proximal Policy Optimization (CPPO), a novel method that is able to continually align LM with dynamic human preferences. Specifically, CPPO adopts a weighting strategy to decide which samples should be utilized for enhancing policy learning and which should be used for solidifying past experiences. This seeks a good trade-off between policy learning and knowledge retention. Our experimental results show that CPPO outperforms strong Continuous learning (CL) baselines when it comes to consistently aligning with human preferences. Furthermore, compared to PPO, CPPO offers more efficient and stable learning in non-continual scenarios.

DiffAR: Denoising Diffusion Autoregressive Model for Raw Speech Waveform Generation

Roi Benita · Michael Elad · Joseph Keshet

Diffusion models have recently been shown to be relevant for high-quality speech generation. Most work has been focused on generating spectrograms, and as such, they further require a subsequent model to convert the spectrogram to a waveform (i.e., a vocoder). This work proposes a diffusion probabilistic end-to-end model for generating a raw speech waveform. The proposed model is autoregressive, generating overlapping frames sequentially, where each frame is conditioned on a portion of the previously generated one. Hence, our model can effectively synthesize an unlimited speech duration while preserving high-fidelity synthesis and temporal coherence. We implemented the proposed model for unconditional and conditional speech generation, where the latter can be driven by an input sequence of phonemes, amplitudes, and pitch values. Working on the waveform directly has some empirical advantages. Specifically, it allows the creation of local acoustic behaviors, like vocal fry, which makes the overall waveform sounds more natural. Furthermore, the proposed diffusion model is stochastic and not deterministic; therefore, each inference generates a slightly different waveform variation, enabling abundance of valid realizations. Experiments show that the proposed model generates speech with superior quality compared with other state-of-the-art neural speech generation systems.

AutoCast++: Enhancing World Event Prediction with Zero-shot Ranking-based Context Retrieval

Qi Yan · Raihan Seraj · Jiawei He · Lili Meng · Tristan Sylvain

Machine-based prediction of real-world events is garnering attention due to its potential for informed decision-making. Whereas traditional forecasting predominantly hinges on structured data like time-series, recent breakthroughs in language models enable predictions using unstructured text. In particular, (Zou et al., 2022) unveils AutoCast, a new benchmark that employs news articles for answering forecasting queries. Nevertheless, existing methods still trail behind human performance. The cornerstone of accurate forecasting, we argue, lies in identifying a concise, yet rich subset of news snippets from a vast corpus. With this motivation, we introduce AutoCast++, a zero-shot ranking-based context retrieval system, tailored to sift through expansive news document collections for event forecasting. Our approach first re-ranks articles based on zero-shot question-passage relevance, honing in on semantically pertinent news. Following this, the chosen articles are subjected to zero-shot summarization to attain succinct context. Leveraging a pre-trained language model, we conduct both the relevance evaluation and article summarization without needing domain-specific training. Notably, recent articles can sometimes be at odds with preceding ones due to new facts or unanticipated incidents, leading to fluctuating temporal dynamics. To tackle this, our re-ranking mechanism gives preference to more recent articles, and we further regularize the multi-passage representation learning to align with human forecaster responses made on different dates. Empirical results underscore marked improvements across multiple metrics, improving the performance for multiple-choice questions (MCQ) by 48% and true/false (TF) questions by up to 8%. Code is available at

InsertNeRF: Instilling Generalizability into NeRF with HyperNet Modules

Yanqi Bao · Tianyu Ding · Jing Huo · Wenbin Li · Yuxin Li · Yang Gao

Generalizing Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) to new scenes is a significant challenge that existing approaches struggle to address without extensive modifications to vanilla NeRF framework. We introduce InsertNeRF, a method for INStilling gEneRalizabiliTy into NeRF. By utilizing multiple plug-and-play HyperNet modules, InsertNeRF dynamically tailors NeRF's weights to specific reference scenes, transforming multi-scale sampling-aware features into scene-specific representations. This novel design allows for more accurate and efficient representations of complex appearances and geometries. Experiments show that this method not only achieves superior generalization performance but also provides a flexible pathway for integration with other NeRF-like systems, even in sparse input settings. Code will be available at:

MathVista: Evaluating Mathematical Reasoning of Foundation Models in Visual Contexts

Pan Lu · Hritik Bansal · Tony Xia · Jiacheng Liu · Chunyuan Li · Hannaneh Hajishirzi · Hao Cheng · Kai-Wei Chang · Michel Galley · Jianfeng Gao

Large Language Models (LLMs) and Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) exhibit impressive problem-solving skills in many tasks and domains, but their ability in mathematical reasoning in visual contexts has not been systematically studied. To bridge this gap, we present MathVista, a benchmark designed to combine challenges from diverse mathematical and visual tasks. It consists of 6,141 examples, derived from 28 existing multimodal datasets involving mathematics and 3 newly created datasets (i.e., IQTest, FunctionQA, and PaperQA). Completing these tasks requires fine-grained, deep visual understanding and compositional reasoning, which all state-of-the-art foundation models find challenging. With MathVista, we have conducted a comprehensive, quantitative evaluation of 12 prominent foundation models. The best-performing GPT-4V model achieves an overall accuracy of 49.9%, substantially outperforming Bard, the second-best performer, by 15.1%. Our in-depth analysis reveals that the superiority of GPT-4V is mainly attributed to its enhanced visual perception and mathematical reasoning. However, GPT-4V still falls short of human performance by 10.4%, as it often struggles to understand complex figures and perform rigorous reasoning. This significant gap underscores the critical role that MathVista will play in the development of general-purpose AI agents capable of tackling mathematically intensive and visually rich real-world tasks. We further explore the new ability of self-verification, the application of self-consistency, and the interactive chatbot capabilities of GPT-4V, highlighting its promising potential for future research. The project is available at

PhyloGFN: Phylogenetic inference with generative flow networks

MING YANG ZHOU · Zichao Yan · Elliot Layne · Nikolay Malkin · Dinghuai Zhang · Moksh Jain · Mathieu Blanchette · Yoshua Bengio

Phylogenetics is a branch of computational biology that studies the evolutionary relationships among biological entities. Its long history and numerous applications notwithstanding, inference of phylogenetic trees from sequence data remains challenging: the high complexity of tree space poses a significant obstacle for the current combinatorial and probabilistic techniques. In this paper, we adopt the framework of generative flow networks (GFlowNets) to tackle two core problems in phylogenetics: parsimony-based and Bayesian phylogenetic inference. Because GFlowNets are well-suited for sampling complex combinatorial structures, they are a natural choice for exploring and sampling from the multimodal posterior distribution over tree topologies and evolutionary distances. We demonstrate that our amortized posterior sampler, PhyloGFN, produces diverse and high-quality evolutionary hypotheses on real benchmark datasets. PhyloGFN is competitive with prior works in marginal likelihood estimation and achieves a closer fit to the target distribution than state-of-the-art variational inference methods.

Let's do the time-warp-attend: Learning topological invariants of dynamical systems

Noa Moriel · Matt Ricci · Mor Nitzan

Dynamical systems across the sciences, from electrical circuits to ecological networks, undergo qualitative and often catastrophic changes in behavior, called bifurcations, when their underlying parameters cross a threshold. Existing methods predict oncoming catastrophes in individual systems but are primarily time-series-based and struggle both to categorize qualitative dynamical regimes across diverse systems and to generalize to real data. To address this challenge, we propose a data-driven, physically-informed deep-learning framework for classifying dynamical regimes and characterizing bifurcation boundaries based on the extraction of topologically invariant features. We focus on the paradigmatic case of the supercritical Hopf bifurcation, which is used to model periodic dynamics across a wide range of applications. Our convolutional attention method is trained with data augmentations that encourage the learning of topological invariants which can be used to detect bifurcation boundaries in unseen systems and to design models of biological systems like oscillatory gene regulatory networks. We further demonstrate our method's use in analyzing real data by recovering distinct proliferation and differentiation dynamics along pancreatic endocrinogenesis trajectory in gene expression space based on single-cell data. Our method provides valuable insights into the qualitative, long-term behavior of a wide range of dynamical systems, and can detect bifurcations or catastrophic transitions in large-scale physical and biological systems.

ClimODE: Climate and Weather Forecasting with Physics-informed Neural ODEs

Yogesh Verma · Markus Heinonen · Vikas Garg

Climate and weather prediction traditionally relies on complex numerical simulations of atmospheric physics. Deep learning approaches, such as transformers, have recently challenged the simulation paradigm with complex network forecasts. However, they often act as data-driven black-box models that neglect the underlying physics and lack uncertainty quantification. We address these limitations with ClimODE, a spatiotemporal continuous-time process that implements a key principle of advection from statistical mechanics, namely, weather changes due to a spatial movement of quantities over time. ClimODE models precise weather evolution with value-conserving dynamics, learning global weather transport as a neural flow, which also enables estimating the uncertainty in predictions. Our approach outperforms existing data-driven methods in global and regional forecasting with an order of magnitude smaller parameterization, establishing a new state of the art.

Transformer-Modulated Diffusion Models for Probabilistic Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

Yuxin Li · Wenchao Chen · Xinyue Hu · Bo Chen · baolin sun · Mingyuan Zhou

Transformers have gained widespread usage in multivariate time series (MTS) forecasting, delivering impressive performance. Nonetheless, these existing transformer-based methods often neglect an essential aspect: the incorporation of uncertainty into the predicted series, which holds significant value in decision-making. In this paper, we introduce a Transformer-Modulated Diffusion Model (TMDM), uniting conditional diffusion generative process with transformers into a unified framework to enable precise distribution forecasting for MTS. TMDM harnesses the power of transformers to extract essential insights from historical time series data. This information is then utilized as prior knowledge, capturing covariate-dependence in both the forward and reverse processes within the diffusion model. Furthermore, we seamlessly integrate well-designed transformer-based forecasting methods into TMDM to enhance its overall performance. Additionally, we introduce two novel metrics for evaluating uncertainty estimation performance. Through extensive experiments on six datasets using four evaluation metrics, we establish the effectiveness of TMDM in probabilistic MTS forecasting.

Latent Representation and Simulation of Markov Processes via Time-Lagged Information Bottleneck

Marco Federici · Patrick Forré · Ryota Tomioka · Bas Veeling

Markov processes are widely used mathematical models for describing dynamic systems in various fields. However, accurately simulating large-scale systems at long time scales is computationally expensive due to the short time steps required for accurate integration. In this paper, we introduce an inference process that maps complex systems into a simplified representational space and models large jumps in time. To achieve this, we propose Time-lagged Information Bottleneck (T-IB), a principled objective rooted in information theory, which aims to capture relevant temporal features while discarding high-frequency information to simplify the simulation task and minimize the inference error. Our experiments demonstrate that T-IB learns information-optimal representations for accurately modeling the statistical properties and dynamics of the original process at a selected time lag, outperforming existing time-lagged dimensionality reduction methods.

TEMPO: Prompt-based Generative Pre-trained Transformer for Time Series Forecasting

Defu Cao · Furong Jia · Sercan Arik · Tomas Pfister · Yixiang Zheng · Wen Ye · Yan Liu

The past decade has witnessed significant advances in time series modeling with deep learning. While achieving state-of-the-art results, the best-performing architectures vary highly across applications and domains. Meanwhile, for natural language processing, the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) has demonstrated impressive performance via training one general-purpose model across various textual datasets. It is intriguing to explore whether GPT-type architectures can be effective for time series, capturing the intrinsic dynamic attributes and leading to significant accuracy improvements. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, TEMPO, that can effectively learn time series representations. We focus on utilizing two essential inductive biases of the time series task for pre-trained models: (i) decomposition of the complex interaction between trend, seasonal and residual components; and (ii) introducing the design of prompts to facilitate distribution adaptation in different types of time series. TEMPO expands the capability for dynamically modeling real-world temporal phenomena from data within diverse domains. Our experiments demonstrate the superior performance of TEMPO over state-of-the-art methods on zero shot setting for a number of time series benchmark datasets. This performance gain is observed not only in scenarios involving previously unseen datasets but also in scenarios with multi-modal inputs. This compelling finding highlights TEMPO's potential to constitute a foundational model-building framework.

Parametric Augmentation for Time Series Contrastive Learning

Xu Zheng · Tianchun Wang · Wei Cheng · Aitian Ma · Haifeng Chen · Mo Sha · Dongsheng Luo

Modern techniques like contrastive learning have been effectively used in many areas, including computer vision, natural language processing, and graph-structured data. Creating positive examples that assist the model in learning robust and discriminative representations is a crucial stage in contrastive learning approaches. Usually, preset human intuition directs the selection of relevant data augmentations. Due to patterns that are easily recognized by humans, this rule of thumb works well in the vision and language domains. However, it is impractical to visually inspect the temporal structures in time series. The diversity of time series augmentations at both the dataset and instance levels makes it difficult to choose meaningful augmentations on the fly. Thus, although prevalent, contrastive learning with data augmentation has been less studied in the time series domain. In this study, we address this gap by analyzing time series data augmentation using information theory and summarizing the most commonly adopted augmentations in a unified format. We then propose a parametric augmentation method, AutoTCL, which can be adaptively employed to support time series representation learning. The proposed approach is encoder-agnostic, allowing it to be seamlessly integrated with different backbone encoders. Experiments on univariate forecasting tasks demonstrate the highly competitive results of our method, with an average 6.5\% reduction in MSE and 4.7\% in MAE over the leading baselines. In classification tasks, AutoTCL achieves a $1.2\%$ increase in average accuracy.

Learning with Language-Guided State Abstractions

Andi Peng · Ilia Sucholutsky · Belinda Li · Theodore Sumers · Thomas L. Griffiths · Jacob Andreas · Julie Shah

We describe a framework for using natural language to design state abstractions for imitation learning.Generalizable policy learning in high-dimensional observation spaces is facilitated by well-designed state representations, which can surface important features of an environment and hide irrelevant ones.These state representations are typically manually specified, or derived from other labor-intensive labeling procedures.Our method, LGA (\textit{language-guided abstraction}), uses a combination of natural language supervision and background knowledge from language models (LMs) to automatically build state representations tailored to unseen tasks.In LGA, a user first provides a (possibly incomplete) description of a target task in natural language; next, a pre-trained LM translates this task description into a state abstraction function that masks out irrelevant features; finally, an imitation policy is trained using a small number of demonstrations and LGA-generated abstract states. Experiments on simulated robotic tasks show that LGA yields state abstractions similar to those designed by humans, but in a fraction of the time, and that these abstractions improve generalization and robustness in the presence of spurious correlations and ambiguous specifications.We illustrate the utility of the learned abstractions on mobile manipulation tasks with a Spot robot.

Task Planning for Visual Room Rearrangement under Partial Observability

Karan Mirakhor · Sourav Ghosh · DIPANJAN DAS · Brojeshwar Bhowmick

This paper presents a novel hierarchical task planner under partial observabilitythat empowers an embodied agent to use visual input to efficiently plan a sequenceof actions for simultaneous object search and rearrangement in an untidy room,to achieve a desired tidy state. The paper introduces (i) a novel Search Networkthat utilizes commonsense knowledge from large language models to find unseenobjects, (ii) a Deep RL network trained with proxy reward, along with (iii) a novelgraph-based state representation to produce a scalable and effective planner thatinterleaves object search and rearrangement to minimize the number of steps takenand overall traversal of the agent, as well as to resolve blocked goal and swapcases, and (iv) a sample-efficient cluster-biased sampling for simultaneous trainingof the proxy reward network along with the Deep RL network. Furthermore,the paper presents new metrics and a benchmark dataset - RoPOR, to measurethe effectiveness of rearrangement planning. Experimental results show that ourmethod significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art rearrangement methods Weihset al. (2021a); Gadre et al. (2022); Sarch et al. (2022); Ghosh et al. (2022).

Zero-Shot Robotic Manipulation with Pre-Trained Image-Editing Diffusion Models

Kevin Black · Mitsuhiko Nakamoto · Pranav Atreya · Homer Walke · Chelsea Finn · Aviral Kumar · Sergey Levine

If generalist robots are to operate in truly unstructured environments, they need to be able to recognize and reason about novel objects and scenarios. Such objects and scenarios might not be present in the robot’s own training data. We propose SuSIE, a method that leverages an image-editing diffusion model to act as a high-level planner by proposing intermediate subgoals that a low-level controller can accomplish. Specifically, we finetune InstructPix2Pix on video data, consisting of both human videos and robot rollouts, such that it outputs hypothetical future “subgoal” observations given the robot’s current observation and a language command. We also use the robot data to train a low-level goal-conditioned policy to act as the aforementioned low-level controller. We find that the high-level subgoal predictions can utilize Internet scale pretraining and visual understanding to guide the low-level goal-conditioned policy, achieving significantly better generalization and precision than conventional language-conditioned policies. We achieve state-of-the-art results on the CALVIN benchmark, and also demonstrate robust generalization on real-world manipulation tasks, beating strong baselines that have access to privileged information or that utilize orders of magnitude more compute and training data. The project website can be found at

Equivariant Scalar Fields for Molecular Docking with Fast Fourier Transforms

Bowen Jing · Tommi Jaakkola · Bonnie Berger

Molecular docking is critical to structure-based virtual screening, yet the throughput of such workflows is limited by the expensive optimization of scoring functions involved in most docking algorithms. We explore how machine learning can accelerate this process by learning a scoring function with a functional form that allows for more rapid optimization. Specifically, we define the scoring function to be the cross-correlation of multi-channel ligand and protein scalar fields parameterized by equivariant graph neural networks, enabling rapid optimization over rigid-body degrees of freedom with fast Fourier transforms. The runtime of our approach can be amortized at several levels of abstraction, and is particularly favorable for virtual screening settings with a common binding pocket. We benchmark our scoring functions on two simplified docking-related tasks: decoy pose scoring and rigid conformer docking. Our method attains similar but faster performance on crystal structures compared to the widely-used Vina and Gnina scoring functions, and is more robust on computationally predicted structures. Code is available at

Domain Randomization via Entropy Maximization

Gabriele Tiboni · Pascal Klink · Jan Peters · Tatiana Tommasi · Carlo D'Eramo · Georgia Chalvatzaki

Varying dynamics parameters in simulation is a popular Domain Randomization (DR) approach for overcoming the reality gap in Reinforcement Learning (RL). Nevertheless, DR heavily hinges on the choice of the sampling distribution of the dynamics parameters, since high variability is crucial to regularize the agent's behavior but notoriously leads to overly conservative policies when randomizing excessively. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to address sim-to-real transfer, which automatically shapes dynamics distributions during training in simulation without requiring real-world data. We introduce DOmain RAndomization via Entropy MaximizatiON (DORAEMON), a constrained optimization problem that directly maximizes the entropy of the training distribution while retaining generalization capabilities. In achieving this, DORAEMON gradually increases the diversity of sampled dynamics parameters as long as the probability of success of the current policy is sufficiently high. We empirically validate the consistent benefits of DORAEMON in obtaining highly adaptive and generalizable policies, i.e. solving the task at hand across the widest range of dynamics parameters, as opposed to representative baselines from the DR literature. Notably, we also demonstrate the Sim2Real applicability of DORAEMON through its successful zero-shot transfer in a robotic manipulation setup under unknown real-world parameters.

Neural Language of Thought Models

Yi-Fu Wu · Minseung Lee · Sungjin Ahn

The Language of Thought Hypothesis suggests that human cognition operates on a structured, language-like system of mental representations. While neural language models can naturally benefit from the compositional structure inherently and explicitly expressed in language data, learning such representations from non-linguistic general observations, like images, remains a challenge. In this work, we introduce the Neural Language of Thought Model (NLoTM), a novel approach for unsupervised learning of LoTH-inspired representation and generation. NLoTM comprises two key components: (1) the Semantic Vector-Quantized Variational Autoencoder, which learns hierarchical, composable discrete representations aligned with objects and their properties, and (2) the Autoregressive LoT Prior, an autoregressive transformer that learns to generate semantic concept tokens compositionally, capturing the underlying data distribution. We evaluate NLoTM on several 2D and 3D image datasets, demonstrating superior performance in downstream tasks, out-of-distribution generalization, and image generation quality compared to patch-based VQ-VAE and continuous object-centric representations. Our work presents a significant step towards creating neural networks exhibiting more human-like understanding by developing LoT-like representations and offers insights into the intersection of cognitive science and machine learning.

FLATTEN: optical FLow-guided ATTENtion for consistent text-to-video editing

Yuren Cong · Mengmeng Xu · Christian Simon · Shoufa Chen · Jiawei Ren · Yanping Xie · Juan-Manuel Perez-Rua · Bodo Rosenhahn · Tao Xiang · Sen He

Text-to-video editing aims to edit the visual appearance of a source video conditional on textual prompts.A major challenge in this task is to ensure that all frames in the edited video are visually consistent. Most recent works apply advanced text-to-image diffusion models to this task by inflating 2D spatial attention in the U-Net into spatio-temporal attention.Although temporal context can be added through spatio-temporal attention, it may introduce some irrelevant information for each patch and therefore cause inconsistency in the edited video. In this paper, for the first time, we introduce optical flow into the attention module in diffusion model's U-Net to address the inconsistency issue for text-to-video editing.Our method, FLATTEN, enforces the patches on the same flow path across different frames to attend to each other in the attention module, thus improving the visual consistency in the edited videos. Additionally, our method is training-free and can be seamlessly integrated into any diffusion based text-to-video editing methods and improve their visual consistency.Experiment results on existing text-to-video editing benchmarks show that our proposed method achieves the new state-of-the-art performance. In particular, our method excels in maintaining the visual consistency in the edited videos.

Graph Generation with $K^2$-trees

Yunhui Jang · Dongwoo Kim · Sungsoo Ahn

Generating graphs from a target distribution is a significant challenge across many domains, including drug discovery and social network analysis. In this work, we introduce a novel graph generation method leveraging $K^2$ representation, originally designed for lossless graph compression. The $K^2$ representation enables compact generation while concurrently capturing an inherent hierarchical structure of a graph. In addition, we make contributions by (1) presenting a sequential $K^2$ representation that incorporates pruning, flattening, and tokenization processes and (2) introducing a Transformer-based architecture designed to generate the sequence by incorporating a specialized tree positional encoding scheme. Finally, we extensively evaluate our algorithm on four general and two molecular graph datasets to confirm its superiority for graph generation.

Latent Intuitive Physics: Learning to Transfer Hidden Physics from A 3D Video

Xiangming Zhu · Huayu Deng · Haochen Yuan · Yunbo Wang · Xiaokang Yang

We introduce latent intuitive physics, a transfer learning framework for physics simulation that can infer hidden properties of fluids from a single 3D video and simulate the observed fluid in novel scenes. Our key insight is to use latent features drawn from a learnable prior distribution conditioned on the underlying particle states to capture the invisible and complex physical properties. To achieve this, we train a parametrized prior learner given visual observations to approximate the visual posterior of inverse graphics, and both the particle states and the visual posterior are obtained from a learned neural renderer. The converged prior learner is embedded in our probabilistic physics engine, allowing us to perform novel simulations on unseen geometries, boundaries, and dynamics without knowledge of the true physical parameters. We validate our model in three ways: (i) novel scene simulation with the learned visual-world physics, (ii) future prediction of the observed fluid dynamics, and (iii) supervised particle simulation. Our model demonstrates strong performance in all three tasks.

TUVF: Learning Generalizable Texture UV Radiance Fields

An-Chieh Cheng · Xueting Li · Sifei Liu · Xiaolong Wang

Textures are a vital aspect of creating visually appealing and realistic 3D models. In this paper, we study the problem of generating high-fidelity texture given shapes of 3D assets, which has been relatively less explored compared with generic 3D shape modeling. Our goal is to facilitate a controllable texture generation process, such that one texture code can correspond to a particular appearance style independent of any input shapes from a category. We introduce Texture UV Radiance Fields (TUVF) that generate textures in a learnable UV sphere space rather than directly on the 3D shape. This allows the texture to be disentangled from the underlying shape and transferable to other shapes that share the same UV space, i.e., from the same category. We integrate the UV sphere space with the radiance field, which provides a more efficient and accurate representation of textures than traditional texture maps. We perform our experiments on synthetic and real-world object datasets where we achieve not only realistic synthesis but also substantial improvements over state-of-the-arts on texture controlling and editing.

SAN: Inducing Metrizability of GAN with Discriminative Normalized Linear Layer

Yuhta Takida · Masaaki Imaizumi · Takashi Shibuya · Chieh-Hsin Lai · Toshimitsu Uesaka · Naoki Murata · Yuki Mitsufuji

Generative adversarial networks (GANs) learn a target probability distribution by optimizing a generator and a discriminator with minimax objectives. This paper addresses the question of whether such optimization actually provides the generator with gradients that make its distribution close to the target distribution. We derive *metrizable conditions*, sufficient conditions for the discriminator to serve as the distance between the distributions, by connecting the GAN formulation with the concept of sliced optimal transport. Furthermore, by leveraging these theoretical results, we propose a novel GAN training scheme called the Slicing Adversarial Network (SAN). With only simple modifications, a broad class of existing GANs can be converted to SANs. Experiments on synthetic and image datasets support our theoretical results and the effectiveness of SAN as compared to the usual GANs. We also apply SAN to StyleGAN-XL, which leads to a state-of-the-art FID score amongst GANs for class conditional generation on CIFAR10 and ImageNet 256$\times$256. The code is available at

From Posterior Sampling to Meaningful Diversity in Image Restoration

Noa Cohen · Hila Manor · Yuval Bahat · Tomer Michaeli

Image restoration problems are typically ill-posed in the sense that each degraded image can be restored in infinitely many valid ways. To accommodate this, many works generate a diverse set of outputs by attempting to randomly sample from the posterior distribution of natural images given the degraded input. Here we argue that this strategy is commonly of limited practical value because of the heavy tail of the posterior distribution. Consider for example inpainting a missing region of the sky in an image. Since there is a high probability that the missing region contains no object but clouds, any set of samples from the posterior would be entirely dominated by (practically identical) completions of sky. However, arguably, presenting users with only one clear sky completion, along with several alternative solutions such as airships, birds, and balloons, would better outline the set of possibilities. In this paper, we initiate the study of meaningfully diverse image restoration. We explore several post-processing approaches that can be combined with any diverse image restoration method to yield semantically meaningful diversity. Moreover, we propose a practical approach for allowing diffusion based image restoration methods to generate meaningfully diverse outputs, while incurring only negligent computational overhead. We conduct extensive user studies to analyze the proposed techniques, and find the strategy of reducing similarity between outputs to be significantly favorable over posterior sampling. Code and examples are available on the project's webpage.

Revisiting Link Prediction: a data perspective

Haitao Mao · Juanhui Li · Harry Shomer · Bingheng Li · Wenqi Fan · Yao Ma · Tong Zhao · Neil Shah · Jiliang Tang

Link prediction, a fundamental task on graphs, has proven indispensable in various applications, e.g., friend recommendation, protein analysis, and drug interaction prediction. However, since datasets span a multitude of domains, they could have distinct underlying mechanisms of link formation. Evidence in existing literature underscores the absence of a universally best algorithm suitable for all datasets. In this paper, we endeavor to explore principles of link prediction across diverse datasets from a data-centric perspective. We recognize three fundamental factors critical to link prediction: local structural proximity, global structural proximity, and feature proximity. We then unearth relationships among those factors where (i) global structural proximity only shows effectiveness when local structural proximity is deficient. (ii) The incompatibility can be found between feature and structural proximity. Such incompatibility leads to GNNs for Link Prediction (GNN4LP) consistently underperforming on edges where the feature proximity factor dominates. Inspired by these new insights from a data perspective, we offer practical instruction for GNN4LP model design and guidelines for selecting appropriate benchmark datasets for more comprehensive evaluations.

Deep Generative Clustering with Multimodal Diffusion Variational Autoencoders

Emanuele Palumbo · Laura Manduchi · Sonia Laguna · Daphné Chopard · Julia E Vogt

Multimodal VAEs have recently gained significant attention as generative models for weakly-supervised learning with multiple heterogeneous modalities. In parallel, VAE-based methods have been explored as probabilistic approaches for clustering tasks. At the intersection of these two research directions, we propose a novel multimodal VAE model in which the latent space is extended to learn data clusters, leveraging shared information across modalities. Our experiments show that our proposed model improves generative performance over existing multimodal VAEs, particularly for unconditional generation. Furthermore, we propose a post-hoc procedure to automatically select the number of true clusters thus mitigating critical limitations of previous clustering frameworks. Notably, our method favorably compares to alternative clustering approaches, in weakly-supervised settings. Finally, we integrate recent advancements in diffusion models into the proposed method to improve generative quality for real-world images.

From Molecules to Materials: Pre-training Large Generalizable Models for Atomic Property Prediction

Nima Shoghi · Adeesh Kolluru · John Kitchin · Zachary Ulissi · Larry Zitnick · Brandon Wood

Foundation models have been transformational in machine learning fields such as natural language processing and computer vision. Similar success in atomic property prediction has been limited due to the challenges of training effective models across multiple chemical domains. To address this, we introduce Joint Multi-domain Pre-training (JMP), a supervised pre-training strategy that simultaneously trains on multiple datasets from different chemical domains, treating each dataset as a unique pre-training task within a multi-task framework. Our combined training dataset consists of $\sim$120M systems from OC20, OC22, ANI-1x, and Transition-1x. We evaluate performance and generalization by fine-tuning over a diverse set of downstream tasks and datasets including: QM9, rMD17, MatBench, QMOF, SPICE, and MD22. JMP demonstrates an average improvement of 59% over training from scratch and matches or sets state-of-the-art on 34 out of 40 tasks. Our work highlights the potential of pre-training strategies that utilize diverse data to advance property prediction across chemical domains, especially for low-data tasks.

MagicDrive: Street View Generation with Diverse 3D Geometry Control

Ruiyuan Gao · Kai Chen · Enze Xie · Lanqing HONG · Zhenguo Li · Dit-Yan Yeung · Qiang Xu

Recent advancements in diffusion models have significantly enhanced the data synthesis with 2D control. Yet, precise 3D control in street view generation, crucial for 3D perception tasks, remains elusive. Specifically, utilizing Bird's-Eye View (BEV) as the primary condition often leads to challenges in geometry control (e.g., height), affecting the representation of object shapes, occlusion patterns, and road surface elevations, all of which are essential to perception data synthesis, especially for 3D object detection tasks. In this paper, we introduce MagicDrive, a novel street view generation framework, offering diverse 3D geometry controls including camera poses, road maps, and 3D bounding boxes, together with textual descriptions, achieved through tailored encoding strategies. Besides, our design incorporates a cross-view attention module, ensuring consistency across multiple camera views. With MagicDrive, we achieve high-fidelity street-view image & video synthesis that captures nuanced 3D geometry and various scene descriptions, enhancing tasks like BEV segmentation and 3D object detection. Project Website:

Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation via Neural Schrödinger Bridge

Beomsu Kim · Gihyun Kwon · Kwanyoung Kim · Jong Chul YE

Diffusion models are a powerful class of generative models which simulate stochastic differential equations (SDEs) to generate data from noise. While diffusion models have achieved remarkable progress, they have limitations in unpaired image-to-image (I2I) translation tasks due to the Gaussian prior assumption. Schrödinger Bridge (SB), which learns an SDE to translate between two arbitrary distributions, have risen as an attractive solution to this problem. Yet, to our best knowledge, none of SB models so far have been successful at unpaired translation between high-resolution images. In this work, we propose Unpaired Neural Schrödinger Bridge (UNSB), which expresses the SB problem as a sequence of adversarial learning problems. This allows us to incorporate advanced discriminators and regularization to learn a SB between unpaired data. We show that UNSB is scalable and successfully solves various unpaired I2I translation tasks. Code: \url{}

Navigating Text-To-Image Customization: From LyCORIS Fine-Tuning to Model Evaluation

Shih-Ying Yeh · Yu-Guan Hsieh · Zhidong Gao · Bernard Yang · Giyeong Oh · Yanmin Gong

Text-to-image generative models have garnered immense attention for their ability to produce high-fidelity images from text prompts. Among these, Stable Diffusion distinguishes itself as a leading open-source model in this fast-growing field. However, the intricacies of fine-tuning these models pose multiple challenges from new methodology integration to systematic evaluation. Addressing these issues, this paper introduces LyCORIS (Lora beYond Conventional methods, Other Rank adaptation Implementations for Stable diffusion), an open-source library that offers a wide selection of fine-tuning methodologies for Stable Diffusion. Furthermore, we present a thorough framework for the systematic assessment of varied fine-tuning techniques. This framework employs a diverse suite of metrics and delves into multiple facets of fine-tuning, including hyperparameter adjustments and the evaluation with different prompt types across various concept categories. Through this comprehensive approach, our work provides essential insights into the nuanced effects of fine-tuning parameters, bridging the gap between state-of-the-art research and practical application.

Elucidating the Exposure Bias in Diffusion Models

Mang Ning · Mingxiao Li · Jianlin Su · Albert Ali Salah · Itir Onal Ertugrul

Diffusion models have demonstrated impressive generative capabilities, but their exposure bias problem, described as the input mismatch between training and sampling, lacks in-depth exploration. In this paper, we investigate the exposure bias problem in diffusion models by first analytically modelling the sampling distribution, based on which we then attribute the prediction error at each sampling step as the root cause of the exposure bias issue. Furthermore, we discuss potential solutions to this issue and propose an intuitive metric for it. Along with the elucidation of exposure bias, we propose a simple, yet effective, training-free method called Epsilon Scaling to alleviate the exposure bias. We show that Epsilon Scaling explicitly moves the sampling trajectory closer to the vector field learned in the training phase by scaling down the network output, mitigating the input mismatch between training and sampling. Experiments on various diffusion frameworks (ADM, DDIM, EDM, LDM, DiT, PFGM++) verify the effectiveness of our method. Remarkably, our ADM-ES, as a state-of-the-art stochastic sampler, obtains 2.17 FID on CIFAR-10 under 100-step unconditional generation. The code is at

Spotlight Poster
FLD: Fourier Latent Dynamics for Structured Motion Representation and Learning

Chenhao Li · Elijah Stanger-Jones · Steve Heim · Sang bae Kim

Motion trajectories offer reliable references for physics-based motion learning but suffer from sparsity, particularly in regions that lack sufficient data coverage. To address this challenge, we introduce a self-supervised, structured representation and generation method that extracts spatial-temporal relationships in periodic or quasi-periodic motions. The motion dynamics in a continuously parameterized latent space enable our method to enhance the interpolation and generalization capabilities of motion learning algorithms. The motion learning controller, informed by the motion parameterization, operates online tracking of a wide range of motions, including targets unseen during training. With a fallback mechanism, the controller dynamically adapts its tracking strategy and automatically resorts to safe action execution when a potentially risky target is proposed. By leveraging the identified spatial-temporal structure, our work opens new possibilities for future advancements in general motion representation and learning algorithms.

Get What You Want, Not What You Don't: Image Content Suppression for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Senmao Li · Joost van de Weijer · taihang Hu · Fahad Khan · Qibin Hou · Yaxing Wang · jian Yang

The success of recent text-to-image diffusion models is largely due to their capacity to be guided by a complex text prompt, which enables users to precisely describe the desired content. However, these models struggle to effectively suppress the generation of undesired content, which is explicitly requested to be omitted from the generated image in the prompt. In this paper, we analyze how to manipulate the text embeddings and remove unwanted content from them. We introduce two contributions, which we refer to as soft-weighted regularization and inference-time text embedding optimization. The first regularizes the text embedding matrix and effectively suppresses the undesired content. The second method aims to further suppress the unwanted content generation of the prompt, and encourages the generation of desired content. We evaluate our method quantitatively and qualitatively on extensive experiments, validating its effectiveness. Furthermore, our method is generalizability to both the pixel-space diffusion models (i.e. DeepFloyd-IF) and the latent-space diffusion models (i.e. Stable Diffusion).

Spotlight Poster
MMD Graph Kernel: Effective Metric Learning for Graphs via Maximum Mean Discrepancy

Yan Sun · Jicong Fan

This paper focuses on graph metric learning. First, we present a class of maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) based graph kernels, called MMD-GK. These kernels are computed by applying MMD to the node representations of two graphs with message-passing propagation. Secondly, we provide a class of deep MMD-GKs that are able to learn graph kernels and implicit graph features adaptively in an unsupervised manner. Thirdly, we propose a class of supervised deep MMD-GKs that are able to utilize label information of graphs and hence yield more discriminative metrics. Besides the algorithms, we provide theoretical analysis for the proposed methods. The proposed methods are evaluated in comparison to many baselines such as graph kernels and graph neural networks in the tasks of graph clustering and graph classification. The numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our methods.

Symmetric Basis Convolutions for Learning Lagrangian Fluid Mechanics

Rene Winchenbach · Nils Thuerey

Learning physical simulations has been an essential and central aspect of many recent research efforts in machine learning, particularly for Navier-Stokes-based fluid mechanics. Classic numerical solvers have traditionally been computationally expensive and challenging to use in inverse problems, whereas Neural solvers aim to address both concerns through machine learning. We propose a general formulation for continuous convolutions using separable basis functions as a superset of existing methods and evaluate a large set of basis functions in the context of (a) a compressible 1D SPH simulation, (b) a weakly compressible 2D SPH simulation, and (c) an incompressible 2D SPH Simulation. We demonstrate that even and odd symmetries included in the basis functions are key aspects of stability and accuracy.Our broad evaluation shows that Fourier-based continuous convolutions outperform all other architectures regarding accuracy and generalization. Finally, using these Fourier-based networks, we show that prior inductive biases, such as window functions, are no longer necessary. An implementation of our approach, as well as complete datasets and solver implementations, is available at

DV-3DLane: End-to-end Multi-modal 3D Lane Detection with Dual-view Representation

Yueru Luo · Shuguang Cui · Zhen Li

Accurate 3D lane estimation is crucial for ensuring safety in autonomous driving. However, prevailing monocular techniques suffer from depth loss and lighting variations, hampering accurate 3D lane detection. In contrast, LiDAR points offer geometric cues and enable precise localization. In this paper, we present DV-3DLane, a novel end-to-end Dual-View multi-modal 3D Lane detection framework that synergizes the strengths of both images and LiDAR points. We propose to learn multi-modal features in dual-view spaces, i.e., perspective view (PV) and bird's-eye-view (BEV), effectively leveraging the modal-specific information. To achieve this, we introduce three designs: 1) A bidirectional feature fusion strategy that integrates multi-modal features into each view space, exploiting their unique strengths. 2) A unified query generation approach that leverages lane-aware knowledge from both PV and BEV spaces to generate queries. 3) A 3D dual-view deformable attention mechanism, which aggregates discriminative features from both PV and BEV spaces into queries for accurate 3D lane detection. Extensive experiments on the public benchmark, OpenLane, demonstrate the efficacy and efficiency of DV-3DLane. It achieves state-of-the-art performance, with a remarkable 11.2 gain in F1 score and a substantial 53.5% reduction in errors. Code is available on github.

Decoupling Weighing and Selecting for Integrating Multiple Graph Pre-training Tasks

Tianyu Fan · Lirong Wu · Yufei Huang · Haitao Lin · Cheng Tan · Zhangyang Gao · Stan Z Li

Recent years have witnessed the great success of graph pre-training for graph representation learning. With hundreds of graph pre-training tasks proposed, integrating knowledge acquired from multiple pre-training tasks has become a popular research topic. In this paper, we identify two important collaborative processes for this topic: (1) select: how to select an optimal task combination from a given task pool based on their compatibility, and (2) weigh: how to weigh the selected tasks based on their importance. While there currently has been a lot of work focused on weighing, comparatively little effort has been devoted to selecting. This paper proposes a novel instance-level framework for integrating multiple graph pre-training tasks,Weigh And Select (WAS), where the two collaborative processes, weighing and selecting, are combined by decoupled siamese networks. Specifically, it first adaptively learns an optimal combination of tasks for each instance from a given task pool, based on which a customized instance-level task weighing strategy is learned. Extensive experiments on 16 graph datasets across node-level and graph-level downstream tasks have demonstrated that by combining a few simple but classical tasks, WAS can achieve comparable performance to other leading counterparts.The code is available at

Dynamics-Informed Protein Design with Structure Conditioning

Urszula Julia Komorowska · Simon Mathis · Kieran Didi · Francisco Vargas · Pietro Lio · Mateja Jamnik

Current protein generative models are able to design novel backbones with desired shapes or functional motifs. However, despite the importance of a protein’s dynamical properties for its function, conditioning on dynamical properties remains elusive. We present a new approach to protein generative modeling by leveraging Normal Mode Analysis that enables us to capture dynamical properties too. We introduce a method for conditioning the diffusion probabilistic models on protein dynamics, specifically on the lowest non-trivial normal mode of oscillation. Our method, similar to the classifier guidance conditioning, formulates the sampling process as being driven by conditional and unconditional terms. However, unlike previous works, we approximate the conditional term with a simple analytical function rather than an external neural network, thus making the eigenvector calculations approachable. We present the corresponding SDE theory as a formal justification of our approach. We extend our framework to conditioning on structure and dynamics at the same time, enabling scaffolding of the dynamical motifs. We demonstrate the empirical effectiveness of our method by turning the open-source unconditional protein diffusion model Genie into the conditional model with no retraining. Generated proteins exhibit the desired dynamical and structural properties while still being biologically plausible. Our work represents a first step towards incorporating dynamical behaviour in protein design and may open the door to designing more flexible and functional proteins in the future.

Spotlight Poster
Q-Bench: A Benchmark for General-Purpose Foundation Models on Low-level Vision

Haoning Wu · Zicheng Zhang · Erli Zhang · Chaofeng Chen · Liang Liao · Annan Wang · Chunyi Li · Wenxiu Sun · Qiong Yan · Guangtao Zhai · Weisi Lin

The rapid evolution of Multi-modality Large Language Models (MLLMs) has catalyzed a shift in computer vision from specialized models to general-purpose foundation models. Nevertheless, there is still an inadequacy in assessing the abilities of MLLMs on low-level visual perception and understanding. To address this gap, we present Q-Bench, a holistic benchmark crafted to systematically evaluate potential abilities of MLLMs on three realms: low-level visual perception, low-level visual description, and overall visual quality assessment. a) To evaluate the low-level perception ability, we construct the LLVisionQA dataset, consisting of 2,990 diverse-sourced images, each equipped with a human-asked question focusing on its low-level attributes. We then measure the correctness of MLLMs on answering these questions. b) To examine the description ability of MLLMs on low-level information, we propose the LLDescribe dataset consisting of long expert-labelled golden low-level text descriptions on 499 images, and a GPT-involved comparison pipeline between outputs of MLLMs and the golden descriptions. c) Besides these two tasks, we further measure their visual quality assessment ability to align with human opinion scores. Specifically, we design a softmax-based strategy that enables MLLMs to predict quantifiable quality scores, and evaluate them on various existing image quality assessment (IQA) datasets. Our evaluation across the three abilities confirms that MLLMs possess preliminary low-level visual skills. However, these skills are still unstable and relatively imprecise, indicating the need for specific enhancements on MLLMs towards these abilities. We hope that our benchmark can encourage the research community to delve deeper to discover and enhance these untapped potentials of MLLMs.

Unsupervised Pretraining for Fact Verification by Language Model Distillation

Adrian Bazaga · Pietro Lio · Gos Micklem

Fact verification aims to verify a claim using evidence from a trustworthy knowledge base. To address this challenge, algorithms must produce features for every claim that are both semantically meaningful, and compact enough to find a semantic alignment with the source information. In contrast to previous work, which tackled the alignment problem by learning over annotated corpora of claims and their corresponding labels, we propose SFAVEL ($\underline{S}$elf-supervised $\underline{Fa}$ct $\underline{Ve}$rification via $\underline{L}$anguage Model Distillation), a novel unsupervised pretraining framework that leverages pre-trained language models to distil self-supervised features into high-quality claim-fact alignments without the need for annotations. This is enabled by a novel contrastive loss function that encourages features to attain high-quality claim and evidence alignments whilst preserving the semantic relationships across the corpora. Notably, we present results that achieve a new state-of-the-art on FB15k-237 (+5.3\% Hits@1) and FEVER (+8\% accuracy) with linear evaluation.

PoSE: Efficient Context Window Extension of LLMs via Positional Skip-wise Training

Dawei Zhu · Nan Yang · Liang Wang · Yifan Song · Wenhao Wu · Furu Wei · Sujian Li

Large Language Models (LLMs) are trained with a pre-defined context length, restricting their use in scenarios requiring long inputs. Previous efforts for adapting LLMs to a longer length usually requires fine-tuning with this target length (Full-length fine-tuning), suffering intensive training cost. To decouple train length from target length for efficient context window extension, we propose Positional Skip-wisE (PoSE) training that smartly simulates long inputs using a fixed context window. This is achieved by first dividing the original context window into several chunks, then designing distinct skipping bias terms to manipulate the position indices of each chunk. These bias terms and the lengths of each chunk are altered for every training example, allowing the model to adapt to all positions within target length. Experimental results show that PoSE greatly reduces memory and time overhead compared with Full-length fine-tuning, with minimal impact on performance. Leveraging this advantage, we have successfully extended the LLaMA model to 128k tokens using a 2k training context window. Furthermore, we empirically confirm that PoSE is compatible with all RoPE-based LLMs and position interpolation strategies. Notably, our method can potentially support infinite length, limited only by memory usage in inference. With ongoing progress for efficient inference, we believe PoSE can further scale the context window beyond 128k.

Prompt Risk Control: A Rigorous Framework for Responsible Deployment of Large Language Models

Thomas Zollo · Todd Morrill · Zhun Deng · Jake Snell · Toniann Pitassi · Richard Zemel

With the explosion of the zero-shot capabilities of (and thus interest in) pre-trained large language models, there has come accompanying interest in how best to prompt a language model to perform a given task. While it may be tempting to choose a prompt based on empirical results on a validation set, this can lead to a deployment where an unexpectedly high loss occurs. To mitigate this prospect, we propose a lightweight framework, Prompt Risk Control, for selecting a prompt based on rigorous upper bounds on families of informative risk measures. We provide and compare different methods for producing bounds on a diverse set of risk metrics like mean, CVaR, and the Gini coefficient of the loss distribution. In addition, we extend the underlying statistical bounding techniques to accommodate the possibility of distribution shifts in deployment. Extensive experiments on high-impact applications like chatbots, medical question answering, and news summarization highlight why such a framework is necessary to reduce exposure to the worst outcomes.

LongLoRA: Efficient Fine-tuning of Long-Context Large Language Models

Yukang Chen · Shengju Qian · Haotian Tang · Xin Lai · Zhijian Liu · Song Han · Jiaya Jia

We present LongLoRA, an efficient fine-tuning approach that extends the context sizes of pre-trained large language models (LLMs), with limited computation cost.Typically, training LLMs with long context sizes is computationally expensive, requiring extensive training hours and GPU resources. For example, training on the context length of 8192 needs 16x computational costs in self-attention layers as that of 2048. In this paper, we speed up the context extension of LLMs in two aspects. On the one hand, although dense global attention is needed during inference, fine-tuning the model can be effectively and efficiently done by sparse local attention. The proposed shifted sparse attention effectively enables context extension, leading to non-trivial computation saving with similar performance to fine-tuning with vanilla attention. Particularly, it can be implemented with only two lines of code in training, while being optional in inference. On the other hand, we revisit the parameter-efficient fine-tuning regime for context expansion. Notably, we find that LoRA for context extension works well under the premise of trainable embedding and normalization. LongLoRA combines this improved LoRA with S^2-Attn. LongLoRA demonstrates strong empirical results on various tasks on Llama2 models from 7B/13B to 70B. LongLoRA extends Llama2 7B from 4k context to 100k, or Llama2 70B to 32k on a single 8x A100 machine. LongLoRA extends models' context while retaining their original architectures, and is compatible with most existing techniques, like Flash-Attention2. In addition, we further conduct supervised fine-tuning with LongLoRA and our long instruction-following LongAlpaca dataset. All our code, models, dataset, and demo are available at

IceFormer: Accelerated Inference with Long-Sequence Transformers on CPUs

Yuzhen Mao · Martin Ester · Ke Li

One limitation of existing Transformer-based models is that they cannot handle very long sequences as input since their self-attention operations exhibit quadratic time and space complexity. This problem becomes especially acute when Transformers are deployed on hardware platforms equipped only with CPUs. To address this issue, we propose a novel method for accelerating self-attention at inference time that works with pretrained Transformer models out-of-the-box without requiring retraining. We experiment using our method to accelerate various long-sequence Transformers, including a leading LLaMA 2-based LLM, on various benchmarks and demonstrate a greater speedup of $2.73\times$ - $7.63\times$ while retaining $98.6$% - $99.6$% of the accuracy of the original pretrained models. The code is available on our project website at

A Real-World WebAgent with Planning, Long Context Understanding, and Program Synthesis

Izzeddin Gur · Hiroki Furuta · Austin Huang · Mustafa Safdari · Yutaka Matsuo · Douglas Eck · Aleksandra Faust

Pre-trained large language models (LLMs) have recently achieved better generalization and sample efficiency in autonomous web automation.However, the performance on real-world websites has still suffered from (1) open domainness, (2) limited context length, and (3) lack of inductive bias on HTML.We introduce WebAgent, an LLM-driven agent that learns from self-experience to complete tasks on real websites following natural language instructions.WebAgent plans ahead by decomposing instructions into canonical sub-instructions, summarizes long HTML documents into task-relevant snippets, and acts on websites via Python programs generated from those.We design WebAgent with Flan-U-PaLM, for grounded code generation, and HTML-T5, new pre-trained LLMs for long HTML documents using local and global attention mechanisms and a mixture of long-span denoising objectives, for planning and summarization.We empirically demonstrate that our modular recipe improves the success on real websites by over 50%, and that HTML-T5 is the best model to solve various HTML understanding tasks; achieving 18.7% higher success rate than the prior method on MiniWoB web automation benchmark, and SoTA performance on Mind2Web, an offline task planning evaluation.

On the Learnability of Watermarks for Language Models

Chenchen Gu · XIANG LI · Percy Liang · Tatsunori Hashimoto

Watermarking of language model outputs enables statistical detection of model-generated text, which can mitigate harms and misuses of language models. Existing watermarking strategies operate by altering the decoder of an existing language model. In this paper, we ask whether language models can directly learn to generate watermarked text, which would have significant implications for the real-world deployment of watermarks. First, learned watermarks could be used to build open models that naturally generate watermarked text, enabling watermarking for open models, where users can control the decoding procedure. Second, if watermarking is used to determine the provenance of generated text, an adversary can hurt the reputation of a victim model by spoofing its watermark and generating damaging watermarked text. To investigate the learnability of watermarks, we propose watermark distillation, which trains a student model to behave like a teacher model that uses decoding-based watermarking. We test our approach on three decoding-based watermarking strategies and various hyperparameter settings, finding that models can learn to generate watermarked text with high detectability. We also find limitations to learnability, including the loss of watermarking capabilities under fine-tuning on normal text and high sample complexity when learning low-distortion watermarks.

OpenChat: Advancing Open-source Language Models with Mixed-Quality Data

Guan Wang · Sijie Cheng · Xianyuan Zhan · Xiangang Li · Sen Song · Yang Liu

Nowadays, open-source large language models like LLaMA have emerged. Recent developments have incorporated supervised fine-tuning (SFT) and reinforcement learning fine-tuning (RLFT) to align these models with human goals. However, SFT methods treat all training data with mixed quality equally, while RLFT methods require high-quality pairwise or ranking-based preference data. In this study, we present a novel framework, named OpenChat, to advance open-source language models with mixed-quality data. Specifically, we consider the general SFT training data, consisting of a small amount of expert data mixed with a large proportion of sub-optimal data, without any preference labels. We propose the C(onditioned)-RLFT, which regards different data sources as coarse-grained reward labels and learns a class-conditioned policy to leverage complementary data quality information. Interestingly, the optimal policy in C-RLFT can be easily solved through single-stage, RL-free supervised learning, which is lightweight and avoids costly human preference labeling.Through extensive experiments on three standard benchmarks, our openchat-13b fine-tuned with C-RLFT achieves the highest average performance among all 13b open-source language models. Moreover, we use AGIEval to validate the model generalization performance, in which only openchat-13b surpasses the base model. Finally, we conduct a series of analyses to shed light on the effectiveness and robustness of OpenChat. Our code, data, and models are publicly available at and

Towards Best Practices of Activation Patching in Language Models: Metrics and Methods

Fred Zhang · Neel Nanda

Mechanistic interpretability seeks to understand the internal mechanisms ofmachine learning models, where localization—identifying the important modelcomponents—is a key step. Activation patching, also known as causal tracing orinterchange intervention, is a standard technique for this task (Vig et al., 2020), butthe literature contains many variants with little consensus on the choice of hyperparameters or methodology. In this work, we systematically examine the impactof methodological details in activation patching, including evaluation metrics andcorruption methods. In several settings of localization and circuit discovery in language models, we find that varying these hyperparameters could lead to disparateinterpretability results. Backed by empirical observations, we give conceptual arguments for why certain metrics or methods may be preferred. Finally, we providerecommendations for the best practices of activation patching going forwards.